
Valentina Pilar Ugalde Tagle

Lab Manager

Fundación Ciencia & Vida

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Neuroinflamación asociada a la enfermedad de Parkinson; Análisis de la respuesta de linfocitos T asociada a enfermedades inflamatorias intestinales.


  •  Bioquimica, UNIVERSIDAD ANDRES BELLO. Chile, 2011
  •  Nutrición, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2013
  •  Bioquímica, UNIVERSIDAD ANDRES BELLO. Chile, 2008

Experiencia Académica

  •   Asistente de Investigación Full Time

    Fundación Ciencia & Vida

    Santiago, Chile

    2013 - 2017

  •   Lab Manager Full Time

    Fundación Ciencia & Vida

    Santiago, Chile

    2017 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Asistente de Investigación Full Time

    Fundación Ciencia & Vida

    Santiago, Chile

    2013 - 2017

  •   Lab Manager Full Time

    Fundación Ciencia & Vida

    Santiago, Chile

    2017 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

Si bien no he figurado como tutora o co-tutora oficial, he contribuido a la formación de varios profesionales que han pasado por el Laboratorio de Neuroinmunología para realizar sus tesis bajo la tutela del Dr. Rodrigo Pacheco. Los estudiantes a los que he ayudado a formar son los siguientes:


Javier Campos: PhD student from the program of Doctorate of Biotechnology of Universidad Andrés Bello. Thesis entitled "Analysing the involvement of CD4+ T-cells in the gut-brain axis communication associated to Parkinson's disease". Started at March 2017 and currently ongoing. Expected to be finished at September 2021.

Zulmary Manjarres: PhD student from the program of Doctorate of Biological Science, mention in Physiological Science of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. “Deciphering the role of the adaptive immunity in the microbiota-brain axis associated to Parkinson’s disease". Started at May 2020 and currently ongoing. Finished at April 2024.

Ornella Chovar: PhD student from the program of Doctorate Immunology & Microbiology of the Universidad San Sebastián. Title of thesis: "Targeting the short-chain fatty acid receptor GPR43 in T-cells as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease". Started at 2022.

Jacob Mora: PhD student from the program of Doctorate Immunology & Microbiology of the Universidad San Sebastián. Title of thesis: "Analysing the role of the heteromeric complex formed by dopamine receptors D2 and D3 on regulatory T cells function". Started at 2022.

Jazmín Castro. PhD student from the program of Doctorate Immunology & Microbiology of the Universidad San Sebastián. Title of thesis: "Analysing the dopaminergic regulation of regulatory T-cells mediated by dopamine receptor D2 and is consequences in gut inflammation". Started at August 2023.


Francisco Osorio: MSc student of Universidad de Chile. Thesis entitled "Determination of the role of dopamine receptor D5 in the inflammatory function of CD4+ T-cells". Started at March 2014 and currently ongoing. Finished at October 2016.

Nicole Rivera: MSc student performing thesis to obtain the title of Master on Biochemist (M.Sc.) by the Universidad Andrés Bello. Title of thesis: "Analysing the interphase of heteromers formed by chemokine receptors and dopamine receptors". Finished at October 2018.

Ornella Chovar: MSc student performing thesis to obtain the title of Master on Science (M.Sc.) by the Universidad de Chile. Title of thesis: "Role of dopamine receptor D3 in the cytotoxic response mediated by CD8+ T-cells". Finished at March 2019.

Paola Tiozzo: MSc student performing thesis to obtain the title of Master on Biochemist (M.Sc.) by the Universidad Andrés Bello. Title of thesis: "Role of dopamine receptor D2 signalling in T-cells in the development of inflammatory colitis ". Started at March 2018 and expected to be finished at March 2019.


Nicole Rivera: Student of Bachelor in Biochemistry of Universidad Andrés Bello. Research Unit entitled "Analysing the cross-antagonism of dopamine receptors expressed in dendritic cells". Started at September 2015 and expected to be finished at December 2015.

Michelle Salazar: Engineer in Biotechnology, Universidad de Chile. Research Unit entitled "Evaluation of role of gut-microbiota in the protective effect of lack of dopamine receptor D3 in inflammatory colitis induced by dextran sodium sulfate". March 2017 - April 2017.

Paola Tiozzo: Student of Bachelor in Biochemistry of Universidad Andrés Bello. Research Unit entitled "Evaluating the role of dopamine receptor D2 signalling in T-cells in the development of inflammatory colitis". Started at September 2017 - February 2018.

Jacob Mora: Student of the PhD program in Immunology and Microbiology from Universidad San Sebastián. Research Unit entitled "Analysing dopaminergic receptors involved in T-cell mediated inflammation in the gut". Started at August 2021 and finished at December 2021.

Difusión y Transferencia

I. Además de las publicaciones de artículos científicos, soy parte de los inventores en dos solicitudes de patente y una patente concedida:

Pacheco, R; González, H; Elgueta, D; Contreras, F; Ugalde, V (2017). “Attenuation of neurodegeneration associated to Parkinson’s disease by inhibition of dopamine receptor D3 on CD4+ T cells”. Granted Patent N°: 57424.

Pacheco, R; Ugalde, V; Contreras, F. ”Inflammatory Bowel Disease Therapy by inhibition of dopamine receptor”. Patent application to the with the USPTO as a receiving office. Application number: 62877720. Application date: 23 July 2020.

Pacheco R, Elgueta D, Chovar O, Ugalde V, López E, Becker MI, Lladser A, Quezada S. Regulatory T-cells expressing a chimeric antigen receptor specific to nitrated alpha-synuclein inhibit neurodegeneration in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. Provisional patent application number US 63/110,819. Application date November 6th, 2020.

II. En los últimos 7 años he participado en los siguientes proyectos de Investigación:

2018. Michael J. Fox Foundation 10332.1 - Evaluating the therapeutic potential of the systemic antagonism of dopamine receptor D3 in the development of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration in mice overexpressing alpha-synuclein (Research Assistant). Overall goal: to confirm the dopamine receptor D3 expressed in alpha-synuclein-specific T-cells as a therapeutic target for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

2018-2019. Michael J. Fox Foundation 15076 - Target Advancement program. Generation of regulatory CD4+ T cells with chimeric-antigen-receptors specific to nitrated-alpha-synuclein as a therapy to Parkinson’s disease (Research Assistant). Overall goal: to generate an antigen-specific suppressive immunotherapy for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and to test it in an animal model.

2019-2021. FONDECYT 1170093. Role of heteromers formed by chemokine receptors and dopamine receptors in the gut-homing of CD4+ T-cells in inflammatory bowel diseases (Research Assistant). Overall goal: to determine the in vivo relevance of a new kind of receptors found in inflammatory T-cells as key homing-receptors involved in the physiopathology of inflammatory bowel diseases.

2021-2025. FONDECYT 1210013. Deciphering the role of the heteromeric complex formed by dopamine receptors D2 and D3 in the control of regulatory T cell function in the gut mucosa (Research Assistant). Overall goal: To determine the relevance of the heteromer formed by dopamine receptors DRD2 and DRD3 in the control of homeostasis and oral tolerance in the gut mucosa in mouse models of inflammatory colitis.

2022-2024. FONDEF IDeA ID22I10070 – Evaluating effectiveness and safety of a suppressive immunotherapy specific to nitrated ?-synuclein as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease in a preclinical model (Research Assistant). Overall goal: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of an antigen-specific suppressive immunotherapy in the development of Parkinson’s disease in a preclinical model.

2022-2024. Michael J. Fox Foundation 021112 – Target Advancement program. Targeting GPR43 in T cells as a potential treatment for Parkinson’s disease (Research Assistant). Overall goal: determine the relevance of GPR43 stimulation in the development of Parkinson’s disease in a preclinical model.

III. Participación en Congresos:

Jacob Mora, Iu Raïch, Gemma Navarro, Valentina Ugalde, Carolina Prado, Pía Vidal, Pedro Leal, Alexandra Espinoza, Rafael Franco, Rodrigo Pacheco. Analysis of the role of the heteromeric complex formed by the D2 and D3 dopamine receptors in the regulation of the suppressive activity and intestinal tropism of regulatory T lymphocytes. 6th Annual meeting ASOCHIN 2023, November 15th-17th, 2023. Santa Cruz, Chile.

Jacob Mora, Iu Raïch, Gemma Navarro, Valentina Ugalde, Carolina Prado, Pía Vidal, Pedro Leal, Alexandra Espinoza, Rafael Franco, Rodrigo Pacheco. Analysis of the role of the heteromeric complex formed by the D2 and D3 dopamine receptors in the regulation of the suppressive activity and intestinal tropism of regulatory T lymphocytes. XXXV annual meeting of the Chilean Society of Cell Biology. November 6th-10th, 2023. Puerto Varas, Chile.

Jacob Mora, Iu Raïch, Gemma Navarro, Valentina Ugalde, Carolina Prado, Pía Vidal, Pedro Leal, Alexandra Espinoza, Rafael Franco, Rodrigo Pacheco. Analysis of the role of the heteromeric complex formed by the D2 and D3 dopamine receptors in the regulation of the suppressive activity and intestinal tropism of regulatory T lymphocytes. Workshop Inflammation, Cancer and Intestinal Mucosal Immunity (ICIMI) Advanced Immunology Course. October 16th – 20th, 2023. Santiago, Chile.

Jacob Mora, Iu Raïch, Gemma Navarro, Valentina Ugalde, Pía Vidal, Pedro Leal, Alexandra Espinoza, Rafael Franco, Rodrigo Pacheco. Deciphering the role of the heteromer formed by dopamine receptors D2 and D3 on regulatory T-cells in gut inflammation. 5th Annual meeting ASOCHIN 2022, November 20th-21st, 2022. Santiago, Chile.

Rodrigo Pacheco, Francisco Osorio-Barrios, Gemma Navarro, Javier Campos, Valentina Ugalde, Carolina Prado, Iu Raïch, Francisco Contreras, Alexandra Espinoza, Rafael Franco. The heteromeric complex formed by dopamine receptor D5 and the C-C chemokine receptor 9 provides the gut-homing of CD4+ T-cells upon inflammation. CELL SYMPOSIA: The Neuro-Immune Axis. September 11th-13th, 2022. Lisbon, Portugal.

Valentina Ugalde, Francisco Contreras, Alexandra Espinoza, Rodrigo Pacheco. Dopamine receptor D3 signalling limits migration of regulatory T cells into the gut mucosa. Oral-Gut symposium “mucosal immunity at the oral-gut in health or disease” at Fundación Ciencia & Vida. January 14th, 2020. Santiago, Chile.

Valentina Ugalde, Francisco Contreras, Alexandra Espinoza and Rodrigo Pacheco. Dopamine receptor D3 signalling reduces suppressive activity and limits migration of regulatory T cells into the gut mucosa. XXXIII annual meeting of the Chilean Society of Cell Biology. November 25-29th, 2019. Puerto Varas, Chile.

Rodrigo Pacheco, Francisco Contreras, and Valentina Ugalde. 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylethylamine mediated signalling limits regulatory T cells suppressive activity and their migration toward gut mucosa. 17th International congress of Immunology. October 19-23, 2019, Beijing, China.

Rodrigo Pacheco, Francisco Contreras, Hugo González, Daniela Elgueta, Carolina Prado, Valentina Ugalde. Dopamine-driven inflammation in the gut and the brain. Simposium "Neuro-Immune Response". XXIV meeting of the Latin American Association of Microbiology. November 13th, 2018, Santiago, Chile.

Rodrigo Pacheco, Francisco Contreras, Hugo González, Daniela Elgueta, Valentina Ugalde. Dopamine-driven inflammation in the gut and the brain. Simposium "Neuroimmune interactions in the gut-brain axis". XXXIX annual meeting of the Chilean Society of Pharmacology. November 22-25th, 2017. Puerto Varas, Chile.

Rodrigo Moraga-Amaro, Hugo González, Juan Donoso-Ramos, Valentina Ugalde, Patricio Rojas, Rodrigo Pacheco, Jimmy Stehberg. Dopamine Receptor type 5 knockout mice (D5RKO) show memory impairments but normal affective behavior. XXIX annual meeting of the Chilean Society for Cell Biology. October 25th-29th, 2015. Puerto Varas, Chile.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   XX Congress of Nutrition

    Comité organizador del congreso

    Chile, 2013

    Premio a la mejor presentación en poster: "Effect of overweight and obesity on mTORC1 pathway in human endometrium: development of type I endometrial cancer." XX Congress of Nutrition. 4-7 December 2013, Viña del Mar, Chile.


Article (11)

Meningeal T-cells in the cross-talk between memory consolidation and sleep
Analyzing the Parkinson's Disease Mouse Model Induced by Adeno-associated Viral Vectors Encoding Human ?-Synuclein
Prenatal fluoxetine impairs non-hippocampal but not hippocampal memory in adult male rat offspring
The Heteromeric Complex Formed by Dopamine Receptor D-5 and CCR9 Leads the Gut Homing of CD4(+) T Cells Upon Inflammation
Dopaminergic signalling limits suppressive activity and gut homing of regulatory T cells upon intestinal inflammation
Dopamine Receptor D3 Expression Is Altered in CD4(+) T-Cells From Parkinson's Disease Patients and Its Pharmacologic Inhibition Attenuates the Motor Impairment in a Mouse Model
STAT3 Activation in Combination with NF-KappaB Inhibition Induces Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells with High Therapeutic Potential to Attenuate Collagen-Induced Arthritis
Dopaminergic stimulation of Myeloid antigen-Presenting cells attenuates signal Transducer and activator of Transcription 3-activation Favouring the Development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Dopamine Receptor D3 Signaling on CD4(+) T Cells Favors Th1-and Th17-Mediated Immunity
Dopamine receptor D5 deficiency results in a selective reduction of hippocampal NMDA receptor subunit NR2B expression and impaired memory
Methylation of histone H3 lysine 9 occurs during translation
Valentina Ugalde

Lab Manager

Laboratorio de Neuroinmunología

Fundación Ciencia & Vida

Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Pacheco

Associate Investigator; Head of the Laboratory of Neuroimmunology

Fundación Ciencia para la Vida

Santiago, Chile

Carolina Prado

Investigador Joven

Fundacion Ciencia y Vida

Santiago, Chile


Associate Professor

Fundación Ciencia y Vida

Santiago, Chile

Alvaro Lladser

Professor, Principal Investigator


Santiago, Chile

Jimmy Stehberg

Associate Professor

Biological Sciences



Rodrigo Moraga

Postdoctoral researcher

Nuklear Medizin

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

Hannover, Alemania

Andro Montoya

Docente de Laboratorio de Biología Celular

Instituto de Ciencias Naturales

Universidad de Las Américas

Santiago, Chile

estibaliz ampuero

Profesor Asistente

Facultad de Química y Biología

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Maria Loyola

Principal Investigator

Fundación Ciencia & Vida

Santiago, Chile

Francisco Contreras

Investigador en área de Investigación y Desarrollo de productos biológicos

Centrovet Ltda.

Santiago, Chile

Inge Wyneken

Full Professor



Santiago, Chile

Fabiola Osorio

Associate Professor

Programa Disciplinario de Inmunologia

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Marcelo Lara

Academico Planta

Medicina y Ciencia

Universidad San Sebastián

Concepcion, Chile

Javier Campos

Gestor de Propiedad Intelectual

Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana

Santiago, Chile

Francisca Peña


Fundación Bionostra Research SA

Santiago, Chile

Patricio Rojas

Assistant Professor

Departamento de Biologia


Santiago, Chile

Bernardo Morales

Profesor titular


Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile