Monica Soler Jauma
Associate Professor
University of Chile
Santiago, Chile
Synthesis of curcuminoids and its coordination compounds. Study of their optical, electrical and magnetic properties. Synthesis of Coordination Polymers (CP) and Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs). Surface functionalization. Detection of contaminants.
Chemistry, INDIANA UNIVERSITY. Estados Unidos, 2003
Experimental en Quimica, UNIVERSIDAD DE BARCELONA. España, 1997
Chemical Sciences, UNIVERSIDAD DE BARCELONA. España, 1996
Postdoctoral Research Associate Full Time
Akron, OH, Estados Unidos
2008 - 2009
Assistant profesor Full Time
Physical and Matematical Sciences
Santiago, Chile
2010 - 2020
Associate Professor Full Time
Physical and mathematical Sciences
Santiago, Chile
2020 - A la fecha
Visiting Assistant Professor Full Time
The University of Akron
Akron, Estados Unidos
2007 - 2008
Postdoctoral Research Associate Full Time
Lansing, Estados Unidos
2003 - 2007
A. Postdoctoral student, as supervisor:
1) Nicole Parra, ANID postdoctoral investigator, 2020-2023 with extension. Supervisor: M. Soler. Title: ''Compósitos superhidrofóbicos basados en estructuras metal-orgánicas modificadas con curcuminoides para identificar y separar líquidos orgánicos desde agua''. Finished. Current position at ''Centro de Materiales para la Transición y Sostenibilidad Energética, Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear (CChEN), Santiago Chile.
2) Pablo Mella, Project Anillo ACT210059, starting June 1st, 2023. Supervisor: M. Soler. Title: ''Desarrollo de metodologias de crecimiento capa-por-capa para la obtención de SURMOF multicomponente''.
B. Ph.D thesis, as Ph.D. Advisor:
1) Ítalo Moglia Fernandez, PhD in Material Science, University of Chile, defended 12th of September 2018. Title: ''Preparation of a multifunctional nanostructured magneto-plasmonic material based on Ferritin''. PhD advisor: M. Soler; PhD co-advisor: V. Fuenzalida. Current position: Assistant Profesor UTEM, Santigo, Chile.
2) Álvaro Francisco Etcheverry Berrios, PhD in Chemistry, University of Chile, defended 11th of June 2018. Title: ''Design and synthesis of curcuminoid molecules for Molecular electronic studies''. PhD advisor: M. Soler; PhD co-advisor: Dra. E. Spodine. Current position Senior Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Natural Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.
3) Nicole Guerra, PhD in Chemistry, University of Chile, project started July 22nd, 2022. Title: ''Estudio teórico computacional de MOFs y SURMOFs para la detección de contaminantes emergentes''. PhD advisor: M. Soler; PhD co-advisor: Dr. Tania Sandoval (UTSM)
4) Aldo Campos, PhD in Chemistry, University of Chile, project started July 4th, 2022. Title: ''Diseño y síntesis de polímeros de coordinación a partir de curcuminoides''. PhD advisor: M. Soler; PhD co-advisor: Dra. N. Aliaga-Alcalde (ICMAB-CSIC).
C. Ph.D thesis, as Ph.D. Co-Advisor:
1) Joseline Valentina Iribarra Araya, PhD in Material Sciences at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain. Ph.D.Advisor: N. Aliaga-Alcalde (ICMAB-CSIC), co-advisor: M. Soler. Ph.D. thesis title: “Design and implementation of molecular based sensors using curcuminoid systems”. Started December 2020.
2) Catherine Araneda, PhD in Chemistry, University of Chile, Project started July 25th 2023. Title: ''Desarrollo de nanomateriales híbridos basados en nanopartículas de oro y MOF para mejorar la detección por fluorescencia de biomarcadores de la Enfermedad de Alzheimer''. PhD advisor: M. Kogan (FCFM, UChile); PhD co-advisor: Dra. M. Soler.
D. Master Thesis as Advisor:
1) Luis Fuentes, Master degree in Chemistry, University of Chile, Title: “Synthesis of autoensambled-monolayers for the control growing of 2D polymers'' started March 2021. Advisor: M. Soler; Co-advisor: I. Berlanga (DIQBM, FCFM, UChile).
2) Deborah Marín, master in Engineering Sciencies, minor in Chemistry, University of Chile, started May 25th, 2022. Title: ''Funcionalización de superficies de celulosa con curcuminoides o redes metal-orgánicas para la detección y adsorción de contaminantes en agua''. PhD advisor: M. Soler; PhD co-advisor: Dra. Franck Quero (DIQBM, FCFM, UChile).
2) Claudio Ilaja, master in Engineering Sciencies, minor in Chemistry, University of Chile, started March 13th, 2024. Title: ''Desarrollo de nanocomposito basado en nanopartículas fototérmicas, MOFs y/O curcuminoides para su incorporación en membranas para procesos de destilación''. PhD advisor: M. Soler; PhD co-advisor: Dra. Andreina García (DIM, FCFM, UChile).
E. Master Thesis as Co-Advisor:
1) Joseline Valentina Iribarra Araya, master in Engineering Sciencies, minor in Chemistry, University of Chile, defended: 15 march 2020. Thesis Title: ''Catalytic studies on Ni nanoparticles supported in the MOF (UiO-66)''. Master's degree advisor: F. Gracia (DIQBM, FCFM, UChile); Master's degree coadvisor: M. Soler.
F. Undergraduate Thesis for Engineering or Degree title work for Bachelors Degree as Director or co-Director:
- N. Atabales (degree June 2020). Title: ''Synthesis of nickel supported Metal-Organic Framework and study of the catalytic activity in the CO2 hydrogenation reaction''. Undergraduate thesis for the Chemical Engineering title, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile. Director: M. Soler, Co-Director: F. Gracia.
- Luis Fuentes (degree defended Junio 2020). Title: ''Synthesis and Characterization of Curcuminoid derivatives'', Experimental work for the Bachelors degree in Sciences, minor in Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Chile. Degree title Director: Monica Soler.
- Aldo Campos Olguin (degree defended 11 Marzo 2020). Title: ''Síntesis y caracterización de compuestos de coordinación con curcuminoides'', Experimental work for the Bachelors degree in Sciences, minor in Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Chile. Degree title Director: Monica Soler.
- Giovanni Cancino (thesis defended 20 Diciembre 2019). Title: ''Study of the nickel supported over NH2-UiO66 catalyst on the methanation activity of CO2''. Undergraduate thesis for the Chemical Engineering title, Faculty of Physical and mathematical Sciences, University of Chile. Thesis Director: Francisco Gracia, Thesis Co-Director: Monica Soler.
- Jennifer Lavinia Trujillo Ramos (thesis defended Nov. 2016). Title: ''Estudio de la Química de coordinación de ligandos ramificados con alcoholes''. Undergraduate thesis for the Chemical Engineering title, Metropolitan Technical University (UTEM). Thesis Director: Monica Soler.
- Ruben Lucas Dávila Román (Degree defended Sept. 2016). Title: ''Síntesis y caracterización de compuestos de coordinación de la primera serie de Transición empleando ligandos ramificados''. Experimental work for the Bachelors degree in Sciences, minor in Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Chile. Degree title Director: Monica Soler.
- Diego Benjamin Alarcon Villarroel (Degree defended June 2016). Title: ''Estudio de Compuestos de Coordinación basados en Ligandos Curcuminoides''. Experimental work for the Bachelors degree in Sciences, minor in Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Chile. Degree title Director: Monica Soler.
- Ornella Alejandra Veloso Vargas (thesis defended Jan. 2016). Title: ''Síntesis de un derivado de dipirrometeno sustituido y su estudio en química de coordinación''. Undergraduate thesis for the Chemistry title, Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy, University of Chile. Thesis Director: Monica Soler,
- Joseline Valentina Iribarra Araya (thesis defended Nov. 2015). Title: ''Síntesis de una base de schiff macrocíclica como precursor en la síntesis de posibles cadenas magnéticas''. Undergraduate thesis for the Chemical Engineering, title, Metropolitan Technical University (UTEM). Thesis Director: Monica Soler.
• Domingo Jullian Fabres (March 2012): Title: “Síntesis y caracterización de complejos metálicos con ligandos ramificados o dendríticos derivados de la curcuma''. Undergraduate thesis for the Civil engineering in Materials title, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile. Thesis Director: Monica Soler,
Presentación Oral de divulgación en el 4º Festival de Ingeniería y Ciencias de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidadde Chile:
Participé en una de las 70 charlas magistrales del 4º Festival de Ingeniería y Ciencias (
Miembro del comité científico evaluador de XIV Congreso Regional Escolar de las Ciencias y la Tecnologi?a Explora Regio?n Metropolitana Sur Poniente (septiembre – diciembre 2019, Santiago, Chile.
Member of the scientific commitee of the ''IV National Congress of Nanotecnology'' Sept. 5 - 7, 2016, Olmué, Chile. Biannual congress. Goal: Presentation and discussion of topics based on nanotecnology between national and international scientists.
Member of the scientific commitee of thel ''V National Congress of Nanotecnology'' Nov. 2018, Pucon, Chile. Biannual congress. Goal: Presentation and discussion of topics based on nanotecnology between national and international scientists.