
Raúl Simón Herrera Faúndez


Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Biochemistry; Genómica Funcional; Biología Molecular; Marcadores genéticos y selección asistida; Marcadores genéticos en estudios de diversidad


  •  Bioquímica, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 1987
  •  Plant Molecular Biology, UNIVERSITY OF READING. Reino Unido, 1995

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Titular Full Time


    Instituto Ciencias Biológicas

    talca, Chile

    1990 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

Human capital training (number tutored in entire academic career)
- Postdoctoral advisor: 10
- Doctoral thesis: 11
- Masters thesis: 3
- Undergraduate thesis: 30

Human capital training (last five years, 2014-2019)

Postdoctoral advisor: 2
- Dra. Bárbara Arévalo. Postdoc (2018 - Present)
- Dr. Luis Letelier. Postdoc U. Talca (2018- Present)
- Dr. Luis Morales-Quintana, Postdoc PBCT (2014-2018)

Doctoral thesis (Tutor): 2
Tamara Méndez (in progress) "La activación de la expresión de Fasciclin-like por el factor de transcripción PrMADS10 se encuentra implicada en la respuesta a estrés por inclinación en Pinus radiata" Doctor en “Ciencias mención Ingeniería Genética Vegetal”, Universidad de Talca.
Claudia Gómez (in progress) "Descifrando la regulación de la transcripción de genes de la biosíntesis de proantocianidinas (PAs) en especies del género Fragaria" Doctor in “Ciencias mención Ingeniería Genética Vegetal”, Universidad de Talca.

University teaching activities (2012-2019)

Postgraduate teaching:
2014-present: Collaborator in the obligatory “Curso de Organización estructural y funcional de plantas” (10 ECTS), of the Doctoral program in Ciencias con Mención en Ingeniería Genética Vegetal, Universidad de Talca.

Undergraduate teaching:
2011-present: Lecturer in charge of the course “Procesos metabólicos celulares”, for students of the Faculty of Engineering.
2012: Collaborator in the course “Bases Biológicas y Bioquimicas del Cuerpo Humano”, for students of the Faculty of Health (Medicine).
2008-2015: Lecturer in charge of the course “Bioquímica”, for students of the Faculty of Health (Physiotherapist).
2019 - present: Lecturer in charge of the course "Biomoléculas y metabolismo" for students of the Biochemistry career.
2017: Lecturer in charge of the course “Genética Médica”, for students of the Faculty of Health (Medicine).

University duties:
2010-2011: Head of the Molecular Biology Department, Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de Talca.

Difusión y Transferencia

Conference presentations (2012-2017)

2019: 3 international
2018: 4 national, 1 international
2017: 5 national, 4 international
2016: 10 national, 1 international
2015: 16 national, 6 international
2014: 7 national, 2 international
2013: 7 national, 6 international
2012: 9 national, 3 international

2012-2015: Member of the Chilean Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Directory
2010-2016: Member of the Organizing Committee of the Plant Biology Meeting Society.
2016-2017: Member of the Chilean Plant Biology Association Directory

Outreach activities (2012-2017)
2012 – at present: Talk at the secondary school on “plant biotechnology” Instituto Linares.
2013 – Talk “¿Molecular response to inclination in pine?” At Instituto de Biología Vegetal y Biotecnología de la Universidad de Talca
2013 – Talk “¿Forest Biotechnology?” At Instituto Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad de Talca
2014 – at present: Member of the evaluation committee for secondary school scientific projects.
2014 – Interview in the local Newspaper “Diario el Centro” “Improvement in the production of the chilean strawberry" (7 de Diciembre).
2015 – President of the organizing committee of the I Campamento Científico, Instituto Linares, Pejerrey y Linares (07-11 de Diciembre).
2015 – Talk “Biotecnología de la maduraciónde fruto” given at the I Campamento Científico, Instituto Linares, Pejerrey y Linares (12-16 de Diciembre).
2016 – President of the organizing committee of the I Campamento Científico, Instituto Linares, Pejerrey y Linares (12-16 de Diciembre).
2016 – Coordinator of the Course “Biotechnology and molecular biology” – Laboratorios Portátiles, dictated to science teachers. Course organized in collaboration with the Allende- Conolly Fundation.
2016 – Talk “¿Forest Biotechnology and response to inclination?” At Center of Plant Biotechnology, Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago
2017 – Coordinator of the Course “Biotechnology and molecular biology” – Laboratorios Portátiles, dictated to science teachers. Course organized in collaboration with the Allende- Conolly Fundation.
2016- at present: Coordinator of the visit to public secondary schools for “portable laboratories”


Article (69)

Differential expression after UV-B radiation and characterization of chalcone synthase from the Patagonian hairgrass Deschampsia antarctica
Isolation of a rhamnogalacturonan lyase expressed during ripening of the Chilean strawberry fruit and its biochemical characterization
Southern Species From the Biodiversity Hotspot of Central Chile: A Source of Color, Aroma, and Metabolites for Global Agriculture and Food Industry in a Scenario of Climate Change
Induction of PrMADS10 on the lower side of bent pine tree stems: potential role in modifying plant cell wall properties and wood anatomy
Jasmonic acid and auxin are differentially distributed at opposite sides of stem affecting the lignin monomer biosynthesis and composition in Pinus radiata seedlings exposed to inclination
Molecular events occurring during softening of strawberry fruit
Molecular insights of a xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase/hydrolase of radiata pine (PrXTH1) expressed in response to inclination: Kinetics and computational study
Characterization of a ripening-related transcription factor FcNAC1 from Fragaria chiloensis fruit
Comparative in silico study of the differences in the structure and ligand interaction properties of three alpha-expansin proteins from Fragaria chiloensis fruit
Identification of a type II cystatin in Fragaria chiloensis: A proteinase inhibitor differentially regulated during achene development and in response to biotic stress-related stimuli
PrMATE1 Is Differentially Expressed in Radiata Pine Exposed to Inclination and the Deduced Protein Displays High Affinity to Proanthocyanidin Substrates by a Computational Approach
Biochemical ans structural characterization of α-D galactosidase : Binding of falactyose to an alternative pocket may explain enzyme inhibition
Glycosylation is important for FcXTH1 activity as judged by its structural and biochemical characterization
MYB Transcription Factors and a Putative Flavonoid Transporter ABCC-Like are Differentially Expressed in Radiata Pine Seedlings Exposed to Inclination
Transcription analysis of softening related genes during postharvest of papaya fruits (Carica papaya L. ´Pococi´ hybrid)
Transcriptional and computational study of expansins involved in the molecular response to inclination in radiata pine Expansins in Pine
XTHs from Fragaria vesca: genomic structure and transcriptomic analysis in ripening fruit and other tissues
A differential distribution of auxin and flavonols in radiata pine stem seedlings exposed to inclination
FcLDP1, a Gene Encoding a Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) Domain Protein, Responds to Brassinosteroids and Abscisic Acid during the Development of Fruits in Fragaria chiloensis
Salivary protein characteristics from saliva of carious lesion-free and high caries adults
Structural and Affinity Determinants in the Interaction between Alcohol Acyltransferase from F. x ananassa and Several Alcohol Substrates: A Computational Study
Computational study enlightens the structural role of the alcohol acyltransferase DFGWG motif
Development and preliminary evaluation of a 90 K Axiom (R) SNP array for the allo-octoploid cultivated strawberry Fragaria x ananassa
In-silico analysis of the structure and binding site features of an alpha-expansin protein from mountain papaya fruit (VpEXPA2), through molecular modeling, docking, and dynamics simulation studies
Molecular dynamics simulations enlighten the structural role of the DFGWG motif in an Alcohol acyltransferase. DOI: 10.1007/s00894-015-2762-6
Biosynthesis of flavonoids in achenes of fragaria chiloensis ssp. Chiloensis [Biosintesis de flavonoides en aquenios de fragaria chiloensis ssp. chiloensis]
Cloning and characterization of a xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase/hydrolase gene expressed in response to inclination in radiata pine seedlings
Proteomic analysis during ontogenesis of secondary xylem in maritime pine
Anatomical changes of xylem cells in stem of Pinus radiata seedlings exposed to inclination and ethylene
Changes in the mRNA abundance of FcXTH1 and FcXTH2 promoted by hormonal treatments of Fragaria chiloensis fruit
Characterization of two PR genes from Fragaria chiloensis in response to Botrytis cinerea infection: A comparison with Fragaria x ananassa
Increased accumulation of anthocyanins in Fragaria chiloensis fruits by transient suppression of FcMYB1 gene
Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Site-Directed Mutagenesis of Alcohol Acyltransferase: A Proposed Mechanism of Catalysis
Structural analysis of the alcohol acyltransferase protein family from Cucumismelo shows that enzyme activity depends on an essential solvent channel
ACC Oxidase and ACC Synthase Expression Profiles after Leaning of Young Radiata (P. radiata D. Don) and Maritime Pine (P. pinaster Ait.) Seedlings
Changes in antioxidant capacity during development and ripening of goldenberry (Physalis peruviana L.) fruit and in response to 1-methylcyclopropene treatment
Molecular docking simulation analysis of alcohol acyltransferases from two related fruit species explains their different substrate selectivities
Transcriptional analysis of differentially expressed genes in response to stem inclination in young seedlings of pine
Structural characterization and substrate specificity of VpAAT1 protein related to ester biosynthesis in mountain papaya fruit
Structural characterization and substrate specificity of VpAAT1 protein related to ester biosynthesis in mountain papaya fruit.
(Not) Keeping the stem straight: a proteomic analysis of maritime pine seedlings undergoing phototropism and gravitropism
Changes in cell wall polysaccharides and cell wall degrading enzymes during ripening of Fragaria chiloensis and Fragaria xananassa fruits
Characterization of two divergent cDNAs encoding xyloglucan endotransglycosylase/hydrolase (XTH) expressed in Fragaria chiloensis fruit
Comparison of transcriptional profiles of flavonoid genes and anthocyanin contents during fruit development of two botanical forms of Fragaria chiloensis ssp chiloensis
Effects of UV-B radiation in morpho-genetic characters of Gnaphalium luteo-album
Isolation of genes differentially expressed during development and ripening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit by suppression subtractive hybridization
Keeping the stem straight: a proteomic analysis of maritime pine seedlings undergoing phototropism and gravitropism
Modified atmosphere packaging preserves quality and antioxidant properties in Fragaria chiloensis.
VpAAT1, a Gene Encoding an Alcohol Acyltransferase, Is Involved in Ester Biosynthesis during Ripening of Mountain Papaya Fruit
VpAAT1, a gene encoding an alcohol acyltransferase, is involved in ester biosynthesis during ripening of mountain papaya fruit
Analysis of target genes that affect the softening of the Chilean strawberry fruit
Aroma Development during Ripening of Fragaria chiloensis Fruit and Participation of an Alcohol Acyltransferase (FcAAT1) Gene
Expression of an ethylene-related expansin gene during softening of mountain papaya fruit (Vasconcellea pubescens)
Expression of five expansin genes during softening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit: Effect of auxin treatment
Genetic diversity in Chilean strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis): differential response to Botrytis cinerea infection
Transcript profiling suggests transcriptional repression of the flavonoid pathway in the white-fruited Chilean strawberry, Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Mill.
Genetic variability and structure of Gomortega keule (Molina) Baillon (Gomortegaceae) relict populations: geographical and genetic fragmentation and its implications for conservation
Softening rate of the Chilean strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis) fruit reflects the expression of polygalacturonase and pectate lyase genes
A micromethod for high throughput RNA extraction in forest trees
The Chilean strawberry [Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Duch.]: Genetic diversity and structure
Treatment with 1-MCP and the role of ethylene in aroma development of mountain papaya fruit
Genetic variation in a chilean endangered endemic: Gomortega keule (Molina) Baillon
Effects of UV-B radiation on the patagonian Jaborosa magellanica Brisben
Potential changes in the competitiveness of Chilean maize growers through the use of transgenic seed (Bt and RR).
Ripening of mountain papaya (Vasconcellea pubescens) and ethylene dependence of some ripening events
Characterisation of genetic variation between Vitis vinifera cultivars from central Chile using RAPD and Inter Simple Sequence Repeat markers
Transcriptome analysis and crop improvement (a review).
Nucleotide sequence of a truncated b 1-3 glucanase from Vitis vinfera cultivar Carmenere. (Accession Nº AJ245614).
Involvement of magnesium and ATP in the regulation of nitrate reductase activity in Sinapis alba

BookSection (3)

Universidad y la Investigación
Wood formation in trees
Innovación, Desarrollo y Negocios en Biotecnología

BookWhole (1)

Anthocyanins: Food sources and benefits to consumer's health

ConferencePaper (7)

Molecular Response to Stem Inclination in Radiata Pine Seedlings: A Functional Characterization of the Differentially Expressed PrMADS10
Participation of XTHs in Cell Wall Remodelling During Development and Ripening of the Chilean Strawberry Fruit
Functional characterization and transcript analysis for the response to stem inclination in radiata pine seedlings
Identification of genes involved in the response to inclination in radiata pine young seedlings: A transcriptomic analysis from differentiated stem
In silico analysis of transcriptional regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana overexpressing a Pinus radiata D. Don MADS10
Analysis of Target Genes that Affect the Softening of the Chilean Strawberry Fruits

ConferencePoster (4)

Characterization of fcshatterproof, a mads-box type ii transcription factor, acting during ripening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit in coordination with fcsepallata3
Genes from cell wall affected in Arabidopsis thaliana for the overexpression of PrMADS10
Identification, expression pattern and structural characterization of a nac transcription factor (fcnac2) related to development of chilean strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis) fruit
Transcriptional analysis in Arabidopsis thaliana over-expressing of 35S::PrMADS10

ConferenceProceedingWhole (68)

Analysis of transcription factors families involved in stem inclination on radiata pines
Arabinogalactan protein differentially expressed genes in tilt young seedlings of radiata pine by RNAseq analysis
Efforts to understand the ripening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit and its softening
Enzymatic properties of prXTH1 enzyme, a xyloglucan endo-transglycosidase/hydrolase involved in the molecular response to inclination of radiata pine
Heterologous expression and enzymatic activity of a rhamnogalacturonan endolyase enzyme of Fragaria chiloensis
Identification and molecular characterization of three NAC genes (nam, ataf, cuc) transcription factor during Fragaria chiloensis ripening
In-silico analysis of the structure and binding site features of FcEXPA2 an α-expansin protein involved in ripening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit
Molecular events in the response to stem inclination in pine
Transcriptional analysis and structural characterization of Xyloglucan endotransglycosylase/hydrolases (XTH) involved in softening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit
Transcriptional characterization of MYB transcription factors involved in the molecular response to inclination and putative regulation of flavonoid transporter target genes
Understanding the softening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit.
A transcriptomic approach for exploring the ripening of chilean strawberry
An in silico approaches suggests that sepallata3 (FvSEP3) transcription factor can control the expression of XTH genes by binding to cis-elements on its promoter region
Biochemical and structural characterization of FcXTH1, a xyloglucan endo-transglycosilase/hydrolase expressed during ripening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit
Characterization of the gene FcCYS1 encoding a putative cystatin proteinase inhibitor in Fragaria chiloensis
cis regulatory elements present in promoter regions of structural genes of the biosynthetic pathway of anthocyanins Fragaria chiloensis f. chiloensis
Computational study of the glycosylation effect on FcXTH1 in protein structure and protein-ligand interaction
Ethylene in the gravitropic response of pine: transcriptional and morphological approach of the ethylene effects in cell walls
FcSEPALLA3 is able to regulate genes involved in Fragaria chiloensis fruit traits
Flavonols and Auxin: A gravitropic relationship
Flavonols biosynthetic genes are activated during the inclination stress response in pine
Flavonols biosynthetic genes are activated during the inclination stress response in pine.
Glycosylation is important for the activity of FcXTH1, an enzyme related to softening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit
Identification and characterization of a fruit-specific NAC transcription factor (FcNAC1) from Fragaria chiloensis
Identification and in silico analysis of flavonoid transporters ABCC in radiata pine seedlings exposed to Inclination
Identification and transcriptional analysis of expansins in the molecular response to inclination of radiata pine
Keeping 3d resources in the web to learn on protein structure
Microarray analysis and comparison of transcriptional regulation over-expressing a Pinus radiata D. Don MADS10 in Arabidopsis
Molecular characterization of a rhamnogalacturonan endolyase gene expressed during ripening of Fragaria chiloensis (L.) MILL
Molecular events taking place during ripening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit
Molecular events taking place during ripening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit.
The regulation of ABA biosynthesis and its effect on the softening of F. chiloensis fruit
Transcriptional analysis and structural characterization of expansins involved in the molecular response to inclination in radiata pine
Transcriptional and computational study of three α-expansins involved in softening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit
Bioinformatics evaluation: use of MM-GBSA and APBS reproducing the binding free energies of XTH enzyme with different fibers polymers
Comprendiendo los eventos moleculares de la pared secundaria
Discovery of differentially expressed genes in tilt Young seedlings of radiata pine by RNA-seq analysis
Flavonols: Molecules that play an important role in the growth of pine
Flavonols: molecules that playing a role in the assimetrical growth of radata pine in response to inclination
Molecular and structural characterization of the transporter PrMATE1 involved in the assimetrical growth of radiata pine in response to inclination
Phenylpropanoids biosyntesis pathway are activated in response to stem inclination in seedlñings of radiata pine
Searching for hormonal responsive elements in the promoter regions of key genes within the Fragaria vesca genome
Structural characterization of two MADS transcription factors that bind to the promoter of PRXTH, a gene involved in the inclination response of Pinus radiata D. Don
Binding prediction of PrXTH enzyme with putative substrates by Molecular Docking, Molecular Dynamics and MM-GBSA
Biochemical and structural characterization of a α-d-galactopyranosidase from the pectinolytic fungus Penicillium purpurogenum
Can FcSEPlike regulate the expression of cell wall dissembling genes during ripening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit?
Characterization of genes involved in H2S metabolism in strawberry
Cloning and characterization of a xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase/hydrolase gene of radiata pine seedlings
Expression patterns of ABA perception genes (PYR family) during development of Fragaria chiloensis fruit
Identification and expression patterns of ABA perception genes (PYR family) in Fragaria vesca and Fragaria chiloensis
Identification of hormonal responsive elements in the promoter regions of PYR/PYL genes within the Fragaria vesca genome
Molecular dynamics simulation and site-directed mutagenesis suggest a ternary complex mechanism for the catalysis of alcohol acyltransferase of mountain papaya fruit
Molecular modelling and docking simulations of FaEXPA2 from Fragaria chiloensis
Phenylpropanoids biosynthesis pathway are activated in response to stem inclination in sedlings of radiata pine
Teaching biochemistry using an active learning approach
Understanding the role of Ser370 for alcohol acyltransferase from mountain papaya fruit
Auxin-ABA crosstalk during development and softening of the Chilean strawberry fruit
Explaining the role of ser370 for vpaat1 protein, an alcohol acyltransferase from mountain papaya fruit
Genes involved in phenylpropanoids pathway are induced after stem inclination in young seedlings of radiata pine
Molecular modelling, docking simulations and substrate specificity of the protein alcohol acyltransferase from Vasconcellea pubescens
Response to inclination in young seedlings of radiata pine. Hormonal signaling and molecular players
role of Asp170 in the catalysis of vpaat1, an alcohol acyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of esters in mountain papaya fruit
Structural bioinformatics on an enzyme involved in the synthesis of esters: The case of alcohol acyltransferase from the and an Vasconcellea pubescens
Structural characterization and molecular docking simulation of fcxth2 and fcxth1 from Fragaria chiloensis
Structural characterization of PrXTH1 enzyme from Pinus radiata
Structural characterization of the alcohol acyltransferase protein family from Cucumis melo
The expression of two divergent XTHs in the Chilean strawberry fruit is modulated by hormonal treatments and is consistent with the regulatory elements of their promoters
Dynamics of secondary plant cell Wall.

Proyecto (22)

Loss of trunk verticality in radiata pine: unraveling the molecular players in dynamic and static bending
Desarrollo de Microcompuestos del tipo active para ser utilizados en un coating adhesivo vía microaspersión para envases termoformado
Understanding the involvement of MADS-box transcription factors from radiata pine in wood forming tissue: unraveling the molecular mechanisms in cell wall dynamics during wood formation
Understanding the involvement of MADS-box transcription factors from radiata pine in wood forming tissue=> unraveling the molecular mechanisms in cell wall dynamics during wood formation
Biología Vegetal Aplicada: Estudio molecular y estructural de enzimas implicadas en el remodelamiento de la pared celular
Biología Vegetal Aplicada=> Estudio molecular y estructural de enzimas implicadas en el remodelamiento de la pared celular
Marker-trait associations, population structure and genetic evaluation of Eucalyptus cladocalyx under arid environmental conditions
Advanced center for the integrative study of fruit ripening: Molecular and physiological basis of complex quality traits of the Chilean strawberry fruit (ACIS)
Early response to inclination in young seedlings of radiata pine: characterizing key molecular players
Early response to inclination in young seedlings of radiata pine=> characterizing key molecular players
Early response to inclination in young seedlings of radiata pine=> characterizing key molecular players.
Proyecto Anillo (ACT 1110) "Advanced center for the integrative study of fruit ripening=> Molecular and physiological basis of complex quality traits of the Chilean strawberry fruit (ACIS)"
Red en biotecnología agrícola=> vinculación académica UTALCA-Michigan State University
Incentivo Cooperación Internacional
2007-2009 Molecular study of the compression wood formation and the gravitropic response in young seedlings of radiata pine.
Anillo Act-41 Centro de investigación de la maduración y calidad de frutilla chilena. PBCT-Banco Mundial
Detección de caracteres fenotípicos (morfo-fisiológica y agronómicos) relacionados con la tolerancia al estrés hídrico en líneas recombinantes con substitución de cromosomas (rcsls) de cebada y estudios de asociación con marcadores genéticos.
Genetic and biochemical characterization of fruit quality in Fragaria chiloensis using full-sib families.
Colaborador proyecto “Desarrollo de tecnologías para mejorar la competividad de la viticultura de exportación. Financiado por FONDEF.
Genomic Studies and Molecular Marker Development in the Chilean Strawberry
Red en biotecnología agrícola: vinculación académica UTALCA-Michigan State University

Review (1)

Transcriptome analysis and crop improvement: (A review)
Raúl Herrera


Biología Molecular y Biotecnología

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Patricio Ramos


Instituto de ciencias biológicas


Talca, Chile

Maria Moya

Profesor Titular

Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas


Talca, Chile

Paula Pimentel

Coordinator of Plant Stress Physiology laboratory

Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Fruticultura

Rengo, Chile

Peter Caligari

Science Advisor


Temuco, Chile

Luis Morales

Profesor Asociado

Intituto de Ciencias Biomédicas

Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Talca, Chile

Ariel Salvatierra


Genómica Vegetal

Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Fruticultura

Rengo, Chile

Lida Fuentes


Centro Regional de Estudios en Alimentos Saludables

Valparaiso, Chile

Pedro Cuadra

Profesor Titular

Ciencias y Recursos Naturales

Universidad de Magallanes

Punta Arenas, Chile

Basilio Carrasco

Scientific Director

Centro de Estudios en Alimentos Procesados (CEAP)

Talca, Chile

Cristian Balbontin


Produccion Vegetal

Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias

Chillán, Chile

Victor Fajardo

Full Professor


Universidad de Magallanes

Punta Arenas, Chile

Angela Méndez

Investigadora Postdoctoral ANID

Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas

Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Talca, Chile

yazmina stappung


Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Analia Espinoza


Laboratorio biológico y Molecular


Santiago, Chile

Maria Opazo

Profesor Asociado

Universidad de Las Américas

Santiago, Chile

Monika Valdenegro

Full professor

Faculty of Agri-Food Sciences,

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Claudio Valenzuela



Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Daniela Urbina

Profesor Instructor

Facultad de recursos naturales renovables

Universidad Arturo Prat

iquique, Chile

Michael Handford

Full Professor


Santiago, Chile

blas lavandero

Profesor asociado

instituto de ciencias biologicas


Talca, Chile

Lorena Norambuena

Full Professor



Santiago, Chile

Pamela Rojas

Doctora en Ciencias, Coordinadora Científica

Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Doctorado

Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Julio Caballero

Full Professor

Departamento de Bioinformática

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Pablo Valenzuela

Founder and Scientific Director

Fundación Ciencia & Vida

Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Contreras


Departamento de Biología


Santiago, Chile

Uri Aceituno

PhD student

Instituto de Bioingeniría

Universidad Miguel Hernández

Elche , España

Consuelo Bruno

Encargado de Seguimiento y Control



Santiago, Chile

Daniel Bustos

Auxiliar Professor

Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado

Universidad Católica del Maule

Talca, Chile

Ramón Herrera

Full professor

Instituto de Física

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Chile, Chile

Andrea Vega

Assistant Professor

Universidad Adolfo Ibánez

Santiago, Chile

Luis Letelier

Profesor Conferenciante

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Herman Silva


Departamento de Produccion Agricola

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Sebastian Molinett




LA CRUZ, Chile

Carlos Figueroa


Concepción, Chile

Carlos Gaete

Investigador Asistente


Talca, Chile