
Graciela Muniz Terrera


Ohio University

Ohio, Estados Unidos

Líneas de Investigación

I have extensive experience in the development and application of longitudinal methods to gain a better understanding of aging and dementia. I am also interested in harmonization methods for evidence synthesis and reproducible research.


  •  Biostatistics, University of Cambridge. Reino Unido, 2007
  •  Mathematics, Universidad de la Republica. Uruguay, 1998
  •  Mathematics, Universidad de la Republica. Uruguay, 1996

Experiencia Académica

  •   Professor Full Time


    Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine

    Estados Unidos

    2022 - A la fecha

  •   Adjunct Professor Aging, Health and Methods Full Time



    2021 - A la fecha

  •   Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology and Biostatistics Full Time



    2015 - 2021

  •   Adjunct Associate Professor Full Time



    2014 - A la fecha

  •   Math lecturer Part Time


    Reino Unido

    2002 - 2003

  •   Lecturer Full Time



    1990 - 1999

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Programme Leader Track Full Time

    University College London

    Reino Unido

    2013 - 2015

  •   Senior Investigator Scientist Full Time

    MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing at UCL

    Reino Unido

    2012 - 2013

  •   Data Analyst Full Time

    MRC Human Nutrition Unit in Cambridge

    Reino Unido

    2003 - 2004

  •   Supervisor Full Time

    University of Cambridge

    Reino Unido

    2001 - 2014

  •   Research Associate Full Time

    Centro Investigacion en Matematica, CIMAT

    Guanajuato, México

    1999 - 2001

  •   Associate Editor Other

    Journal of Alzheimer's Disease


    2020 - A la fecha

  •   Associate Editor Other

    BMC Geriatrics Journal

    Reino Unido

    2021 - A la fecha

  •   Associate Editor Other

    Brain Communications Journal

    Reino Unido

    2020 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

• MSc. Tyler Saunders (2019-) University of Edinburgh. Role: PhD supervisor. (primary)
• Dr. Donncha Mullin (2020-) University of Edinburgh. Role: PhD supervisor. (primary)
• MSc. Jure Mur(2020-) University of Edinburgh. Role: PhD supervisor. (primary)
• MSc. Danni Gadd (2020-) University of Edinburgh. Role: PhD supervisor. (secondary)
• MSc Tiko Yoneda (2018-) University of Victoria. Role: PhD thesis supervisor (secondary)
• MSc. Sarah Gregory (2018-present). University of Edinburgh. Role: PhD supervisor (secondary)
• Dr. Lucy Stirland (2016-2020) University of Edinburgh, Role: PhD supervisor. (primary)
• Dr. Sahan Mendis (2019-) University of Edinburgh, (2019-) Role: PhD supervisor.(secondary)
• MSc. Miles Welstead (2019-) University of Edinburgh Role: PhD supervisor. (secondary)
• MSc. Stina Saunders (2017-present) University of Edinburgh, Role: PhD supervisor (secondary)
• Dr. Jing Liao (2011-2014) University College London, Institute of Epidemiology. Role: PhD Supervisor (secondary)
• Dr. Lan Wen MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge. Role: PhD supervisor (primary)
• Dr. Hinesh Topiwala (2016-2018) University of Edinburgh, Role: MD supervisor.(secondary)
• Ec. Alejandra Marroig Master in Mathematics School of Engineering, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay. Role: PhD supervisor(primary)
• MSc. Amanda Kelly’s,University of Victoria, BC, Canada. (2015) Role: CoSupervisor Masters degree thesis.(secondary)
• MSc. Fernando Massa (2019-) School of Engineering, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay. Role: PhD Supervisor.(primary)
• Dr. Annie Robitaille. Postdoctoral Researcher University of Victoria, BC. Role: Mentor.
• Dr. Zoe Tieges. Early career researcher working in delirium research at the University of Edinburgh. Role: mentor in recently awarded grant ”Advancing understanding of delirium severity: the contribution of domains of the delirium syndrome to outcomes”. Funder: NIDUS, Network for Investigation of Delirium across US
• Dr. Andrea Zammit. Assistant Professor, the Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Role: Mentor.
• Dr. Teddy Cosco, Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge. Role: Statistical advisor for PhD.
• MSc. Brandy Ma’s MPhil thesis Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge. Role: Statistical advisor for Master’s thesis.
• MSc. Ayesha Sajjad’s MPhil thesis Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge. Role: Statistical advisor for Master’s thesis.

Difusión y Transferencia

• AAIC. Invited presented. July 2021.
• World Dementia Council Invited panelist in Prevention Workshop. 2021. Feb 9th.
• Scotland Dementia Research Consortium Annual Conference 2020
• Early Detection and Prevention of Cognitive Decline and Dementia: Findings from Major European Collaborative and Research Initiatives AIGG-ER Gothenburg, 2019
• Lifestyle risk factors for dementia. Invited speaker. SCOBIC consortium. University of Glasgow, January 2019.
• Terminal decline: what we don’t know yet. Invited speaker. Department of Psychology, University of Zurich, October 2018.
• Multi cohort work: lessons from IALSA, Invited talk at CLOSER methodology series. Manchester, October 2018.
• Disease Modelling Workshop, EPAD. Edinburgh. Meeting of all modellers affiliated to IMI funded projects, Role: presenter. October 2017.
• Gerontological Society of America. Symposia chair and presenter, Annual meetings 2011-2018.
• The Prevent Study: A Prospective Cohort Study to Identify Mid-life Biomarkers of Late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease.European Congress of Psychiatry, Florence 2017.
• Selecting time in study versus age as a metric of time to model change, Invited talk at Closer methodology series. London, May 2015.
• Modelling cognitive decline in a multi study approach, Invited talk at Closer workshop in Society for Longitudinal and Life course studies conference Lausanne, October 2014.
• Mortality and cognitive change, IALSA symposium at Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Washington November 2014. Symposium sponsored by GSA’s Methods Section.
• Challenges in multi study work, IALSA symposium at Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Washington November 2014. Symposium sponsored by GSA’s Methods Section.
• What do we really know about the onset of faster rate of decline?, Nordic Congress of Gerontology. May 2014 (Invited speaker within IALSA symposim).
• Friday Harbour Advanced Psychometrics Workshop. Co-leader (with Prof. S. Hofer) of working group ”Changes in health and cognition”.
• Change point models in ageing research. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. March 2013. (Invited speaker).
• Longitudinal Data Analysis course. Universidad de la Rep´ublica, School of Medicine, Montevideo. December 2012.
• Longitudinal Data Analysis course. Universidad de la Rep´ublica, School of Engineering, Montevideo. December 2011.
• Education is associated with a delayed onset of terminal decline World Congress of Epidemiology. August 2011.
• Assessing the processing speed hypothesis using Structural Equation Modelling Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience . September 2011. (Invited speaker).
• Structural Equation Modelling: a valuable tool for research Centre for Diet and Activity research. October 2011. (Invited speaker).
• Halcyon and IALSA annual meeting. June 2011. West Dean College. (Invited speaker).
• Royal Statistical Society Feb 2011, RSS Medical Section on Structural Equation Models. (Invited speaker).
• Annual Conference of the International Society of Clinical Biostatistics, Ottawa, Canada 2011
• Education is associated with a delayed onset of terminal decline World Congress of Epidemiology, within the symposium ”The epidemiology of cognitive research in ageing”, Edinburgh, 2011.
• Second Mplus UK Users meeting. Manchester March 2011.
• Halcyon Meeting. Discussant on Cognition Section. Feb 2011
• International Workshop of Statistical Modelling 2010. Glasgow.
• Annual Conference of the International Society of Clinical Biostatistics, Prague, Greece, 2009.
• Young Researchers Forum, MRS BSU, September 2009.
• Institute of Public Health Open Day, June 2009
• Mplus UK Users meeting, July 2009, March 2011
• Annual Conference of the International Society of Clinical Biostatistics, Alexandria, Greece, 2007.
• Graduate students seminar, Warwick University, 2006.
• Mplus discussion group. Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge. Co organiser and presenter at several meetings.
• Latent Variables in Health Sciences, Italy, 2006.
• Friday Harbor Psychometric Workshop, Seattle, USA 2005.
• Research Students Conference, Glasgow, 2005.
• Meeting of the Bernoulli Society, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2000.
• Latin-American Congress of Mathematical Statistics, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1996.

Teaching activities
• Analytical Methods for Dementia Research Alzheimer’s Summer School. University of Edinburgh, 2019.
• Longitudinal Data Analysis. Amsterdam UVMC, October 2018.
• Growth Mixture Models using Mplus. Penn State University, September 2018.
• Statistical models in dementia research. Summer School Methodologies in Alzheimer’s Research, Edinburgh, June 2018.
• Longitudinal models in ageing and dementia research. Summer School Methodologies in Alzheimer’s Research, Edinburgh, June 2017.
• Understanding cognitive change. UK Dementias Platform, University of Oxford, September 2016.
• Metrics of time in longitudinal studies. ADC clinicians meeting, Baltimore, October 2016.
• Multistate Modelling workshop, IALSA workshop Edinburgh and Amsterdam, 2016.
• Examination of physical and cognitive decline using a coordinated analytical approach, IALSA workshop. Portland, US, February 2015.
• Multivariate Models of Change. Invited pre-conference workshop at Royal Statistical Society Sponsored Conference Leeds, UK March 2015.
• Longitudinal Data Analysis. UCL course, June 2014 and 2013.
• Longitudinal Data Analysis using Mplus. International Health Data Linkage pre conference Workshop, Vancouver April 2014.
• Methodological Issues in Replication Studies. Invited workshop Annual meeting of the Society of Child Development Research San Diego, US, September 2014.
• Coordinated Analysis of Longitudinal Data. Invited workshop Annual meeting of the Society of Child Development ResearchUS, September 2014.
• Longitudinal Data Analysis. UCL, July 2014.
• Shared Parameter Models. School of Engineering, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, June 2014.
• Longitudinal Analysis Workshop. International Health Data Linkage Conference and Workshop, Vancouver, May 2014.
• Random Effects Models. MRC LHA Unit at UCL, June 2014.
• Growth Mixture Models in the Context of Multi Study Research. Pre-conference workshop Nordic Congress of Gerontology. May 2014.
• SMAART. Statistical Methods in Ageing, Analytical Research Methods. University of Victoria, BC, Canada. May 2011.
• Several mathematics and statistics courses. From 1990-2000, I delivered, organised, prepared material and set up exams of a range of courses including: Linear Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Biostatistics, Topology, Differential Equations and others.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Most published dementia researcher in Scotland

    Scottish Dementia Research Consortium (SDRC)

    ESCOCIA, 2020

    Most published dementia researcher in Scotland (shared with Prof. Joanna Wardlow)

  •   Centenary Award (Personal Award)


    Reino Unido, 2012

    Centenary Award (Personal Award). Funder: Medical Research Council, UK. £50,000

  •   Coauthor of paper awarded 2012 Jean Corzan prize

    Alzheimers Research

    Reino Unido, 2012

    Coauthor of paper awarded 2012 Jean Corzan prize by Alzheimers Research UK

  •   Gopal Kanji Prize for best paper published

    Journal of Applied Statistics

    Reino Unido, 2011

    Gopal Kanji Prize for best paper published in Journal of Applied Statistics

  •   Alzheimer’s Society UK fellowship (Personal Award)

    Alzheimer’s Society

    Reino Unido, 2011

    Alzheimer’s Society UK fellowship (Personal Award). £ 250,000

  •   Career Development Award in Biostatistics (Personal Award)


    Reino Unido, 2007

    Career Development Award in Biostatistics (Personal Award). Funder: Medical Research Council, UK. £200,000

  •   PhD Studentship award


    Reino Unido, 2004

    PhD Studentship award. Funder: Medical Research Council, UK.

  •   Dementias Platform UK Advisory Board

    Dementias Platform UK

    Reino Unido

    Dementias Platform UK Advisory Board

  •   Maelstrom’s data harmonisation methods group



    Maelstrom’s data harmonisation methods group

  •   Depec Global Health advisory group


    Reino Unido

    Depec Global Health advisory group (U. Newcastle, UK)

  •   BrainLat Institute International Advisory Board



    Brain Lat Institute International Advisory Board (A. Ibanez University, Santiago, Chile)

  •   Scientific and Organizing Committees


    Reino Unido, 2019

    Scientific and Organizing Committees Wellcome Trust Conference, Optimising Multistudy Integrative Research. 18-20th. Sept. 2019.

  •   Scientific lead and Organiser


    Reino Unido, 2017

    Music and Dementia, Edinburgh. Role: scientific lead and organiser. Workshop October 2017

  •   Organiser


    Reino Unido, 2017

    Disease Modelling Workshop. Role: organiser. University of Edinburgh, October 2017

  •   Study statistician and Member of PREVENT Dementia Study Steering Committee


    Reino Unido

    Study statistician and Member of PREVENT Dementia Study Steering Committee, Imperial College and University of Edinburgh.

  •   Founder and Past Chair

    Alzheimer's Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART)

    Estados Unidos

    Professional Interest Area ISTAART. Founder and Past Chair

  •   Grant


    Reino Unido

    2021-2023. Looking beyond the mean: what within-person variability can tell us about dementia, cardiovascular disease and cystic fibrosis. Medical Research Council, Methodology Board (UK) £ 400,000. PIs: Barrett J., Muniz-Terrera G.

  •   Grant


    Reino Unido

    2020-2022. The BANGLE project: Bangalore-Edinburgh Collaboration for Brain Health and Dementia Prevention. Fidelity.£ 357,953. PI: Muniz-Terrera, G

  •   Grant


    Reino Unido

    2020-2023. Investigating MUltimorbidity ThroUgh cApacity building (MUTUAL). Medical Research Council, UK. £ 400,000. PI: Prina, M. CoI: Muniz Terrera and others.

  •   Grant

    National Institute on Aging - NIH

    Estados Unidos

    2019-2024. Evaluation of multivariate causal factors linking the Flynn effect to declining dementia trends and cognitive aging, NIH/NIA 1R01AG067621. USD 3,585,964. Uvic PI: Muniz-Terrera

  •   Grant

    National Institute on Aging - NIH

    Estados Unidos

    2019-2024.Personality prediction of dementia risk and progression, NIH/NIA 1R01AG067622. USD 3,202,959. PI: D. Mroczek, Northwestern University

  •   Grant

    Comision Sectorial de Investigacion Cientifica


    2019. Caracterizacion y proyeccion de la poblacion en situacion de dependencia en Uruguay. PIs: Collace M. Cordoba J. CoIs: Muniz Terrera G, Marroig A. USD 50,000. Funder: Comision Sectorial de Investigacion Cientifica, Uruguay.

  •   Grant



    2019. Improving Australia’s Dementia Statistics. PIs: Dobson A., Anstey K. , Muniz-Terrera G. and others. Funder: NHMRC Australia. AUSD 2,154,096.

  •   Grant

    Alzheimer’s Society

    Reino Unido

    2019. PREVENT 5 yr follow up. PIs: Ritchie C., Ritchie K., Muniz-Terrera, G. Funder: Alzheimer’s Society. £363,739

  •   Grant

    Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF)

    Reino Unido

    2019. Delivering novel neuro-retinal biomarkers for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. PI: McGillvary, Ritchie C., Muniz Terrera G and others. Funder: ADDF. £489,000.

  •   Grant


    Reino Unido

    2019. Nubrain. Nutrition and Brain Health. PIs: Stevenson E. , Ritchie C., Key Co Investigator: Muniz-Terrera, G. Funder: Medical Research Council,UK. £400,000

  •   Grant


    Reino Unido

    2019. International Travel Fund University of Edinburgh,. PI: Muniz-Terrera, G. £3,000

  •   Grant



    2019. Change and interplay of physical and cognitive functions in healthy ageing:The HEARTS-GO study. PI: Lindwall M. CI: Muniz Terrera G., Robittaille A., Stawski R. Funer: Forte, Sweden.

  •   Grant

    Dunhill Medical Trust

    Reino Unido

    2019. Assessing recovery from delirium in older hospitalised people: optimisation and validation of the 4AT. PIs: McLullich A., Muniz Terrera G, Davis D. Funder: Dunhill Medical Trust. £173,186.85

  •   Grant

    Dementias Platform UK

    Reino Unido

    2018. Identifying reliable change using cognitive tests in ageing and dementia research (DPUK Discovery Award). PIs: Booth T., Murran A., Muniz Terrera G. Funder: Dementias Platform UK. £50,000

  •   Grant

    Dementias Platform UK

    Reino Unido

    2018. Have we overestimated the impact of vascular factors on the declining incidence of dementia? DPUK-NIA cross-cohort collaboration: The Dementia and Vascular disease (DemVasc) Consortium (DPUK Discovery Award). PI: Chi Hun Kim, CoPI: G Muniz-Terrera. Funder: Dementias Platform UK. £50,000

  •   Grant


    Reino Unido

    2017. TRIBEKA Imaging Platform. PI: C. Ritchie; CoPIs: G. Muniz-Terrera, JL. Molinuevo, M. Kivipelto, J. O’Brien. Funder: Fidelity.£750,000

  •   Grant

    Merck KGaA


    2017. Optimal dementia risk prediction models and validation in younger individuals. PI: G.Muniz-Terrera, CoPI: C Ritchie.Funder: Merck. £ 350,000

  •   Grant

    Alzheimers Research

    Reino Unido

    2017. Patients Reported Outcomes. PI: C. Ritchie, CoPIs: G. Muniz-Terrera Ch. Clarke. Funder: Alzheimer’s Research UK. £60,000

  •   Grant

    Alzheimers Research

    Reino Unido

    2016. Modelling cognitive trajectories after stroke using VISTA studies. PIs: T. Quinn, G. Muniz-Terrera. Funder: Alzheimer’s Research UK

  •   Grant


    Reino Unido

    2015. Modelling within-individual variation in repeated continuous exposures. PI: K Tilling, coPI: G. Muniz-Terrera. Funder: MRC Methodology Board. £350,000

  •   Grant


    Estados Unidos

    2013. Integrative Analysis of Longitudinal Analysis of Aging. Co-Principal Investigator in Subproject 1. Funder: National Institute of Health, US. Programme Grant, P01 Grant NIH/NIA 1P01AG043362, USD 7.5m


Article (130)

Increase in anticholinergic burden from 1990 to 2015: Age-period-cohort analysis in UK biobank
Mechanisms of motoric cognitive risk-Hypotheses based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal cohort studies of older adults
A Coordinated Multi-study Analysis of the Longitudinal Association Between Handgrip Strength and Cognitive Function in Older Adults
A Systematic Review of Frailty Trajectories: Their Shape and Influencing Factors
Are we measuring the same thing? Psychometric and research considerations when adopting new testing modes in the time of COVID-19
Assessing individual-level change in dementia research: a review of methodologies
Association between components of the delirium syndrome and outcomes in hospitalised adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Cohort and Period Effects as Explanations for Declining Dementia Trends and Cognitive Aging
Comparisons of disease cluster patterns, prevalence and health factors in the USA, Canada, England and Ireland
Dementia in Latin America: Paving the way toward a regional action plan
Developing an Explainable Machine Learning-Based Personalised Dementia Risk Prediction Model: A Transfer Learning Approach With Ensemble Learning Algorithms
Do I lose cognitive function as fast as my twin partner? Analyses based on classes of MMSE trajectories of twins aged 80 and older
Getting a Grip on Secular Changes: Age-Period-Cohort Modeling of Grip Strength in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
Heterogeneity of Frailty Trajectories and Associated Factors in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936
Inherited risk of dementia and the progression of cerebral small vessel disease and inflammatory markers in cognitively healthy midlife adults: the PREVENT-Dementia study
Latent Cognitive Class at Enrollment Predicts Future Cognitive Trajectories of Decline in a Community Sample of Older Adults
Personality Predictors of Cognitive Dispersion: A Coordinated Analysis of Data From Seven International Studies of Older Adults
Predictive models for mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease conversion
Predictors of Mild Cognitive Impairment Stability, Progression, or Reversion in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936
Prevalence of Mild Cognitive Impairment in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936
Proximity to dementia onset and multi-modal neuroimaging changes: The prevent-dementia study
Reliability of Telephone and Videoconference Methods of Cognitive Assessment in Older Adults with and without Dementia
The Association Between Anxiety Disorders and Hippocampal Volume in Older Adults
The Scottish Brain Health Service Model: Rationale and Scientific Basis for a National Care Pathway of Brain Health Services in Scotland
Towards an active and happy retirement? Changes in leisure activity and depressive symptoms during the retirement transition
Virtual Cohorts and Synthetic Data in Dementia: An Illustration of Their Potential to Advance Research
11?-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 inhibitor use in human disease -a systematic review and narrative synthesis
A Latent Transition Analysis Model to Assess Change in Cognitive States over Three Occasions: Results from the Rush Memory and Aging Project
Cognitive Dispersion Is Not Associated with Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease: Results from the European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia (EPAD) v500.0 Cohort
Cognitive Functions as Predictors of Alzheimer's Disease Biomarker Status in the European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia Cohort
Gait speed as predictor of transition into cognitive impairment: Findings from three longitudinal studies on aging
Inflammation as a risk factor for the development of frailty in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936
Latent variable models for harmonization of test scores: A case study on memory
Measuring multimorbidity beyond counting diseases: systematic review of community and population studies and guide to index choice
Memory Decline and Depression Onset in US and European Older Adults
Multivariate Data Analysis and Machine Learning for Prediction of MCI-to-AD Conversion
NuBrain: UK consortium for optimal nutrition for healthy brain ageing
Prediction of dementia risk in low-income and middle-income countries (the 10/66 Study): an independent external validation of existing models
Prediction of rapid amyloid and phosphorylated-Tau accumulation in cognitively healthy individuals
Systematic Review of Pulmonary Function and Cognition in Aging
The clinical spectrum of neurodegenerative disease: Moving beyond mild cognitive impairment
The European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia (EPAD) Longitudinal Cohort Study: Baseline Data Release V500.0
The Long Arm of Childhood Intelligence on Terminal Decline: Evidence From the Lothian Birth Cohort 1921
A discussion of statistical methods to characterise early growth and its impact on bone mineral content later in childhood
Application of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies to dementia prevention research: an opportunity for low-and-middle-income countries
Associations Between Aging-Related Changes in Grip Strength and Cognitive Function in Older Adults: A Systematic Review
Associations Between Multimorbidity and Cerebrospinal Fluid Amyloid: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia (EPAD) V500.0 Cohort
Duration of preclinical, prodromal, and dementia stages of Alzheimer's disease in relation to age, sex, and APOE genotype
Five-decade trajectories in body mass index in relation to dementia death: follow-up of 33,083 male Harvard University alumni
Healthy ageing trajectories and lifestyle behaviour: the Mexican Health and Aging Study
Hidden three-state survival model for bivariate longitudinal count data
Importance of modelling decisions on estimating trajectories of depressive symptoms and co-morbid conditions in older adults: Longitudinal studies from ten European countries
Mediterranean diet adherence and cognitive function in older UK adults: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition-Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk) Study
Mobile cognitive testing: opportunities for aging and neurodegeneration research in low- and middle-income countries
Models for dementia risk prediction: so much activity brings a need for coordination and clarity
Neuropsychological latent classes at enrollment and postmortem neuropathology
Perspectives on ethnic and racial disparities in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias: Update and areas of immediate need
Predictors of dementia misclassification when using brief cognitive assessments
Similarities and differences in health-related behavior clustering among older adults in Eastern and Western countries: A latent class analysis of global aging cohorts
Statistical methods for dementia risk prediction and recommendations for future work: A systematic review
Subtypes Based on Neuropsychological Performance Predict Incident Dementia: Findings from the Rush Memory and Aging Project
Understanding and predicting the longitudinal course of dementia
Visuospatial Reasoning Trajectories and Death in a Study of the Oldest Old: A Formal Evaluation of Their Association
What matters to people with memory problems, healthy volunteers and health and social care professionals in the context of developing treatment to prevent Alzheimer's dementia? A qualitative study
An examination of the heterogeneity in the pattern and association between rates of change in grip strength and global cognition in late life. A multivariate growth mixture modelling approach
Class-Specific Incidence of All-Cause Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease: A Latent Class Approach
Dynamic Longitudinal Associations Between Social Support and Cognitive Function: A Prospective Investigation of the Directionality of Associations
Evolution and future directions for the concept of mild cognitive impairment
Identification of Heterogeneous Cognitive Subgroups in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Latent Class Analysis of the Einstein Aging Study
Is There a Link Between Cognitive Reserve and Cognitive Function in the Oldest-Old?
Lifestyle index for mortality prediction using multiple ageing cohorts in the USA, UK and Europe
Longitudinal changes in global and domain specific cognitive function in the very-old: findings from the Newcastle 85+Study
Methods for handling longitudinal outcome processes truncated by dropout and death
Physical activity and trajectories in cognitive function: English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
Sample size and classification error for Bayesian change-point models with unlabelled sub-groups and incomplete follow-up
Transitions across cognitive states and death among older adults in relation to education: A multistate survival model using data from six longitudinal studies
When Does Cognitive Decline Begin? A Systematic Review of Change Point Studies on Accelerated Decline in Cognitive and Neurological Outcomes Preceding Mild Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Death
An International Evaluation of Cognitive Reserve and Memory Changes in Early Old Age in 10 European Countries
Association of Delirium With Cognitive Decline in Late Life A Neuropathologic Study of 3 Population-Based Cohort Studies
Associations of Childhood and Adulthood Cognition with Bone Mineral Density in Later Adulthood: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study
Clinic variation in glycaemic control for children with Type 1 diabetes in England and Wales: a population-based, multilevel analysis
Hierarchy and Speed of Loss in Physical Functioning: A Comparison Across Older US and English Men and Women
Latent growth models matched to research questions to answer questions about dynamics of change in multiple processes
Longitudinal associations between late-life depression dimensions and cognitive functioning: a cross-domain latent growth curve analysis
Neuropsychological profiles of vascular disease and risk of dementia: implications for defining vascular cognitive impairment no dementia (VCI-ND)
Personality predicts mortality risk: An integrative data analysis of 15 international longitudinal studies
Temporal trend in dementia incidence since 2002 and projections for prevalence in England and Wales to 2040: modelling study
Type 2 diabetes, depressive symptoms and trajectories of cognitive decline in a national sample of community-dwellers: A prospective cohort study
A Novel Examination of Successful Aging Trajectories at the End of Life
Age 7 intelligence and paternal education appear best predictors of educational attainment: The Port Pirie Cohort Study
Analysing cognitive test data: Distributions and non-parametric random effects
Associations of behavioural risk factors and health status with changes in physical capability over 10 years of follow-up: the MRC National Survey of Health and Development
Co-occurrence and clustering of health conditions at age 11: cross-sectional findings from the Millennium Cohort Study
Composite risk scores for predicting dementia
Independent and Interactive Impacts of Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus on Verbal Memory: A Coordinated Analysis of Longitudinal Data From England, Sweden, and the United States
Modelling life course blood pressure trajectories using Bayesian adaptive splines
The role of cognitive reserve on terminal decline: a cross-cohort analysis from two European studies: OCTO-Twin, Sweden, and Newcastle 85+, UK
Verbal memory and search speed in early midlife are associated with mortality over 25 years' follow-up, independently of health status and early life factors: a British birth cohort study
Changes in testosterone related to body composition in late midlife: Findings from the 1946 British birth cohort study
Dementia prediction for people with stroke in populations: is mild cognitive impairment a useful concept?
Dementia trials and dementia tribulations: methodological and analytical challenges in dementia research
Longitudinal mixed-effects models for latent cognitive function
The epigenetic clock is correlated with physical and cognitive fitness in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936
Education associated with a delayed onset of terminal decline
Modification of genetic influences on adiposity between 36 and 63 years of age by physical activity and smoking in the 1946 British Birth Cohort Study
Physical activity and cognitive functioning in the oldest old: within- and between-person cognitive activity and psychosocial mediators
Symptoms of anxiety and depression across adulthood and blood pressure in late middle age: the 1946 British birth cohort
Change point models for cognitive tests using semi-parametric maximum likelihood
Investigating Terminal Decline: Results From a UK Population-Based Study of Aging
Longitudinal Mediation of Processing Speed on Age-Related Change in Memory and Fluid Intelligence
The Epidemiology of Delirium: Challenges and Opportunities for Population Studies
Alzheimer and Vascular Neuropathological Changes Associated with Different Cognitive States in a Non-Demented Sample
Delirium is a strong risk factor for dementia in the oldest-old: a population-based cohort study
Factors associated with prolonged length of stay following a total knee replacement in patients aged over 75
Population Heterogeneity in Trajectories of Midlife Blood Pressure
An Evaluation of Analytical Approaches for Understanding Change in Cognition in the Context of Aging and Health
Are terminal decline and its potential indicators detectable in population studies of the oldest old?
Life Course Trajectories of Systolic Blood Pressure Using Longitudinal Data from Eight UK Cohorts
Nonlinear Decline of Mini-Mental State Examination in Parkinson's Disease
Random change point models: investigating cognitive decline in the presence of missing data
Smooth random change point models
Terminal Decline From Within- and Between-Person Perspectives, Accounting for Incident Dementia
One size fits all? Why we need more sophisticated analytical methods in the explanation of trajectories of cognition in older age and their potential risk factors
Vitamin D and Risk of Cognitive Decline in Elderly Persons
Who will be eligible? An investigation of the dementia population eligible for cholinesterase treatment following the change in NICE guidance
Education and trajectories of cognitive decline over 9 years in very old people: methods and risk analysis
A comparison of parametric models for the investigation of the shape of cognitive change in the older population
NICE judgment: good law risks bad science
Fruit and vegetable intakes and bone mineral status: a cross-sectional study in 5 age and sex cohorts
Trimmed means for functional data

BookSection (4)

Computational Modeling of Neural Networks of the Human Brain
Considerations when using longitudinal statistical models to study ageing
Design of life course studies of healthy ageing
Longitudinal data analysis in studies of healthy ageing
Graciela Muniz


Department of Social Medicine and Department of Primary Care

Ohio University

Ohio, Estados Unidos

Adolfo García

Investigador Asociado

Facultad de Humanidades

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago de Chile, Chile

Christian Gonzalez

Full Professor


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Agustin Ibanez

Profesor Titular


Universidad Adolfo Ibánez

Santiago, Chile

Andrea Slachevsky

Associate Professor



Chile, Chile

Felipe Court

Full Professor and Director

Center for Integrative Biology

Universidad Mayor

Huechuraba, Chile