
Luis Alonso Díaz Robles

Titular Professor

Universidad de Santiago

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Air quality management and air pollution control Air quality modeling Fate and transportation of pollutants Health and environmental risk assessment Renewable energies assessment Waste Valorization


  •  Doctor en Ingeniería Ambiental, Universidad de Tennessee. Estados Unidos, 2005
  •  Diploma en Estadística, Universidad de Tennessee. Estados Unidos, 2005
  •  Diploma en Inglés, Universidad Católica de Temuco. Chile, 1999
  •  Ingeniero Civil Químico, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Chile, 1993
  •  Licenciado en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Chile, 1992

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Asociado Full Time

    Universidad Católica de Temuco


    Temuco, Chile

    1998 - 2014

  •   Profesor Titular Full Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2014 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Jefe de Turno y Encargado de Planificación de la Producción

    Coprona S.A.

    Santiago, Chile

    1993 - 1997

  •   Jefe de Proyectos Part Time

    PARTICULAS, Ingeniería y Gestión Ambiental

    Santiago, Chile

    2014 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

2018-2021 Fidel Vallejo Gallardo. Thesis of Engineering Sciences Graduate Program. Mention Process Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Study of the biomass composition and the severity influence of hydrothermal carbonization on the mass and energy yield of the product obtained. Advisor
2018-2021 Herman Murillo. Thesis of Engineering Sciences Graduate Program. Mention Process Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, PAH emission factors generated by the combustion of HTC pellets. Advisor
2017-2019 Alain Pérez. Thesis of Engineering Sciences Graduate Program. Mention Process Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Dynamic modeling of a continue Hydrothermal Carbonization Reactor. Advisor
2016-2018 Samuel Carrasco. Thesis of Engineering Sciences Graduate Program. Mention Process Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Research and optimization of pellet hydrophobic high energy density production through the hydrothermal carbonization of different biomass blends of national importance. Advisor
2016-2019 Ernesto Pino, Thesis of Engineering Sciences Graduate Program. Mention Process Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Modeling of the black carbon deposition and the Chilean Antarctic Peninsula, the effect of biomass burning in the Southern Hemisphere. Advisor
2014 Yerko Aguilera Carvajal, (Doctoral Thesis of Engineering Sciences Graduate Program. Mention Process Engineering), University of Santiago, Computational fluid dynamics modeling of gas conditioning system in Pierce Smith converters and coupling effects of additional converter, smelting Caletones, Co-Advisor.
2014 Fabián Argandoña Castro, (Magister Thesis of Territorial Planning), Uses of Satellite Remote Sensing as a support tool in studies of Particulate Matter Air Pollution by Cities in South America: A review of continental level in the period 1995-2013. Advisor
2013 Pablo Donoso, (Doctoral Thesis of Engineering Sciences Graduate Program. Mention Process Engineering), University of Santiago, “Study of the phenomenon of thermo electricity by combustion in porous media under turbulent fluid dynamic regime recuperative burner.”, Co-Advisor
2013 Ernesto Pino, (Magister Thesis of Chemical Engineering), University of Santiago, “Modeling and simulation of mobile source emissions in Temuco and Padre Las Casas counties using MOVE model.” Advisor.
2013 Cristian Figueroa, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Source Apportionment of PAHs in Temuco, Chile, Using Receptor Modeling and High-Volume PM2.5 and PUF Sampling.” Advisor
2013 Camilo Morales, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Modeling and simulation of area source emissions in Temuco and Padre Las Casas counties using SMOKE model.” Advisor
2013 Beyssi Jofré, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Modeling and simulation of point source emissions in Temuco and Padre Las Casas counties using SMOKE model.” Advisor
2013 Jorge Bachler, (Magister Thesis of Territorial Planning), Catholic University of Temuco, “Analysis of the perception of air pollution on vulnerable populations located in industrial centers of the Great Conception as input for decision-making in land use planning.” Finished, Advisor.
2013 Catalina Gaete, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Source Apportionment of ultra fine particles in Temuco, Chile, Using Receptor Modeling and MOUDI Sampling.” Finished, Advisor.
2012 Pablo Etcharren, (Magister Thesis of Engineering Science), Catholic University of Temuco, “Ultrafine particulate matter pollution, mortality, and morbidity at Temuco; susceptibility among the elderly and children.” Finished, Advisor.
2012 Guisselle Soto, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, "Source Apportionment of PM2.5 in Temuco, Chile, Using PMF and UNMIX models and IMPROVE Sampling." Working, Advisor
2012 Gabriel Artigas, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Tropospheric ozone effects on the use of different blends of biofuels in vehicle sources, a photochemical modeling in the O'Higgins Region.” Working, Advisor
2012 Delia Franco Espinoza, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco. "Installation and start up of a Suitcase Dilution Tunel for measuring emission factors from wood stove devises." Finished, Advisor
2011 Daniela Peña, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, "Modeling of SO2 and proposed relocation of the monitoring network using the Lagrangian model CALPUFF, the case of Puchincaví-Ventanas nonattainment zone." Finished, Advisor
2010 Samuel Cortés, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Mortality and morbidity short term effects due to particulate matter in Chile, re analysis using gam.exact.” Finished, Advisor
2010 Cristian Varela, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Health Risk Assessment due to SO2 exposure using CMAQ Air Quality Modeling: the Case of Puchuncaví-Ventanas.” Finished, Advisor.
2010 Miguel Morales, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Design and fluid dynamic simulation of a dilution tunnel to sample VOCs and particulate matter from combustion processes; a FLUENT software application.” Finished, Advisor
2010 Ingrid Pérez, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Health risk assessment due to PAHs exposure at Temuco; a Models-3/CMAQ simulation.” Finished, Advisor
2010 Nathelie Araneda, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Emissions scenarios analysis to reduce PAHs at Temuco; a Models-3/CMAQ simulation.” Finished, Advisor
2009 Eddio Carimán, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Biogenic Sources Emission Inventory using WRF/MEGAN model.” Finished, Advisor.
2009 Patricio Rojas, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Concentration Prediction of Fine Particulate Matter Using AOD from MODIS, CALIPSO, and MISR Satellites: The Case of Santiago of Chile.” Finished, Advisor
2009 Carlos Oñate, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Mobile Sources Emission Inventory for Temuco using MOBILE6.2 and NONROAD models: 2005 and 2020.” Finished, Advisor.
2009 Francisco Hohmann, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Hybrid ARIMA and Artificial Neural Networks Models to Forecast Particulate Matter in Urban Areas: A Cluster Analysis.” Finished, Advisor
2008 Sergio Dávila, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Installation and start up of a laboratory for measuring particulate matter and gases emissions from wood stove devises.” Finished, Advisor
2008 Evelyn Castel, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Area Sources Emission Inventory for Temuco 2005 and 2020.” Finished,, Advisor.
2008 Jaime Andrés Romero Acevedo, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Hexanuronic acid removal in eucalyptus kraft pulp using peracids” Finished, Co-Advisor.
2007 Felipe Humberto Barrientos Watson, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Characterization and Treatment of Liquid Effluents from a Cellulose Bleaching Step with Per-acids.” Finished, Co-Advisor.
2007 Juan Carlos Ortega, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “A Hybrid ARIMA and Artificial Neural Networks Model to Forecast Particulate Matter in Urban Areas: The Case of Temuco, Chile.” Finished, Advisor.
2006 Viviana Espinoza Carrasco and Susana Sánchez Valenzuela, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Technical and Economical Study for the Integral Management of Municipal Solid Waste of Temuco and Surrounding Counties.” Finished, Co-Advisor.
2006 Claudia del Carmen Paredes Tapia, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Study of the technical and economic feasibility for the implementation of a manual landfill manual for the Ercilla county, Chile.” Finished, Co-Advisor.
2003 Carolina Camelio and Carola Soto, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Emissions Inventory of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Araucania Region, Chile.” Finished, Advisor.
2002 Daniela Fariña, (Bachelor Thesis of Chemical Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Design of an aerobic biological pilot waste water treatment plant for teaching.” Finished, Advisor.
2001 José Raúl Henríquez L. y Jorge Mauricio Sandoval Errázuriz, (Bachelor Thesis of Chemical Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Feasibility study on the technical and economic recovery and purification of bovine hemoglobin through the ultrafiltration process in the slaughterhouses of Chile.” Finished, Co-Advisor
2000 Martin Fierro, (Bachelor Thesis of Chemical Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Process optimization of the trementine recovering in CMPC Celulosa S.A., Planta Pacífico.” Finished, Advisor.
2000 Antonieta Pilar Molina Inostroza, (Bachelor Thesis of Chemical Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Reverse osmosis process simulation under a spiral configuration for the heavy metals elimination from industrial wastewater “.Finished, Advisor.
2000 Waldemar Andrés Cepeda Valenzuela, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Estimating the ecological risk associated with discharges of urban effluents in the middle of the river Cautín, Temuco, Region IX, Chile.” Finished, Co-Advisor.
2000 Christian Moisés Báez Valles, (Bachelor Thesis of Chemical Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Concentration of sulphate cadmium and nickel sulphate solutions using a reverse osmosis system.” Finished, Co-Advisor.
2000 Luis Wolfredo Alejandro Henríquez, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Application of the ISO 14000 standard in the IX Region, Chile.” Finished, Co-Advisor.
1999 Marcelo Cofré, (Bachelor Thesis of Environmental Engineering), Catholic University of Temuco, “Water quality modeling of the Cautin river using MATLAB.” Finished, Advisor.

Difusión y Transferencia

Publicaciones en Prensa y Seminarios

Invierno, contaminación y coronavirus, la combinación que pone a prueba a Temuco y Padre Las Casas. Diario Austral Temuco. 05 de Abril de 2020.

Científicos chilenos advierten que malas condiciones atmosféricas en invierno podrían favorecer la propagación del SARS-CoV-2. Diario El Mostrador, 07 de Abril de 2020.

Partículas contaminantes en el centro y sur de Chile podrían expandir la pandemia de coronavirus . Diario La Tercera, 07 de Abril de 2020.

Leña como combustible sólido no fósil: Oportunidad en tiempos del coronavirus. Diario El Mostrador, 11 de abril de 2020.

SMA en alerta por la polución ambiental y el coronavirus. Diario La Discusión. 15 de abril de 2020.

La contaminación invernal aumenta la amenaza del virus en las ciudades chilenas. Cadena de Noticias Internacionales REUTERS, 30 de abril de 2020.

Variables ambientales incidirían negativamente en la tasa de contagios de COVID-19 en Chile . Diario El Mostrador. 03 de Mayo de 2020.

Contaminación invernal aumenta amenaza de coronavirus en ciudades del sur de Chile. CNN Chile. 20 de mayo de 2020.

Informe Usach: contaminación de Chillán bajó un 25% en mayo. Diario La Discusión. 12 de junio de 2020.

Estudio: Tres ciudades del sur de Chile aumentaron contaminación significativamente durante pandemia. Radio Biobío. 11 de junio de 2020.

Tecnologías con Valor. HTC y otras opciones para valorizar residuos abordaron expertos en workshop internacional USM-USACH. InduAmbiente N° 163 (abril-mayo 2020), págs. 56-57.

Valorización de residuos orgánicos mediante Carbonización Hidrotérmica, un salto tecnológico sustentable. Presentación en Seminario "Economía Circular y Residuos Industriales". La Serena, 20 de Agosto de 2019.

Primer Seminario Internacional “Sustainable Waste to Energy” Representantes de gobierno y de la academia abordan desafíos energéticos. https://www.usach.cl/news/representantes-gobierno-y-la-academia-abordan-desafios-energeticos

Experto asegura que varias ciudades del sur de Chile están expuestas a tóxico más cancerígeno que en Quintero. Diario El Dinamo, 06 de Septiembre de 2018.

Empresas del cordón industrial de Quintero-Puchuncaví reducen operaciones. Radio Cooperativa. 23 de Septiembre de 2018.

Seminario. Impuestos Verdes y Contaminación Atmosférica. Portal Minero, 26 de Noviembre de 2018.

Presentaciones en Congresos Nacionales e Internacionales

1. Maria Ruggeri, Víctor Vidal, Tomás Rafael Bolaño-Ortiz, Luis Diaz-Robles, Francisco Cereceda-Balic, “High Levels of Tropospheric O3 and NOx in The Andes of Central Chile: An Alert of Harmful Pollutants in a Fragile Environment.” AGU Fall Meeting, December 2020.

2. Jhosané Pagés Díaz, A O C Alvarado, Silvio Montalvo, Luis Alonso Díaz-Robles, Cesar Huiliñir, “Methane potential of hydrothermal carbonization spent liquors from different lignocellulose biomasses.”; Jornadas Latinoamericanas en Digestión Anaerobia 2020, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile and Mexico, November 2020.

3. Ernesto Pino y Luis A. Díaz-Robles, “Influence of Southern Hemisphere Air Emissions on Concentrations and Deposition of Black Carbon in Antarctica”, XXIII Congreso de la Asociación Interamericana de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental, Santiago, Octubre de 2019.

4. Ernesto Pino, Luis A. Díaz-Robles, Francisco Cubillos, Francisco Cereceda-Balic, Samuel Carrasco. "Black and organic carbon ratio in PM2.5 using EDGAR emission project” Proceedings of the A&WMA 2019 Annual Conference & Exhibition (AWMA). 25-29 June. Quebec, Canada, AWMA. ID 601489. SCOPUS

5. Ernesto Pino, Luis A. Díaz-Robles, Francisco Cubillos, Francisco Cereceda-Balic, Samuel Carrasco. “Emission inventory of biomass burning from GFASV1.3 using SMOKE, the case of 2014.” Proceedings of the A&WMA 2019 Annual Conference & Exhibition (AWMA). 25-29 June. Quebec, Canada, AWMA. ID 600991. SCOPUS.

6. Karen Yanez, Doctorate, Selma Cea,Víctor Vidal, Ximena Fadic-Ruiz, Luis A. Diaz-Robles, Ernesto Pino, Magin Lapuerta, Francisco Cereceda-Balic, Black Carbon and Brown Carbon from combustion of two Chilean native species using a Controlled Combustion Chamber for Emissions. A&WMA 2019 Annual Conference & Exhibition (AWMA). 25-29 June. Quebec, Canada. SCOPUS.

7. Ernesto Pino-Cortes, Luis Diaz-Robles, “Simulation of the Meteorological Variables in a Hemispheric Domain on Antarctica”, Paper #411094, AWMA’s 111th Annual Conference & Exhibition, 2018, Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.

8. Ernesto Pino-Cortes, Mariana Escamilla, Luis Diaz-Robles, “HTC Treatment of Urban Solid Waste, the Case of Region Metropolitana, Chile”, Paper # 410694, AWMA’s 111th Annual Conference & Exhibition, 2018, Hartford, Connecticut, U.S. [Scopus]

9. Ernesto Pino-Cortés, Luis Díaz-Robles, “Inventario de emisiones de contaminantes atmosféricos y carbón negro desde fuentes antropogénicas para el hemisferio sur, año 2014.” 3º Congreso Interamericano de Cambio Climático. Resiliencia frente al cambio climático en Latinoamérica. AIDIS Interamericana- Argentina. 8-10 Mayo, 2018, Buenos Aires. Argentina.

10. Ernesto Pino-Cortés, Luis A. Díaz-Robles, Giselle Soto, Francisco Cereceda-Balic, Alberto Vergara-Fernández, Quantification of emission sources apportionment to the concentration of PM2.5 in Temuco, Chile, using receptor model, 15th Annual Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, October 26-29, 2016, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US.

11. Yánez, D.; Aroca, G; Díaz-Robles, L; Vergara-Fernández, A. “Biofiltración de una mezcla de gases de tolueno, formaldehido y benzo[a]pireno utilizando un consorcio bacteria/hongo”, XIX Congreso de Ingeniería Química, UTFSM, Santiago, Noviembre de 2016.

12. Luis Díaz-Robles, Alberto Vergara-Fernández, Norman Vergaray, Roberto Aldunate, “Mesoscale meteorology modeling and sensitivity analysis for the south of Chile region using WRF-ARW model”, 13th Annual Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, October 27-29, 2014, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US.

13. Luis Díaz-Robles, Ernesto Pino-Cortés, Alberto Vergara-Fernández, Francisco Cereceda-Balic,“The Effect of Switching Mobile Sources to different Biodiesel Blends on Benzo(a)pyrene and PM2.5 and the main Emissions at Urban Areas using the adapted MOVES model; the Case of Temuco, Chile.” , 13th Annual Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, October 27-29, 2014, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US.

14. Karla Pozo, German Oyola, Luis Díaz-Robles, Anny Rudolph, Victor H. Estellano, Ramon Ahumada R., Pablo Etcharen, Petr Kukucka, Petra Pribylova, Marielle Mulder, Christos Efstathiou, Julieth Banghera, Victoria Gomez, Katherine Pozo, Camila Pacheco, Patricio Jara, and Raul Morales, “Air concentrations of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) in three cities of Chile, Santiago, Concepci?n and Temuco, using PUF disk as passive samplers.” International Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting and Research, October 8-10, Santiago, Chile.

15. Francisco Cereceda, Fabian Guerrero, Victor Vidal, Flavio Cubillos, and Luis Díaz-Robles, “Emission Factors for PM2.5 generated from the combustion of Eucalyptus globulus and Obliqua Nothofagus on ideal conditions using a controlled combustion chamber 3CE.”, Extended Abstract 2013- 59796-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 106th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2013, Chicago, USA 2013.

16. Luis Díaz-Robles, Catalina Gaete, Cristian Varela, “Source apportionment of ultrafine particles in Temuco, Chile, using chemical mass balance receptor modeling and MOUDI sampling.”, Extended Abstract 2013- 12908-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 106th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2013, Chicago, USA 2013.

17. Luis Díaz-Robles, Ximena Petit-Breuilh, Nicolás Schiappacasse, Francisco Cereceda, Sergio Dávila, Cristian Varela, Claudia Lagos, “Physic-chemical characterization of the 10 most used trees in Chile for residential wood combustion, its relationship with the emission factors.”, Extended Abstract 2013- 12902-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 106th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2013, Chicago, USA 2013.
18. Luis Díaz-Robles, Herman Saavedra, Luis Schiappacasse, and Cereceda-Balic F., “The air quality in Chile: twenty years of challenge” Extended Abstract 2012-546-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 105th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2012, San Antonio, Texas, USA 2012.

19. Luis A. Díaz-Robles, María P. Silva, Ximena Petit-Breuilh, Luis Schiappacasse, Sergio Dávila, Cristian Varela, and Pablo Etcharren, “Morbidity short term effects due to fine and ultrafine particulate matter in Temuco, Chile, a Residential Wood Combustion Problem” Extended Abstract 2012-570-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 105th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2012, San Antonio, Texas, USA 2012.

20. L. A. Díaz-Robles, N. Schiappacasse, S. Cortés, J. Ortega, Air Quality Unit, Renewable Energies and Environmental Quality Centre, College of Engineering, Catholic University of Temuco, Chile, M. P. Silva, Universidad Mayor, Chile, F. Cereceda-Balic, V. Vidal, X. Fadic, Centro de Tecnologías Ambientales (CETAM), Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile, “Mortality short term effects due to particulate matter in Chile, re analysis using gam.exact”, Extended Abstract 2011-A-729-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 104th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2011, Orlando, Florida. 2011

21. L. A. Díaz-Robles, N. Schiappacasse, J. Ortega, Air Quality Unit, Renewable Energies and Environmental Quality Centre, College of Engineering, Catholic University of Temuco, Chile, F. Cereceda-Balic, Centro de Tecnologías Ambientales (CETAM), Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile, “The involution of the air quality in Temuco city, Chile, a fine particulate matter challenge” , Extended Abstract 2011-A-488-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 104th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2011, Orlando, Florida. 2011.

22. F. Cereceda-Balic, X. Fadic, J.L. Guevara, V. Vidal, A. M. Domínguez, A.L. Llanos, Laboratorio de Química Ambiental, Centro de Tecnologías Ambientales (CETAM), Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. L.A. Díaz-Robles, L.N. Schiappacasse, Air Quality Unit, School of Environmental Engineering, Catholic University of Temuco.P. Etcharren, R. Toro, Secretaría Regional Ministerial de Medio Ambiente (SEREMI) Región de La Araucanía, “Characterization of PAHs in urban organic aerosol of air pollution episodes in Temuco”, Extended Abstract 2011-A-669-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 104th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2011, Orlando, Florida. 2011.

23. Francisco Cereceda-Balic, José L. Cayón, Juan L. Guevara, Ximena Fadic, Víctor Vidal, Environmental Chemical Laboratory, Environmental Technology Centre (CETAM), Technical University Federico Santa María, L.A. Díaz-Robles, C. Valdés Barra, Air Quality Unit, School of Environmental Engineering, Catholic University of Temuco, Chile, Ricardo Barra, Universidad de Concepción, Chile, and Lorenzo Caballero, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Chile, “Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Network of Laboratories for the Analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Chile”, Extended Abstract 2011-A-663-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 104th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2011, Orlando, Florida, 2011.

24. Luis A. Díaz-Robles, Juan Moncada-Herrera, Nicolás Schiappacasse P., Pablo Etcharren, Francisco Cereceda-Balic, Robert Flocchini, Paul Wakabayashi, Nathalie Araneda, Ingrid Pérez, “Source Apportionment of PM2.5 in Temuco, Chile, Using Factor Analysis and IMPROVE Sampling. A Seasonal Analysis.”Extended Abstract 250, A&WMA International Specialty Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xi’an, China, 2010.

25. Luis A. Díaz-Robles, Eddio Carimán, Pablo Etcharren, Francisco Cereceda-Balic, Cristian Varela-Bruce, “Modeling the Biogenic Emissions using WRF/MCIP/MEGAN in Chile; a Comparison among three Urban Areas.” Extended Abstract 252, A&WMA International Specialty Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xi’an, China, 2010.

26. Francisco Cereceda-Balic, Víctor Vidal C, Juan L. Guevara, Luis A. Díaz-Robles et al., “Speciation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the Atmosphere of O'Higgins’s Region-Chile.” A&WMA International Specialty Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xi’an, China, 2010.

27. Francisco Cereceda-Balic, Nicolás Schiappacasse, Víctor Vidal, Luis A. Díaz-Robles et al., “Atmospheric PAHs Determination: Influence of the Air Sampling Time Program in the Occurrence of Artifacts.” A&WMA International Specialty Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xi’an, China, 2010.

28. Luis A. Díaz-Robles, Nathalie Araneda, Ingrid Pérez, Joshua S. Fu, and Nicolás Schiappacasse, “Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Changes Posed by Residential Wood Combustion Scenarios on an Urban Area; an Application in Temuco, Chile.” School of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Catholic University of Temuco, Temuco, Chile, Extended Abstract 2010-A-1191-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 103th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2010, Calgary, Canada. 2010.

29. Luis A. Díaz-Robles, Juan C. Ortega, María Paola Silva, and Marcela Guerrero, Particulate Air Pollution and Health Effects for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Causes over an Industrial Neighborhood; Linking Epidemiological Time Series Studies and the Power of a Health Perception Survey.” Extended Abstract 2010-A-1411-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 103th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2010, Calgary, Canada. 2010.

30. Eddio Carimán Linares, Luis A. Díaz-Robles, Cristian Varela-Bruce, and Pablo Etcharren Ulloa, “Modeling of the Biogenic Emissions using WRF/MCIP/MEGAN in the South of Chile", School of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Catholic University of Temuco, Temuco, Chile, 8th Annual CMAS Models-3 User's Conference, October 19-21, 2009 Chapel Hill, NC, http://www.cmascenter.org/conference/2009/agenda.cfm

31. Díaz-Robles L.A., Etcharren P., Moncada-Herrera J., Araneda N., Pérez I., Flocchini R., Wakabayashi P., Schiappacasse L.N, and Cereceda-Balic F., “Source Apportionment of High Episodes of PM2.5 in Temuco, Chile, Using Factor Analysis and IMPROVE Sampling.”, Extended Abstract 2009-A-641-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 102th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2009, Detroit, Michigan, US.

32. Cereceda-Balic F., Fadic X., Llanos A., Vidal V., Schiappacasse L.N, Díaz-Robles L.A., and Etcharren P. “Application of a new methodology for determining Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in atmospheric aerosols using different filter configurations, PUF and XAD-Denuder.”, Extended Abstract 2009-A-623-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 102th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2009, Detroit, Michigan, US.

33. Cereceda-Balic F., Fadic X., Llanos A., Vidal V., Schiappacasse L.N, Díaz-Robles L.A., and Etcharren P. “Obtaining PAH Concentration Ratios and Molecular Markers for Residential Wood Combustion: Temuco, a Case Study.”, Extended Abstract 2009-A-600-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 102th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2009, Detroit, Michigan, US.

34. Sanhueza P., Díaz-Robles L.A., "Particulate Air Pollution and Health Effects for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Causes in Temuco City, Chile." Paper # EE-1a-186-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 101th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2008, Portland, Oregon, US.

35. Díaz-Robles L.A., Ortega-Bravo J.C. “A Hybrid ARIMA and Artificial Neural Networks Model to Forecast Particulate Matter in Urban Areas: The Case of Temuco, Chile.” Paper # AB-1a (1)-522-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 100th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2007, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US, 2007.

36. Díaz-Robles L.A., Fu J.S., and Reed G.D., “Health Risk Assessment Posed by Primary Diesel Particulate Matter and Vapor Air Toxics in Southeastern US”, Paper # EE-1c (2)-417-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 99th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2006, New Orleans, Louisiana, US, 2006.

37. Díaz-Robles L.A., Fu J.S., and Reed G.D., “Seasonal Distribution and Modeling of Diesel Particulate Matter in the Southeast US”, Paper # AB-1a (2)-491-AWMA, Proceedings of the A&WMA’s 99th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2006, New Orleans, Louisiana, US.

38. Díaz-Robles L.A., Reed G. D., and Fu J. S., University of Tennessee. “Diesel Particulate Matter Modeling and Inhalation Cancer Risk in Nashville, Tennessee, using Models-3/CMAQ.”Poster presentation at the 4th Annual CMAS Models-3 User's Conference.UNC-Chapel Hill, 26-28 September 2005. http://www.cmascenter.org/conference/2005/archive.cfm

39. Díaz-Robles L.A., Reed G. D., and Fu J. S., University of Tennessee. “Source Apportionment of Diesel Particulate Matter in the Southeastern United States Using Models3-CMAQ.”Proceedings of the 14th International Emissions Inventory Conference, Session 5.Las Vegas, Nevada, 2005. http://www.epa.gov/ttnchie1/conference/ei14/

40. Vllasi E, Díaz-Robles L.A., Yun J, University of Tennessee. "A Methodology to Validate the 2002 Air Toxics Inventory for Tennessee."Proceedings of the 14th International Emissions Inventory Conference, Session 10.Las Vegas, Nevada, 2005. http://www.epa.gov/ttnchie1/conference/ei14/

41. Díaz-Robles L. A., Greene D.S, Doraiswamy P., Reed G. D., and Fu J. S., University of Tennessee. “The Effect of Switching Mobile Sources to Natural Gas on the Ozone in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.”Proceedings of the A&WMA 97th Annual Conference & Exhibition 2004. Session: ET-1b: Cost and Emission Control Effectiveness of Transportation Control Measures, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2004.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   International research recognition


    Estados Unidos, 2014

    Recognition from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Office of Research & Engagement for international research FONDEF project that was selected as one of the top ten scientific achievements for 2013 in Chile by the Chilean equivalent of the National Science Foundation. The project investigated the relationship between health risks and ultrafine particles from biomass combustion, 2014.

  •   AWMA Recognition

    Air & Waste Management Association

    Estados Unidos, 2012

    Recognition for being the Chair of the Atmospheric Chemistry Session of the A&WMA’s Technical Council, from 2009 to 2012.

  •   Research Excellence Award


    Chile, 2012

    Best investigator of the College of Engineering

  •   AWMA Recognition


    Chile, 2009

    Best Impact Factor Article of 2009

  •   Academic Excellence Award


    Chile, 2008

    Best faculty of 2008

  •   MECESUP Scholarship


    Chile, 2002

    Beca de Doctorado MECESUP UCT-02

  •   Best World Wide Student Chapter of the A&WMA

    Air & Waste Management Association

    Estados Unidos, 2004

    Best World Wide Student Chapter of the A&WMA, 2003-2004. Dr. Díaz-Robles was the President.


Article (50)

Energy efficiency evaluation of a continuous treatment of agroforestry waste biomass by hydrothermal carbonization
The black carbon dispersion in the Southern Hemisphere and its transport and fate to Antarctica, an Anthropocene evidence for climate change policies
A novel approach for prediction of mass yield and higher calorific value of hydrothermal carbonization by a robust multilinear model and regression trees
Anaerobic bio-methane potential of the liquors from hydrothermal carbonization of different lignocellulose biomasses
Black and organic carbon fractions in fine particulate matter by sectors in the South Hemisphere emissions for decision-making on climate change and health effects
Drying process study of hydrothermal carbonized biomass
Effect of socioeconomic status on the relationship between short-term exposure to PM2.5 and cardiorespiratory mortality and morbidity in a megacity: the case of Santiago de Chile
Emission inventory processing of biomass burning from a global dataset for air quality modeling
Experimental study and validation of a kinetic scheme for hydrothermal carbonization reactions
Experimental Study on Hydrothermal Carbonization of Lignocellulosic Biomass with Magnesium Chloride for Solid Fuel Production
Modeling and simulation of a continuous biomass hydrothermal carbonization process
Valorization of Municipal Solid Waste using Hydrothermal Carbonization and Gasification: A review
Black and organic carbon ratio in PM2.5 using EDGAR emission project
Black Carbon and Brown Carbon from combustion of two Chilean native species using a Controlled Combustion Chamber for Emissions.
Effect of hydrothermal carbonization on the properties, devolatilization, and combustion kinetics of Chilean biomass residues
Emission inventory of biomass burning from GFASV1.3 using SMOKE, the case of 2014.
Performance evaluation of biomass blends with additives treated by hydrothermal carbonization.
Reducing Willow Wood Fuel Emission by Low Temperature Microwave Assisted Hydrothermal Carbonization
Biofiltration of benzo[alpha] pyrene, toluene and formaldehyde in air by a consortium of Rhodococcus erythropolis and Fusarium solani: Effect of inlet loads, gas flow and temperature
Low temperature microwave assisted hydrothermal carbonization (MAHC) reduces combustion emission precursors in short rotation coppice willow wood
Biodegradation of benzo[alpha]pyrene, toluene, and formaldehyde from the gas phase by a consortium of Rhodococcus erythropolis and Fusarium solani
Emission factors for PM2.5, CO, CO2, NOx, SO2 and particle size distributions from the combustion of wood species using a new controlled combustion chamber 3CE
Elucidating the key role of the fungal mycelium on the biodegradation of hydrophobic VOCs
Assessing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) using passive air sampling in the atmosphere of one of the most wood-smoke-polluted cities in Chile: The case study of Temuco
Assessing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) using passive air sampling in the atmosphere of one of the most wood-smoke-polluted cities in Chile: The case study of Temuco.
Sensitivity analysis of biodiesel blends on Benzo[a]pyrene and main emissions using MOVES: A case study in Temuco, Chile.
Short Term Health Effects of Particulate Matter: A Comparison between Wood Smoke and Multi-Source Polluted Urban Areas in Chile
Short term health effects of particulate matter: A comparison between wood smoke and multi-source polluted urban areas in Chile.
Short term health effects of particulate matter: A comparison between wood smoke and multi-source polluted urban areas in Chile.
Effect of initial substrate/inoculum ratio on cell yield in the removal of hydrophobic VOCs in fungal biofilters.
Effect of initial substrate/inoculum ratio on cell yield in the removal of hydrophobic VOCs in fungal biofilters.
Health risks caused by short term exposure to ultrafine particles generated by residential wood combustion: a case study of Temuco, Chile.
Health risks caused by short term exposure to ultrafine particles generated by residential wood combustion: A case study of Temuco,Chile
Treatment of pulp mill wastewaters with Fusarium solani in a rotating biological contactor
Treatment of pulp mill wastewaters with Fusarium solani in a rotating biological contactor.
Emission Scenarios and the Health Risks Posed by Priority Mobile Air Toxics in an Urban to Regional Area: An Application in Nashville, Tennessee
Generation and Dispersion Model of Gaseous Emissions from Sanitary Landfills.
Health impacts in South-central Chile due to misuse of wood-burning stoves
Renewable Energy Systems and Air Multipollutans
Energy supplies and future engines for land, sea, and air. Critical review introduction
Obtaining polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentration ratios and molecular markers for residential wood combustion: Temuco, a case study
Environmental issues and management strategies for waste electronic and electrical equipment.
The air quality in chile
Multipollutant Air Quality Management. Critical review introduction
Particulate Air Pollution and Health Effects for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Causes in Temuco, Chile: A Wood-Smoke-Polluted Urban Area
Remote sensing of particulate pollution from space: Have we reached the promised land? Critical review introduction
Seasonal distribution and modeling of diesel particulate matter in the Southeast US
Modeling and source apportionment of diesel particulate matter
Ozone Concentrations Around the Great Smoky Mountains.
Using Scenarios to Assess the Impact of Air Pollution in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

ConferencePaper (10)

Morbidity short term effects due to fine and ultrafine particulate matter in Temuco, Chile, a Residential Wood Combustion Problem
The air quality in Chile: Twenty years of challenge
The involution of the air quality in Temuco city, Chile, a fine particulate matter challenge
Particulate air pollution and health effects for cardiovascular and respiratory causes over an industrial neighborhood; Linking epidemiological time series studies and the power of a health perception survey
Application of a new methodology for determining Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in atmospheric aerosols using different filter configurations, PUF and XAD-Denuder
Particulate air pollution and health effects for cardiovascular and respiratory causes in Temuco City, Chile
A hybrid ARIMA and artificial neural networks model to forecast particulate matter in urban areas: The case of Temuco, Chile
Health risk assessment posed by primary diesel particulate matter and vapor air toxics in Southeastern US
The Methodology to Validate the 2002 Air Toxics Inventory for Tennessee.
The effect of switching mobile sources to natural gas on the ozone in the great smoky mountains national park

ConferencePoster (2)

Air concentrations of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) in three cities of Chile, Santiago, Concepciόn and Temuco, using PUF disk as passive samplers.
Modeling of the Biogenic Emissions using WRF/MCIP/MEGAN in the South of Chile.

ConferenceProceedingWhole (13)

Emission Factors for PM2.5 generated from the combustion of Eucalyptus globulus and Obliqua Nothofagus on ideal conditions using a controlled combustion chamber 3CE
Source apportionment of ultrafine particles in Temuco, Chile, using chemical mass balance receptor modeling and MOUDI sampling.
Characterization of PAHs in urban organic aerosol of air pollution episodes in Temuco.
Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Network of Laboratories for the Analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Chile.
Mortality short term effects due to particulate matter in Chile, re analysis using gam.exact.
Modeling the Biogenic Emissions using WRF/MCIP/MEGAN in Chile; a Comparison among three Urban Areas.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Changes Posed by Residential Wood Combustion Scenarios on an Urban Area; an Application in Temuco, Chile.
Source Apportionment of PM2.5 in Temuco, Chile, Using Factor Analysis and IMPROVE Sampling. A Seasonal Analysis.
Speciation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the Atmosphere of O'Higgins’s Region-Chile.
Obtaining PAH Concentration Ratios and Molecular Markers for Residential Wood Combustion: Temuco, a Case of Study.
Particulate Air Pollution and Health Effects for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Causes in Temuco City, Chile.
The Effect of Switching Mobile Sources to Natural Gas on the Ozone in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Physic-chemical characterization of the 11 most used trees in Chile for residential wood combustion, its relationship with the emission factors.

Proyecto (24)

Investigación y optimización de la producción de pellets de alta densidad energética a través de la HTC de diferentes mezclas de lodos orgánicos industriales y residuos sólidos orgánicos urbanos, y su posterior gasificación para generar energía calórica
Revalorización Energética de Residuos Sólidos de la Industria de la Celulosa Para la Fabricación de Pellets HTC
Biopurificación de Aire de Interiores=> mejora de la salud, bienestar y productividad
Premium wood pellets based on different lignocellulosic biomass by an innovative fuel design and HTC treatment – sustainable contribution to a clean heat supply in Chile and Germany
Impact of Wood Burning Air Pollution on Preeclampsia and other Pregnancy Outcomes in Temuco
Indoor Air Bio-Purification: better health, welfare, and productivity
Investigación y optimización de la producción de pellets hidrofóbicos de alta densidad energética a través de la carbonización hidrotérmica de diferentes mezclas de biomasa de relevancia nacional.
Organic solid waste recovery by anaerobic digestion and hydrothermal carbonization
Premium wood pellets based on Different lignocellulosic biomass by an innovative fuel design and HTC treatment sustainable contribution to a clean heat supply in Chile and Germany
Research and optimization of pellet hydrophobic high energy density production through the hydrothermal carbonization of different biomass blends of national importance
Impact of Wood Burning Air Pollution on Preeclampsia and other Pregnancy Outcomes in Temuco.
Indoor Air Bio-Purification=> better health, welfare, and productivity.
Analysis and Generation of Data Base of Energy Potential and Air Pollutant Emissions of Biofuels of National Importance
Implementation of a robust physical chemical mechanism for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons into the state-of-the-science deterministic Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System (CMAQ) and its application to simulating Benzo (a) pyrene
Análisis y Generación de Base de Datos de Potencial Energético y Emisiones Contaminantes de Biocombustibles de Interés Nacional.
Contaminación atmosférica por material particulado ultra fino, mortalidad y morbilidad en Temuco=> susceptibilidad entre los más ancianos y niños.
Investigación y Generación de Factores de Emisión de Contaminantes Atmosféricos para Artefactos Residenciales que Combustionan Biomasa de Relevancia Nacional.
Research and generation of air pollutant emission factors for residential wood combustion of national importance
Technologies Development for firewood burning, cleaner and more efficient for domiciliary use
Ultrafine particulate matter pollution, mortality, and morbidity at Temuco; susceptibility among the elderly and children
Desarrollo de paquete tecnológico para producir etanol celulósico a partir de álamos híbridos.
Desarrollo de tecnologías de combustión de leña, más limpias y eficientes, para uso domiciliario.
Research and Development of a Technological Packet to Produce Cellulosic Ethanol from Hybrid Poplars in Chile
Luis Díaz

Titular Professor

Chemical Engineering

Universidad de Santiago

Santiago, Chile

Ernesto Pino


Escuela de Ingeniería Química

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Francisco Cereceda

Profesor Titular


Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Fidel Vallejo

Ingeniero Senior



Santiago, Chile






Director de Postgrado

Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas

Universidad de los Andes

Santiago, Chile

Jaime Gómez



San Antonio, Chile

Valeria Campos

Estudiante de doctorado

Ingeniería Química

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Víctor Vidal

Apoyo Académico

Departamento de Química

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Javier Silva

Profesor Adjunto

Escuela de Ingeniería Química

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Fabián Guerrero

Programa de Investigadores Jóvenes

Ingeniería Mecánica

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Felipe Scott

Associate Professor

Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas


Santiago, Chile

German Aroca

Profesor Titular

Escuela de Ingeniería Bioquímica

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Jhosané Pagés

Profesor asistente

Ingeniería Química

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Chile, Chile

Patricio Moreno

Vicedecano de Alumnos


Santiago, Chile

Ricardo Vega

Profesor Titular





Coordinador Programa Ingeniería Civil en Obras Civiles

Obras Civiles

Universidad Católica del Maule

Talca, Chile

Karla Pozo





Alejandro Reyes

Full professor

Chemical Eng. Departament


Santiago, Chile

Cesar Huiliñir

Profesor Asociado

Universidad de Los Andes

Santiago, Chile

Ximena Fadic

Asistente Científico


Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile