
Jorge Eduardo Romero Moyano

Investigador Asociado

Universidad de O'Higgins

Rancagua, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Volcanología física, petrología ígnea y geoquímica, peligro y riesgo geológico. Énfasis en depósitos piroclásticos, tefroestratigrafía, mecanismos y dinámica eruptiva y condiciones pre-eruptivas.


  •  PhD Earth Science, UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER. Reino Unido, 2023
  •  Licenciado Ciencias de la Ingeniería, UNIVERSIDAD DE ATACAMA. Chile, 2019
  •  Geología, UNIVERSIDAD DE ATACAMA. Chile, 2019

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor ayudante Other


    Facultad de Ingeniería

    Copiapó, Chile

    2017 - 2019

  •   Teaching assistant Part Time


    Science and Engineering

    Manchester, Reino Unido

    2020 - 2022

  •   Investigador Asociado Full Time

    Universidad de O'Higgins

    Rancagua, Chile

    2024 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Geólogo de Peligros Volcánicos Full Time

    Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería

    Santiago, Chile

    2023 - 2023

  •   Investigador Postdoctoral Full Time

    Universidad de O'Higgins

    Rancagua, Chile

    2023 - 2024

Formación de Capital Humano

A la fecha, el Dr. Romero ha dirigido o co-dirigido 3 tesis de pregrado de las universidades del Desarrollo, Andrés Bello y Atacama (Chile). Adicionalmente, ha participado en la comisión evaluadora de otras 3 tesis de las universidades Austral de Chile, Andrés Bello (Chile) y Central de Ecuador (Ecuador). En la actualidad, se encuentra co-supervisando otras 4 tesis de la Universidad Católica de Temuco (Chile). Estos estudiantes han desarrollado sus trabajos en las áreas de Volcanología física, petrología ígnea, remociones en masa, sedimentología y geopatrimonio.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Dean's Doctoral Scholarship Award


    Reino Unido, 2020

    Beca de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la University of Mánchester, para realizar estudios de doctorado entre 2020 y 2022.

  •   GeoIntern Full Scholarship


    Chile, 2018

    Asistencia completa al Curso Internacional de Entrenamiento en Monitoreo Volcánico (International Training Course on Volcano Monitoring) desarrollado en las Islas Canarias, España.


Article (35)

A Late-Pleistocene confined volcanic debris avalanche promoted by hydrothermal alteration at the Tinguiririca volcano (Andes of Central Chile)
Geological heritage sites assessment in the northern flank of the Calbuco volcano (Southern Andes, Chile)
How residents and volcanoes co-produce risk knowledge: Ways of knowing and affective attunement to the rhythms of Lonquimay volcano, Chile
Magma residence time, ascent rate and eruptive style of the November ash-laden activity during the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Spain)
Rapid growth and catastrophic destruction events of Planchón Volcano, Southern Andes
The 2011-2012 Puyehue-Cordón Caulle (Southern Andes) tephra deposit influence of the number of field measurements on isopach drawing and volume estimate
The Andean Southern Volcanic Zone: a review on the legacy of the latest volcanic eruptions
The role of intra-arc strike-slip fault systems on landslide generation at Curarrehue (Central Southern Chilean Andes)
Eruptions from the deep
Exceptional eruptive CO2 emissions from intra-plate alkaline magmatism in the Canary volcanic archipelago
Long-term volcano evolution controlled by lateral collapse at Antuco volcano, southern Andes, Chile
Perceptions of past and future eruptions of Puyehue-Cordón Caulle (Southern Chile): connecting neighbourhood, social cohesion and disaster memory in volcanic risk research
Phase equilibrium experiments and thermodynamic simulations to constrain the pre-eruptive conditions of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands)
Tephra sedimentation and grainsize associated with pulsatory activity: the 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain)
The April 2015 Calbuco eruption pyroclastic density currents: deposition, impacts on woody vegetation, and cooling on the northern flank of the cone
Insights Into Magma Storage Beneath a Frequently Erupting Arc Volcano (Villarrica, Chile) From Unsupervised Machine Learning Analysis of Mineral Compositions
Mid-Holocene lateral collapse of Antuco volcano (Chile): debris avalanche deposit features, emplacement dynamics, and impacts
Physical Characterization of Long-Lasting Hybrid Eruptions: The 2021 Tajogaite Eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands)
Pre-eruptive Conditions of the 3 March 2015 Lava Fountain of Villarrica Volcano (Southern Andes)
The eruptive history and magma composition of Pleistocene Cerro Negro volcano (Northern Chile): Implications for the complex evolution of large monogenetic volcanoes
The initial phase of the 2021 Cumbre Vieja ridge eruption (Canary Islands): Products and dynamics controlling edifice growth and collapse
Triggering factors, behavior, and social impact of the January 2021 hail-debris flows at the Central Valley of Chile
Centennial-scale eruptive diversity at Volcan Calbuco (41.3 degrees S; Northwest Patagonia) deduced from historic tephra cover-bed and dendrochronologic archives
Volcanic Lateral Collapse Processes in Mafic Arc Edifices: A Review of Their Driving Processes, Types and Consequences
Combining ash analyses with remote sensing to identify juvenile magma involvement and fragmentation mechanisms during the 2018/19 small eruption of Peteroa volcano (Southern Andes)
Pyroclastic deposits and eruptive heterogeneity of Volcán Antuco (37°S; Southern Andes) during the Mid to Late Holocene (<7.2 ka)
The unexpected explosive sub-Plinian eruption of Calbuco volcano (22-23 April 2015; southern Chile): Triggering mechanism implications
Tephra fallout from the long-lasting Tungurahua eruptive cycle (1999-2014): Variations through eruptive style transition and deposition processes
Tephra From the 3 March 2015 Sustained Column Related to Explosive Lava Fountain Activity at Volcan Villarrica (Chile)
Dynamics and style transition of a moderate, Vulcanian-driven eruption at Tungurahua (Ecuador) in February 2014: pyroclastic deposits and hazard considerations
Hydrovolcanic ash emission between August 14 and 24, 2015 at Cotopaxi volcano (Ecuador): Characterization and eruption mechanisms
Eruption dynamics of the 22-23 April 2015 Calbuco Volcano (Southern Chile): Analyses of tephra fall deposits
Eruptive activity of Planchon-Peteroa volcano for period 2010-2011, Southern Andean Volcanic Zone, Chile
Forecasting volcanic ash dispersal and coeval resuspension during the April-May 2015 Calbuco eruption
Tephra fall at Tungurahua Volcano (Ecuador) – 1999-2014: An Example of Tephra Accumulation from a Long-lasting Eruptive Cycle

BookSection (1)

El volcán activo más alto del mundo. ¿Qué esconde su paisaje?

Proyecto (4)

Controls on flank instability at southern Andes volcanoes constrained by field, laboratory, and numerical evidence: Applications to San José and Chillán volcanoes
Researching hybrid rhyolitic eruptions (RHY2)
D.E.C.O.M.P.R.E.S.S.- Decompressing Effect of Collapsed volcanoes On Magma: Petrological Response of the Shallow magmatic System
Quantifying disequilibrium processes in basaltic volcanism
Jorge Romero

Investigador Asociado

Instituto de Ciencias de la Ingeniería

Universidad de O'Higgins

Rancagua, Chile

Mohammad Ayaz Alam

Académico (Profesor Asociado)

Departamento de Ingeniería Geoespacial y Ambiental

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Danny Guzmán

Profesor Titular

Ingeniería en Metalurgia


Copiapó, Chile

Daniel Bertin

Editor técnico

Subdirección Nacional de Geología

Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería

Santiago, Chile

Santiago Montserrat

Investigador Asociado

Advanced Mining Technology Center, AMTC

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

German Aguilar


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Alex Garcés



Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo González

Professor Asociado

Departamento de Ciencias Geologicas


Antofagasta, Chile

Tatiana Izquierdo

Investigador Asistente

Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas


Copiapó, Chile

José Palma

Profesor Asociado

Ciencias de la Tierra


Concepción, Chile

Francisca Vergara

PhD candidate

Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute

University of Manchester

Manchester, Reino Unido

Felipe Aguilera

Associated Professor

Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas

Universidad Católica del Norte

Antofagasta, Chile