
Pablo Andrés Villalobos Dintrans


Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Estación Central, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Health policy; health financing; aging; long-term care


  •  Public Health, HARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Estados Unidos, 2018
  •  Economics, BOSTON UNIVERSITY. Chile, 2011
  •  Economics/ Public Policy, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2007
  •  Management/ Economics, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2005
  •  Ingeniero Comercial, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2007

Experiencia Académica

  •   Lecturer (Industrial Organization) Part Time


    Santiago, Chile

    2012 - 2014

  •   Lecturer (Intro to Economics) Part Time


    Santiago, Chile

    2009 - 2009

  •   Lecturer (Industrial Organization; Monetary Theory; International Economics) Part Time


    Santiago, Chile

    2007 - 2009

  •   Researcher Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2018 - A la fecha

  •   Lecturer Part Time


    Ciencias Médicas

    Santiago, Chile

    2020 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Analyst Full Time

    Budget Office/ Ministry of Finance

    Santiago, Chile

    2012 - 2015

  •   Analyst Full Time

    Ministry of Economy

    Santiago, Chile

    2008 - 2010

  •   Coordinator - Office of Research, Faculty of Biological Sciences Full Time

    Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

    Santiago, Chile

    2006 - 2008

  •   Advisor Part Time

    Minsitry of Health

    Santiago, Chile

    2018 - A la fecha

  •   Consultant Part Time

    Pan American health Organization

    Washington, Estados Unidos

    2018 - 2019

  •   Consultant Part Time

    World Health Organization

    Ginebra, Suiza

    2019 - 2020

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Becas Chile


    Chile, 2015

    Beca para estudios de doctorado en el el extranjero


Article (51)

How Do Attitudes of Adult Children Toward Long-Term Care Change with Education? International Evidence
Institutional care in four Latin American countries: the importance of fostering public information and evaluation strategies
The Case for Universal Long-Term Care
Bottom-up innovative responses to COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: addressing deprioritized populations
Estimación de brechas de geriatras en Chile
Financing networks of care: a cross-case analysis from six countries
Human Resources for Care in Latin America and the Caribbean: Current Needs and Future Demands
Inequity in mortality rates and potential years of life lost caused by COVID-19 in the Greater Santiago, Chile
Long-term Care in the Agenda: The Case of Chile
Long-term functional ability trajectories and mental health among older people before and after the COVID-19 pandemic onset in Chile
The Economic Value of Caregiving in Chile
The Impacts of Two Gender-Transformative Interventions on Early Adolescent Gender Norms Perceptions: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis
Extending the Analysis of Functional Ability Trajectories to Unexplored National Contexts: The Case of Chile
Factors associated with change in adherence to COVID-19 personal protection measures in the Metropolitan Region, Chile
Food Insecurity and Functional Disability Among Older Adults in Ghana: The Role of Sex and Physical Activity
Functionality and seniors: where are we and where should we be going
Older Adults' Vigorous Occupational Physical Activity Levels in Six Countries Are Explained by Country and 'Having Multiple Jobs'
COVID-19 incidence and mortality in the Metropolitan Region, Chile: Time, space, and structural factors
Effectiveness of a Gamification Strategy to Prevent Childhood Obesity in Schools: A Cluster Controlled Trial
Enablers and barriers to implement COVID-19 measures in long-term care facilities: a mixed methods implementation science assessment in Chile
Geriatras en Chile: historia, brechas y desafíos futuros
How do adolescents navigate COVID-19 information, and why does it matter?
Identification of COVID-19 Waves: Considerations for Research and Policy
Implementing long-term care systems in the Americas: a regional strategy
Improving Long-Term Care Facilities' Crisis Response: Lessons From the COVID-19 in Chile.
Interrupcion de servicios de salud para embarazadas, recien nacidos, ninos y ninas, adolescentes y mujeres durante la pandemia de COVID-19: proyecto ISLAC 2020
It Is Not Just Mortality:A Call From Chile for Comprehensive COVID-19 Policy Responses Among Older People
The successful COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Chile: Factors and challenges
Defining 'older people' in Chile: challenges in planning policies for ageing populations
Designing Long-Term Care Systems: Elements to Consider
Functional Dependency in Mexico: Measurement Issues and Policy Challenges
Health Reform in the Midst of a Social and Political Crisis in Chile, 2019-2020
Health Systems, Aging, and Inequity: An Example from Chile
Implementing a Food Labeling and Marketing Law in Chile
Nuevos retos para la planificación en salud: el Plan Nacional de Cáncer en Chile
Public health leadership in the times of COVID-19: a comparative case study of three countries
A synthesis of implementation science frameworks and application to global health gaps
Dependency in Chile. Advances and challenges
Informal caregivers in Chile: the equity dimension of an invisible burden
Out-of-pocket expenditures for HIV in the Dominican Republic: findings from a community-based participatory survey
Why Health Reforms Fail: Lessons from the 2014 Chilean Attempt to Reform
Do long-term care services match population needs? A spatial analysis of nursing homes in Chile
Is aging a problem?: Dependency, long-term care, and public policies in Chile
Long-term care systems as social security: the case of Chile
Out-of-pocket health expenditure differences in Chile: Insurance performance or selection?
Envejecimiento y cuidados a largo plazo en Chile: desafíos en el contexto de la OCDE
Examining the relationship between human resources and mortality: the effects of methodological choices
El mercado de las farmacias en Chile: ¿Competencia por localización?
Demographic Transition and Public Policy=> Chile 1850-2000
Good deposits are not enough: Mining labor productivity analysis in the copper industry in Chile and Peru 1992-2009
¿Por qué subcontratan las empresas mineras en Chile?

BookSection (5)

Long-Term Care: Challenges for a Changing World
Plan Nacional de Demencia y GES: Transitando hacia Nuevos Seguros Sociales
Oportunidades para mejorar el desempe~no del Fondo Nacional de Salud de Chile: Lecciones desde la experiencia internacional
Oportunidades para mejorar el desempeño del Fondo Nacional de Salud de Chile: Lecciones desde la experiencia internacional
Con buenos yacimientos no alcanza: Análisis de la productividad laboral en la industria del cobre en Chile y Perú (1992-2009)

BookWhole (1)

The Future of Long-Term Care

Monograph (3)

Policy responses to COVID-19 in Long- Term Care facilities in Chile
Long-Term Care in Chile: The Faces of Dependency
Sistemas de Financiamiento y Aseguramiento de Salud: Reformas y Alternativas para Chile. Los casos de Australia, Alemania, Holanda, Corea del Sur y Reino Unido

Proyecto (1)

Institutionalization of donor supported initiatives in quality improvement

PuntoDeVista (1)

Caracterización del gasto de bolsillo en salud en Chile: una mirada a dos sistemas de protección
Pablo Villalobos


Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Estación Central, Chile

Claudio Castillo

Profesor adjunto

Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnología de los Alimentos

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Cristóbal Cuadrado

Profesor Asistente

Escuela de Salud Pública

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

José Jara

Profesor Asistente e Investigador

Departamento de Ingeniería de Minería UC

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile



Public Health School

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Marisol Salgado

docente Adjunto

Carrera Kinesiología

Universidad Autónoma de Chile

santiago , Chile

Sebastián Peña

Senior Researcher

Department of Health and Welfare

Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

Helsinki, Finlandia

Andrea Cortínez

Profesor instructor/Investigadora

Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación

Universidad de La Frontera

Santiago, Chile

Pedro Zitko

Jefe de Unidad


Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau

Santiago, Chile

Carla Castillo

Assistant Professor

Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud / Center of Epidemiology and Health Policy

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Ricardo Cerda

Profesor Asistente

Ciencias de la Salud

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile