

Líneas de Investigación

Valorización/tratamiento de residuos Activación alcalina y geopolimerización Desarrollo de materiales porosos Caracterización materiales Lixiviación Materiales reforzados nanopartículas Eliminación contaminantes en lixiviados


  •  Tecnología Química y Ambiental, UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA. España, 2013
  •  Tecnología Química y Ambiental, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. España, 2004
  •  Ingeniería Industrial (Especialidad Química), UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA. España, 2001

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesora Titular de Universidad Full Time


    Seville, España

    2003 - A la fecha


Article (39)

Improved recycling of a gasification fly ash: An integrated waste management approach within the framework of a Circular Economy
Treatment of landfill leachate by combined use of ultrasound and photocatalytic process using fly ash as catalyst
Development of Geopolymer Mortars Using Air-Cooled Blast Furnace Slag and Biomass Bottom Ashes as Fine Aggregates
Effect of different ashes from biomass olive pomace on the me- chanical and fire properties of gypsum-based materials
Exploring the impact of graphene oxide on mechanical and durability properties of mortars incorporating demolition waste: micro and nano-pore structure effects
The Incorporation of Ladle Furnace Slag in Fire Insulating Gypsum-Based Materials
Development of fly ash-based geopolymers using powder sodium silicate activator
Morphological analysis of porosity and sound absorption in sustainable materials from rice husk
Physical, Mechanical and Radiological Characteristics of a Fly Ash Geopolymer Incorporating Titanium Dioxide Waste as Passive Fire Insulating Material in Steel Structures
Valorization of Bayer Red Mud in a Circular Economy Process: Valuable Metals Recovery and Further Brick Manufacture
Environmental risks and mechanical evaluation of recycling red mud in bricks
Use of fish scales as an adsorbent of organic matter present in the treatment of landfill leachate
A porous geopolymer based on aluminum-waste with acoustic properties
Assessing durability properties of noise barriers made of concrete incorporating bottom ash as aggregates
Landfill leachate treatment using activated carbon obtained from coffee waste
Landfill leachate treatment using combined fish scales based activated carbon and solar advanced oxidation processes
Carbon fiber waste incorporation in blast furnace slag geopolymer-composites
Fire-resistant panels composed only of combustion by-products
Fly ash based geopolymeric foams using silica fume as pore generation agent. Physical, mechanical and acoustic properties
Immobilization of heavy metals (Cd, Ni or Pb) using aluminate geopolymers
Low environmental impact process for germanium recovery from an industrial residue
Reusing leached fly ash as a cement replacement
Use of Zeolitized Coal Fly Ash as Main Component in Panels with High Fire Resistance
Behaviour of Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Panels Under Fire
Cost estimation of COD and color removal from landfill leachate using combined coffee-waste based activated carbon with advanced oxidation processes
Effluent valorization in copper hydrometallurgy plant
Contributions to the study of porosity in fly ash-based geopolymers. Relationship between degree of reaction, porosity and compressive strength
Influence of BFS content in the mechanical properties and acid attack resistance of fly ash based geopolymers
Properties of fly ash and metakaolin based geopolymer panels under fire resistance tests
Recycling by-products from coal-fired power stations into different construction materials
Ammonium Ion Adsorption and Settleability Improvement Achieved in a Synthetic Zeolite-Amended Activated Sludge
Application of biomass gasification fly ash for brick manufacturing
Stabilization/solidification of a municipal solid waste incineration residue using fly ash-based geopolymers
Waste Stabilization/Solidification (S/S) of EAF dust using fly ash-based geopolymers. Influence of carbonation on the stabilized solids
Waste stabilization/solidification of an electric arc furnace dust using fly ash-based geopolymers
Influence of the co-firing on the leaching of trace pollutants from coal fly ash
Long and short-term performance of a stabilized/solidified electric arc furnace dust
Use of zeolitised coal fly ash for landfill leachate treatment: A pilot plant study
Utilisation of zeolitised coal fly ash as immobilising agent of a metallurgical waste

Proyecto (13)

Geopolímeros de residuos con propiedades acústicas, térmicas, biocidas y autolimpiantes para revestimiento de fachada
Residuos de Acuicultura
Diseño de Refuerzo Multiescala para muy Alta Resistencia a Tracción y Fatiga
Estudio de materiales reforzados con grafeno para su aplicación en sistemas de almacenamiento de energía (REINSTOMAT)
GEO4BUILD. Geo-polímeros y subproductos para una economía circular en el ámbito de la construcción. PAIDI 2020: Universidad de Jaen. 24 meses. 2020-2021.
Integración de Tecnologías Emergentes de Membranas para la Valorización de Efluentes de la Industria Minero-Metalúrgica
LOD-EST: Estudio de caracterización fisico-química de lodos procedentes de minas y su empleo como material de relleno
Nuevas Aplicaciones de Geopolímeros Basados en Cenizas Volantes y Escorias
RECIESCOR: Reciclado de escorias procedentes de centrales térmicas en materiales con aplicaciones en el sector de la construcción
Reciclado y valorización de cenizas y escorias de procesos térmicos en dispositivos reductores de ruido
Aprovechamiento de residuos industriales en el proceso de depuración avanzada de lixiviados de residuos sólidos urbanos y de otros efluentes líquidos
GEOASH: Understanding and Mastering Coal Fired Ashes Geopolymerization Process in Order to Turn Potential Into Profit
Ernesto Cortes




Begona Peceno

Assistant Teacher

Escuela de Prevención de Riesgos y Medioambiente

Universidad Catolica del Norte

Coquimbo, Chile

Carlos Leiva

Catedrático de Universidad

Ingeniería Química y Ambiental

Universidad de Sevilla

Sevilla, España

José Bakit

Profesor Asistente


Universidad Católica del Norte

Coquimbo, Chile


Académico Investigador

Instituto de Investigación Multidisciplinario en Ciencia y tecnología


La Serena, Chile

Norma Perez

Investigadora Postdoctoral

Departamento de Acuicultura

Universidad Católica del Norte

Coquimbo, Chile