
Fernando Auat Cheein

Associate Professor


Valparaiso, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Artificial intelligence applications; Machine learning; Rehabilitation robotics; Agricultural Robotics; Autonoous Mobile Robots; Localization and Mapping;


  •  Engineering, Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Argentina, 2009
  •  Control Systems, Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Argentina, 2005
  •  Electronic Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Chile, 2002

Experiencia Académica

  •   Researcher Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2011 - 2013

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2013 - 2016

  •   Profesor Adjunto Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2017 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Profesor Asistente Full Time

    Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Electrónica


    2013 - 2016

  •   Investigador Full Time

    Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Electrónica


    2011 - 2013

  •   Profesor Asociado Full Time

    Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María, Departamento de Electrónica


    2017 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

Number of directed and co-directed undergraduate thesis: 9
Number of directed Master thesis: 6
Number of directed foreign students in research stays: 7
Number of undergraduate courses giving in the last 3 years: 9
Number of students that attended to my undergraduate courses: 670
Number of PhD students graduated in Chile: 3
Number of PhD students co-supervised abroad: 2 (Brazil and Spain)

Difusión y Transferencia

Invited speaker at the ACCA 2012 (Asociacion Chilena de Control Automatico). The talk was related to Agricultural Robotics, held in Santiago de Chile.
Invited speaker at the V, VI and VII Escuela de Invierno para la divulgación de la Robótica, Nanotecnología y Neurociencia, held in the UTFSM, in 2011, 2012 and 2013 respectively.
Invited speaker at Carnegie Mellon University - USA
Invited speaker at University of Lleida - Spain
Invited speaker at University of Ljubljana, Slovenja
Invited speaker at University of Poznan, Poland.

Premios y Distinciones


    The Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC)

    Portugal, 2008

    Best paper award for PROBABILISTIC WORKPSACE SCAN MODES OF A ROBOT MANIPULATOR COMMANDED BY EEG SIGNALS. In International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies

  •   Post PhD grant


    Argentina, 2009

    Post PhD grant by the CONICET (National Foundation of Research, Science and Technology of Argentina)

  •   PhD grant


    Argentina, 2004

    PhD Grant by CONICET (National Commission of Research, Science and Technology of Argentina)

  •   PhD grant

    European Commission ALFA Program in Process and Systems Engineering

    Portugal, 2006

    PhD grant by the European Commission ALFA Program in Process and Systems Engineering. Developed at the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal. 2006

  •   Human-Machine Interfaces Based on EMG and EEG Applied to Robotic Systems


    Portugal, 2006

    Best paper award for Human-Machine Interfaces Based on EMG and EEG Applied to Robotic Systems. In The Second International Workshop on Biosignal Processing and Classification - Biosignals and Sensing for Human Computer Interface

  •   Mejor Innovación/Desarrollo Tecnologico

    Asociación de Industrias Electricas/Electronicas de Chile

    Chile, 2015

    Mejor Innovación/Desarrollo tecnológico

  •   Mejor Innovación/Desarrollo Tecnologico

    Asociación de Industrias Electricas/Electronicas de Chile

    Chile, 2016

    Mejor Innovación/Desarrollo Tecnológico

  •   Mejor Innovación/Desarrollo Technológico AIE


    Chile, 2019

    Premi a la mejor innovación/desarrollo tecnológico a nivel nacional, dado por la AIE-Chile.


Article (110)

A methodology for semantic action recognition based on pose and human-object interaction in avocado harvesting processes
Comparison of 3D scan matching techniques for autonomous robot navigation in urban and agricultural environments
Conditional Random Field Features and Structure Assessment for Digital Terrain Modeling
Distributed tube-based nonlinear MPC for motion control of skid-steer robots with terra-mechanical constraints
Evaluating the Limits of a LiDAR for an Autonomous Driving Localization
Improving the manual harvesting operation efficiency by coordinating a fleet of N-trailer vehicles
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Parameter Estimation for Nonzero Slip Models of Wheeled Mobile Robots: A Skid-Steer Case Study
Retrieval of Vegetation Indices Related to Leaf Water Content from a Single Index: A Case Study of Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) and Pinus radiata (D. Don.)
Single bands leaf reflectance prediction based on fuel moisture content for forestry applications
Workspace Analysis of a Mobile Manipulator with Obstacle Avoidance in 3D Printing Tasks
A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Different Mobile Manipulators Used as Displaceable 3D Printers of Building Elements for the Construction Industry
A fuzzy-based driver assistance system using human cognitive parameters and driving style information
Analyzing and overcoming the effects of GNSS error on LiDAR based orchard parameters estimation
Collision risk reduction of N-trailer agricultural machinery by off-track minimization
Comparison of convolutional neural networks in fruit detection and counting: A comprehensive evaluation
Computer-aided diagnosis of external and middle ear conditions: A machine learning approach
Detection and Characterization of Cherries: A Deep Learning Usability Case Study in Chile
Fruit detection, yield prediction and canopy geometric characterization using LiDAR with forced air flow
H-infinity-Based Terrain Disturbance Rejection for Hydraulically Actuated Mobile Manipulators With a Nonrigid Link
Headland turning algorithmization for autonomous N-trailer vehicles in agricultural scenarios
Moisture content estimation of Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus from reconstructed leaf reflectance in the SWIR region
Parametric Programming of 3D Printed Curved Walls for Cost-Efficient Building Design
Point cloud-based estimation of effective payload volume for earthmoving loaders
Serial Switch Only Rectifier as a Power Conditioning Circuit for Electric Field Energy Harvesting
The Role of 5G Technologies: Challenges in Smart Cities and Intelligent Transportation Systems
Tube-based nonlinear model predictive control for autonomous skid-steer mobile robots with tire-terrain interactions
Design and evaluation of sound-based electronic football soccer training system for visually impaired athletes
Profiling the Instantaneous Power Consumption of Electric Machinery in Agricultural Environments: An Algebraic Approach
Usability analysis of scan matching techniques for localization of field machinery in avocado groves
Visual-Based Positioning of Aerial Maintenance Platforms on Overhead Transmission Lines
A pattern recognition strategy for visual grape bunch detection in vineyards
Assessing the estimation of trawling catches using LiDAR sensor technology
Assessing the estimation of trawling catches using LiDAR sensor technology
Machine-learning based approaches for self-tuning trajectory tracking controllers under terrain changes in repetitive tasks
Mechatronic terrestrial LiDAR for canopy porosity and crown surface estimation
Overcoming the Loss of Performance in Unmanned Ground Vehicles Due to the Terrain Variability
Photovoltaic Modules Diagnosis Using Artificial Vision Techniques for Artifact Minimization
Preliminary Results on Reducing the Workload of Assistive Vehicle Users=> A Collaborative Driving Approach
Probabilistic self-tuning approaches for enhancing performance of autonomous vehicles in changing terrains
Terrain classification using ToF sensors for the enhancement of agricultural machinery traversability
A survey of ranging and imaging techniques for precision agriculture phenotyping
Agricultural service unit motion planning under harvesting scheduling and terrain constraints
Flexible system of multiple RGB-D sensors for measuring and classifying fruits in agri-food Industry
General Dynamic Model for Skid-Steer Mobile Manipulators With Wheel-Ground Interactions
Robotics in Power Systems Enabling a More Reliable and Safe Grid
Large-scale mapping in complex field scenarios using an autonomous car
A Computational Geometry Approach for Localization and Tracking in GPS-denied Environments
Algebraic path tracking to aid the manual harvesting of olives using an automated service unit
Algebraic path tracking to aid the manual harvesting of olives using an automated service unit
Classifying Agricultural Terrain for Machinery Traversability Purposes
Intelligent Sampling Technique for Path Tracking Controllers
Large-scale mapping in complex field scenarios using an autonomous car
LiDAR and thermal images fusion for ground-based 3D characterisation of fruit trees
A Computational Geometry Approach for Localization and Tracking in GPS-denied Environments
A Computational Geometry Approach for Localization and Tracking in GPS-denied Environments
Advances in Structured Light Sensors Applications in Precision Agriculture and Livestock Farming
Human-inspired sound environment recognition system for assistive vehicles
Human-inspired sound environment recognition system for assistive vehicles
Human-inspired sound environment recognition system for assistive vehicles
Human-inspired sound environment recognition system for assistive vehicles.
Intelligent Sampling Technique for Path Tracking Controllers
Real-time approaches for characterization of fully and partially scanned canopies in groves
Real-time approaches for characterization of fully and partially scanned canopies in groves
Trajectory-tracking controller design with constraints in the control signals: a case study in mobile robots
SLAM-based incremental convex hull processing approach for treetop volume estimation
Towards a new modality-independent interface for a robotic wheelchair.
Trajectory Tracking Controller Design for Unmanned Vehicles: A New Methodology
Trajectory Tracking Controller Design for Unmanned Vehicles: A New Methodology
Trajectory Tracking Controller Design for Unmanned Vehicles: A New Methodology
Trajectory Tracking Controller Design for Unmanned Vehicles: a New Methodology
Trajectory Tracking Controller Design with Constrains in the Control Signals: a case study in mobile robots
Agricultural Robotics Unmanned Robotic Service Units in Agricultural Tasks
Agricultural Robotics Unmanned Robotic Service Units in Agricultural Tasks
Autonomous Simultaneous Localization and Mapping driven by Monte Carlo uncertainty maps-based navigation
Covariance-Based Measurement Selection Criterion for Gaussian-Based Algorithms
Covariance-Based Measurement Selection Criterion for Gaussian-Based Algorithms
SLAM algorithm for a mobile robot navigation oriented to maximum uncertainty zones
SLAM-based Cross-a-door Solution Approach for a Robotic Wheelchair
SLAM-based Incremental Convex Hull Processing Approach for Treetop Volume Estimation
SLAM-based maneuverability strategy for unmanned car-like vehicles
SLAM-based maneuverability strategy for unmanned car-like vehicles
Trajectory Tracking Controller Design for Unmanned Vehicles: a New Methodology
Unmanned Robotic Service Units in Agricultural Tasks
Aplicación de un EIF-SLAM en Entornos Agrícolas basado en detección de troncos de árboles.
Laser-Based Trespassing Prediction in Restrictive Environments: A Linear Approach
Laserbased Trespassing Prediction in Restrictive Environments: A Linear Approach
Analysis of Different Features Selection Criteria based on a Covariance Convergence Perspective for a SLAM Algorithm
Maneuverability Strategy for Assistive Vehicles Navigating within Confined Spaces
Optimized EIF-SLAM algorithm for Precision Agriculture Mapping based on Stems Detection
Optimized EIF-SLAM algorithm for Precision Agriculture Mapping based on Stems Detection
Silla de Ruedas Robotizada con Navegación Autónoma Asistida para Entornos Restringidos
Silla de Ruedas Robotizada con Navegación Autónoma Asistida para Entornos Restringidos
Towards Features Updating Selection based on the Covariance Matrix of the SLAM System State
Towards Features Updating Selection based on the Covariance Matrix of the SLAM System State
Ultra Wide-Band localization and SLAM: a comparative study for mobile robot navigation
Ultra Wide-band Localization and SLAM: a comparative study for mobile robot navigation
Analysis of Different Features Selection Criteria based on a Covariance Convergence Perspective for a SLAM algorithm
Autonomous assistance navigation for robotic wheelchairs in confined spaces.
SLAM algorithm applied to robotic assistance for navigation in unknown environments
SLAM algorithm applied to robotics assistance for navigation in unknown environments.
Feature Selection Algorithm for Real Time EKF-SLAM Algorithm
Feature Selection Algorithm for Real Time EKF-SLAM Algorithm
SLAM-based Cross-a-door Solution Approach for a Robotic Wheelchair
Human-Machine Interfaces Based on EMG and EEG Applied to Robotic Systems
Human-machine interfaces based on EMG and EEG applied to robotic systems.
Maps Managing Interface Design for a Mobile Robot Navigation governed by a BCI
Probabilistic Scan Mode of a Robot Manipulator Workspace using EEG signals.
Advances in Structured Light Sensors Applications in Precision Agriculture and Livestock Farming.
General Dynamic Model for Skid-Steer Mobile Manipulators with Wheel-Ground Interactions
Towards a New Modality-Independent Interface for a Robotic Wheelchair

BookSection (3)

Robot Manipulator Probabilistic Workspace applied to Robotic Assistance
Stable Switching Control for Wheeled Mobile Robots
Towards a Probabilistic Manipulator Robot´s Workspace Governed by a BCI

BookWhole (2)

Diseño de una Interface Cerebro-Computadora para la Navegacion de Robots Moviles
Localización y Reconstrucción Simultánea de Entornos por un Robot Móvil basada en la Navegación Orientada a las Zonas de Máxima Incertidumbre

ConferencePaper (23)

Ground Disturbance Rejection Approach for Mobile Robotic Manipulators with Hydraulic Actuators
Toward Semantic Action Recognition for Avocado Harvesting Process based on Single Shot MultiBox Detector
A Light-Weight Yet Accurate Localization System for Autonomous Cars in Large-Scale and Complex Environments
Probabilistic approaches for self-tuning path tracking controllers using prior knowledge of the terrain
Modeling of Skid-Steer Mobile Manipulators Using Spatial Vector Algebra and Experimental Validation with a Compact Loader
Sound-based environment recognition for constraining assistive robotic navigation using artificial neural networks
Asistencia Autónoma para la Navegación de una Silla de Ruedas Robóticas en Espacios Restringidos
Autonomous Assistance Navigation for Robotic Wheelchairs in Confined Spaces
Monte Carlo Uncertainty Maps-based for Mobile Robot Autonomous SLAM Navigation
SLAM-based Robotic Wheelchair Navigation System Designed for Confined Spaces
SLAM-based Turning Back for Non-Holonomic Assistive Vehicles
SLAM-based turning strategy in restricted environments for car-like mobile robots
A Solution to a Cross-a-Door Problem for an Autonomous Wheelchair
Cross-a-door Problem Approach for an Autonomous Motorized Wheelchair using SLAM
Feature Selection Criteria for EKF-SLAM Algorithm Correction Stage
Development of Interfaces for Impaired People Based on EMG and EEG
Navegação de um Veículo Móvel a Rodas em Ambientes Mapeados Utilizando Tabuleiro Eletrônico com Varredura Automática
Teleoperation of an Industrial Manipulator Through a TCP/IP Channel Using EEG Signals
Teleoperação de um Manipulador para uma Cadeira de Rodas Usando Sinais de EEG
Interface Homem-Máquina Baseada em Sinais Eletro-Biológicos para Controle de Veículo Móvel
Nuevo Algoritmo de Deteccion y Eliminacion de Artefactos en Senales de EEG.
Probabilistic Workspace Scan Modes of a Robot Manipulator Commanded by EEG Signals
Sobre a Utilização de Sianis de EEG para Comandar Dispositivos Robóticos

EditorialMaterial (1)

Focused Section on Mechatronics Applications in Agriculture

Proyecto (30)

Maneuverability and efficiency of tractor-trailers systems in agricultural applications
Enhancing Motion Performance of Automated Machinery in Agricultural Environments based on Bayesian Estimation Approaches
Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Estimadores Gaussianos y Fusión Estocástica de datos en Robots Móviles Aplicados a Tareas Agrícolas.
Interacción de Unidades de Servicio Robotizadas con Trabajadores de Campo en Ambientes de Agricultura
Laboratorio remoto de Robótica Móvil Teleoperada (UTFSM-UNSW)
Navegação Assistida de Automóvel de Passeio Controlada por Interface Cérebro Computador
Navigation, Mapping and Supervision of Precision Agricultural Groves using an Unmanned Service Unit
Laboratorio de Robótica Móvil y Televisión Digital
Navegación y mapeo autónomo en entornos de agricultura de precisión
Automatización de Procesos Industriales y Agrícolas
Incertidumbre Estocástica en Señales y Sistemas
Localización y Reconstrucción Simultánea de Entornos Usando Múltiples Robots Móviles Gobernados por Interfaces Músculo-Computadora para la Rehabilitación de Personas con Discapacidad Motora
Robótica avanzada para sistemas productivos
Supervisión y Control de Procesos Industriales y Agrícolas
Supervisión y Control de Procesos Productivos
Control Autónomo y Teleoperación de Robots
Advanced Robotics for Productive Systems
Automation of Industrial and Agricultural Processes
Autonomous mapping and navigation in agricultural environments
Control Autónomo y Teleoperación de Robots
Coordination and Control of Mobile Robotic Systems.
Laboratorio Remoto de Robótica Móvil Teleoperada
Robotics in Agricultural Precision Environments
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using Multiple Mobile Robots Governed by Muscle-Computer Interfaces for Dissability Rehabilitation.
Stochastic Uncertainty in Signals and Systems
Supervision and Control of Industrial and Agricultural Process
Supervision and Control of Productive Processes
Tecnología de Rehabilitación para Discapacidades Sensoriales y Motoras

Review (3)

Human-robot interaction in agriculture: A survey and current challenges
Advances in Structured Light Sensors Applications in Precision Agriculture and Livestock Farming
Autonomous Simultaneous Localization and Mapping driven by Monte Carlo uncertainty maps-based navigation
Fernando Auat

Associate Professor


Valparaiso, Chile

Miguel Torres

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Oswaldo Menéndez

Profesor investigador

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

Juan Vásconez

Profesor investigador - Asistente

Departamento de Automatización y Robótica

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

Tito Arévalo

Assistant Professor


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Pedro Reszka

Associate Professor

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Santiago, Chile

Marcelo Pérez

Profesor Asociado


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Pablo Prieto


Design Engineering

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Juan Maass

Asistan Professor

universidad de chile

Santiago, Chile

Omar Acevedo


Facultad de Arquitectura

Universidad de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Andres Fuentes

Professor Adjunto

Departamento de Industrias


Valparaíso, Chile

Marcos Zúñiga

Assistant Professor



Valparaíso, Chile

Michelle Viscaino

PhD (c)

Departamento de electrónica

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Paul Delano

Associate Professor

1.Otolaryngology/2. Physiology and Biophysics


Santiago, Chile