
Pamela Andrea Fierro González

Early Career Scientist

Instituto Milenio de Oceanografía

Concepción, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Mi línea de investigación es la ecología y diversidad del zooplancton, enfocándome en su taxonomía, identificación y biodiversidad. He adquirido experiencia en oceanografía, campañas de muestreo y análisis de datos, colaborando en proyectos nacional


  •   Dr. Sciencies de l´Environnement ,Océnographie, AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITY. Francia, 2023
  •  Magister en Oceanografía, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2018
  •  Bióloga Marina, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2014

Formación de Capital Humano

2024 Member of the undergraduate thesis committee of Mauricio Diaz, Universidad de Valparaíso.
Supervisor: Dr. Johanna Medellín
2023 Member of the undergraduate thesis committee of Ignacio Ibañez, Universidad de Concepción.
Supervisor: Dr. Pamela Hidalgo
2018 Member of the undergraduate thesis committee of Tamara Cuevas, Universidad de Concepción.
Supervisor: Dr. Pamela Hidalgo.
2015 Teaching assistant, course "Biodiversity in the pelagic environment". Universidad de Concepción,
Concepción, Chile. Responsible professor: Dr. Pamela Hidalgo.
2014 Coordinator, course "Introduction to Marine Biodiversity". Universidad de Concepción, Concepción,
Chile. Responsible professors: Dr. Pamela Hidalgo, Dr. Erasmo Macaya, Dr. Alejandra Llanos.
2012-2014 Teaching assistant, course "Ecology and Taxonomy of copepods". Universidad de Concepción,
Concepción, Chile. Responsible professor: Dr. Pamela Hidalgo.
2013 Collaborator, International Graduate Course: Taxonomy and Identification of Plankton. Department of
Zoology at Universidad de Concepción. Funded by Project REDES RED 120035 (PI, Dr. P. Hidalgo)

Difusión y Transferencia

2017 Scientific Academies, Colegio San Agustín Concepción and Liceo Técnico Femenino A 29,
Concepción. Function: Scientific support.
2016 Scientific Camp ChileVa! -Explora. Pinto and Tomé, Chile. Interactive Center of Sciences, Arts and
Technology (CICAT) and Millennium Institute of Oceanography. August 10 and 31. Function:
organization and monitor of the “Ocean Biogeography” workshop.
2016 Workshop "Biodiversity in the Marine Environment". Mozart Schule School, Concepción. June 6th.
Function: Speaker.
2015-2017 "Scientific and Audiovisual Itinerant Show (MACI)". Millennium Institute of Oceanography.
Main researcher: Osvaldo Ulloa. Function: Scientific monitor.
2015-2016 Scientific Academy, Colegio Salesiano Concepción. Function: Scientific support.


Article (8)

Diel vertical migration of Nannocalanus minor and Eucalanus inermis (Copepoda: Calanoidea) associated with the oxygen minimum zone in northern Chile
Contamination of planktonic food webs in the Mediterranean Sea: Setting the frame for the MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE oceanographic cruise (spring 2019)
Microplastics in the maximum chlorophyll layer along a north-south transect in the Mediterranean Sea in comparison with zooplankton concentrations
Potential effects of shoaling of oxygen minimum zone on the population of Acartia (Acanthacartia) tonsa in the Humboldt Current Upwelling System (23?S)
Spatial variations of biochemical content and stable isotope ratios of size-fractionated plankton in the Mediterranean Sea (MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE campaign)
Zooplankton biomass, size structure, and associated metabolic fluxes with focus on its roles at the chlorophyll maximum layer during the plankton-contaminant MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE cruise
Acartia (Acanthacartia) Hypoxia effects on egg production and early stages Dana tonsa, 1849 (Calanoida, Acartiidae) in the Humboldt Current System (23 ° S).
First record of copepod Neomormonilla minor (Giesbrecht, 1891) for the Humboldt Current System off Chilean coastal zone (Mormonilloida=> Mormonillidae)

Proyecto (6)

Oceanographic- climat process modulating ecosistem responses in the Humboldt Current plankton indicators
Programa de Colaboración Internacional CONICYT Chile- Estados Unidos N ° USA 2012-0006 "Ecological consequences of low-oxygen water masses on mesozooplankton in the Humboldt Current Ecosystem
Programa de Colaboración Internacional CONICYT Chile- Estados Unidos N ° USA 2012-0006 "Ecological consequences of low-oxygen water masses on mesozooplankton in the Humboldt Current Ecosystem
Zooplankton production variability in the coastal upwelling zone off Chile in the Humboldt Current ecosystem”
“Fortalecimiento de una red internacional de investigación sobre diversidad del plancton en el Pacífico y atlántico sur redes 12-0035”.
Pamela Fierro

Early Career Scientist

Departamento de Oceanografía

Instituto Milenio de Oceanografía

Concepción, Chile


Investigadora adjunta

Instituto Milenio BASE (Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antarcticos y Subantarcticos)

Santiago, Chile

Javier Babbonney

Asistente de Investigación

Ciencias del Mar

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Paula Ruz

Profesor Asociado

Escuela de Ciencias del Mar

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile