
Hernan Astudillo Rojas

Profesor Titular

Universidad Andrés Bello

Viña del Mar, Chile

Líneas de Investigación



  •  Information and Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology. Estados Unidos, 1996
  •  Ingeniero Civil Informático, UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA. Chile, 1988

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Titular Full Time

    Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

    Santiago, Chile

    2003 - A la fecha

  •   Professor-Doutor Full Time

    Universidade de Sao Paulo

    Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica

    Sao Paulo, Brasil

    1998 - 2001

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Senior Appplications Architect Full Time

    Financial Systems Architects

    New York, Estados Unidos

    2001 - 2003

  •   Lead Architect, Object Practice Full Time

    MCI Systemhouse

    Estados Unidos

    1996 - 1998

  •   Chief Architect Full Time

    Soluciones en TI S.A.

    Santiago, Chile

    2000 - 2001

Formación de Capital Humano

1. Gastón Márquez Ortega, “Semi-automatic Generation of Microservices Architectures to Satisfy Non-Functional Requirements through Architectural Patterns and Tactics”. Doctor en Ingeniería Informática, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile), oct/2020.
2. Gina Maestre Góngora, “Framework de gestión de tecnologías de información para ciudades inteligentes: Caso Colombiano” (in co-tutele with Wilson Nieto Bernal), Doctora en Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación, Universidad del Norte (Colombia), may/2018.
3. María Clara Gómez, “Formulación de una Teoría General para la Enseñanza de Ingeniería de Software” (in co-tutele with Carlos Mario Zapata). Thesis for the degree of Doctor en Ingeniería - Sistemas e Informática, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín (Colombia), april/2018.
4. Gilberto Pedraza-García, “Understanding software architecture decisions with a knowledge management approach” (in co-tutele with Darío Correal). Doctor en Ingeniería mención Sistemas, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). Jul/2017
5. Romina Torres, “Time-aware specifications to support runtime adaptation of service-based systems”. Thesis for the degree of Doctor en Ingeniería Informática, UTFSM (Chile), jul/2014.
6. Carlos Becerra, “Improving the Learning Objects Recommendation Process Using a Domain Description Model and an Automatic Categorization Technique”. Thesis for the degree of Doctor en Ingeniería Informática, UTFSM (Chile), sept/2012.

1. Arquitectura Orientada a Eventos para Redes de Sensores Aplciada a Control de Tráfico. Nicolás Estrada. Thesis for the degree of Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Informática, Nov/2016.
2. Improving Recommender Systems using Knowledge Obsolescence as Predictor of Trust. Pablo Cruz. Thesis for the degree of Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Informática, May/2016.
3. Combinando COSTUME y AZIMUT+ para Direccionar Requerimientos Funcionales y No Funcionales en la Selección de Componentes de Software. Fernando Mancilla. Thesis for the degree of Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Informática, Abr/2014.
4. Evaluación y Compración de Off-the-shelf Software Alternativos usando Modelos de Procesos. María Jesús Faúndes. Thesis for the degree of Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Informática, Aug/2013.
5. Impacto del grado de completitud sobre enriquecimiento de metadatos con crowdsourcing. César Moltedo. Thesis for the degree of Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Informática, march/2013.
6. Técnica de recomendación de herramientas de testing usando dominio y técnicas Multicriteria decision Making (MCDM). Marina Pilar. Thesis for the degree of Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Informática, dic/2012.
7. Enabling Formal Concept Analysis on large Term-Document Contexts using Latent Semantic Analysis. Víctor Codocedo. Thesis for the degree of Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Informática, may/2011.
8. Evaluación de enfoques de diseño en extreme programming. René Noël. Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Informática. UTFSM, Chile, 2008-01-11.9
9. Traza de decisiones arquitecturales desde NFRs a Componentes. Claudia López. Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Informática. UTFSM, Chile, 2006-11-24.
10. Visões em Arquitetura de Software. Ane Varoto. Mestrado, Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil (Mar 2002).
11. Uma Taxonomia da Pesquisa na Área de Engenharia de Requisitos. Paulo Sérgio Naddeo Dias Lope. Mestrado, Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil (Mar 2002).
12. Transações Web: Analisando Problemas e Soluções. Lorena Pereira da Ponte Pierre. Mestrado, Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil (Nov 2001)


Article (60)

Architectural tactics in software architecture: A systematic mapping study
Involving Stakeholders in the Implementation of Microservice-Based Systems: A Case Study in an Ambient-Assisted Living System
Recent Models for Collaborative E-Government Processes: A Survey
Security in microservice-based systems: A Multivocal literature review
Defining Security Metrics To Evaluate Electronic Health Records Systems: A Case Study in Chile
Evaluating Frameworks Assemblies In Microservices-based Systems Using Imperfect Information
Security in Telehealth Systems from a Software Engineering Viewpoint: A Systematic Mapping Study
SETMAT (Software engineering teaching method and theory): A theory of software engineering teaching
Actual Use of Architectural Patterns in Microservices-based Open Source Projects
An architecture based on computing with words to support runtime reconfiguration decisions of service-based systems
An architecture based on computing with words to support runtime reconfiguration decisions of service-based systems
Review of Architectural Patterns and Tactics for Microservices in Academic and Industrial Literature
ATAM-RPG: A role-playing game to teach architecture trade-off analysis method (ATAM)
Generating software security knowledge through empirical methods
The Scientometric Bubble Considered Harmful
The Scientometric Bubble Considered Harmful
A market-based approach to the dynamic reconfiguration problem of service-based systems
A market-based approach to the dynamic reconfiguration problem of service-based systems
Looking ahead: A vision-based software for predicting pe-destrian movement [Ver no es mirar: El desarrollo de un programa computacional basado en la visión, para predecir el movimiento de los peatones]
Looking ahead: a vision-based software for predicting pedestrian movement
Looking ahead: a vision-based software for predicting pedestrian movement
Time-Based Hesitant Fuzzy Information Aggregation Approach for Decision-Making Problems
Time-Based Hesitant Fuzzy Information Aggregation Approach for Decision-Making Problems
Web metadata extraction and semantic indexing for learning objects extraction
Web metadata extraction and semantic indexing for learning objects extraction
Web metadata extraction and semantic indexing for learning objects extraction
Addressing the QoS Drift in Specification Models of Self-Adaptive Service-Based Systems
Ontology and Semantic Wiki for an Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory
Bridging the gap between software architecture rationale formalisms and actual architecture documents: An ontology-driven approach
Bridging the gap between software architecture rationale formalisms and actual architecture documents: An ontology-driven approach
E-Government procurement observatory, maturity model and early measurements
E-Government procurement observatory, maturity model and early measurements
Market-awareness in Service-based Systems
Conception, development and implementation of an e-Government maturity model in public agencies
Conception, development and implementation of an e-Government maturity model in public agencies
The Tutelkan Reference Process: A Reusable Process Model for Enabling SPI in Small Settings
The Tutelkan SPI Framework for Small Settings: A Methodology Transfer Vehicle
Identifying Weaknesses for Chilean E-Government Implementation in Public Agencies with Maturity Model
Visualization and comparison of architecture rationale with semantic web technologies
Visualization and comparison of architecture rationale with semantic web technologies
Adding Planned Design to XP Might Help Novices' Productivity (or Might Not): Two Controlled Experiments
NDR Ontology: Sharing and Reusing NFR and Design Rationale Knowledge
No Mining, No Meaning: Relating Documents Across Repositories with Ontology-Driven Information Extraction
Semantic-Aided Interactive Identification of Reusable NFR Knowledge Fragments
Agile commitments: Dealing with business expectations risks in agile development
Agile commitments: Enhancing business risk management in agile development projects
Empirical evaluation of evolutionary design approach - Design, results and discussion of experiments on extreme programming
Evaluating alternative COTS assemblies from imperfect component information
Explicit architectural policies to satisfy NFRs using COTS
Explicit architectural policies to satisfy NFRs using COTS
Identifying "interesting" component assemblies for NFRs using imperfect information
Incremental software reuse
Incremental software reuse
Multidimensional catalogs for systematic exploration of component-based design spaces
Mechanisms for specialization, generalization and inheritance
Mechanisms for specialization, generalization and inheritance

ConferencePaper (97)

A multi-criteria stochastic approach to prioritize user-stories in Agile Software Development
Evaluating Open Government Data Programs: A Systematic Mapping Study
Framework to prioritize digital transformation initiatives based on the country's development impact
Frameworks and high-availability in microservices: An industrial survey
Hearing the Voice of Software Practitioners on Causes, Effects, and Practices to Deal with Documentation Debt
Mapping SETMAT practices to SPEM
Microservices Backlog - A Model of Granularity Specification and Microservice Identification
Quick evaluation of a software architecture using the decision-centric architecture review method: An experience report
Teaching students software architecture decision making
Towards a Maturity Model for Assessment of Organization Readiness in Implementing and Deploying an Open Innovation Platform
A Proposed Model-driven Approach to Manage Architectural Technical Debt Life Cycle
A study of over-the-air (OTA) update systems for CPS and IoT operating systems
Architectural tactics for scalability
Assessing architectural patterns trade-offs using moment-based pattern taxonomies
Assessing migration of a 20-year-old system to a micro-service platform using ATAM
BlackSheep: Dynamic effort estimation in agile software development using machine learning
Evaluating Impact of Experience in Architectural Design Decision-Making Techniques: An Experimental Study
Exploring Security Issues in Telehealth Systems
Familiarity, Causes and Reactions of Software Practitioners to the Presence of Technical Debt: A Replicated Study in the Chilean Software Industry
Identifying availability tactics to support security architectural design of microservice-based systems
Migrating from monolithic architecture to microservices: A Rapid Review
Mitigating security threats through the use of security tactics to design secure cyber-physical systems (CPS)
Security mechanisms used in microservices-based systems: A systematic mapping
Towards a state's digital transformation centered in public values through enterprise architecture
A pattern language for scalable microservices-based systems
Adding sensitivity analysis to component selection reduced effort yet increased difficulty, hurting acceptance
An Empirical Study of Scalability Frameworks in Open Source Microservices-based Systems
An exploratory study of academic architectural tactics and patterns in microservices: A systematic literature review
Assessing development teams and organizations with the SEMAT Kernel: Lessons learned from a real-world experience
Characterizing Architectural Evaluations and Identifying Quality Attributes addressed in Systems-of-Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study
Deriving high-priority acceptance test cases using utility trees: A case study
Empirical evidence of Colombian national e-government programs' impact on local Smart City-Adoption
Helping novice architects to manage architectural technical debt in microservices architecture
Poster: Exploration of academic and industrial evidence about architectural tactics and patterns in microservices
Security tactics selection poker (TaSPeR): A card game to select security tactics to satisfy security requirements
Towards the selection of security tactics based on non-functional requirements: Security tactic planning poker
Using the SEMAT Kernel for Software Process Assessment and Practices Implementation in an Software Process Improvement Initiative
An approach for software knowledge sharing based on architectural decisions
Assessing scope and cohesion of nonprofits audiences in social media: A case study
Identifying potential suppliers for competitive bidding using Latent Semantic Analysis
Selecting components assemblies from non-functional requirements through tactics and scenarios
Selection of software components from business objectives scenarios through architectural tactics
Decentralized Strategy for Supporting Multi-agent Negotiation of Several Aspects of Different Products
Identifying emerging security concepts using software artifacts through an experimental case
Modeling Software Architecture Process with a Decision-Making Approach
VirtualMarket: Extending Chilecompra with Agent Capabilities for Identifying Providers Associativity Opportunities and Negotiate Alliance Participation
A conceptual-KDD tool for ontology construction from a database schema
Comparing scalability of message queue system: ZeroMQ vs RabbitMQ
Comparison of security patterns and security tactics to build secure systems: Identifying security threats [Comparando patrones de seguridad y tácticas de seguridad para construir sistemas seguros: identificando amenazas de seguridad]
DVIA: Understanding how software architects make decisions in design
Machine-assisted cyber threat analysis using conceptual knowledge discovery - Position paper
Revisiting Architectural Tactics for Security
A methodological approach to apply security tactics in software architecture design
Achieving reuse in casual game developers: A blender game engine approach
An exploratory comparison of security patterns and tactics to harden systems
Analysis of design meetings for understanding software architecture decisions
Managing [email protected] with a linguistic decision making approach
Trust-based improved recommendation of IT-related Web resources
A conceptual-KDD approach and its application to cultural heritage
Process-based evaluation and comparison of OTS software alternatives
Using pattern structures to support information: Retrieval with Formal Concept Analysis
A digital library built around the information-content model duality
From virtual organizations to Self-organizing Web service compositions
Market-aware requirements
Market-awareness in Service-based Systems
Mitigating the obsolescence of quality specifications models in service-based systems
Recommending APIs for mashup completion using association rules mined from real usage data
Tagging tagged images: On the impact of existing annotations on image tagging
Web service compositions which emerge from virtual organizations with fair agreements
Combining COSTUME and Azimut+ to address functional and non-functional requirements in software component selection
Externalizing the autopoietic part of Software to achieve self-adaptability
Improving the component discovery process by leveraging automatic sensitive analysis
Improving Web API discovery by leveraging social information
MACOCO: A discoverable component composition framework using a multiagent system
Self-adaptive fuzzy QoS-driven web service discovery
Simplifying mashup component selection with a combined similarity- and social-based technique
From i models to service oriented architecture models
The Tutelkan SPI Framework for small settings: A methodology transfer vehicle
Identifying Weaknesses for Chilean E-Government Implementation in Public Agencies with Maturity Model
Querying software interdependence graphs
Adding planned design to XP might help novices' productivity (or might not): Two controlled experiments
Deconstructing agile processes: Would planned design be helpful in XP projects?
NDR Ontology: Sharing and Reusing NFR and Design Rationale Knowledge
No mining, no meaning: Relating documents across repositories with ontology-driven information extraction
Semantic-Aided Interactive Identification of Reusable NFR Knowledge Fragments
Weak constraint programming to identify alternative composite COTS-based software systems from imperfect information
Agile commitments: Dealing with business expectations risks in agile development
Agile commitments: Enhancing business risk management in agile development projects
Empirical evaluation of evolutionary design approach - Design, results and discussion of experiments on extreme programming
Evaluating alternative COTS assemblies from imperfect component information
Identifying "interesting" component assemblies for NFRs using imperfect information
Multidimensional catalogs for systematic exploration of component-based design spaces
Use cases in model-driven software engineering
"Report about about the workshop on use case modeling at UML-2004 ""Open issues in industrial use case modeling"""
Classifying software architecture quality research
Open issues in industrial use case modeling
MASPEGHI 2004: Mechanisms for specialization, generalization and inheritance

Editorial (1)

Editorial: Industry 4.0 Challenges for Business Process Management and Electronic-Commerce

Proyecto (11)

MOPAIOSIP=> Ontological and metamodelling support for collaborative business processes in a Process-Aware Interorganizational Service-Based interoperability platform for egovernment
SecuSensor=> Encriptamiento y Disponibilidad de Datos para Almacenamiento de la Información ed Balances de Procesos Productivos
AKD=> Autonomic Knowledge Discovery for Security Vulnerability Prevention in Self-governing Systems
ADAPTE=> Adaptable Domain And Process Technology Engineering
CAMPUS=> Context-aware Multi-agents for Pervasive and Ubiquitous Systems
Identificando Redes Sociales desde Trazas Informales de Actividad Comunitaria usando Técnicas Semánticas y de Lenguaje Natural
Tutelkan=> Obtención de Altos Estándares de Calidad en la Industria de Software Nacional, Utilizando Procesos de Desarrollo de Referencia
Hernan Astudillo

Profesor Titular

Universidad Andrés Bello

Viña del Mar, Chile

Gastón Márquez


Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación y Tecnologías de la Información

Universidad del Bío-Bío

Chillán, Chile

Romina Torres

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería y Ciencias

Universidad Adolfo Ibánez

Valparaíso, Chile

René Noël

Associate professor

Universidad de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Victor Codocedo


Departamento de Informática

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Santiago, Chile

Carla Taramasco

Full professor

Universidad Andrés Bello

Viña del Mar, Chile

Carlos Becerra

Director de Análisis Institucional

Universidad de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Rodrigo Salas

Profesor Titular Jornada Completa


Valparaíso, Chile

Gonzalo Valdés

Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas / Ciencia de la Computación

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Claudia López

Assistant Professor



Valparaíso, Chile

Ricardo Gacitua


Cs. Computación e Informática

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Gastón Concha

Integrante Comité Consultivo de Agencias

Comisión Nacional de Acreditación

Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Mora

profesor asistente


Universidad de Chile

santiago, Chile

Victor Aravena


Ciencia de la Computación e Informática

Universidad de la Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Gina Maestre

Profesor con Doctorado


Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Medellin, Colombia

John Atkinson

Full Professor


Santiago, Chile

Mauricio Solar

Full time professor


Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Santiago, Chile

Carlos Becerra


Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Universidad de Talca

Linares, Chile

Marcelo Mendoza


Ciencias de la Computación

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile