
Claudio A. Agostini

Profesor Titular

Universidad Adolfo Ibánez

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Politica Tributaria, Organizacion Industrial, Energia


  •  Economics, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Estados Unidos, 2003
  •  Economics, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Estados Unidos, 1999
  •  Ciencias Economicas, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 1991

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Titular Full Time



    2011 - 2021

  •   Profesor Asociado Full Time


    Facultad de Economia y Negocios


    2009 - 2011

  •   Profesor Asistente Full Time


    Facultad de Economia y Negocios

    Santiago, Chile

    2003 - 2009

  •   Professorial Lecturer Other


    Washington DC, Estados Unidos

    2003 - 2010

  •   International Research Affiliate Other


    Ann Arbor, Chile

    2014 - A la fecha

  •   Profesor Titular Full Time


    Facultad de Ingenieria y Ciencias

    Santiago, Chile

    2021 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

Tesis Dirigidas:

Ileana Jalile, Efectos del Impuesto a las Utilidades Sobre la Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) en América Latina, Master of Arts in Economics, Georgetown University, 2005

Gastón Palmucci, Capitalización de Infraestructura Pública en el Preciode las Viviendas: El Caso del Metrode Santiago, Master of Arts in Economics, Georgetown University, 2005

Leonor Saravia, El Efecto de la Tasa de Impuesto sobre la Inversión Privada en Chile, Master of Arts in Economics, Georgetown University, 2007

Paola Góngora, Factores Determinantes en el Impacto de las Transferencias Públicas a nivel comunal en Chile, Master of Arts in Economics, Georgetown University, 2008

Johanna Jiménez, ¿Quién Paga el Impuesto al Combustible?:Análisis de su Incidencia y Progresividad, Master of Arts in Economics, Georgetown University, 2009

Diego Valda, Determinantes Espaciales del Gasto Municipal en las Regiones Quinta, Octava y Metropolitana, Master of Arts in Economics, Georgetown University, 2009

Magdalena Opazo, Migración en el Área Metropolitana del Gran Santaigo: Una Mirada desde la Decisión de Localización y la Segregación Residencial, Master of Arts in Economics, Georgetown University, 2009

Mariel Siravegna, Impacto de los impuestos a lasganancia en losactivos financierosen Chile, Master of Arts in Economics, Georgetown University, 2010

Juan Vila, Donaciones y Economia: El caso del Hogar de Cristo, Master of Arts in Economics, Georgetown University, 2011

Ignacio Urbina, Incidencia Tributaria y Elasticidad del Impuesto a los Cigarrillos:
El Caso de Chile, Magister en Economía y Políticas Públicas, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, 2014

Nuri Carredano, Franquicias Tributarias en Chile para Sistemas Solares Térmicos: Análisis, simulación y recomendaciones, Magister en Economía y Políticas Públicas, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, 2017

Vicente Castillo, Cambio en la Segregación Residencial de los Inmigrantes en la Región Metropolitana, Chile: 2002-2017Magister en Economía y Políticas Públicas, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, 2019

Esteban Amador, Viabilidad económica de instalación de sistemas de almacenamiento para evitar vertimientos de energía solar, Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, 2023

Tesis Co-Dirigidas:

Cecilia Plottier, La Demanda de Energía Eléctrica En Chile: Una Aproximación desde los Hogares, Master of Arts in Economics, Georgetown University, 2009

Javiera Selman, Una Propuesta de Crédito Tributario a la Renta para Chile, Master of Arts in Economics, Georgetown University, 2015

Difusión y Transferencia

XXIX Encuentro de Economía Pública, Madrid, España, Mayo 2022, Expositor

16th IAEE European Conference, Ljubljana, Eslovenia, Agosto 2019. Expositor.

Utah Tax Invitational, Salt Lake City, Utah, Junio 2019. Expositor.

36th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Washington DC 2018. Expositor

73th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance Tampere, Finlandia, 2018. Expositor.

Center for Business Taxation Academic Symposium, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2018. Expositor.

Office of Tax Policy Research 40th Anniversary, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2018. Expositor.

41st International Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics Groningen, Holanda, 2018. Expositor

4th HAEE International Conference, Atenas, Grecia, 2018. Expositor.

110th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos, 2017. Expositor.

73th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Tokyo, Japón, 2017. Expositor y Comentarista.

Eurasian Energy Economics Conference, Zagreb, Croacia, 2017. Expositor

109th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association, Baltimore, Estados Unidos, 2016. Expositor y Comentarista.

72nd Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, 2016. Expositor y Comentarista.

39th International Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics, Bergen, Noruega, 2016. Expositor.

Michigan Tax Invitational, Ann Arbor, Estados Unidos, 2016. Comentarista.

108th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association, Boston, Estados Unidos, 2015. Expositor y Comentarista.

71th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Dublin, Irlanda, 2015. Expositor y Comentarista.

107th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2014. Expositor y Comentarista.

70th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Lugano, Suiza, 2014. Expositor y Comentarista.

37th International Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics, Nueva York, Estados Unidos, 2014. Expositor.

40th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, Evora, Portugal, 2013. Expositor.

69th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Taormina, Italia, 2013. Expositor y Comentarista.

Forum for Economists International, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2013. Expositor y Comentarista.

XX Encuentro de Economía Pública, Sevilla, España, 2013. Expositor y Comentarista.

Cuarto Encuentro Anual de la Sociedad Chilena de Políticas Públicas, Valparaíso, 2013. Expositor.

LACEA-LAMES, Lima, Perú, 2012. Expositor.

68th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Dresden, 2012. Expositor.

Encuentro Anual de la Sociedad de Economía de Chile, Viña del Mar, 2012. Expositor

Michigan Tax Invitational, Ann Arbor, Estados Unidos, 2012. Expositor.

10th International Industrial Organization Conference, Washington, DC, 2012. Expositor.

104th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association, New Orleans, 2011. Expositor.

LACEA-LAMES, Santiago, Chile, 2011. Expositor.

67th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2011. Expositor y Comentarista.

Segundo Encuentro Anual de la Sociedad Chilena de Políticas Públicas, Santiago, 2011. Expositor.

Encuentro Anual de la Sociedad de Economía de Chile, Talca, 2010. Expositor.

Michigan Tax Invitational, Ann Arbor, Estados Unidos, 2010. Expositor.

Primer Encuentro Anual de la Sociedad Chilena de Políticas Públicas, Santiago, Enero 2010. Expositor.

The Chinese Economist Society Annual Conference, Nanning, China, 2009. Expositor.

IASE, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Santiago, Chile, 2008. Comentarista.

101st Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association, Philadelphia, 2008. Expositor.

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Summer Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2008. Expositor.

6th International Industrial Organization Conference, Washington, DC, 2008. Expositor y Comentarista.

IX Meeting of the Research Network on Inequality and Poverty, Bogotá, Colombia, 2007. Expositor y Comentarista.

Encuentro Anual de Economistas de Chile, Reñaca, 2007. Expositor.

4th Seminar, “Government Restructuring: Privatization, Regulation, and Competition”, Real Colegio Complutense, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, 2007. Expositor.

5th International Industrial Organization Conference, Savannah, Georgia, 2007. Expositor y Comentarista.

Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Ciudad de México, México, 2006. Expositor.

4th International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, 2006. Expositor.

98th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association, Miami, Florida, 2005. Expositor

3rd International Industrial Organization Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 2005. Expositor y Comentarista.

97th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2004. Expositor

Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Santiago, Chile, 2004. Expositor

North American Meeting of the Econometric Society, San Diego, California, 2004. Expositor.

96th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association, Chicago, Illinois, 2003. Expositor.

Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Panama City, Panama, 2003. Expositor.

Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2002. Expositor.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Outstanding Paper Award

    Public Finance Review

    Estados Unidos, 2007

    Best Paper Published in 2006

  •   GIZ Public Policy Paper Award

    International Institute of Public Finance

    Reino Unido, 2013

    Premio al mejor paper en la conferencia anual del International Institute of Public Finance


Article (68)

Rentas económicas, tributación y royalties
Tackling Vulnerable Households through a Working Tax Credit Scheme: A Feasible Alternative to Cash Transfers
Reserva de Cabotaje Maritimo de Carga y Libre Competencia: el caso Chileno
Hoja en blanco: hacia una nueva institucionalidad y régimen tributario para Chile
Public perception and adoption of Solar Water Heating systems in Chile: The role of supply side income tax credits
The role of frequency regulation remuneration schemes in an energy matrix with high penetration of renewable energy
A surplus based framework for cross-border electricity trade in South America
Assessing the economic viability of energy storage systems in the Chilean electricity system: An empirical analysis from arbitrage revenue perspectives
Policy Makers' Perspectives on the Expansion of Renewable Energy Sources in Chile's Electricity Auctions
Using small businesses for individual tax planning: evidence from special tax regimes in Chile
An assessment of the implementation of renewable energy sources in the light of concerns over Chilean policy objectives
Failure of Energy Mega-Projects in Chile: A Critical Review from Sustainability Perspectives
Assessment of barriers and opportunities for renewable energy development in Chile
Neighbor Effects in the Provision of Public Goods in a Young Democracy: Evidence from China
Neighbour Effects in the Provision of Public Goods in a Young Democracy: Evidence from China
Predation and network based price discrimination in Chile
Residential segregation of incomes in Gran Santiago, 1992-2002: a robust estimation
Solar PV Planning Toward Sustainable Development in Chile: Challenges and Recommendations
Solar PV Planning Toward Sustainable Development in Chile: Challenges and Recommendations
Investors' Perspectives on Barriers to the Deployment of Renewable Energy Sources in Chile
Investors’ Perspectives on Barriers to the Deployment of Renewable Energy Sources in Chile
Price Effects of Airlines Frequent Flyer Programs: The Case of a Dominant Firm in Chile
Price effects of airlines frequent flyer programs: The case of the dominant firm in Chile
The Distributional Incidence of the Gasoline Tax in Chile
The distributional incidence of the gasoline tax in Chile
Economies of Scale and Merger Efficiencies in the Chilean Pension Funds Market
Efectos de la Exención Tributaria a las Ganancias de Capital en el Precio de las Acciones en Chile
Efectos de la Exención Tributaria a las Ganancias de Capital en el Precio de las Acciones en Chile
Response of Tax Credit Claims to Tax Enforcement: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Chile
The effect of the capital gains tax exemption on stock market prices in Chile [Efectos de la exencion tributaria a las ganancias de capital en el precio de las acciones en Chile]
Chile: port congestion and efficient rationing in charge transfer
Chile: Port congestion and rationing efficient charge transfer [Chile: Congestión portuaria y racionamiento eficiente en la transferencia de carga]
Distributional effects of eliminating the differential tax treatment of business and personal income in Chile
Horizontal tax equity income tax wing in Chile [Equidad tributaria horizontal del impuesto a la renta en Chile]
Incidencia Tributaria en el Mercado de las Gasolinas en Chile
Residential demand of electricity in Chile [La demanda residencial de energía eléctrica en Chile]
Tax incidence in gasoline markets in Chile [Incidencia tributaria en el mercado de las gasolinas en Chile]
Cash transfers and poverty reduction in chile
The Effects of Vertical Integration on the Release of New Films
Differential taxes on petrol and its effects on automobile sales
Differential taxes on petrol and its effects on automobile sales
Efectos de los impuestos corporativos en la inversión extranjera en América Latina
Estimando indigencia y pobreza ind’gena regional con datos censales y encuestas de hogares
Estimando Indigencia y Pobreza Indígena Regional con Datos Censales y Encuestas de Hogares
Inequality at low levels of aggregation in Chile
Inequality at Low Levels of Aggregation in Chile
Inequality at Low Levels of Aggregation in Chile
Local distributional effects of government cash transfers in chile
Poverty and Inequality Among Ethnic Groups in Chile
Poverty and Inequality Among Ethnic Groups in Chile
Poverty and inequality among ethnic groups in Chile
Public Finance, Governance, and Cash Transfers in Alleviating Poverty and Inequality in Chile
Effects of corporate taxes on foreign investment in Latin America
Anticipated capitalization of the Santiago metro in the price of housing
Capitalización Heterogénea de un Bien Semipúblico: El Metro de Santiago
Public Finance Review Outstanding Paper Award of 2007
Spatial distribution of poverty in Chile
The anticipated capitalisation effect of a new metro line on housing prices
The anticipated capitalisation effect of a new metro line on housing prices
The impact of state corporate taxes on FDI location
Estimating market power in the US copper industry
Estimating market power in the US copper industry

BookSection (1)

Foreclosure de Competidores y Conductas Exclusorias en la Distribución de Productos Durables (‘Preying for Time’)

ConferenceProceedingWhole (1)

The Effect of an IRS Enforcement Letter on Diesel Tax Credits Claimed

Note (1)


Proyecto (8)

Solar Energy Research Center
Centro de Investigación en Energía Solar (SERC)
Income Inequality and the Tax System in Chile
Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies
Solar Energy Research Center
Diesel Tax Credits Response to Tax Enforcement=> Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Chile
Efectos del Diferencial de Impuestos a los Combustibles en el Parque Automotriz=> Contaminación e Impuesto Óptimos
Goldfarb Center Visiting Fellows Program

Review (2)

Mining experts perspectives on the determinants of solar technologies adoption in the Chilean mining industry
Renewable energy transition: a market-driven solution for the energy and environmental concerns in Chile
Claudio Agostini

Profesor Titular

Facultad de Ingenieria y Ciencias

Universidad Adolfo Ibánez

Santiago, Chile

Shahriyar Nasirov

Associate Professor

School of Engineering and Science


Santiago, Chile

Carlos Silva

Profesor Asociado


Santiago, Chile

Eduardo Saavedra

Associate Professor

Economía y Negocios

Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Santiago, Chile

Andrea Repetto

Profesor Titular



Santiago, Chile

Claudia Martinez

Full Professor


Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Javiera Selman

Assistant Professor


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile