
Maria Molinos Senante

Profesora Asociada


Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Urban water cycle; Efficiency and productivity; Sustainability; Resilience


  •  Environmental Sciences, UNIVERSIDAD DE VALENCIA. España, 2007
  •  Environmental Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA. España, 2009
  •  Environmental Economics, UNIVERSIDAD DE VALENCIA. España, 2011

Experiencia Académica

  •   Associate Professor Full Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2015 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

Title: Technical-economic evaluation of photovoltaic energy projects of EDF renewables Chile
Author: Louis Guilbot
University: Pontificia University Católica de Chile
Year: 2019 Postgraduate: Master

Title: A sustainable approach for climate change adaptation: proposals for wastewater reuse for irrigation in a rural municipality of a semi-arid zone of Chile
Author: Livia Serrao
University: Universitá Degli Studi di Trento
Year: 2018 Postgraduate: Master

Title: Methodology for the analysis of the service level of rural drinking water systems (APR)
Author: Sebastian Muñoz Flores
University: Pontificia University Católica de Chile
Year: 2017 Postgraduate: Master

Title: Funder's 50 Years of Rural Drinking Water in Chile: An Institutional and Regulatory Analysis in the Framework of Sector Reform.
Author: Juan Pablo Schuster Olbrich
University: Pontificia University Católica de Chile
Year: 2017 Postgraduate: Master

Title: Aguascalientes against its name: Approach to the principles of urban resilience, to solve the water crisis in the Mexican city.
Author: Ana Paulina Sotomayor Mora
University: Pontificia University Católica de Chile
Year: 2016 Postgraduate: Master

Title: Costs, benefits, efficiency and equity: a framework for the financing of Specific Vocational Training of the Education System in Spain
Author: Andrés Montaner Andrés
University: University de Valencia
Year: 2014 Postgraduate: PhD

Title: Environmental restoration strategy of the Coca River.
Author: Henry Ojeda Hidalgo
University: University de Valencia
Year: 2014 Postgraduate: Master

Title: Optimization project in water resources management: Application in the Fuerteventura Basin.
Author: Noemi de León Matoso
University: University de Valencia
Year: 2014 Postgraduate: Master

Title: Payment for environmental services (PES) methodology for the conservation of wetlands influenced by wastewater treatment plants: an empirical application for the Pego WWTP.
Author: Águeda Bellver Domingo
University: University de Valencia
Year: 2014 Postgraduate: Master

Title: Reuse: social acceptance?
Author: María Luisa López López
University: University de Valencia
Year: 2014 Postgraduate: Master

Title: Analysis of the techno-economic efficiency of wastewater treatment plants: Incorporation of environmental aspects.
Author: Lledó Castellet Viciano
University: University de Valencia
Year: 2013 Postgraduate: Master

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Excellce Research Award Adelina Gutierrez


    Chile, 2017

    The objective of the Scientific Excellence Award is to reward the scientific trajectory of young national or foreign researchers residing in Chile.


Article (202)

Assesing the influence of environmental variables on the performance of water companies: An efficiency analysis tree approach
Benchmarking the performance of water companies for regulatory purposes to improve its sustainability
Energy efficiency of drinking water treatment plants: A methodologicalapproach for its ranking br
Evaluation of dynamic eco-efficiency of water companies: the influence of non-revenue water and water supply interruptions
Factors influencing eco-efficiency of municipal solid waste management in Chile: A double-bootstrap approach
Increasing resilience through nudges in the urban water cycle: An integrative conceptual framework to support policy decision-making
Monetary valuation of unsorted waste: A shadow price approach
Quantifying Progress Made in Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 in Chile: A Holistic and Local Approach
The carbon and production performance of water utilities: Evidence from the English and Welsh water industry
Willingness to pay for improving water supply continuity in case of climatic extreme natural events: an empirical approach for Chile
Agent-based modelling to simulate the socio-economic effects of implementing time-of-use tariffs for domestic water
Assessing eco-productivity change in Chilean municipal solid waste services
Assessing the dynamic carbon performance of water companies: a parametric approach
Benchmarking the economic and environmental performance of water utilities: a comparison of frontier techniques
Challenges and opportunities for drinking water treatment residuals (DWTRs) in metal-rich areas: an integrated approach
Decomposition of Cost Efficiency Into Persistent and Transient Efficiency in the Provision of Water Services: Evidence from England and Wales
Eco-efficiency assessment under natural and managerial disposability: an empirical application for Chilean water companies
Economies of integration and sources of change in productivity in the Chilean water and sewerage industry: a translog cost function approach
Estimating energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions efficiency in the provision of domestic water: An empirical application for England and wales
Estimating performance and savings of water leakages and unplanned water supply interruptions in drinking water providers
Estimating the cost efficiency and marginal cost of carbon reductions in the production of drinking water
Estimation of greenhouse gases shadow price in the English and Welsh water industry
Evaluation of energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants: The influence of the technology and aging factors
How much does it cost to collect recyclable and residual waste in medium-income countries? A case study in the Chilean waste sector
Influence of environmental variables on the energy efficiency of drinking water treatment plants
Measuring operational and quality-adjusted efficiency of Chilean water companies
Measuring technical, environmental and eco-efficiency in municipal solid waste management in Chile
Measuring the eco-efficiency of the provision of drinking water by two-stage network data envelopment analysis
Measuring the overall cost efficiency of water companies and its determinants: an empirical study of stochastic frontier models
Measuring the quality of service of water companies: A two-stage goal programming synthetic index proposal
Performance analysis of Chilean water companies after the privatization of the industry: the influence of ownership
Performance assessment of the Chilean water sector: A network data envelopment analysis approach
Plastic Pollution, Waste Management Issues, and Circular Economy Opportunities in Rural Communities
Prediction of the efficiency in the water industry: An artificial neural network approach
The eco-efficiency of municipalities in the recycling of solid waste: A stochastic semi-parametric envelopment of data approach
The impact of model specification and environmental variables on measuring the overall technical efficiency of water and sewerage services: Evidence from Chile
The third route: A techno-economic evaluation of extreme water and wastewater decentralization
Assessing the marginal cost of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry: A parametric approach
Assessing the Quality of Service of Water Companies: a 'Benefit of the Doubt' Composite Indicator
Benchmarking the efficiency of water and sewerage companies: Application of the stochastic non-parametric envelopment of data (stoned) method
Comparing Operational, Environmental and Eco-Efficiency of Water Companies in England and Wales
Drivers of productivity change: a comparison of English and Welsh water only and water and sewerage companies
Eco-efficiency assessment of municipal solid waste services: Influence of exogenous variables
Eco-Efficiency of the English and Welsh Water Companies: A Cross Performance Assessment
Evaluation of economies of scale in eco-efficiency of municipal waste management: an empirical approach for Chile
Evaluation of the Impact of Separative Collection and Recycling of Municipal Solid Waste on Performance: An Empirical Application for Chile
Marginal Cost of Reducing Unplanned Water Supply Interruptions: Influence of Water Company Ownership
Optimised blending for anaerobic co-digestion using ant colony approach: Besos river basin case study
Performance assessment of water companies: A metafrontier approach accounting for quality of service and group heterogeneities
Water company productivity change: A disaggregated approach accounting for changes in inputs and outputs
Benchmarking energy efficiency of water treatment plants: Effects of data variability
Evaluating the Eco-Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment Plants: Comparison of Optimistic and Pessimistic Approaches
Evaluating trends in the performance of Chilean water companies: impact of quality of service and environmental variables
Factors affecting eco-efficiency of municipal waste services in Tuscan municipalities: An empirical investigation of different management models
Localising urban sustainability indicators: The CEDEUS indicator set, and lessons from an expert-driven process
The cost of reducing unplanned water supply interruptions: A parametric shadow price approach
Are water tariffs sufficient incentives to reduce water leakages? An empirical approach for Chile
Assessing the quality of service for drinking water supplies in rural settings: A synthetic index approach
Assessment of Energy Efficiency and Its Determinants for Drinking Water Treatment Plants Using A Double-Bootstrap Approach
Comparing changes in productivity among private water companies integrating quality of service=> A metafrontier approach
Cost Efficiency of English and Welsh Water Companies: a Meta-Stochastic Frontier Analysis
Estimating Profit, Price, and Productivity Changes in Water Industry Using Bennet-Bowley Indicator
Evaluation of the economics of desalination by integrating greenhouse gas emission costs=> An empirical application for Chile
Impact of environmental variables on the efficiency of water companies in England and Wales: a double-bootstrap approach
Measuring the wastewater treatment plants productivity change: Comparison of the Luenberger and Luenberger-Hicks-Moorsteen Productivity Indicators
Productivity growth and its drivers in the Chilean water and sewerage industry: a comparison of alternative benchmarking techniques
Adequacy of DEA as a regulatory tool in the water sector. The impact of data uncertainty
Assessing changes in eco-productivity of wastewater treatment plants=> The role of costs, pollutant removal efficiency, and greenhouse gas emissions
Assessing productivity changes in water companies=> a comparison of the Luenberger and Luenberger-Hicks-Moorsteen productivity indicators
Assessing the influence of exogenous and quality of service variables on water companies´ performance using a true-fixed stochastic frontier approach
Benchmarking energy efficiency in drinking water treatment plants=> Quantification of potential savings
Benchmarking the efficiency of the Chilean water and sewerage companies=> a double-bootstrap approach
Comparative energy efficiency of wastewater treatment technologies=> a synthetic index approach
Dynamic goal programming synthetic indicator: an application for water companies sustainability assessment
Dynamic goal programming synthetic indicator=> an application for water companies sustainability assessment
Energy intensity modeling for wastewater treatment technologies
Evaluation of energy performance of drinking water treatment plants=> Use of energy intensity and energy efficiency metrics
Evaluation of the influence of economic groups on the efficiency and quality of service of water companies=> an empirical approach for Chile
Flexible versus common technology to estimate economies of scale and scope in the water and sewerage industry=> an application to England and Wales
Italian regulatory reform and water utility performance=> An impact analysis
Measuring the eco-efficiency of wastewater treatment plants under data uncertainty
Optimal fresh water blending=> A methodological approach to improve the resilience of water supply systems
Productivity change and its drivers for the Chilean water companies=> A comparison of full private and concessionary companies
Selecting appropriate wastewater treatment technologies using a choosing-by-advantages approach
The Economics of Wastewater Treatment Decentralization=> A Techno-economic Evaluation
Assesing the Impact of Quality of Service on the Productivity of Water Industry=> a Malmquist-Luenberger Approach for England and Wales
Assessing the efficiency of wastewater treatment plants=> A double-bootstrap approach
Assessing the productivity change of water companies in England and Wales=> A dynamic metafrontier approach
Assessing the quality of service to customers provided by water utilities=> A synthetic index approach
Assessment of the Total Factor Productivity Change in the English and Welsh Water Industry: a Fare-Primont Productivity Index Approach
Assessment of the Total Factor Productivity Change in the English and Welsh Water Industry=> a Fare-Primont Productivity Index Approach
Decomposition of Productivity Growth of Water and Sewerage Companies=> An Empirical Approach for Chile
Energy intensity of treating drinking water=> Understanding the influence of factors
Estimating economies of scale and scope in the English and Welsh water industry using flexible technology
How much should customers be compensated for interruptions in the drinking water supply?
Impact of regulation on English and Welsh water-only companies=> an input-distance function approach
The welfare costs of non-marginal water pricing=> evidence from the water only companies in England and Wales
Water utility efficiency assessment in Italy by accounting for service quality=> An empirical investigation
Accounting for service quality to customers in the efficiency of water companies=> Evidence from England and Wales
Application of a multi-criteria decision model to select of design choices for WWTPs
Application of a multi-criteria decision model to select of design choices for WWTPs
Application of a multi-criteria decisión model to selection of design choices for WWTPs.
Are participants in markets for water rights more efficient in the use of water than non-participants? A case study for Limarí Valley (Chile)
Are participants in markets for water rights more efficient in the use of water than non-participants? A case study for Limarí Valley (Chile).
Assessing the efficiency of Chilean water and sewerage companies accounting for uncertainty
Assessing the efficiency of chilean water and sewerage companies accounting for uncertainty.
Assessing the sustainability of water companies: A synthetic indicator approach
Assessing the sustainability of water companies=> A synthetic indicator approach
Assessment of the Total Factor Productivity Change in the English and Welsh Water Industry=> a Färe-Primont Productivity Index Approach
Assessment of the Total Factor Productivity Change in the Spanish Ports=> Hicks-Moorsteen Productivity Index Approach
Benchmarking the energy performance of office buildings=> A data envelopment analysis approach
Cost-effectiveness analysis of sewer mining versus centralized wastewater treatment: case study of Arga River Basin (Spain)
Cross-national comparison of efficiency for water utilities: a metafrontier approach.
Cross-national comparison of efficiency for water utilities=> a metafrontier approach
Development and application of the Hicks-Moorsteen productivity index for the total factor productivity assessment of wastewater treatment plants
Development and application of the Hicks-Moorsteen productivity index for the total factor productivity assessment of wastewater treatment plants.
Eco-efficiency assessment of wastewater treatment plants using a weighted Russell directional distance model
Efficiency assessment of wastewater treatment plants: A data envelopment analysis integrating technical, economic, and environmental issues
Efficiency assessment of wastewater treatment plants=> A data envelopment analysis approach integrating technical, economic, and environmental issues
Efficiency Assessment of Water and Sewerage Companies: a Disaggregated Approach Accounting for Service Quality
Estimating the cost of improving service quality in water supply: A shadow price approach for England and Wales
Estimating the cost of improving service quality in water supply=> A shadow price approach for England and wales
Estimating the environmental and resource costs of leakage in water distribution systems: A shadow price approach
Estimating the environmental and resource costs of leakage in water distribution systems=> A shadow price approach
Optimal management of substrates in anaerobic co-digestion: An ant colony algorithm approach
Optimal management of substrates in anaerobic co-digestion: An ant colony algorithm approach.
Optimal management of substrates in anaerobic co-digestion=> An ant colony algorithm approach
Performance of fully private and concessionary water and sewerage companies: A metafrontier approach.
Performance of fully private and concessionary water and sewerage companies=> a metafrontier approach
Price cap regulation in the English and Welsh water industry: A proposal for measuring performance.
Price-cap regulation in the English and Welsh water industry: A proposal for measuring productivity performance
Price-cap regulation in the English and Welsh water industry=> A proposal for measuring productivity performance
Productivity change of the Spanish Port System: impact of the economic crisis
Productivity change of the Spanish Port System=> impact of the economic crisis
Productivity growth of wastewater treatment plants ? accounting for environmental impacts=> a Malmquist-Luenberger index approach
Productivity growth of wastewater treatment plants accounting for environmental impacts: A Malmquist-Luenberger index
Reducing CO2 emissions from drinking water treatment plants=> A shadow price approach
Water scarcity and affordability in urban water pricing: A case study of Chile
Water scarcity and affordability in urban water pricing=> A case study of Chile
A review of payment for ecosystem services for the economic internalization of environmental externalities: A water perspective.
Accounting for service quality to customers in the efficiency of water companies: Evidence form England and Wales
Assessing the relative efficiency of water companies in the English and Welsh water industry: A metafrontier approach
Assessing the relative efficiency of water companies in the English and welsh water industry=> a metafrontier approach
Assessment of wastewater treatment alternatives for small communities: An analytic network process approach
Assessment of wastewater treatment alternatives for small communities=> An analytic network process approach
Asssement of the total factor productivity change in the Spanish ports: Hicks-Moorsteen Productivity Index approach
Comparing the dynamic performance of wastewater treatment systems: A metafrontier Malmquist productivity index approach
Comparing the dynamic performance of wastewater treatment systems=> A metafrontier Malmquist productivity index approach
Measuring the CO2 shadow price for wastewater treatment: a directional distance function approach
Measuring the CO2 shadow price for wastewater treatment=> A directional distance function approach
Profit, productivity and price performance changes in the water and sewerage industry: an empirical application for England and Wales
Selecting sewage sludge alternatives in modern wastewater treatment plants using environmental decision support systems
The impact of privatization approaches on the productivity growth of the water industry: A case study of Chile
The impact of privatization approaches on the productivity growth of the water industry=> A case study of Chile
The role of environmental variables on the efficiency of water and sewerage companies: a case study of Chile
The role of environmental variables on the efficiency of water and sewerage companies=> a case study of Chile
A management and optimisation model for water supply planning in water deficit areas
An economic feasibility study for improving drinking water quality: a case study of arsenic contamination in rural argentina
Assessing the sustainability of small wastewater treatment systems: A composite indicator approach
Benchmarking in wastewater treatment plants: a tool to save operational costs
Current status of water management in Japan
Economic and environmental performance of wastewater treatment plants: Potential reductions in greenhouse gases emissions
Economic effects of the consolidation of water utilities in Japan
Including the environmental criteria when selecting a wastewater treatment plant
Profit change and its drivers in the English and Welsh water industry: is output quality important?
The Luenberger productivity indicator in the water industry: An empirical analysis for England and Wales
Water rate structure to manage residential water demand with seasonality: peak load pricing and increasing block rates
Cost modelling for wastewater treatment processes
Economic feasibility study for intensive and extensive wastewater treatment considering greenhouse gases emissions
Economic valuation of environmental benefits of removing pharmaceutical and personal care products from WWTP effluents by ozonation
Life cycle costing: a tool to manage the urban water cycle
Tariffs and cost recovery in water reuse
Assessing the efficiency of wastewater treatment plants in an uncertain context: A DEA with tolerances approach
Assessment of wastewater treatment plant design for small communities: environmental and economic aspects
Benchmarking in Spanish seaports: a tool for specialization
Economic feasibility study for new technological alternatives in wastewater treatment processes: a review
How does seasonality affect water reuse possibilities? an efficiency and cost analysis
Tariffs and efficient performance by water suppliers: an empirical approach
Assessing disproportionate costs to achieve good ecological status of water bodies in a Mediterranean River Basin
Comparing the efficiency of wastewater treatment technologies through a DEA metafrontier model
Cost Benefit Analysis of water reuse projects for environmental purposes
Cost modelling and waste management from wastewater treatment plants: an empirical approach for Spain
Economic feasibility study for phosphorus recovery process
Energy efficiency in Spanish wastewater treatment plants: a non-radial DEA approach
Environmental and economic profile of six typologies of wastewater treatment plants
Techno-economical efficiency and productivity change of wastewater treatment plants: the role of internal and external factors
Economic feasibility of wastewater treatment: a cost-benefit analysis
Economic valuation of environmental benefits from wastewater treatment processes: An empirical approach from Spain
Accounting for service quality to customers in the efficiency of water companies=> Evidence from England and Wales
Assesing the impact of quality of service on the productivity of water industry: a Malmquist-Luenberger approach for England and Wales
Assessing the productivity change of water companies in England and Wales=> a dynamic metafrontier approach
Assessing the quality of service to customers provided by water utilities=> a synthetic index approach
Assessment of the total factor productivity change in the English and Welsh water industry: a Färe-Primont productivity index approach
Eco-efficiency assessment of wastewater treatment plants using a weighted Russell directional distance model
Eco-efficiency assessment of wastewater treatment plants using a weighted Russell directional distance model.
Efficiency Assessment of Water and Sewerage Companies: a Disaggregated Approach Accounting for Service Quality
Efficiency assessment of water and sewerage companies=> a disaggregated approach accounting for service quality
How much should customers be compensated for interruptions in the drinking water supply?
Productivity change of the Spanish Port System: Impact of the economic crisis
Reducing CO2 emissions from drinking water treatment plants=> a shadow price approach
Water scarcity and affordability in urban water pricing: a case study of Chile.
Water utility efficiency assessment in Italy by accounting for service quality=> an empirical investigation

Proyecto (16)

Análisis multicriterio de problemas del ámbito social y medioambiental
Socio-economic modeling of mitigation strategies for resilient critical infrastructure=> Application to drink water systems and road networks
Metodología para la evaluación del riesgo en infraestructura de producción de agua potable frente a amenazas de origen natural.
Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada del Riesgo de Desastres
Assessment and improvement of the energy efficiency of water and wastewater treatment technologies=> A benchmarking approach for promoting sustainable urban water cycle
Solución de fachada dinámica en base a patrones de movimiento coordinados para el control solar y lumínico aplicable en Santiago de Chile
Assessment and Improvement of the Economics of Water Utilities=> the role of Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable
Cost Action ES 12012 Conceiving Wastewater Treatment in 2020
Assessment and improvement of the urban water cycle ecoefficiency using LCA and LCC
Feasibility study for the recovery of nutrients from wastewater at UAE wastewater treatment plants
Evaluating economic policy instruments for sustainable water management in Europe
Estudio en planta piloto de la aplicación de la tecnología de membranas para la valorización energética del agua residual
Novedar-Consolider=> Concepción de la EDAR del siglo XXI.
Elaboración de una metodología para la determinación de un programa de medidas para el cumplimiento de la Directiva Marco del Agua.
Integrated concepts for reuse of upgraded wastewater

Review (1)

Resilience of critical infrastructure to natural hazards: A review focused on drinking water systems
Maria Molinos

Profesora Asociada

Ingenieria Hidráulica y Ambiental


Santiago, Chile

Andrés Villegas

Jefe de Carrera

Universidad Santo Tomás

Santiago, Chile


Department Director and Associate Professor

Construction Engineering and Management

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Stefan Steiniger

Profesor (Auxiliar)

Ingeniería de Construcción y Transporte

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaiso, Chile

Alejandra Vega

Other researcher

CEDEUS / Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Pablo Pasten

Associate Professor

Department of Hydraulic & Environmental Engineering



Francisco de la Barrera

Profesor asociado

Planificación Territorial y Sistemas Urbanos

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Juan Muñoz


Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Helen De la Fuente

Encargada de Gestión de datos y SIG

City Lab Bío Bío

Concepción, Chile

Elizabeth Wagemann

Profesora Asociada

Facultad de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño

Universidad Diego Portales

Santiago, Chile

Alejandra Vives


Santiago, Chile

Juan Carrasco

Associate Professor

Civil Engineering

Universidad de Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Maximo Quiero

Estudiante Doctorado en Sociología

Instituto de Sociología

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile