
Patricia Victoria Poblete Grant

Investigador Postdoctoral

Center of Plan-Soil Interaction and Natural Resources Biotechnology of the Scientific and Technological Bioresource Nucleus (BIOREN) Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Organic and inorganic amendments, soil quality indicators, soil-plant carbon fluxes


  •  Licenciado en Ciencias, UNIVERSIDAD DE LA FRONTERA. Chile, 2010
  •  Ingeniero Agrónomo, UNIVERSIDAD DE LA FRONTERA. Chile, 2012
  •  Ciencias de Recursos Naturales, UNIVERSIDAD DE LA FRONTERA. Chile, 2015
  •  Ciencias de Recursos Naturales, UNIVERSIDAD DE LA FRONTERA. Chile, 2019
  •  Sciences de l'environnement d'ile-de-France (ed 129), Sorbonne University. Francia, 2019
  •  Understanding and managing soil organic matter for ecosystem services, INRA-AgroParisTech. Francia, 2018
  •  Scientific writing and data presentation, INRA-AgroParisTech. Chile, 2018
  •  Role of soil organic matter and its characterization with advanced techniques, UNIVERSIDAD DE LA FRONTERA. Chile, 2016
  •  Linking biochemical cycles, soil-plant interactions, and greenhouse emissions in terrestrial ecosystems, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2016
  •  Soil Microbiology and Enzymes, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2014
  •  Statistics and R, HARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Estados Unidos, 2024

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor asociado Cambio climático y su impacto en la agricultura Part Time

    Universidad de Aysén

    Coyhaique, Chile

    2022 - 2022

  •   Profesor encargado práctica estival II carrera Biotecnología Other


    Ciencias Agropecuarias y Medioambientales

    Temuco, Chile

    2024 - 2024

  •   Profesor Asistente de Asignatura: Fundamentos de Química (ICQ126). Carrera Ingeniería de Recursos Naturales. Other


    Temuco, Chile

    2022 - 2022

  •   Profesor Invitado de Asignatura: Fertilidad y nutrición vegetal (AG1003). Carrera Agronomía. Other

    Universidad de Aysén

    Coyhaique, Chile

    2021 - 2021

  •   Profesor Ayudante de Asignatura: Fisiología Vegetal (ARN250). Carrera Agronomía. Other


    Temuco, Chile

    2010 - 2010

  •   Profesor Ayudante de Asignatura: Principios de Ecología y Botánica (ARN256-1). Carrera Pedagogía en Ciencias. Other


    Temuco, Chile

    2009 - 2009

  •   Profesor Ayudante de Asignatura: Módulo Integrado en Ciencias Biológicas (ARN128). Carrera Agronomía. Other


    Temuco, Chile

    2009 - 2009

  •   Profesor Ayudante de Asignatura: Bioquímica (MBA226). Carrera Agronomía. Other


    Temuco, Chile

    2008 - 2008

  •   Profesor Invitado de Asignatura: Fundamentos Científicos de la Producción Agroalimentaria (DCA001-1). Doctorado en Ciencias Agroalimentarias y Medioambiente. Other


    Ciencias Agropecuarias y Medioambientales

    Temuco, Chile

    2022 - 2022

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Investigador Other

    Center of Plan-Soil Interaction and Natural Resources Biotechnology of the Scientific and Technological Bioresource Nucleus (BIOREN)

    TEMUCO, Chile

    2014 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

- (2024) Profesor encargado práctica estival II carrera Biotecnología. Universidad de La Frontera.

Difusión y Transferencia

Transferencia Nacional
- (2023) Jurado en XI Muestra Científica y Tecnológica Patricio Contreras. Escuela Los Trigales (12 diciembre)
- (2023) Festival Explora Araucanía Evaluadora y parte del staff de Rejoin (6-7 de diciembre).
- (2023) Miembro de comité ejecutivo ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS WORKSHOP 2023: “Exploring organic phosphorus fate in soil and aquatic ecosystems under the climate change and food security scenario”. PUCÓN – CHILE, 27 noviembre – 1 diciembre 2023.
- (2023) XVI Feria de Investigación de La Universidad de La Frontera (FIUFRO) presentando proyecto en la modalidad de Poster. Universidad de La Frontera (15 de noviembre).
- (2022) Participación como comisión evaluadora en proyectos escolares en el XVIII Congreso Regional Escolar de Ciencias y Tecnologías. Proyecto Asociativo Regional (PAR) Explora La Araucanía de CONICYT.
- (2022) XV Feria de Investigación de La Universidad de La Frontera (FIUFRO) presentando proyecto en la modalidad de Poster. Universidad de La Frontera (25 de octubre)
- (2022) Managing Editor Revista Científica, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (Springer).
- (2021) Miembro del comité evaluador de exposiciones modalidad oral del área Ciencias Agropecuarias y Forestales, en el II Congreso de Estudiantes y Graduados de Postgrado. Universidad de La Frontera.
- (2021) Participación como comisión evaluadora en proyectos escolares en el XVIII Congreso Regional Escolar de Ciencias y Tecnologías. Proyecto Asociativo Regional (PAR) Explora La Araucanía de CONICYT.
- (2018) Seminario: Ciencia Práctica: Uso de enmiendas orgánicas en la agricultura. Explora Conicyt 1000 Científicos 1000 Aulas. Colegio Santa Cruz, Temuco.
- (2016) Seminario: Plantas vs. Microorganismos: ¿Amigos o Enemigos? PAR-Explora Conicyt. Colegio Docksta, Temuco.
- (2016) Seminario: ¿Las plantas sienten? Explora Conicyt 1000 Científicos 1000 Aulas. Colegio Agrícola, Chol Chol.
- (2015) Seminario: Fósforo, un alimento difícil de obtener para las plantas. Explora Conicyt 1000 Científicos 1000 Aulas. Complejo Educacional N°3, Boroa.
- (2015) Seminario: Fósforo, un alimento difícil de obtener para las plantas. Colegio Corazón de Jesús, Lautaro. PAR-Explora Conicyt.
- (2015) Clases, Debates Científicos, Conferencias. Colegio Corazón de Jesús, Lautaro.
- (2015) Clases, Debates Científicos, Conferencias. Liceo Pablo Neruda, Temuco.

Transferencia Internacional
- (2017) Pasantía International PhD (CONICYT) – Paris, Francia. INRA-Agroparistech (15 meses).
- (2016) Pasantía International PhD (CONICYT) – Paris, Francia. INRA-Agroparistech (1 mes)
- (2015) Pasantía Internacional FRO1204– Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda. Universidad de Lincoln (3 meses).


1. 2023 Poblete-Grant, P., Suazo-Hernández, J.1, Albornoz, M.F. 1,3, Rumpel, C.2, Mora, M.L.1,3, and Cartes, P. Assessing the promotion of phosphatase activity by soil organic phosphorus concentration in pastures growing in Andisols under inorganic and organic management. Organic Phosphorus Workshop, Pucón (Chile) Noviembre
2. 2022 Poblete-Grant, P., Pontigo, S., Parra-Almuna, L., Mora, M.L., Rumpel, C., Cartes., P. Fertilizer source effect on soil quality and ryegrass production in an Andisol with low phosphorus availability. XIV Congreso Nacional de Suelos, Valdivia (Chile). Noviembre
3. 2022 Poblete-Grant, P., Albornoz, M.F., Mora, M.L., Rumpel, C., Cartes, P. Enhancement of soil physicochemical condition through organic management in pastures. 9th International workshop advances in science and technology of bioresources, Pucón (Chile). 30 Nov – 2 Dic.
4. 2022 Cayunao-Gonzalez, B., Poblete-Grant, P., Jimenez, M., Padilla-Contreras, D., Alarcón-Campos, D., Meriño-Gergichevich, C. Phosphorus application from red guano and phosphate rock in Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) cv. Bossio in La Araucanía region. 9th International workshop advances in science and technology of bioresources, Pucón (Chile). 30 Nov – 2 Dic.
5. 2022 Poblete-Grant, P., Pontigo, S., Parra-Almuna, L., Rumpel, C., Mora, M.L., Cartes, P. Organic amendments foster a carbon farming and enhance biological properties of Andisols. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Iguazu Falls (Brazil) August 22nd to 27th.
6. 2022 Pontigo, S., Vega, I., Aravena, I., Poblete-Grant, P., Mora, M.L., Parra-Almuna, L., Cartes, P. The impact of silicon fertilization on plant growth and biochemical attributes of wheat cultivars grown under water deficit stress. 19th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), 22- 27 August, 2022. Iguassu Falls, State of Paraná, Brazil.
7. 2022 Parra-Almuna, L., Pontigo, S., Poblete-Grant, P., Mora, M.L., Cartes, P. Role of purple acid phosphatase expression on phosphate utilization efficiency in ryegrass plants. 19th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), 22- 27 August, 2022. Iguassu Falls, State of Paraná, Brazil.
8. 2022 Pontigo, S., Poblete-Grant, P., Vega, I., Parra-Almuna, L., Mora, M.L., Cartes, P. The beneficial role of silicon fertilization on physiological features and yield of barley cultivars grown at different phosphorus supply. 22nd World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), 31 July - 5 August, 2022. Glasgow, United Kingdom.
9. 2022 Poblete-Grant, P., Mora, M.L., Rumpel, C., Pontigo, S., Parra-Almuna, L., Cartes, P. Effect of poultry manure application on soil quality indicators to improve soil organic carbon storage and pasture production on degraded Andisols. 22nd World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), 31 July - 5 August, 2022. Glasgow, United Kingdom.
10. 2022 Poblete-Grant, P., Parra-Almuna, L., Pontigo, S., Mora, M.L, Rumpel, C., Cartes, P. Fostering SOC Sequestration in Pastures through Organic Amendments Management to Ensure an Optimal Yield and Soil Quality in Andisols. 8th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, 26 – 28 June 2022. Seoul, Korea.
11. 2021 Pontigo, S., Parra-Almuna, L., Larama, G., Poblete-Grant, P., Mora, M.L., Cartes, P. Identification and gene expression analysis of a silicon transporter from ryegrass. 8th International Workshop Advances in Science and Technology of Bioresources. 01-02 December, 2021 Online conference.
12. 2021 Poblete-Grant, P., Parra-Almuna, L., Pontigo, S., Mora, M.L, Rumpel, C., Cartes, P. Does poultry manure enhance phosphorus availability in Andisols and rock phosphate?. II Congreso de Estudiantes y Graduados de Postgrado. Universidad de La Frontera. Póster modalidad virtual los días 12 y 13 de mayo de 2021.
13. 2021 Parra-Almuna, L., Pontigo, S., Poblete-Grant, P., Mora, M.L., Cartes, P. Phosphorus deficiency and aluminum toxicity upregulates the expression of an aluminum transporter Nrat1 in ryegrass. 8th International Workshop Advances in Science and Technology of Bioresources. 01-02 December, 2021 Online conference.
14. 2021 Poblete-Grant, P., Parra-Almuna, L., Pontigo, S., Mora, M.L, Rumpel, C., Cartes, P. Fostering SOC sequestration in pastures through organic amendments management to ensure an optimal yield and soil quality in Andisols. 8th International Workshop Advances in Science and Technology of Bioresources. 01-02 December, 2021 Online conference. Oral Presentation.
15. 2021 Poblete-Grant, P., Mora, M.L., Rumpel, C., Cartes, P. Effect of poultry manure application on soil quality indicators to improve soil organic carbon storage and pasture production on degraded Andisols. 8th International Workshop Advances in Science and Technology of Bioresources. 01-02 December, 2021 Online conference. Poster Presentation.
16. 2021 Poblete-Grant, P., Demanet, R., Mora, M.L., Rumpel, C. Available P Enhancement in Andisols under Pasture and Rock Phosphate Amended with Poultry Manure. 1st International Electronic Conference on Agronomy. International Electronic Conference on Agronomy
17. 2019 Patricia Poblete-Grant, Cornelia Rumpel, María de la Luz Mora. How does combined use of poultry manure and phosphate rock amendments affect soil p dynamics, plant biomass production? Poster. 8th International Symposium of Interactions of Soil Minerals with Organic Components and Microorganisms. Sevilla, España, Junio 23-28.
18. 2018 Rolando Demanet, Ana Luengo Escobar, Cecilia Paredes, Marcela Calabi, Patricia Poblete-Grant, Cornelia Rumpel, María de la Luz Mora. Effect of different sources of phosphorous on the production of a permanent grassland of Lolium perenne in an Andisol from Southern Chile. Poster. 6th Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants (PSP6). Leuven, Bélgica. 10-13
19. 2018 Patricia Poblete-Grant, Philipe Biron, Patricia Richard, Thierry Bariac, María de La Luz Mora, and Cornelia Rumpel. How does the combined use of poultry manure and rock phosphate affect P dynamics in planted soil? Poster. European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Vienna, Austria. 8– 13 abril.
20. 2017 Poblete-Grant, Patricia; Cornelia Rumpel, Leo Condron, Rolando Demanet and María de La Luz Mora. Soil organic matter and dynamics of phosphorus in pastures soils after several years of composted poultry manure application. Presentación oral. 6th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter. 03 – 07 septiembre. Rothamsted Research, Harpenden (Inglaterra).
21. 2016 Poblete-Grant, Patricia; Bobadilla, Katterine; Condron, Leo; Rumpel, Cornelia; Demanet, Rolando and Mora, María de la Luz. P development status of grassland Andisol after contrasting years of poultry manure application. Poster. 3er Taller Latinoamericano de PGPR y 2do Workshop en Biotecnología y Medioambiente. Pucón. 28 noviembre – 02 diciembre.
22. 2016 Poblete-Grant, Patricia; Condron, Leo; Demanet, Rolando and Mora, María de la Luz. Organic phosphorus fate in grassland Andisol with a poultry manure application history. Poster. Workshop of Organic Phosphorus. Windermer, Inglaterra (septiembre 5-9).
23. 2015 Poblete-Grant, Patricia; Montalbán-Torres, Nicole; Mora, María de la Luz. Phosphate adsorption dynamics on two contrasting soil management. Poster. 5th International workshop advances in science and technology of bioresources, Chile, Pucón.
24. 2015 Poblete-Grant, Patricia, Montalbán-Torres, Nicole; Redel, Yonathan; Demanet, Rolando and Mora, María de la Luz. Changes in phosphorus fractions and phosphatase-activity in ryegrass with two different phosphorus sources. Poster. Soil Interfaces for Sustainable Development Conference (ISMOM). Canadá (5-10 Julio).
25. 2014 Patricia Poblete-Grant, Yonathan Redel, Constanza Tapia, María de la Luz Mora. Relationship between available phosphorus and phosphatase activity in ryegrass rhizosphere with the application of two phosphate sources (SPT and PR). Presentación Oral: International 2nd Symposium Soil, Plant and Microorganisms. Chile, Pucón.
26. 2014 Yonathan Redel, Paula Cartes, Gabriela Velásquez, Patricia Poblete Grant, María de la Luz Mora, Antonio Violante. Relationships between metal and phosphorus solubility in grassland rhizospheric volcanic soils. Poster. International 2nd Symposium Soil, Plant and Microorganisms, Chile, Pucón.
27. 2014 Cristian Meriño-Gergichevich, Patricia Poblete-Grant, Miren Alberdi, Marjorie Reyes-Díaz. Improved Ca/Al ratio by gypsum addition in blueberry grown in an Andisol. Poster. XII Congreso Nacional de las Ciencias del Suelo. Chile, Punta Arenas.
28. 2014 María de la Luz Mora, Paula Cartes, Gabriela Velásquez, Cecilia Paredes, Patricia Poblete-Grant, Rolando Demanet, Yonathan Redel. Role of aluminium on P availability in the rhizosphere of pastures growing in Andisols. Poster. 4th Sustainable Phosphorus Summit SPS 2014 Montpellier, France, 1-3 septiembre.
29. 2014 Gabriela Velásquez, Yonathan Redel, Patricia Poblete-Grant, Cornelia Rumpel, Benjamín Turner, María de la Luz Mora. Organic phosphorus contribution and chemical characterization of residual fraction derived from Hedley fractionation in Andisol. Poster. 20th world congress of soil science (WCSS), Korean Republic, Jeju.
30. 2013 Yonathan Redel, Paula Cartes, Gabriela Velásquez, Poblete-Grant P, María de la Luz Mora. Assessment of the aluminium role on phosphorus fractions in grassland Andisols. Poster. 4th International workshop advances in science and technology of bioresources, Chile, Pucón.
31. 2013 Velásquez G, Redel Y, Poblete-Grant P, Mora M.L. Contribution and chemical characterization of residual fraction derived from Hedley fractionation. Poster. 4º International Workshop: Advances in Science and Technology of Natural Resources, Chile, Pucón.
32. 2013 Alarcón-Poblete E, Latsague M, Poblete-Grant P, Alberdi M, Reyez-Díaz M. Calcium sulfate modifies leaf anatomy in Vaccinium corymbosum L. growing in an acid soil (Andisol). Poster. XXIV Reunión Anual de Botánica, Chile, Talca.
33. 2012 Meriño-Gergichevich C, Poblete-Grant P, Reyes-Díaz M, Alberdi M. Improved Ca/Al ratio in highbush blueberry as consequence of gypsum addition in an Andisol. Poster. 10th international symposium on vaccinium and other superfruits. MECC Maastricht, Holanda.
34. 2012 Meriño-Gergichevich C, Poblete-Grant P, Reyes-Díaz M, Alberdi M. Effect of gypsum addition on mineral content in highbush blueberry growing in an Andisol with high aluminum saturation. Poster. 4th International Congress Eurosoil 2012: Soil Science for the Benefit for the Mankind and Environment, Italia, Bari.
35. 2011 Meriño-Gergichevich C, Poblete-Grant P, Alberdi M, Reyez-Díaz M. Foliar Ca/Al ratio effects on photochemical parameters in two blueberry cultivars grown in al-saturated Andisol amended with calcium sulfate. Poster. VI Reunión Biología Vegetal, Chile, Pucón.
36. 2010 Poblete-Grant P, Reyes-Díaz M, Meriño-Gergichevich C., Alberdi M. Photochemical efficiency of three highbush blueberry cultivars under aluminum toxicity after application of calcium sulfate under controlled greenhouse conditions. Poster. 2º International Workshop: Advances in Science and Technology of Natural Resources, Chile, Pucón.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Beca Presidente de la República


    Chile, 2002

    Beca enseñanza media

  •   Beca Bicentenario


    Chile, 2006

    Beca enseñanza superior

  •   Beca Doctorado Nacional


    Chile, 2015

    Beca Doctorado Nacional

  •   Becas Extranjero Doctorados


    Chile, 2015

    Pasantía en la universidad de Lincoln en Nueva Zelanda. Beca código: FRO1204

  •   Best student oral presentation from an eligible nation

    International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter

    Reino Unido, 2017

    premio a la mejor presentación oral en el congreso SOM2017


Article (13)

Biochemical and Molecular Responses Underlying the Contrasting Phosphorus Use Efficiency in Ryegrass Cultivars
nZVI-Based Nanomaterials Used for Phosphate Removal from Aquatic Systems
Evidence of the Anthropic Impact on a Crustacean Zooplankton Community in Two North Patagonian Lakes
Phosphorus fertiliser source determines the allocation of root-derived organic carbon to soil organic matter fractions
Available P Enhancement in Andisols under Pasture and Rock Phosphate Amended with Poultry Manure
Describing Phosphorus Sorption Processes on Volcanic Soil in the Presence of Copper or Silver Engineered Nanoparticles
The effect of silicon supply on photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism in two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars contrasting in response to phosphorus nutrition
Soil available P, soil organic carbon and aggregation as affected by long-term poultry manure application to Andisols under pastures in Southern Chile
Gypsum application ameliorates morphological and photochemical damages provoked by Al toxicity in Vaccinium corymbosum L. cultivars
Synergistic and Antagonistic Effects of Poultry Manure and Phosphate Rock on Soil P Availability, Ryegrass Production, and P Uptake
Organic phosphorus in the terrestrial environment=> a perspective on the state of the art and future priorities
Assessment of phosphorus status influenced by Al and Fe compounds in volcanic grassland soils
Fertilizer effects on phosphorus fractions and organic matter in Andisols

BookSection (1)

Innovative agriculture management to foster soil organic carbon sequestration

ConferencePaper (1)

P and C dynamics in planted soils under combined use of Poultry manure and inorganic fertilizers

ConferencePoster (33)

Assessing the promotion of phosphatase activity by soil organic phosphorus concentration in pastures growing in Andisols under inorganic and organic management.
Effect of poultry manure application on soil quality indicators to improve soil organic carbon storage and pasture production on degraded Andisols.
Enhancement of soil physicochemical condition through organic management in pastures
Fostering SOC Sequestration in Pastures through Organic Amendments Management to Ensure an Optimal Yield and Soil Quality in Andisols.
Organic amendments foster a carbon farming and enhance biological properties of Andisols
Phosphorus application from red guano and phosphate rock in Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) cv. Bossio in La Araucanía region
Role of purple acid phosphatase expression on phosphate utilization efficiency in ryegrass plants.
The beneficial role of silicon fertilization on physiological features and yield of barley cultivars grown at different phosphorus supply.
The impact of silicon fertilization on plant growth and biochemical attributes of wheat cultivars grown under water deficit stress.
Available P Enhancement in Andisols under Pasture and Rock Phosphate Amended with Poultry Manure.
Does poultry manure enhance phosphorus availability in Andisols and rock phosphate?.
Fostering SOC sequestration in pastures through organic amendments management to ensure an optimal yield and soil quality in Andisols
Identification and gene expression analysis of a silicon transporter from ryegrass.
Phosphorus deficiency and aluminum toxicity upregulates the expression of an aluminum transporter Nrat1 in ryegrass.
How does combined use of poultry manure and phosphate rock amendments affect soil p dynamics, plant biomass production?
Effect of different sources of phosphorous on the production of a permanent grassland of Lolium perenne in an Andisol from Southern Chile.
Soil organic matter and dynamics of phosphorus in pastures soils after several years of composted poultry manure application
Organic phosphorus fate in grassland Andisol with a poultry manure application history.
P development status of grassland Andisol after contrasting years of poultry manure application.
Changes in phosphorus fractions and phosphatase-activity in ryegrass with two different phosphorus sources.
Phosphate adsorption dynamics on two contrasting soil management.
Improved Ca/Al ratio by gypsum addition in blueberry grown in an Andisol.
Organic phosphorus contribution and chemical characterization of residual fraction derived from Hedley fractionation in Andisol
Relationship between available phosphorus and phosphatase activity in ryegrass rhizosphere with the application of two phosphate sources (SPT and PR).
Relationships between metal and phosphorus solubility in grassland rhizospheric volcanic soils. Poster.
Role of aluminium on P availability in the rhizosphere of pastures growing in Andisols.
Assessment of the aluminium role on phosphorus fractions in grassland Andisols.
Calcium sulfate modifies leaf anatomy in Vaccinium corymbosum L. growing in an acid soil (Andisol).
Contribution and chemical characterization of residual fraction derived from Hedley fractionation.
Effect of gypsum addition on mineral content in highbush blueberry growing in an Andisol with high aluminum saturation.
Improved Ca/Al ratio in highbush blueberry as consequence of gypsum addition in an Andisol
Foliar Ca/Al ratio effects on photochemical parameters in two blueberry cultivars grown in al-saturated Andisol amended with calcium sulfate.
Photochemical efficiency of three highbush blueberry cultivars under aluminum toxicity after application of calcium sulfate under controlled greenhouse conditions.

Errata (1)

Organic phosphorus in the terrestrial environment: a perspective on the state of the art and future priorities (vol 427, pg 191, 2018)

Proyecto (18)

The functional role of silicon on the C:N:P stoichiometry in the soil-plant system under water- and phosphorus- deficit: implications for phosphorus efficiency, carbon trade-offs and yield of key cereal and forage crops in the framework of climate change
Calidad de carne y cuantificación de la huella de carbono en sistemas pastoriles de producción de carne bovina”.
Estudio de matrices naturales y sintéticas en la interacción de compuestos derivados de carbono y la formación de complejos con óxidos e hidróxidos naturales en el contexto de secuestro de carbono”.
Evaluación de los efectos medioambientales del programa de alimentación escolar a través de la medición de la huella de carbono generada por las empresas concesionarias, para efectos del control de su implementación
Sostenibilidad y Uso Eficiente de Recursos en la Producción de avellano europeo (Corylus avellana L.) en la Zona Sur de Chile.
Synergistic effect of the joined application of poultry manure and phytase on soil quality indicators to improve soil organic carbon storage and pasture production on degraded Andisols
Synergistic impact of silicon uptake and arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) tolerance to water deficit stress: An innovative insight for improving yield and nutritional quality of grains under a drought scenario.
Role of organic phosphorus and C:N:P stoichiometry in smart and sustainable agriculture in volcanic soils.
Role of soil organic phosphorus and C=>N=>P stoichiometry in smart and sustainable agriculture in volcanic soils
Impact of poultry manure application, alone or combined with phosphate rock on biogeochemical cycling of C and P in grassland soils
Dynamics of organic phosphorus in acidic Andisols and its relationship with phosphorus availability for plant nutrition.
Dynamics of organic phosphorus in acidic Andisols and its relationship with phosphorus availability for plant nutrition
Molecular and physiological mechanisms involved in aluminum toxicity of Vaccinium corymbosum growing in volcanic soils of Southern Chile: Role of gypsum application on the improvement of this stress.
Molecular and physiological mechanisms involved in aluminium toxicity of Vaccinium corymbosum in volcanic soils of southern Chile=> Role of gypsum application on the improvement of this stress
Improving phosphorus efficiency use and aluminium detoxification on pastures growing in acid volcanic soils through biotechnological tools
Understanding the origin and stabilization of organic phosphorus in agricultural soils to improve its bioavailability by technological tools
Patricia Poblete

Investigador Postdoctoral

Ciencias Químicas

Center of Plan-Soil Interaction and Natural Resources Biotechnology of the Scientific and Technological Bioresource Nucleus (BIOREN) Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

María Mora

Full Professor

Ciencias Químicas y Recursos Naturales

Universidad de La Frontera


Jonathan Suazo

Investigador postdoctoral

Departamento de Ciencias Químicas y Recursos Naturales

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Paula Cartes

Associate Professor

Chemical Sciences and Natural Resources

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Claudio Inostroza



Universidad Católica de Temuco


Cristian Meriño

Associate profesor

Producción Agropecuaria

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Sofia Pontigo

Profesional Investigador

Center of Plant-Soil Interaction and Natural Resources Biotechnology, Scientific and Technological Bioresource Nucleus (BIOREN), Universidad de La Frontera

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Lizethly Cáceres

Profesor Titular


Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación

Santiago, Chile

Marcela Calabi



Temuco, Chile

Jorge Castro

Profesor adjunto

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile