
Juan Antonio Carrasco Montagna

Associate Professor

Universidad de Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Socio-spatial analysis of mobility; Land use, urban geography and mobility; Travel behavior analysis and modeling; Travel demand modeling and forecasting; Social networks and activity-travel behavior


  •  Industrial Engineer, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2001
  •  Transportation Engineering, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2001
  •  Transportation Engineering and Planning, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Canada, 2006

Experiencia Académica

  •   Associate Professor Full Time

    Universidad de Concepcion


    Concepción., Chile

    2007 - A la fecha

  •   Postdoctoral Fellow Full Time



    Toronto, Canada

    2006 - 2006

  •   Research Assistant Part Time



    Toronto, Chile

    2002 - 2006

  •   Special lecturer Part Time



    Toronto, Chile

    2004 - 2006

  •   Director Master's in Engineering Science Degree Other




    2008 - 2010

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Board member Other

    Ferrocarriles Suburbanos de Concepción

    Concepcion, Chile

    2009 - 2010

  •   Advisor (ad-honorem) Chilean National Transportation Policy White Paper Other

    Ministry of Transport of Chile


    2013 - 2013

  •   Consultant Project “Recommendations for the urban transport system in a model city: Talca” Other

    Instituto de Transferencia Tecnológica (IIT) Universidad de Concepción


    2010 - 2011

  •   Member, advisory committee tram project for Concepción Other

    Ferrocarriles Suburbanos de Concepción


    2009 - 2009

Formación de Capital Humano


Undergraduate and M.Sc. programs, Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Concepción (from 2002)
- Redes de Transporte (Transportation Networks, cross-listed graduate and undergraduate course)
- Modelos de Demanda de Transporte (Travel Demand Analysis, cross-listed graduate and undergraduate course)
- Fundamentos de la Ingeniería de Transporte (Transportation Engineering Fundamentals, undergraduate course)
- Planificación de Transporte (Transportation Planning and Policy, cross-listed graduate and undergraduate course)
- Uso de Suelo y Transporte (Land Use and Transportation, cross-listed graduate and undergraduate course)
- Métodos de Optimización (Operation Research Methods, undergraduate course)
- Desafíos de la Ingeniería Civil (Introduction to Civil Engineering, undergraduate course)
- Seminario de Postgrado (Graduate Thesis Seminar, graduate course)

Doctoral Program in Industrial Engineering, Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Concepción
- Modelos Estadisticos y Econométricos Avanzados (Advanced Statistical and Econometric Models, 2018)

Masters Degree in Geographical Analysis, Departamento de Geografía, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía, Universidad de Concepción
- Análisis Espacial de la Movilidad y el Transporte (Spatial Analysis of Mobility and Transport, 2014-2017, 2019)

Masters Degree in Sustainable Urban Processes, Departamento de Urbanismo, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía, Universidad de Concepción
- Instrumentos, Capacidades y Roles en los Procesos Urbanos (Instruments, Capabilities, and Roles in Urban Processes, 2017-2018)

Masters Degree in Social Research and Development, Departamento de Sociología y Antropología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Concepción.
- Escuela de Verano: Análisis de Redes Sociales (Social Network Analysis, graduate summer school, 2012-2013)

Postgraduate Diploma on Design and Management of Sustainable Urban Projects, Departamento de Urbanismo, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía, Universidad de Concepción
- Modelos de movilidad y localización (Location and Mobility Models, 2016-2018)

Postgraduate Diploma on Sustainable Urban Design, Facultad de Arquitectura, Construcción y Diseño, Universidad del Bio Bio
- Transporte y Planificación Urbana (Urban and Transport Planning, 2014)

Summer Graduate Program, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
- Modelos Estadísticos y Econométricos de Comportamiento de Transporte (Statistical and Econometric Models of Travel Behaviour, 2018)

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto
- Applied Probability and Statistics in Civil Engineering (graduate course, 2003 – 2006)



Master´s degree of Engineering Sciences in Civil Engineering
? Diego Medina, TBD, supervisor (in progress)
? Sebastián Henríquez, TBD, supervisor (in progress)
? Rubén Miranda, TBD, supervisor (in progress)
? Víctor Allendes, “Activity-travel modelling through a temporal transferability of an activity-based microsimulation model: An application in the Greater Temuco Area,” supervisor (2021).
? Álvaro Toledo, “Análisis espacial de los impactos en la demanda de transporte público producto de una nueva línea de metro utilizando datos masivos,” supervisor (2020).
? Rodrigo Victoriano, “Time, Space, Money, and Social Interaction: Using Machine Learning to Classify People’s Mobility Strategies through Four Key Dimensions,” supervisor (2020).
? Tomás Rebolledo, “Time use and expenditure in activities for mobility analysis in neighbourhoods in Concepción”, co-supervisor (2018).
? Maximiliano Lizana, “Analysis of the spatial, temporal, expenditure and social patterns of mobility in neighbourhoods from Concepción”, co-supervisor (2017).
? M. Fernanda Viveros, “Relationships between transport-activity barriers and subjective well-being,” co-supervisor (2017).
? Óscar Chávez, “Personal network dynamics and mobility,” (2016).
? José Moore, “Social exclusion modelling in the UK context,” (2013).
? Claudia García, “Analysis of the relationship between the urban context and social interactions: Four cases from Concepción, Chile”, (2012).
Master’s degree in Development and Social Research (Sociology)
? Diego Solsona, “Redes sociales, capital social y modos de transporte: Una mirada a cuatro barrios del Gran Concepción” (2015)
? Paulina Henríquez, “Association in small and medium size metal-mechanic businesses in Concepción,” co-supervisor (2013)
Master’s degree in Geographic Analysis
? Felipe Aguilera, “Geo-spatial representation of travel strategies,” co-supervisor (2016).
? Herty Roa, “Mobility dynamics in three Chilean cities: A study using GIS indicators,” co-supervisor (2016).
? Claudia Valenzuela, “Mobility strategies and time use in Concepción: A mixed mode analysis method,” co-supervisor (2016).
? Valentina Cortés, “The relationship between urban and transportation policies: A case study,” co-supervisor (2016).
? Marcela Martínez, “Accessibility to health services in Concepción,” co-supervisor (2015).
? Gerson Araneda, “Physical and social space of personal networks,” co-supervisor (2014).
? Cristián Borjas, “Geo-spatial standards for a transport data platform,” co-supervisor (2014).
Professional degree, Engineering
? Bárbara Zárate, TBD, co-supervisor (in progress)
? Lilian Briceño, TBD, co-supervisor (in progress)
? Andrés Pino, TBD, supervisor (in progress)
? Sebastián Henríquez, “Mobility and time use differences between male and female from Concepción using a gender perspective,” supervisor (2021)
? Eduardo Valencia, “Influence of the built environment in school choice”, supervisor (2021)
? Rubén Miranda, “Analysis on food and mobility patterns in Concepción,” supervisor (2020)
? Fernando Sáez, “Analysis of food shopping and consumption patterns in the Greater Concepción Area,” supervisor (2020)
? Daniela de la Hoz, “Accessibility análisis to fresh fruits and vegetables in the households at the Greater Concepción Area,” supervisor (2020)
? Víctor Allendes, “Activity-travel modeling using microsimulation models: An Application in Temuco”, supervisor (2019)
? Arantxa Oyharcabal, “Mobility analysis at Universidad de Concepción,” co-supervisor (2019)
? Nicolás Viveros, “Satisfaction of public transport users in Transmilenio, Bogotá,” supervisor (2019)
? Álvaro Toledo, “Smart card data validation to understand travel”, co-supervisor (2018)
? Marcela Rebolledo, “Qualitative and quantitative data to understand mobility strategies,” co-supervisor (2018)
? Joaquín Martínez, “Mobile phone data validation to understand travel”, co-supervisor (2018)
? Raúl Bustamante, “Psychological factors, transport-activity barriers and subjective well-being,” co-supervisor (2018).
? Rodrigo Victoriano, Time use and activity strategies, co-supervisor (2018)
? Cindy Stumpfoll, “Temporal, special and social activities of mobility in four neighbourhoods in Concepción: A gender perspective,” co-supervisor (2017).
? Tomás Rebolledo, “Time use and expenditure in activities for mobility analysis in neighbourhoods in Concepción”, co-supervisor (2017).
? Maximiliano Lizana, “Analysis of the spatial, temporal, expenditure and social patterns of mobility in neighbourhoods from Concepción”, co-supervisor (2016).
? M. Fernanda Viveros, “Relationships between transport-activity barriers and subjective well-being,” co-supervisor (2016).
? Nicolás Urrutia, “Mobility indicators in the Greater Concepción Area,” co-supervisor, (2014)
? Óscar Chávez, “Understanding the dynamic of social networks in time and space,” (2014)
? Cristián Cares, “Modelling a Participation Index for understanding social exclusion in different areas,” (2014)
? Hernán Linco, “Modelling the differences between four neighbourhoods in the Greater Concepcion Area,” (2013)
? Álvaro Gamonales, “Social exclusion indicators using Origin-Destination surveys,” (2013)
? José Moore, “Time use and personal networks in Concepción,” (2012).
? Mónica Parada, “Frequency and spatial distribution of social activities and travel in Concepción: analysis from a social network approach,” (2012).
? Nicolás Céspedes, “T-communities and spatial autocorrelation,” co-supervisor (2011).
? Cristián Bustos, “Spatial indicators of social networks,” (2011).
? Marcelo San Martín, “Voyager module, software CUBE,” (2011).
? Mauricio Jara, “Social exclusion indicators from a transportation perspective,” (2009)
? Camila Galdames, “A panel study about the role of psychosocial factors on mode choice: A structural equations approach,” co-supervisor, (2010).
? Natalia Ruminot, “Vulnerable nodes in networks: An autocorrelation approach,” co-supervisor (2009).
? Felipe Sanhueza, “Mode choice, attitudes and physical environment in a campus University,” co-supervisor, (2009).
? David Permuth, “Evolution of the travel structure in Concepción, 1989-1999”, co-supervisor, (2009)
Professional degree, Sociology
? Daniel Sandoval, “Personal networks in small agro-businesses,” co-supervisor (2012).
? Joaquín Núñez, “ICT and social networks,” co-supervisor (2009).
Professional degree, Geography
? Diego Medina (2020), “Socio-spatial segregation and neighborhood typologies for six municipalities in the Metropolitan Area of Concepción”
? Tiara Rodríguez, “Food desserts and accessibility in Concepción,” (2019)
? Fabián Pérez, “Social networks social segregation and mobility,” co-supervisor (2014).
? Gloria Fuentes, “Social exclusion indicators for services,” co-supervisor (2014).
? Consuelo Peyrin, “Social exclusion indicators for educational purposes: Quality of destination indicators,” co-supervisor (2014).
? Felipe Aguilera, “Social exclusion indicators for health purposes,” co-supervisor (2013).
? Herty Roa, “Social exclusion accessibility indicators in Los Ángeles,” co-supervisor (2013).
? Andrés Shaffer, “Social exclusion indicators for educational purposes,” co-supervisor (2012).

Difusión y Transferencia

Journal Editorial
? Editorial Board, Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research (current)
? Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Transport and Land Use (current)
? Editorial Board, Revista Geográfica del Sur (2010-)
? Editorial Board, Revista Estudios de Transporte (2020-)
? Editorial Board (Handling Editor), Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, US National Academy of Science.
? Associate editor, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2008-2021)
? Associate editor, Ingeniería de Transporte, dependent of the Chilean Society of Transportation Engineers, SOCHITRAN (2007-2010). Co-editor (2011-2013)
Professional and Scientific International Committees
? Board member, Pan American Society of Transport Research (from 2022)
? Chair, Special Interest Group D4 on Activity, Time Use and Travel Behavior, World Conference on Transport Research Society (from 2019)
? Member, International Steering Committee for Travel Survey Conferences (from 2010)
? Co-chair, Time Use and Activity Patterns Subcommittee, ADB10(3), Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, USA (2014-2020, maximum tenure).
? Member, Traveler Behavior and Values Committee, ADB10, Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, USA (2011-2020, maximum tenure).
? Member, Social and Economic Factors of Transportation Committee, ADD20, Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, USA (2015-2020, maximum tenure).
? Member, Telecommunications and Travel Behaviour Committee, ADB20, Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, USA (from 2009-2018, maximum tenure).
Scientific and Organizing Conference Committees
? Chair, scientific committee 18th Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte, Santiago de Chile, October, 2019.
? Chair, scientific committee, Workshop on Urban Sustainable Transportation, Santiago de Chile, September 2-4, 2013.
? Co-chair, organizing committee, 9th International Survey Methods Conference, Termas de Puyehue, Chile, November 14-18, 2011.
? Scientific committee secretariat, Time Use Observatory Workshops (TUO), held in Santiago de Chile (6-8 January, 2009) and Termas Alto Jahuel, Chile (17-19 March, 2010). Member Organizing Committee Time Use Observatory Workshop (TUO) held in Santiago de Chile (21-23 March, 2012) and Termas Alto Jahuel, Chile (8-10 March, 2017)
? Member, scientific committee 16th Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte, Santiago de Chile, October 21-24, 2013.
? Member, organising committee 14th Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte, Concepción, October 5-9, 2009.
? Member, organising committee 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Toronto, Canada, July 11-18, 2012.
? Member, organizing committee, Uneven mobilities: Access to activities, people and places in contemporary cities, organized by the PanAmerican Mobility Network, Santiago de Chile, October 2014.
? Volunteer coordinator, organising committee of the 9th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Toronto, September 17-20, 2006.
International networks
? Member, Special Interest Group “Cultural and Social Issues in Transport”, World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS).
? Member, Cluster 7: Social and Health Issues: Changing landscapes of mobility for future social and health inequalities, Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research (NECTAR)
? Member, convening committee of the workshop series Frontiers in Transportation: Social Interactions, Amsterdam (2007), Toronto (2009, 2011), Munich (2013)
? Member, international network of researchers Time Use Observatory (TUO)
? Member, international network of researchers ICT: Mobilizing persons, places and spaces: An International Network on Information and Communication Technologies, Everyday Life and Urban Change.
Scientific Reviewer
? Reviewer for the academic journals Transportation, Transportation Science, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part B, Transportation Research Part C, Transportation Letters, Social Networks, Environment and Planning B, Information Communication & Society (ICS), Journal of Transport Geography, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, New Media and Society, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Field Methods, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Computers Environment and Urban Systems, Travel Behaviour and Society, Urban Design and Planning, and Revista de Geografía Norte Grande
? Reviewer for the conferences Chilean Transport Engineering Conference, World Conference on Transportation Research, Panamerican Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, International Association for Travel Behaviour Research, International Choice Modelling, International Conference on Advanced Systems for Public Transport, and Transportation Research Board conferences.
? Proposal reviewer for the National Science Foundation, (NSF, USA), Alberta Innovates – Technology Futures (Alberta, Canada), Research Foundation Flanders (FWO, Belgium), Sustainable Transportation Center at UC Davis (faculty fellowship, University of California at Davis, USA), and the Chilean National Fund of Science and Technology (FONDECYT, Chile).
? Panel Reviewer Program of Attraction and Insertion of Advanced Human Capital (Programa de Atracción e Inserción de Capital Humano Avanzado PAI), Chilean National Council of Science and Technology (CONICYT, Chile).
? Reviewer Committee Engineering I, Program of Advanced Human Capital Formation, Becas Chile, Chilean National Council of Science and Technology (CONICYT, Chile).
? Reviewer Eric Pas Dissertation Prize, outstanding doctoral dissertations on travel behaviour, awarded by the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research, 2011 and 2013.
Advisory Committees
? Member, ad-honorem advisory committee tram project for Concepción (Ferrocarriles Suburbanos de Concepción, 2009).
? Member, advisory committee of the Chilean National Transportation Policy White Paper. (Ministry of Transport of Chile, 2013)
? Member, ad-honorem advisory committee on COVID-19 responses in Bio Bio and Ñuble regions (Central-South Regional Secretariat, Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation, 2020).
? Member, ad-honorem task force on “Recommendations for the Design, Implementation and Planning for a Safe and Sustainable Mobility in the context of COVID-19” (Chilean Society on Transport Engineering, 2020)

? Consultant Project “Recommendations for the urban transport system in a model city: Talca” (World Bank, 2011).
? Member, expert advisory committee on the study “Support on the development of new technologies and analytical approaches using digital data to optimize the planning and operation of transport systems”, (Interamerican Development Bank, 2020).
? Consultant project “Fare Policies for Route 5 Private Concession” (Infrastructure Policy Council, 2020).

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Jane Addams Paper Award

    Community and Urban Sociology section, American Sociological Association

    Estados Unidos, 2010

    Honourable mention (second place), best paper.

  •   Pyke Johnson Award

    Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences

    Chile, 2008

    Best paper in the area of Planning and Environment Area

  •   Eric Pas Dissertation Prize

    International Association for Travel Behaviour Research

    Chile, 2007

    Honourable mention, outstanding worldwide doctoral dissertations on travel behaviour in 2006

  •   Academic merit award


    Chile, 2011

    Academic merit on research, teaching, and outreach activities. Given for three years: 2011-2013

  •   Academnic merit award


    Chile, 2014

    Academic merit on research, teaching, and outreach activities. Given for three years: 2014-2016

  •   Alan Tonks Scholarship


    Canada, 2002

    Scholarship for PhD studies based on academic merit

  •   Juan Pablo II scholarship


    Chile, 1994

    Scholarship for all undergraduate studies, based on economic need and academic merit


Article (49)

A systematic comparative evaluation of machine learning classifiers and discrete choice models for travel mode choice in the presence of response heterogeneity
Adaption and reliability of the Nutrition Environment Measures for Stores (NEMS- S) instrument for use in urban areas of Chile
Modeling the relationship between food purchasing, transport, and health outcomes: Evidence from Concepcion, Chile
Preparedness against floods in nearly pristine socio-hydrological systems
A comparative study of social interaction frequencies among social network members in five countries
Daily activity-travel and fragmentation patterns in the weekly cycle: evidence of the role of ICT, time use, and personal networks
Assessing the role of the built environment and sociodemographic characteristics on walking travel distances in Bogota
Localising urban sustainability indicators: The CEDEUS indicator set, and lessons from an expert-driven process
Observing gendered interdependent mobility barriers using an ethnographic and time use approach
Scaling Up Innovative Participatory Design for Public Transportation Planning: Lessons from Experiments in the Global South
Time, space, money, and social interaction: Using machine learning to classify people’s mobility strategies through four key dimensions
Understanding Daily Mobility Strategies through Ethnographic, Time Use, and Social Network Lenses
Neoliberal Urbanization and Synergistic Violence in Postearthquake Concepcion
Studying the relationship between activity participation, social networks, expenditures and travel behavior on leisure activities
Modelling the loss and retention of contacts in social networks: The role of dyad-level heterogeneity and tie strength
Social activity-travel dynamics with core contacts: evidence from a two-wave personal network data
Workshop Synthesis: Measuring attitudes and perceptions in quantitative surveys
Does the social context help with understanding and predicting the choice of activity type and duration? An application of the Multiple Discrete-Continuous Nested Extreme Value model to activity diary data
Does the social context help with understanding and predicting the choice of activity type and duration? An application of the Multiple Discrete-Continuous Nested Extreme Value model to activity diary data
Vulnerability of Nodes under Controlled Network Topology and Flow Autocorrelation Conditions
Vulnerability of nodes under controlled network topology and flow autocorrelation conditions
Accessibility to urban green spaces in Chilean cities using adaptive thresholds
Accessibility to Urban Green Spaces in Chilean Cities using Adaptive Thresholds
Modelling the relationship between travel behaviours and social disadvantage
Rethinking the links between social, exclusion and transport disadvantage through the lens of social capital
El contexto urbano y las interacciones sociales: dualidad del espacio de actividades de sectores de ingresos altos y bajos en Concepción, Chile
Social interaction potential and the spatial distribution of face-to-face social interactions
The urban context and social interactions: Duality of recreational spaces of the high and low-income sectors in Concepcion, Chile [El contexto urbano y las interacciones sociales: Dualidad del espacio de actividades de sectores de ingresos altos y bajos en Concepción, Chile]
The urban context and social interactions: duality of space activities in sectors of high and low income in Concepcion, Chile
Affective Personal Networks versus Daily Contacts: Analyzing Different Name Generators in a Social Activity-Travel Behavior Context
Distance patterns of personal networks in four countries: a comparative study
Exploring the links between personal networks, time use, and the spatial distribution of social contacts
Mode choice of university students commuting to school and the role of active travel
Socio-Spatial Inequality in Education Facilities in the Concepción Metropolitan Area (Chile)
Transport Surveys: Considerations for Decision Makers and Decision Making
Network capital, social networks, and travel: an empirical illustration from Concepcion, Chile
Exploring the Role of Psychological Factors in Mode Choice Models by a Latent Variables Approach
Investigating the Role of Social Networks in Start Time and Duration of Activities Trivariate Simultaneous Econometric Model
Personal Network Maintenance, Face-to-Face Interaction, and Distance Role of Availability and Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Does Distance Matter in the Age of the Internet?
An integrated model of vehicle transactions, activity scheduling and mode choice
The social dimension in action: A multilevel, personal networks model of social activity frequency between individuals
Collecting social network data to study social activity-travel behavior: an egocentric approach
How Far and with Whom Do People Socialize? Empirical Evidence About Distance Between Social Network Members
Social Context of Activity Scheduling Discrete-Continuous Model of Relationship Between with Whom" and Episode Start Time and Duration"
Visualizing Personal Networks: Working with Participant-aided Sociograms
Exploring the propensity to perform social activities: a social network approach
A tour-based model of travel mode choice

BookSection (4)

Transportation Policy of South America
Affective personal networks versus daily contacts: Analyzing different name generators in a social activity-travel behaviour context
Photo stories of hard-to-model and hard-to-understand travel behavior
The influence of trip length on marginal time and money values: An alternative explanation

BookWhole (2)

Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making
Time Use Observatory

Editorial (1)

Social interactions and travel behaviour

EditorialMaterial (2)

Selected papers on the study of the social context of travel behaviour
Urban mobility and social-spatial contact-introduction

Proyecto (9)

Escenarios probables de preservación o pérdida del patrimonio construido en procesos de conflicto social; el caso del patrimonio industrial textil de Tomé
Understanding the relationship between people's mobility and food patterns, and the role of attitudes and social networks
Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS)
Plataforma Tecnológica para la Gestión Integral del Sistema de Transporte en la Región del Bío Bío
TranSENDaNC Transport and Social Exclusion=> New Directions and National Comparisons
Understanding the link between transport and social exclusion in the Chilean context=> An assessment through quantitative indicators
Instituto de Sistemas Complejos de la Ingeniería y Tecnología

Review (1)

Review and assessment of the nested logit model
Juan Carrasco

Associate Professor

Civil Engineering

Universidad de Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Alejandro Tudela

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería Civil


Concepcion, Chile

Carolina Rojas

Titular Professor

Institute of Urban and Territorial Studies

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

56223545513, Chile

Elizabeth Wagemann

Profesora Asociada

Facultad de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño

Universidad Diego Portales

Santiago, Chile

Maria Molinos

Profesora Asociada

Ingenieria Hidráulica y Ambiental


Santiago, Chile

Christian Matus

Profesor Adjunto

Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Estudios Urbanos

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Ganter Solis





Helen De la Fuente

Encargada de Gestión de datos y SIG

City Lab Bío Bío

Concepción, Chile

Juan Muñoz


Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

paola jiron


Santiago, Chile

Alejandra Vives


Santiago, Chile

Olga Barbosa

Profesora Asociada

Ciencias Ambientales y Evolutivas


Valdivia, Chile

Francisco de la Barrera

Profesor asociado

Planificación Territorial y Sistemas Urbanos

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Marcela Munizaga

Vice Dean

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Juan de Dios Ortúzar

Emeritus Professor

Transport Engineering and Logistics


Santiago, Chile

Stefan Steiniger

Profesor (Auxiliar)

Ingeniería de Construcción y Transporte

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaiso, Chile

Pablo Pasten

Associate Professor

Department of Hydraulic & Environmental Engineering