
Sebastian Alejandro Rios Perez

Profesor Asociado

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Data Science, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Generative Topic Modeling, Business Intelligence, Helthcare Data Science


  •  Ingeniero Civil Industrial, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile
  •  Machine Learning, Data Science, NLP, UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO. Japón, 2007
  •  Engineering Sciences, Minor on Computer Science, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2003
  •  Engineering Sciences, Minor on Industrial Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2001

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Asociado Full Time


    Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas

    Santiago, Chile

    2008 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Director Part Time

    Business Inteligence Research Center (CEINE)


    2012 - A la fecha

  •   Jefe Proyecto U-Cursos Part Time

    Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas

    Santiago, Chile

    1999 - 2001

  •   Jefe de Proyectos ADI Part Time

    Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas

    Santiago, Chile

    2001 - 2003

  •   Team Leader, Business Process Engineering Part Time

    Sistema Nacional de Comunicaciones Financiero

    Santiago, Chile

    2003 - 2003

Formación de Capital Humano

Within the University of Chile:

I regularly participate in three graduate programs within the Industrial Engineering Department (DII):
- Master in Business Engineering with Information Technology (MBE)
- Master in Operations Management (MGO)
- Doctorate in Engineering Systems (DSI)

More incidentally in:
- Master of Science in Engineering, Computer Mention (at the Depart. of Computer Science - DCC)
- Master in Communication Network Engineering (at the Depart. of Electrical Engineering - DIE)

Graduated PhD.
I have participated as a Doctoral Referee and co-advised a Ph.D. Thesis in the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the University of the Basque Country, Spain. (October 2016 and 2017 respectively).
- Felipe Aguilera (Doctoral Program on Computer Science, University of the Basque Country)
- Arkaitz Artetxe (Doctoral Program on Computer Science, University of the Basque Country)

Ongoing PhD Students:
- Constanza Contreras (DSI, U. de Chile)
- Juan Pablo Hormazaval (DSI, U. de Chile)
- Ricardo Muñoz (DSI, U. de Chile)
- Pablo Cleveland (DSI, U. de Chile)
- Pablo Lemus (DSI, U. de Chile)
- José Arenas (DSI, U. de Chile)
- Fabian Garcia-Tenorio (DSI, U. de Chile)
- Vezna Sabando (Doctoral Program on Public Health, U. of Chile)

Graduated PhDs
- Patricio Wolff (DSI, U. de Chile)
- Felipe Aguilera (University of Basque Country, Spain. Co-advisor)

* 2 thesis as a invited professor (Doctoral Program in Computational Intelligence - University of Basque Country)

I have participated in about 50 theses of Magister as a guide teacher, co-guide, member and sponsor since 2008 in these programs.

Regarding the thesis of Magister in global figures it is possible to list (until june 2020):
* 34 theses as a guide teacher (16 in DII programs and 1 DCC thesis)
* 5 theses as a co-guiding professor (3 within the DII, 1 in the DIE and another in the DCC)
* 37 theses as a member teacher
* 1 thesis as a sponsoring teacher (DII MBA program)

Regarding the undergraduate theses in general figures are shown in the following summary (until September 2017):

* 56 memories as supervisor
- 49 for the degree of Industrial Civil Engineer (DII)
- 7 for the degree of Civil Engineer in Computing (DCC)
* 21 memories as teacher co-supervisor
- 18 for the degree of Industrial Civil Engineer (DII)
- 2 to qualify for the degree of Civilian Electrical Engineer (DIE)
- 1 for the degree of Civil Engineer in Computing (DCC)
* 27 memories as a member teacher

Outside the University of Chile at local Universities (prof. Member of 4 master thesis and 1 doctorate)

I have participated as a member in several theses of prestigious national universities:
- Universidad de Concepción: 2 theses for the Master's degree in Industrial Engineering.
- University of Santiago: 1 thesis for the degree of Master in Computer Science.
- Technical University Federico Santa María: 1 thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Engineering and 1 thesis for the degree of Doctor in Computer Engineering.

I have teached at University of Chile the following courses:
* IN7615-1 Aprendizaje Automático con Redes Neuronales (Machine Learnning with Neural Networks), since 2021.
* IN7580-1 Introducción a la Ciencia de Datos (Introduction to Data Science) since 2018 once a year.
* IN5502-1 Diseño de Procesos de Negocios (Business Process Design) twice a year since 2011-2019, once a year since 2019-2021
* IN7J0-1 Introducción a la Ciencia de Datos (Introduction to Data Science) spring 2018
* IN72K-1 Tecnologías de Información y Rediseño de Procesos (Information Technologies and Process Redesign) fall 2016-2018, spring 2012-2014, fall 2008-2011
* IN7J2-1 Taller de Data Mining (Data Mining Workshop) - in 2015 fall
* IN3501-1 Tecnologías de Información y Comunicaciones para la Gestión (Information and Communication Technologies for Management) in 2011 fall, 2012 Otoño, 2011 Primavera y 2009 Otoño
* IN7N2-1 Tecnologías de información (Information Technologies) in 2011 Spring
* IN55A-1 Diseño de Sistemas de Información Administrativos (Administration Systems Design) in 2010 spring, 2010 fall, 2009 spring, 2009 fall y 2008 spring

Difusión y Transferencia

Difusión en Medios (selected)
Radio & TV
1. Chanel 13C, Documentary, April 26th 2017 “Proyecto ALMOHADITA” (English: “ALMOHADITA PROJECT”)
2. 24Horas, National Television of Chile. June 3rd 2011 “Terminó la era del Copy and Paste” (English: “The end of the era of Copy and Paste”)
3. Radio Program New Mind, Radio Canal13, August 31st 2016.“Proyecto Fondef Almohadita” (

1. Financial Newspaper, Health Prortfolio, March 26th 2018“Almohadita: monitoreo a distancia para niños” (Almohadita: distance monitoring for kids)
2. Special Editions, el Mercurio, Business Intelligence, March 20th 2018“Las organizaciones cometen 5 errores al realizar proyectos de inteligencia de negocios” (EN: “The organizations fall into 5 mistakes when performing Business Intelligence Projects”)
3. Special Editions, El Mercurio. March 28th 2016“Investigación en Inteligencia de Negocios para una Ciudad Inteligente” (EN: “Business Intelligence Research for a Smart City”)
4. Special Editions, El Mercurio. March 28th 2016.“Los profesionales de datos son cada vez más demandados para facilitar la toma de decisiones” (EN: “Data Scientist are getting more required to facilitate dacition making process”)
5. Tendencies, La Tercera, December 25th 2011.“Software que evita queniños copien. Proyecto del Grupo de TI de Ingeniería Industrial Destacado entre los 10 Hitos Científicos del 2011 en Chile” (EN: “Software to stop children from copy their homework. Project from TI group from Industrial Engineering between the top 10 cientific milestones of 2011 in Chile”)

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Award to Excellence and Pertinence of Research


    Chile, 2017

    Publications of Prof. Ríos during 2016 were ranked (IF) among top 15% of all publications made at University of Chile.

  •   Best Paper Award

    International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC 2017)

    España, 2017

    Best paper of the conference IWINAC, with algorithms for readmission in pediatric hospitals

  •   Finalist Best Paper Award

    18th Annual Conference Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems Society (KES 2014)

    Polonia, 2014

    Nominee to best paper at KES 2014 conference.

  •   World Champions 2011

    5th evaluation lab on uncovering plagiarism, authorship, and social software misuse

    Alemania, 2011

    World champions of the Copy detection competition,PAN 2011 -Uncovering Plagiarism, Authorship, and Social Software Misuse. Yahoo! Research Labs.

  •   Distinguished as TOP 10 Scientific Projects in Chile


    Chile, 2011

    The DOCODE Project to detect plagiarism was Distinguished as TOP 10 Scientific Projects in Chile, by the national cientific and technology council - CONICYT.

  •   5th Place, Worldwide Copy Detection Competition

    Yahoo! Research Labs

    Alemania, 2010

    Our algorithms to detect plagiarism were in 5th Place, in the Worldwide Copy Detection Competition, PAN 2010 -Uncovering Plagiarism, Authorship, and Social Software Misuse. Yahoo! Research Labs.

  •   Best Invited Session Award

    13th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering(KES 2009)

    Reino Unido, 2009

    Awarded to prof. Ríos for the best invietd session (regarding contents and speakers) from the whole KES conference

  •   Mombukagakusho Scholarship

    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

    Japón, 2004

    Scholarship to study PhD. course at University of Tokyo in Japan.

  •   Innovation in the Academia


    Chile, 2020

    Once a year the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Sciences award one researcher in the category of Assistant Professor and another in the associate/full professor. Sebastian won the Assistant professor category for his outstanding contribution with its applied research in data science in health care. Sebastian has developed several systems/algorithms that are in production in several hospitals in a daily bases producing huge benefits for society and the hospitals.


Article (52)

Clustering Cities over Features Extracted from Multiple Virtual Sensors Measuring Micro-Level Activity Patterns Allows One to Discriminate Large-Scale City Characteristics
On the combination of graph data for assessing thin-file borrowers' creditworthiness
Predicting Innovative Cities Using Spatio-Temporal Activity Patterns
Using Congestion to Improve Short-Term Velocity Forecasting with Machine Learning Models
Neuro-semantic prediction of user decisions to contribute content to online social networks
Sistema de puntuación de alerta temprana de descompensación basado en percentiles para pacientes pediátricos hospitalizados
Balanced training of a hybrid ensemble method for imbalanced datasets: a case of emergency department readmission prediction
Methodologically grounded semantic analysis of large volume of chilean medical literature data applied to the analysis of medical research funding efficiency in Chile
Machine Learning Readmission Risk Modeling: A Pediatric Case Study
Neural and statistical predictors for time to readmission in emergency departments: A case study
Setting up standards: A methodological proposal for pediatric Triage machine learning model construction based on clinical outcomes
Evaluation of an eye-pointer interaction device for human-computer interaction
Semantically enhanced network analysis for influencer identification in online social networks
Triage prediction in pediatric patients with respiratory problems
Balanced training of a hybrid ensemble method for imbalanced datasets=> a case of emergency department readmission prediction
Land Use detection with cell phone data using topic models: Case Santiago, Chile
Predicting Patient Hospitalization after Emergency Readmission
Semantically enhanced network analysis for influencer identification in online social networks
Triage prediction in pediatric patients with respiratory problems
Using Anticipative Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forest to predict emergency service readmission risk
An automatic apnea screening algorithm for children
An automatic apnea screening algorithm for children
An empirical comparison of latent sematic models for applications in industry
An empirical comparison of latent sematic models for applications in industry
Experience-Based Electronic Health Records
Experience-Based Electronic Health Records
Innovations in healthcare and medicine editorial
Innovations in healthcare and medicine editorial
Social Semantic Web Mining
Content Patterns in Topic-Based Overlapping Communities
Content Patterns in Topic-Based Overlapping Communities
Extending market basket analysis with graph mining techniques: A real case
Extending market basket analysis with graph mining techniques: A real case
A new dissimilarity measure for online social networks moderation
A new dissimilarity measure for online social networks moderation.
Leveraging social network analysis with topic models and the Semantic Web (extended)
Leveraging social network analysis with topic models and the Semantic Web (extended).
Finding Representative Web Pages Based on a SOM and a Reverse Cluster Analysis.
Special issue on semantic information and engineering systems
Topic-based social network analysis for virtual communities of interests in the dark web
Topic-based social network analysis for virtual communities of interests in the dark web.
Web intelligence on the social web
A hybrid system for concept-based web usage mining
Conceptual Classification to Improve a Web Site Content
Conceptual classification to improve a Web site content
Improving web site content using a concept-based knowledge discovery process
Using a Self Organizing Feature Map for Extracting Representative Web Pages from a Web Site
Towards the identification of keywords in the web site text content: A methodological approach
Using SOFM to improve web site text content
Web site improvements based on representative pages identification
On the dynamics of credit history and social interaction features, and their impact on creditworthiness assessment performance

ConferencePaper (32)

Emergency department readmission risk prediction: A case study in Chile
Towards hospitalization after readmission risk prediction using ELMs
A Benchmark on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Automatic Chronic Respiratory Diseases Risk Classification
Toward Non-invasive Polysomnograms Through the Study of Electroencephalographic Signal Correlation for Remotely Monitored Cloud-Based Systems
A semantic framework for continuous u-health services provisioning
A Web-Based Platform for Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
A benchmark on automatic obstructive sleep apnea screening algorithms in children
Generating groups of products using graph mining techniques
A dissimilarity measure for automate moderation in online social networks
A model for content generation in On-line social network
Dark web portal overlapping community detection based on topic models
Overlapping Community Detection in VCoP using Topic Models
A text similarity meta-search engine based on document fingerprints and search results records
An automatic text comprehension classifier based on mental models and latent semantic features
Enhancing community discovery and characterization in VCoP using topic models
Leveraging Social Network Analysis with topic models and the semantic web
Outlier-based approaches for intrinsic and external plagiarism detection
Detección automatizada del plagio académico: un acercamiento lingüístico
DOCODE-Lite: A meta-search engine for document similarity retrieval
Enhancing social network analysis with a concept-based text mining approach to discover key members on a virtual community of practice
FASTDOCODE: Finding approximated segments of N-grams for document copy detection: Lab report for PAN at CLEF 2010
Finding inner copy communities using social network analysis
Hypergeometric language model and Zipf-like scoring function for web document similarity retrieval
Latent semantic analysis and keyword extraction for phishing classification
Virtual communities of practice's purpose evolution analysis using a concept-based mining approach
Semantic Web Usage Mining by a Concept-Based Approach for Off-line Web Site Enhancements
Web Site Off-Line Structure Reconfiguration: A Web User Browsing Analysis
Establishing guidelines on how to improve the web site content based on the identification of representative pages
Improving the web text content by extracting significant pages into a Web Site
Using SOFM to Improve Web Site Text Content
Web Site Improvements Based on Representative Pages Identification
Identifying keywords to improve a web site text content

ConferenceProceedingWhole (1)

Knowledge- Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems

Editorial (1)

Computational Intelligence in Remote Sensing: An Editorial

Proyecto (5)

Desarrollo y evaluación de un modelo de intervención basado en tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TlCs) para reducir el riesgo de suicidio adolescente en establecimientos educacionales de la RM y la Vl Región
“Cyber-Physical Systems for PEdagogical Rehabilitation in Special Education (CybSPEED)”
Desarrollo y Evaluación de Algoritmos de Data Mining para la Predicción del Riesgo de Crisis en Pacientes Ambulatorios de un Hospital Pediátrico
Desarrollo e implementacion de una herramienta computacional para la deteccion de copias en documentos digitales en la educacion=> document copy detector (docode)
Semantic Web Mining Techniques to Study Enhancements of Virtual Communities
Sebastian Rios

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Patricio Wolff



Centro de Investigación en Inteligencia de Negocios

Santiago, Chile

Ricardo Muñoz

director of analytics


santiago, Chile

Felipe Bravo

Profesor Asistente

Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Miguel Carrasco

Profesor Asociado

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

Santiago, Chile

Juan Velásquez

Full Professor

Industrial Engineering


Santiago, Chile

Angel Jimenez

Assistant Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Santiago, Chile

Patricio Moya

Profesor Adjunto

Facultad de Humanidades

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Claudio Estevez

Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Eléctrica


Santiago, Chile

Constanza Contreras

PhD Student

Ingeniería Industrial

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Alejandro Hevia

Profesor Asociado

Ciencias de la Computación