
Giovanna Francesca Cottin Buracchio

Assistant Professor

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

High Energy Physics, Particle Physics Phenomenology, Física de Partículas, hep-ph


  •  Physics, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. Reino Unido, 2017

Experiencia Académica

  •   Postdoctoral Researcher Full Time

    National Taiwan University


    Taipei, Taiwán

    2017 - 2019

  •   FONDECYT Postdoctoral Researcher Full Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2019 - 2020

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time


    Facultad de Artes Liberales

    Santiago, Chile

    2020 - 2023

  •   Associate Professor Full Time


    Facultad de Artes Liberales

    Santiago, Chile

    2023 - 2023

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time


    Facultad de Física

    Santiago, Chile

    2023 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Research Graduate Student working on the ATLAS Experiment Other


    Geneva, Suiza

    2013 - 2017

Formación de Capital Humano

Marzo 2020 - Julio 2023 CORE Curriculum de Ciencias en la Facultad de Artes Liberales de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Agosto-2020-Nov.2022. Dirección de Tesis de Magister en Física "Light neutralinos at the LHC", Profesora guía junto al Prof. Juan Carlos Helo del alumno Fabián Hernandez de La Universidad de La Serena

April 2021 - April 2024. Postdoctorate Sponsor of Dr. Ivania Maturana Ávila in her ANID FONDECYT Postdoctoral, Grant No. 3210145

Enero-Julio 2020. Dirección Tesis de Licenciatura en Física, Profesora co-guía del alumno Leonardo Parada de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Título de Tesis: ”Bosón de Higgs doblemente cargado de larga vida en un modelo de triplete”

2014-2015. Supervisions en la Universidad de Cambridge, donde enseñé y supervisé a estudiantes de pregrado en Física IA (Gravitational and Electromagnetic Fields
Waves, Quantum Waves, Rotational Mechanics and Special Relativity, Dynamics and Oscillating Systems)

2009-2010. Asistente de cátedra en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Termodinámica, Introducción a la Física)

Difusión y Transferencia

International Conferences/Workshops:

* 11th Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCPC 2023), LLP Overview: Theory Perspective, Belgrade, Serbia, May 22, 2023
* SAPHIR ARM 2023, Long-lived particle phenomenology, La Serena, Chile, January 2023
* 8th International Conference on High Energy Physics in the LHC Era, Valparaíso, Chile, Long-lived Heavy Neutral Leptons at the LHC, January 13, 2023
* Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC and beyond: Twelve workshop of the LLP Community, Long-Lived Heavy Neutral Leptons with a displaced shower signature, June 3, 2022
* Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC and beyond: Tenth workshop of the LLP Community, Long-lived HNLs in NRSMEFT, November 12, 2021
* 9th Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCPC 2021), Searching for long-lived particles and Heavy Neutral Leptons: Theory perspective, June 7, 2021
* La Parte y el Todo: Workshop on Advanced topics on High Energy Physics and Gravitation, Long-lived Particles at the Large Hadron Collider, Online, Chile, January 2021
* Invited Talk, Snowmass Cross Frontier Online Meeting Dark Sectors and Light Long-Lived Particles, July 15, 2020
* Workshop, Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC, Ghent, Belgium, Nov. 29, 2019
* Invited Talk, Workshop on Long-lived particles and the third generation, Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, Edinburgh, UK Nov. 22, 2019
* The Thirteenth Particle Physics Phenomenology Workshop, NTNU, Taiwan, June 6, 2019
* Annual Theory Meeting, NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 18, 2018
* ICHEP 2018, Seoul, Korea, July 14, 2018
* Invited Talk, Workshop on New Physics with Displaced Vertices, NCTS, Taiwan, June 20, 2018
* Invited Talk, Taiwan-Korea joint workshop on particle physics, NCU, Taiwan, May 31, 2018
* Invited Talk, CERN Workshop, Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC, CERN, May 17, 2018
* Invited Talk, Annual Theory Meeting, NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 6, 2017
* Invited Talk, SUSY 2015, Lake Tahoe, California, USA, August 24, 2015
* Chilean Physics Society (SOCHIFI), La Serena, Chile, November 21, 2012
* 4rd International Workshop of HEP in the LHC Era, UTFSM, Valparaíso, Chile, January 4, 2012

* The need for long-lived particle searches at the LHC and beyond, NYU Abu Dhabi Physics Seminar, October 11 2023
* Long-lived Heavy Neutral Leptons at the LHC, NYU Abu Dhabi, HEP Group Seminar, October 10th 2023
* SAPHIR Seminar, Example LLP models and Reinterpretations, August 7, 2023
* IFIC Seminar, The need for long-lived particle searches at the LHC and beyond, December 13, 2022
* UAI Seminar, The LHC is back in business ! Anomalies, the Standard Model and novel opportunities for the discovery of new physics, May 2022.
* LAWPHYSICS, Latin American Webinars in physics, Long-lived fermions at the LHC and beyond, March 30, 2022
* HEP Weekly Seminar, Exotic Collider Probes of dark matter, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Online, January 2021
* New proposals to search for Long-lived Sterile Neutrinos at the LHC, Gravitículas Seminar, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, Online, November 2020
* Long-lived Sterile Neutrinos at the LHC, ACFI Seminar, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Online, October 2020
* Gravitículas Seminar, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile, June 25, 2020
* Invited Colloquium, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile, June 3, 2020
* Invited Seminar, Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile, May 14, 2020
* Invited Seminar, USACH Physics Seminar, Universidad de Santiago, Chile, April 29, 2020
* Invited Seminar, UAI Physics and Astronomy Seminar, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile, April 15, 2020
* Invited Seminar, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, November 18, 2019
* Invited Seminar, Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, Chile, October 18, 2018
* Gravitículas Seminar, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile, October 11, 2018
* Invited Seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, July 2, 2018
* Invited Seminar, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 10, 2018
* Invited Seminar, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, January 22, 2018
* Invited Seminar, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, January 19, 2018
* Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM), Valparaíso, Chile, October 4, 2017
* Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH), Santiago, Chile, October 3, 2017
* Gravitículas Seminar, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile, September 28, 2017
* University of Oxford, UK, November 17, 2016
* IPPP, University of Durham, UK, October 27, 2016
* Invited Seminar, DAMPT, University of Cambridge, UK, October 7, 2016
* LPT, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, September 29, 2016
* Gravitículas Seminar, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile, December 11, 2014

Other Activities:
* Member of ANID Fondecyt Grupo de Estudios, Gravitación y Física de Altas Energías
* Referee, served for ERC, EPJC, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
* Workshop Organizer, Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC, Ghent, November 2019
* Workshop Organizer, Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC, CERN, May 2019
* Workshop Organizer, Cosmology Frontier in Particle Physics, NTU Taiwan, September 2018
* Workshop Organizer, New Physics with Displaced Vertices, NCTS Taiwan, June 2018
* Workshop Organizer, Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC, CERN, May 2018
* Journal Club Organizer, HEP phenomenology group, NTU Taiwan, 2018

Selected Outreach:
* Co-creadora de Taller científico para niñas de enseñanza media "Niñas Atómicas".
Science workshop aimed at high-school girls, led together with Prof. Francisca Garay from PUC and SAPHIR Millenium Institute. We plan to to teach girls transferable skills (such as fundamental physics, programming, electronics) through the development of a particle physics experiment as well as useful human/professional skills (such as resilience and effective communication), with the hope to give them the necessary tools, in a safe and un-biassed environment, to help them decide wether or not to pursue a future scientific career.
Ver noticia (Spanish):
Radio ADN :
* Chilean participation/coordination (together with Prof. Francisca Garay from PUC ) @ LHC MasterClass 2020
* Science Magazine article on long-lived particle searches at the Large Hadron Collider by Adrian Cho, who interviewed me and collaborators for this piece in 2019 (
* XIII ChileGlobal Seminars 2016, at UCL London, where I talked about future projects for Dark Matter particle detection that are being built in Chile
* University of Cambridge Science Festival, 2016
* Cambridge Particle Physics Masterclass, 2015
* Royal Society Summer Exhibition, 2014
* Talk on the Higgs Boson at Rotary Club, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile, 2012

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Becas Chile Magister Nacional


    Chile, 2012

    Beca para estudios de Magister en Chile

  •   Becas Chile con Acuerdo bilateral en el extranjero


    Chile, 2013

    Beca otorgada por el gobierno de Chile en conjunto con los Cambridge International Trusts para estudios de doctorado en el Reino Unido

  •   Premio Mayor Impacto en Investigación Científica


    Chile, 2021

    En reconocimiento a contribución intelectual y destacado aporte a la investigación e impacto (medido en índice-h de publicaciones)

  •   Premio Excelencia Científica Adelina Gutiérrez


    Chile, 2023

    Este premio de la Academia Chilena de Ciencias destaca los logros excepcionales de jóvenes científicas y el impacto significativo de las investigadoras menores de 40 años en el ámbito científico. Me adjudiqué el premio 2023 en el área de Ciencias Exactas.


Article (28)

Long-lived heavy neutral leptons from mesons in effective field theory
Long-lived heavy neutral leptons with a displaced shower signature at CMS
Reinterpretation of searches for long-lived particles from meson decays
Displaced neutrino jets at the LHeC
Long-lived heavy neutral leptons at the LHC: four-fermion single-N-R operators
Revisiting the scotogenic model with scalar dark matter
Searching for light neutralinos with a displaced vertex at the LHC
Collider probes of real triplet scalar dark matter
Heavy neutral leptons in effective field theory and the high-luminosity LHC
Searching for light long lived neutralinos at Super-Kamiokande
Boosted W and Z tagging with jet charge and deep learning
Long-lived charged particles and multilepton signatures from neutrino mass models
Searching for long-lived particles beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider
Displaced heavy neutrinos from Z ' decays at the LHC
Global fits in the Georgi-Machacek model
Revisiting the LHC reach in the displaced region of the minimal left-right symmetric model
Displaced vertices as probes of sterile neutrino mixing at the LHC
Reconstructing particle masses in events with displaced vertices
Searches for light sterile neutrinos with multitrack displaced vertices
Phenomenology of a Higgs triplet model at future e(+) e(-) colliders
Prompt signals and displaced vertices in sparticle searches for next-to-minimal gauge-mediated supersymmetric models
Combined Measurement of the Higgs Boson Mass in pp Collisions at root s=7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS Experiments
Identification and energy calibration of hadronically decaying tau leptons with the ATLAS experiment in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV
Search for massive, long-lived particles using multitrack displaced vertices or displaced lepton pairs in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Gravitino dark matter in split supersymmetry with bilinear R-parity violation
Evidence for the spin-0 nature of the Higgs boson using ATLAS data
Measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in diboson final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Nondiagonal charged lepton Yukawa matrix: Effects on neutrino mixing in supersymmetry

ConferencePaper (3)

Searches for long-lived particles and Heavy Neutral Leptons: Theory perspective
Discovery potential of light sterile neutrinos with displaced vertices
Les Houches 2017: Physics at TeV Colliders New Physics Working Group Report

Proyecto (7)

Searching for new physics at the lifetime frontier
Long-lived particles and neutrino mass models
Millenium Institute for Subatomic Physics at the High Energy Frontier (SAPHIR)
Phenomenology of long-lived particles and portals to new physics
Postdoctoral Research Associate on Higgs Physics
Becas Chile con Acuerdo Bilateral en el Extranjero
Becas Magister Nacional
Giovanna Cottin

Assistant Professor

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Juan Helo

Associate professor

Universidad de La Serena

La Serena, Chile

Edson Carquin

Investigador Joven


Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Sergey Kuleshov

Full professor

Departamento de Ciencias Físicas

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

Raquel Pezoa

Académica Asistente

Departamento de Informática

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaiso, Chile

Benjamin Koch

Associate Professor



Santiago, Chile

María Guzmán


Departamento de Física y Astronomía

Universidad de La Serena

La Serena, Chile

Juan Ochoa

Visiting Professor


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile





Marco Diaz

Profesor Titular


Santiago, Chile

Sylvain Blunier


Física, Facultad de ciencias

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Karina Cáceres



Santiago, Chile

Carolina Arbelaez

Investigador Joven


Universidad Te

Valparaiso, Chile