
Miguel González Herraez


Universidad de Alcalá

Alcalá de Henares, España

Líneas de Investigación

Optical fibers, distributed fiber sensing, distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), lasers, scattering, nonlinear fiber optics


  •  Doctorado en Telecomunicaciones, UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID. España, 2004
  •  Master en Telecomunicaciones, UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID. España, 2000

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Interino Titular Full Time


    Alcalá de Henares, España

    2004 - 2007

  •   Profesor Titular Full Time


    Alcalá de Henares, España

    2007 - 2018

  •   Catedrático (Full Professor) Full Time


    Alcalá de Henares, España

    2018 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Chief Innovation Advisor Other


    Madrid, España

    2010 - 2018

Formación de Capital Humano

Doctoral Theses (only as Thesis Supervisor)

2004: Sonia Martín - Generación de supercontinuo en fibras ópticas usando fuentes de bombeo continuo (Excellent cum Laude, Extraordinary Doctoral Prize);

2008: Laura Abrardi - Estudio experimental de nuevos mecanismos de control espectral de fuentes supercontinuas
generadas con bombeo continuo (Excellent cum Laude);

2012: Sirona Valdueza - Nitride-based semiconductor nanostructures for applications in optical communications at 1.5 mum (Excellent cum Laude, Extraordinary Doctoral Prize);

2013: Massimo Filograno - Development of fiber optic sensors for the high-speed railway (Excellent cum Laude);

2014: Xabier Angulo - Ultra-long range Brillouin optical time-domain analysis sensors (Excellent cum Laude);

2014: Hugo Martins - Distributed and remote fiber sensing assisted by Raman (Excellent cum Laude, also received the Extraordinary Doctoral Prize);

2015: Laura Monteagudo - Development of lll-nitride-based waveguides for application in all-optical integrated circuits at 1.55 um (Excellent cum Laude, also received the Extraordinary Doctoral Prize);

2015: Matías Calcerrada - Microstructured capillary electrophoresis as a novel frontier technology applied to the analysis of explosives and questioned documents (Excellent cum Laude, also received the Extraordinary Doctoral Prize);

2017: Alejandro Domínguez-López - Optimized Long-Range and High-Resolution Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analyzers (Excellent cum Laude);

2017: Arantzazu Núñez Cascajero - Development of nitrides based on InN for sensor applications (Excellent cum Laude);

2018: Marco Jiménez-Rodríguez - Development of passive ultrafast fiber lasers at telecom wavelengths using Indium Nitide as saturable absorber (Excellent cum Laude);

Difusión y Transferencia

Conference involvement and participation to societies.
- Member of the organizing committee of OPTOEL 2013 and ECOC 2015.
- Member of the technical programme committee of the following conferences: OFS (2014-present day), OFC (2016-present day), EWOFS (2016-apresent day), AOP (2011-present day, ACP2014, OSA Sensors 2015, APOS 2016, OPTOEL (2007-present day).
- Technical Programme Committee Chair of OFS-26 (2018)
- Senior Member of the Optical Society of America since 2012.

Spin-off and technology transfer
Miguel González Herráez was co-founder and Chief Innovation Advisor of the company FOCUS SL. FOCUS SL was a technology-based company dedicated to the development, production and marketing of distributed sensing systems for energy, civil engineering, transport and security applications. This company generates an annual income of> 200,000 € and has been awarded by the Repsol Foundation with one of its “Fondo de emprendedores” Awards. The basis of the know-how of FOCUS lies in its patents, of which Miguel González Herráez is co-author. The transfer of know-how to the company is done through technology transfer contracts as seen in the contracts section. FOCUS SL was acquired by the Fibercom group in Dec. 2018.

Contracts and technology transfer as PI
1. “Asesoramiento y realización de un demostrador para la medida de tensiones y estrés en estructuras civiles usando el efecto Brillouin en fibras ópticas y redes de Bragg sobre fibras ópticas” (2008) Funding entity: OBRUM, S. L. (21.100 €+ VAT).
2. “Medida de la distribución de temperatura en un transformador mediante fibra óptica. Fases A y B” (2009) Funding entity: Fundación para el Fomento de la Innovación Industrial (33.800 €+VAT)
3. “Desarrollo de Nuevas Técnicas y Sistemas de Información para la Rehabilitación Sostenible de Pavimentos de Carreteras (REPARA 2.0)” Funding entity: CHM Obras e Infraestructuras, S.A. (57.747,25 Euros + VAT)
4. “Research and development in DOFS technology” Funding entities: Omnisens SA and Aragon Photonics Labs SL (360.000,00€+VAT)

Contracts and technology transfer as participant of the research group
1. “Detección temprana de amenazas a la integridad de gaseoductos usando tecnología en fibra óptica”. (2013). Funding entity: FOCUS S.L. (84.000 €+VAT).
2. “DINATRANS: Transiciones Dinámicas para Vías de Alta Velocidad”. (2014). Funding entity: Fundación Centro de Innovación de infraestructuras inteligentes ‘CI3’ (19.200 €+VAT)
3. “Asesoramiento sobre sensores distribuidos de fibra óptica” (2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017). Funding entity: FOCUS S.L. (Spain) (36.000 €+VAT)

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Young Researcher in Optics Award

    Real Academia de Física

    España, 2003

    2003: Young Researcher in Optics Award, 2003 (Spanish Royal Society of Physics)

  •   Extraordinary Doctoral Prize


    España, 2004

    2004: Extraordinary Doctoral Prize given by UPM

  •   Premio Joven Investigador


    España, 2008

    2008: Young Researcher under 35, Universidad de Alcala.

  •   “Agustín de Betancourt”

    Real Academia de Ingeniería

    España, 2012

    2012: “Agustín de Betancourt” prize given by the Spanish Royal Society of Engineering.

  •   “Miguel Catalán”

    Comunidad de Madrid

    España, 2015

    2015: “Miguel Catalán” prize given by the Government of Madrid

  •   X premio Madri+D a la mejor patente

    Fundación para el conocimiento Madri+D

    España, 2015

    Descripción del mérito: X premio Madri+D a la mejor patente Entidad acreditante: Fundación para el conocimiento Madri+D Fecha de concesión: 01/01/2015


Article (186)

Analysis of Disturbance-Induced "Virtual" Perturbations in Chirped Pulse phi-OTDR
Distributed acoustic sensing for seismic activity monitoring
Fast and direct measurement of the linear birefringence profile in standard single-mode optical fibers
Long-Range Distributed Solar Irradiance Sensing Using Optical Fibers
A Contextual GMM-HMM Smart Fiber Optic Surveillance System for Pipeline Integrity Threat Detection
Analysis and Reduction of Large Errors in Rayleigh-Based Distributed Sensor
Boosting the spatial resolution in chirped pulse phi-OTDR using sub-band processing
Characterization and modelling of induced "virtual" perturbations in chirped pulse phi-OTDR
Distributed detection of hydrogen and deuterium diffusion into a single-mode optical fiber with chirped-pulse phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry
Distributed detection of quadratic Kerr effect in silica fibers using chirped-pulse phi OTDR
Distributed sensing of microseisms and teleseisms with submarine dark fibers
Dynamic Measurements of 1000 Microstrains Using Chirped-Pulse Phase-Sensitive Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry
Effect of the residual doping on the performance of InN epilayers as saturable absorbers for ultrafast lasers at 1.55 mu m
Fiber-based distributed bolometry
Fully Distributed Optical Fiber Strain Sensor With 10(-12) epsilon/root Hz Sensitivity
Hermetic Carbon Coatings for Electro-Thermal All-Fiber Phase Modulators
Hydrogen and deuterium distributed sensing using Chirped-Pulse phi OTDR
JLT Special Issue on OFS-26
Optimization of first order phase-noise cancellation in CP-phi OTDR
Spectrally-resolved distributed optical fibre bolometry
Table of Contents
Teleseisms monitoring using chirped-pulse phi OTDR
Laser Phase-Noise Cancellation in Chirped-Pulse Distributed Acoustic Sensors
Long-range distributed optical fiber hot-wire anemometer based on chirped-pulse Phi OTDR
Quality improvement of AlInN/p-Si heterojunctions with AlN buffer layer deposited by RF-sputtering
Real Field Deployment of a Smart Fiber-Optic Surveillance System for Pipeline Integrity Threat Detection: Architectural Issues and Blind Field Test Results
Selective Monitoring of Oxyanion Mixtures by a Flow System with Raman Detection
Sidelobe apodization in optical pulse compression reflectometry for fiber optic distributed acoustic sensing
Successive injection in microstructured-capillary electrophoresis for rapid pairwise comparisons. Application to questioned documents
Ultrafast Fiber Laser Using InN as Saturable Absorber Mirror
20 dB SNR enhancement in phase-sensitive OTDR using pulse stretching and recompression
A Novel Fiber Optic Based Surveillance System for Prevention of Pipeline Integrity Threats
All-optical flip-flops based on dynamic Brillouin gratings in fibers
Chirped-Pulse Phase-Sensitive Reflectometer Assisted by First-Order Raman Amplification
Chirped-pulse phase-sensitive reflectometry - hearing behind the walls with high fidelity
Code length limit in phase-sensitive OTDR using ultralong (> 1M bits) pulse sequences due to fading induced by fiber optical path drifts
Development of AlInN photoconductors deposited by sputtering
Distributed photothermal measurements of gas presence along holey optical fibers
Distributed photothermal spectroscopy in microstructured optical fibers: towards high-resolution mapping of gas presence over long distances
Distributed Temperature Measurement in a Self-Burning Coal Waste Pile through a GIS Open Source Desktop Application
ECOAL Project-Delivering Solutions for Integrated Monitoring of Coal-Related Fires Supported on Optical Fiber Sensing Technology
Highly-sensitive distributed birefringence measurements based on a two-pulse interrogation of a dynamic Brillouin grating
Impact of the laser phase noise on chirped-pulse phase-sensitive OTDR
Impact of the probe pulse shape on the performance of phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry sensors
In-rich AlxIn1-xN grown by RF-sputtering on sapphire: from closely-packed columnar to high-surface quality compact layers
Phase-measuring time-gated BOCDA
Polarisation pulling in Brillouin optical time-domain analysers
Resolving 1 million sensing points in an optimized differential time-domain Brillouin sensor
SNR enhancement in high-resolution phasesensitive OTDR systems using chirped pulse amplification concepts
Towards detection of Pipeline Integrity Threats using a SmarT fiber-OPtic surveillance system: PIT-STOP project Blind Field Test results
Widely power-tunable polarization-independent ultrafast mode-locked fiber laser using bulk InN as saturable absorber
Distributed detection of temperature gradients with single-wavelength phase-sensitive OTDR and speckle analysis methods
Dynamic distributed measurement of temperature changes using phase-sensitive OTDR with chirped pulses
Evaluation of the accuracy of BOTDA systems based on the phase spectral response
Gain vs phase in BOTDA setups
III-nitride-based waveguides for ultrafast all-optical signal processing at 1.55 mu m
Infrared SPR sensing with III-nitride dielectric layers
Limits of BOTDA Range Extension Techniques
Morphology and arrangement of InN nanocolumns deposited by radio-frequency sputtering: Effect of the buffer layer
Novel scanning method for distortion-free BOTDA measurements
Phase-sensitive OTDR probe pulse shapes robust against modulation-instability fading
Real time dynamic strain monitoring of optical links using the backreflection of live PSK data
Recent advances in capillary electrophoresis instrumentation for the analysis of explosives
Simple Baseband Method for the Distributed Analysis of Brillouin Phase-Shift Spectra
Single-shot distributed temperature and strain tracking using direct detection phase-sensitive OTDR with chirped pulses
Speckle Analysis Method for Distributed Detection of Temperature Gradients With Phi OTDR
Study of high In-content AlInN deposition on p-Si(111) by RF-sputtering
Sub-metric spatial resolution over an extended range using differential time-domain Brillouin sensing
Toward Prevention of Pipeline Integrity Threats Using a Smart Fiber-Optic Surveillance System
A microdestructive capillary electrophoresis method for the analysis of blue-pen-ink strokes on office paper
A microstructured capillary electrophoresis method for nitrocellulose detection in dynamite
Chemical and biochemical sensing applications of microstructured optical fiber-based systems
Compound Lasing Fiber Optic Ring Resonators for Sensor Sensitivity Enhancement
Distributed phase birefringence measurements based on polarization correlation in phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometers
Distributed Vibration Sensing Over 125 km With Enhanced SNR Using Phi-OTDR Over a URFL Cavity
Early Detection of Pipeline Integrity Threats using a SmarT Fiber-OPtic Surveillance System: The PIT-STOP Project
Exploiting nonreciprocity in BOTDA systems
Fiber laser sensor system based on a random mirror and a compound ring resonator for displacement measurements
Fiber Optic Sensing System for Temperature and Gas Monitoring in Coal Waste Pile Combustion Environments
Fundamentals on new capillaries inspired by photonic crystal fibers as optofluidic separation systems in CE
Improved time-resolved acousto-optic technique for optical fiber analysis of axial non-uniformities by using edge interrogation
InN-Based Optical Waveguides Developed by RF Sputtering for All-Optical Applications at 1.55 mu m
Monitoring of Coal Waste Piles With Fiber Optic Sensing Technology
Non-local effects in dual-probe-sideband Brillouin optical time domain analysis
PROUD-based method for simple real-time in-line characterization of propagation-induced distortions in NRZ data signals
Rating the Limitations and Effectiveness of BOTDA Range Extension Techniques
Reaching the ultimate performance limit given by non-local effects in BOTDA sensors
Simple BOTDA temperature sensor based on distributed Brillouin Phase-Shift measurements within a Sagnac interferometer
Simple Method for the Elimination of Polarization Noise in BOTDA Using Balanced Detection and Orthogonal Probe Sidebands
Simultaneous Gain and Phase Profile Determination on an Interferometric BOTDA
Unexpected non-local effects in dual-probe-sideband BOTDA
Balanced detection in Brillouin optical time domain analysis
Comparison of the use of first and second-order Raman amplification to assist a phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer in distributed vibration sensing over 125 km
Compound lasing fiber optic ring resonators for sensing
Extending the Real Remoteness of Long-Range Brillouin Optical Time-Domain Fiber Analyzers
Fiber Optic Sensing System for Monitoring of Coal Waste Piles in Combustion
High-sensitivity dispersive Mach -Zehnder interferometer based on a dissimilar-doping dual-core fiber for sensing applications
In-line Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on a dissimilar-doping dual-core fiber for high sensitivity strain and temperature sensing
Phase-sensitive Optical Time Domain Reflectometer Assisted by First-order Raman Amplification for Distributed Vibration Sensing Over 100 km
Photonic crystal fibres as efficient separation component in capillary electrophoresis
Relative Intensity Noise Transfer Reduction in Raman-Assisted BOTDA Systems
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Improvement in BOTDA Using Balanced Detection
Simple method for the elimination of polarization noise in BOTDA using balanced detection of orthogonally-polarized Stokes and anti-Stokes probe sidebands
Strong Cancellation of RIN Transfer in a Raman-Assisted BOTDA Using Balanced Detection
Time-resolved acousto-optic interaction in single-mode optical fibers: characterization of axial nonuniformities at the nanometer scale
Brillouin distributed fibre sensing using phase modulated probe
Coherent Noise Reduction in High Visibility Phase-Sensitive Optical Time Domain Reflectometer for Distributed Sensing of Ultrasonic Waves
High visibility phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer for distributed sensing of ultrasonic waves
Modulation instability-induced fading in phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry
Modulation instability-induced visibility fading in phase-sensitive OTDR
Optimized Photonic Crystal Fibers supporting efficient Capillary Electrophoresis
Raman-assisted Vector Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis
Slow-Light and Enhanced Sensitivity in a Displacement Sensor Using a Lossy Fiber-Based Ring Resonator
Turning a low Q fiber resonator into a high-sensitivity displacement sensor using slow light concepts
Versatile all-fiber slow-light assisted sensor
Wheel Flat Detection in High-Speed Railway Systems Using Fiber Bragg Gratings
100 km BOTDA temperature sensor with sub-meter resolution
Analytical expression of pulse broadening in an arbitrary linear slow light medium
Brillouin optical time-domain analysis over a 240 km-long fiber loop with no repeater
Carrier localization in InN/InGaN multiple-quantum wells with high In-content
Improvement of InN layers deposited on Si(111) by RF sputtering using a low-growth-rate InN buffer layer
Influence of substrate biasing on the growth of c-axis oriented AlN thin films by RF reactive sputtering in pure nitrogen
Infrared photoluminescence of high In-content InN/InGaN multiple-quantum-wells
Kerr effect in structured superluminal media
Nonlinear Absorption at Optical Telecommunication Wavelengths of InN Films Deposited by RF Sputtering
Nonlinear Fibre-Based Photonic Technologies
Photothermal Group Delay Tuning in Nonpermanently Phase-Shifted Chirped FBGs
Raman-assisted Brillouin optical time-domain analysis with sub-meter resolution over 100 km
Real-Time Monitoring of Railway Traffic Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
Wide range group delay tuning in lossy fiber ring resonators
Detrimental effect of self-phase modulation on the performance of Brillouin distributed fiber sensors
High-surface-quality nanocrystalline InN layers deposited on GaN templates by RF sputtering
Hot spot detection over 100 km with 2 meter resolution in a Raman-assisted Brillouin distributed sensor
Pulse distortion in linear slow light systems: theoretical limits and compensation strategies
"Slow Light" in stimulated Brillouin scattering: on the influence of the spectral width of pump radiation on the group index: Comment
All-fiber tunable optical delay line
Chirped pulse amplification in a fiber optical parametric amplifier
Distributed Brillouin Fiber Sensor Assisted by First-Order Raman Amplification
Experimental demonstration of optical parametric chirped pulse amplification in optical fiber
Impact of self phase modulation on the performance of Brillouin distributed fibre sensors
Influence of deposition conditions on nanocrystalline InN layers synthesized on Si(111) and GaN templates by RF sputtering
Low-cost, self-referenced all-fibre polarimetric current sensor for the monitoring of current in the railway catenary
Measurement with 2 m resolution using a Raman-assisted BOTDA sensor featuring 75 km dynamic range
Novel InN/InGaN multiple quantum well structures for slow-light generation at telecommunication wavelengths
Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplification in an Optical Fiber
Real time monitoring of railway traffic using fiber bragg gratings
Cavity dispersion management in continuous-wave supercontinuum generation
Complete compensation of pulse broadening in an amplifier-based slow light system using a nonlinear regeneration element
Experimental Study on the Role of Chromatic Dispersion in Continuous-Wave Supercontinuum Generation
Non-linear properties of nitride-based nanostructures for optically controlling the speed of light at 1.5 mu m
Physical limits to broadening compensation in a linear slow light system
Potentialities of slow and fast light in optical fibers
Characterization of the resonant third-order nonlinear susceptibility of Si-doped GaN-AlN quantum wells and quantum dots at 1.5 mu m
Extended blue side of flat supercontinuum generation in PCFs with a CWYb fiber laser
Generation of a reference frequency comb by cascaded four-wave mixing enhanced by Raman amplification
Optimization of pump wavelength for enhancing SC spectral broadening in silica fibers under CW-excitation
Self-advanced fast light propagation in an optical fiber based on Brillouin scattering
Spectrally-bounded continuous-wave supercontinuum generation in a fiber with two zero-dispersion wavelengths
High precision and tunable multi-wavelength fiber source based on cascaded four-wave mixing enhanced by Raman
High spectral power-density supercontinuum source at 1.3 mu m suitable for optical coherence tomography applications
How to play with the spectral sensitivity of interferometers using slow light concepts - and how to do it practically
Optimized all-fiber supercontinuum source at 1.3 mu m generated in a stepwise dispersion-decreasing-fiber arrangement
Simple technique to achieve fast light in gain regime using Brillouin scattering
Third order nonlinear susceptibility of InN at near band-gap wavelengths
Gain-flattening of fibre Raman amplifiers using nonlinear pump spectral broadening and pump power modulation
Temperature effects on supercontinuum generation using a continuous-wave Raman fiber laser
Zero-gain slow fast light propagation in an optical fiber
Accurate mapping of chromatic dispersion distribution along optical fibres with spatial resolution below 100 m
Broadband (> 200 nm) spectrally flat and high power density (> 0 dBm/nm) light source for fiber sensing purposes
Detrimental effect of modulation instability on distributed optical fibre sensors using stimulated Brillouin scattering
Gain-assisted pulse advancement using single and double Brillouin gain peaks in optical fibers
Long optically controlled delays in optical fibers
Mapping of chromatic-dispersion distribution along optical fibers with 20-m spatial resolution
Observation of pulse delaying and advancement in optical fibers using stimulated Brillouin scattering
Optically controlled slow and fast light in optical fibers using stimulated Brillouin scattering
Optically-controlled delays in optical fibres using Brillouin-generated slow and fast light
Supercontinuum generation using continuous-wave pumps
The role of pump incoherence in continuous-wave supercontinuum generation
Gain-flattening of fiber Raman amplifiers using non-linear pump spectral broadening
Reference-frequency generation by Raman-enhanced four-photon mixing
Simultaneous position-resolved mapping of chromatic dispersion and brillouin shift along single-mode optical fibers
Anomalous non-linear behaviour of InGaAs photodiodes with overfilled illumination
Distributed measurement of chromatic dispersion by four-wave mixing and Brillouin optical-time-domain analysis
Supercontinuum generation using a continuous-wave Raman fiber laser
Enhanced method for the reconstruction of zero-dispersion wavelength maps of optical fibers by measurement of continuous-wave four-wave mixing efficiency
Retrieval of the zero-dispersion wavelength map of an optical fiber from measurement of its continuous-wave four-wave mixing efficiency

Patent (9)

Distributed fiber optic sensing system and method based on stimulated brillouin scattering
Method and apparatus for measuring the local birefringence along an optical waveguide
Mode-locked Pulsed Laser Comprising A Saturable Absorber
Sistema y método de caracterización distribuida de variaciones de índice de refracción de una fibra óptica
Sistema de detección diferencial para sensores distribuidos sobre fibra óptica basados en scattering brillouin estimulado.
Capilares micro-estructurados mediante un diseño inteligente para electroforesis capilar de alto rendimiento
System for improving the dynamic range and reducing measurement uncertainty in fibre optic distributed sensors and fibre optic distributed measurement equipment
Sistema y método de caracterización distribuida de perfil de dispersión de una fibra óptica.
Dual-pump sweep-free stimulated Brillouin optical distributed sensing method and device

Proyecto (19)

Amplificación y mitigación de ruido en Iáseres y sistemas de fibra óptica (ANOMALOS)
Dikes and Debris Flows Monitoring by Novel Optical Fiber Sensors - DOMINO Water JPI project)
Flbre NEr\/e System for SEnsing (FINESSE)
Early Detection of thearts in critical InfrastructureS using a distributed fiber Optic surveirIaNce system (EDISON)
Grupo de Ingeniería fotónica (SINFOTON)
Tecnologías de Seguridad Civil basadas en Fibra Óptica (CISTER)
ECOAL-MGT - Gestión ecológica de pilas de carbón en combustión
Ubiquitous optical Flbre NErves (U-FINE)
Fotónica Aplicada a la Creación de Tecnologías y su Transferencia a las Empresas Madrileñas -II (FACTOTEM2)
Fotónica Aplicada a la Creación de Tecnologías Ópticas y su Transferencia a Empresas Madrleñas-II. FACTOTEM II
Acuerdo de propiedad, protección, distribución de derechos y comercialización de la patente "Método para la mejora del rango dinamico y la reducción de la incertiumbre de medida en sensores distribuidos sobre fibra óptica"
Explotación de la patente "Método para la mejoradel rango dinamico y la reducción de la incertiumbre de medida en sensores distribuidos sobre fibra óptica
IFzone: Investigación de técnicas avanzadas para la explotación ferroviaria en las Zonas Neutras de la catenaria de las Líneas de Alta Velocidad
Medida de distribución de temperatura en un transformador mediante fibra óptica fase A: Estudio del equipo Raman y diseño del experimento final
MIFFO: Monitorización en tiempo real de infraestructuras ferroviarias utilizando tecnologías basadas en fibra óptica
HASSLE: Gestión del espectro y de la velocidad de la luz usando técnicas no lineales
Aplicaciones de la difusión Brillouin estimulada al desarrollo de sensores en fibra y dispositivos de procesado óptico de señales
Engineering Complex Optical Signals for fibre-optic sYStems beyond TElecoM (ECOSYSTEM)
Ocean-Bottom Distributed Acoustic Sensors: new tools for Underwater Seismology (Ocean-DAS)
Miguel González



Universidad de Alcalá

Alcalá de Henares, España

Sonia Martin

Profesor Titular de Universidad

Departamento de Electrónica

Universidad de Alcalá

Alcalá de Henares, España

Marcelo Soto

Profesor Auxiliar


Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile