
Jorge Arenas Gaitán

Catedrático de Universidad

Universidad de Sevilla

Sevilla, España

Líneas de Investigación

Marketing; Comportamiento del Consumidor en entorno TIC; Segmentación; Digitalización


  •  Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados, Universidad de Sevilla. España, 2003

Experiencia Académica

  •   Catedrático de Universidad Full Time


    Económicas y Empresariales

    Sevilla, España

    2000 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Catedrático de Universidad Full Time

    Universidad de Sevilla

    Sevilla, España

    2000 - A la fecha

Difusión y Transferencia

Web of Science: K-2866-2014
Scopus: 36631521100


Article (32)

Adoption of social networking sites among older adults: The role of the technology readiness and the generation to identifying segments
COVID-19 and telemedicine: A netnography approach
Explaining the Consumption Technology Acceptance in the Elderly Post-Pandemic: Effort Expectancy Does Not Matter
Acceptance of Social Networking Sites by Older People before and after COVID-19 Confinement: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study in Chile, Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)
Dynamic Innovation Capabilities and their Impact on Export Performance in Times of Economic Crisis
Food-related lifestyles across generations
Is your smartphone ugly? Importance of aesthetics in young people's intention to continue using smartphones
Segmentation of Older Adults in the Acceptance of Social Networking Sites Using Machine Learning
When does personalization work on social media? a posteriori segmentation of consumers
A posteriori segmentation of elderly internet users: applying PLS-POS
A Posteriori Segmentation of Personal Profiles of Online Video Games' Players
Local Fresh Food Products and Plant-Based Diets: An Analysis of the Relation Between Them
Purchase Intention of Specialty Coffee
Self-efficacy and anxiety as determinants of older adults’ use of Internet Banking Services.
Social Network Communications in Chilean Older Adults
Analysing the acceptation of online games in mobile devices: An application of UTAUT2
Assessing differences in customers' personal disposition to e-commerce
Latent segmentation of older adults in the use of social networks and e-banking services
Antecedents of WOM: SNS-user segmentation
Modelling the success of learning management systems: application of latent class segmentation using FIMIX-PLS
Student information system satisfaction in higher education: the role of visual aesthetics
Moderating effect of learning styles on a learning management system's success
Global model of export performance: Moderator role of export department
A comparison of the different versions of popular technology acceptance models A non-linear perspective
Elderly and Internet Banking: An Application of UTAUT2
From Digital Divide to Psycho-digital Divide: Elders and Online Social Networks
Gender and Acceptance of E-Learning: A Multi-Group Analysis Based on a Structural Equation Model among College Students in Chile and Spain
Predicting behavioral intention of mobile Internet usage
Travel Buying Behavior in Social Network Site Users: to Buy Online vs. Offline
Technology Acceptance Model y mayores: ¿la educación y la actividad laboral desarrollada son variables moderadoras?,
Elderly Persons and Internet Use
International expansion: mediation of dynamic capabilities

EditorialMaterial (1)

Complexity of Understanding Consumer Behavior from the Marketing Perspective
Jorge Arenas

Catedrático de Universidad

Administración de Empresas y Marketing

Universidad de Sevilla

Sevilla, España

Francisco Rondán


Administración de Empresas y Marketing

Universidad de Sevilla


Patricio Ramírez

Profesor Asociado

Escuela de Ingeniería

Universidad Católica del Norte

Coquimbo, Chile

Muriel Ramirez

Profesor Titular

Salud Pública

Universidad Catolica del Norte

Coquimbo, Chile

Jorge Serrano

Profesor asistente


Universidad Católica del Norte

Antofagasta, Chile