Juan Alejandro Valdivia Hepp
Full Professor
Santiago, Chile
Complex systems; Space and Astrophysical plasmas, Space Weather, Nanophysics,
Physics, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. Estados Unidos, 1997
Physics, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. Chile, 1996
Physics, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. Estados Unidos, 1991
Mathematicas, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. Chile, 1991
Astronomy, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. Estados Unidos, 1991
Full Professor Full Time
Facultad de Ciencias
Santiago, Chile
2006 - A la fecha
Associate Professor Full Time
santiago, Chile
2004 - 2006
National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship Full Time
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD, Estados Unidos
1997 - 1999
Assitant Professor Full Time
Santiago, Chile
2000 - 2005
Principal Investigator Part Time
Centro para el desarrollo de la Nanociencia y Nanotecnología, Cedenna
Santiago, Chile
2007 - A la fecha
1. Ph.D Thesis: B. Toledo (2005), Traffic as a Complex System, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
2. Ph.D Thesis: N Lammoglia (2008), Modeling and simulating inequality, Ph.D in Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
3. Ph.D Thesis: F. Asenjo (2010), New Fluid Formalisms for relativistic and quantum relativistic plasmas, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
4. Ph.D Thesis: J. Villalobos (2010), Chaos in Transit Systems, Ph.D in Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
5. Ph.D Thesis: R. Bonilla (2011), Proposing a conceptual y quantitative model for the description of social systems with a Pareto behavior, Ph.D in Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
6. Ph.D Thesis: P. Moya (2011), Acceleration and heating of minor ions in solar wind plasma, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
7. Ph.D Thesis: V. Buchelli (2013), The rich get richer dynamics of knowledge production: towards a science of science at the meso-level, Ph.D in Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
8. Ph.D Thesis: R. Lopez (2013), Nonlinear waves in electron positron plasmas, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
9. Ph.D Thesis: F. Montes (2014), The spread of healthy behaviors in social networks through megatrends: a promising strategy for potentiating public health interventions, Ph.D in Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
10. Ph.D Thesis: R. Navarro (2014), Thermal Fluctuations in solar wind like plasmas, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
11. Ph.D Thesis: P. Lemoine (2015), Towards understanding the relation between Transmilenio and walking for transportation, Ph.D in Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
12. Ph.D Thesis: J. D. Meisel (2015), The dynamic of obesity from a systemic approach, Ph.D in Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
13. Ph.D Thesis: F. Castillo (2017), Dynamics of magnetic fields in neutron stars, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
14. Ph.D Thesis: J. Felipe Penagos (2020), Perturbaciones al sistema de educación superior Colombiano (SESC) desde el componente de financiación a la demanda, Ph.D in Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
15. Ph.D Thesis: S. Carrasco (2020), Time dependent Quantum dynamics, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
16. Ph.D Thesis: L. F. Gutiérrez (2020), Construcción de una representación basada en análisis formales de obras de arte, aproximando aspectos de la apreciación artística, que eventualmente pueda ser utilizada en la y evaluación de artefactos visuales. Ph.D in Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
17. Ph.D Thesis: J. Clark (2022), Auto-Organización en Sistemas Disipativos No Locales, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
18. Ph.D Thesis: M. Coello (2018-Present), Thermally induced electromagnetic fluctuations in plasma de electrones y positrones, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
19. Ph.D Thesis: D. Leon (2018-Present), Characterizations of Seismic networks, Ph.D. in Enginnering, Universidad de Ibague, Colombia.
20. Ph.D Thesis: R. Medina (2019-Present), Electromagnetic fluctuations in Plasmas, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
21. Ph.D Thesis: N. Dunkler (2021-Present), The solar wind influence on spatial patters of magnetic fluctuations, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
22. Ph.D Thesis: N. Moraga (2021-Present), Magneto-thermal dynamics of the neutron star core, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
23. Ph.D Thesis: C. Lagos (2023-Present), Thermodynamics of complex network transport, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
24. Ph.D Thesis: M. J. Quezada (2023-Present), Nonlinear Models of Space Weather Dynamics, Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
25. M.S. Thesis: L. Wastavino (2005), Traffic in intersections, M.S. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
26. M.S. Thesis: J. L. Cabal (2007), Fractal risk estimation in finantial portafolios, M.S. in Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
27. M.S. Thesis: E. Ramos (2007), Stability and Noise on gene regulatory networks, M.S. in Physics, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
28. M.S. Thesis: P. Muñoz (2007), Chaos and Nonlinear Schrodinger equation in plasmas, M.S. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
29. M.S. Thesis: A. Gomez (2008), Centrality and transport in city dynamics, M.S. in Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
30. M.S. Thesis: C. Farias (2010), Study about the relationship between earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in Chile, in the last 100 years, M.S. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
31. M.S.Thesis: S. Guiller (2010), Transport in complex networks, M.S. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
32. M.S. Thesis: V. Pinto (2011), Studies of the turbulence in the Earth's magnetosphere using data from THEMIS and SAMBA, M.S. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
33. M.S. Thesis: P. Marchant (2012), Evolution of axially symmetric magnetic fields in neutron star crust due to the hall drift, M.S. in Physics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
34. M.S. Thesis: C. Armaza (2014), On magnetic equilibria in barotropic stars, M.S. in Physics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
35. M.S.Thesis: N Gallo (2017), Thermally induced magnetic fluctuations in the solar wind, M.S. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
36. M.S.Thesis: J. Figueroa (2018), Phase Transition of Quantum Light-Matter Systems, M.S. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
37. M.S.Thesis: N. Moraga (2020), Coupled Thermal and Magnetic Evolution of Neutron Star Cores in the Strong-Coupling Regime, M.S. in Physics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
38. Gabriela Yupanqui (2021-present), Predecir la actividad magnetosférica combinando inteligencia artificial y algoritmos evolutivos. M.S. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
39. Valentina Acuña Villaflor (2022-present), Regulacion cinetical de la turbulencia en Plasmas, M.S. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
40. Nicolas Zuñiga (2022-present), Problemas de Mecanica Cuantica Tiempo dependiente, M.S. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
41. Tomas Espinoza (2023-present), Transporte en Redes Complejas, M.S. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
Proposal reviewer for
2. National Science Foundation, USA
3. Natural Environment Research Council, USA
4. Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, Conicyt/Fondecyt Chile
5. Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear, Chile
6. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Conicet, Argentina
7. Agencia Nacional de Promoción Cientifica y Tecnologica, ANPyCT, Argentina
8. Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Autónoma de México
9. Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, NWO, Netherlands
10. Mecesup (Ministerio de Educacion, Chile)
11. Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Paper reviewer for
1. Geophysical Research Letters
2. Journal of Geophysical Research
3. Radio Science
4. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
5. Geophysical Monograph
6. Space Science Reviews
7. Advances of Space Research
8. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
9. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
10. New Journal of Physics
11. Physica A
12. Earth, Planets and Space
13. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
14. Physics of Plasmas
15. Space Weather
16. Mathematical Problems in Engineering
17. The Lancet
18. Kybernetes
19. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
20. Entropy
21. Chaos
22. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
23. Earth and Space Science
24. IEEE Access
25. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
26. Sustainability
27. Complexity
28. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
29. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences
1. American Geophysical Union (AGU)
2. American Physical Society (APS)
3. Asociación Latinoamericana de Geofísica Espacial (ALAGE)
4. Sociedad Chilena de Física (Sochifi)
Organizing and Scientific Committees
1. VI Conferencia Latinoamericana de Geofísica , Tome, Chile, October 2001
2. The XIII Simposio Chileno de Física, Concepción, Chile, November 2002
3. The 2005 World Space Environment Forum , Schloss Seggau, Austria, May 2005
4. The Physics of Solar-wind/Magnetosphere coupling , Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, November 2006
5. The Nonlinear Magnetosphere, Vina del Mar,Chile, January 2009
6. IX Colage, Punta Leona, Costa Rica, April 2011
7. Nonlinear Wave and Chaos Workshop (NWCW9), La Jolla-California, USA, March 2013
8. The Mechanics of the Magnetosphere, Torres del Paine, Chile, 2013
9. III Dynamics Days South America, Viña del Mar, Chile, November, 2014
10. Unsolved Problems in Magnetospheric Physics Workshop, Scarborough, UK, September, 2015
11. Nonlinear Wave and Chaos Workshop (NWCW10), La Jolla-California, USA, 2017
12. The Magnetosphere: New Thinking, New Tools, New results, Puerto Varas, Chile, 2017
13. “Exploring Systems-Science Techniques for the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere”, Los Alamos, USA, July 2018
14. “Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origins and Manifestations”, Copiapo, Chile, June 2019
15. “Simposio Avances Recientes en Física de la Materia Condensada”, Pucón, Chile, November 2019
16. “The Plasma Physics of the Magnetosphere”, Pollenzo (CN), Italy, June, 2019
17. XII Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (Colage 2021), Online, Chile, November, 2021
18. XIII Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (Colage 2022), San Jose dos Campos, Brazil, November, 2022
19. XIV Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (Colage 2024), Nuevo León, Mexico, April 2024
Postdoctoral Fellowship
National Research Council of USA
Estados Unidos, 1997
Obtained a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship (1997 – 1999) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, USA
F. L. Scarf Award for best Ph.D. Dissertation in Space Physics and Aeronomy
American Geophysical Union
Estados Unidos, 1998
Given the 1998 F. L. Scarf Award for best Ph.D. Dissertation in Space Physics and Aeronomy of the American Geophysical Union.
Member of the “Space Weather Expert Group” of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS)
United Nations
Estados Unidos, 2018
Nominatedand selected to the Space Weather Expert Group” of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS)
Member of the “Space Weather Expert Group”
United Nations
Austria, 2019
Member of the “Space Weather Expert Group” of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS)
Universality of electromagnetic fluctuations in space plasmas |
The Chilean Neuromorphic Computing Initiativ |
Fundamental processes in space plasma physics, combining instrumentation, observations, theory, and simulations. |
Neuromorphic Inspired Science, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations |
Using the American-Chilean SAMBA magnetometer network for the study of ionospheric electrodynamics and potential impact on scintillation and radiation belt fluxes |
Observation and Modeling of Complex fluxes=> Ocean, Ionosphere and Astrophysical plasmas. |
Magnetic field of massive stars and their compact remnants |
Turbulence in Space Plasmas and its impact on the Magnetospheric Dynamics and Space Weather |
Centro para el desarrollo de la Nanociencia y Nanotecnología |
Simulación y análisis de turbulencia en plasmas en la conexión Sol-Tierra |
Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios Básicos y Aplicados en Complejidad, CEIBA |
Effect of finite amplitude waves on linear waves. Ion cyclotron waves in drifting multi-ion species plasmas. Stability of a magnetoplasma with cross field currents. |
The relevance of global self-organization processes in plasmas and the relationship with the dynamics of the magnetotail. |
Modeling self-organized criticality in the turbulent plasma sheet=> its relation to the coherence and repeatability of the substorm phenomena. |
Nonlinear modeling of high-latitude electrodynamics and midlatitude currents, and prediction from real-time solar wind data. |
The role of self-Organized Criticality in the Substorm Phenomena and its relation to Localized reconnection in the Magnetospheric Plasma Sheet. |
The Earths Magnetosphere: A Systems Science Overview and Assessment |