
Andrés Bernardo Iroumé Arrau



Valdivia, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Sediment transport in streams and gravel-bed rivers; Hydromorphology and River Restoration; Hydromorphological impacts of human activities in rivers; Hydrological processes: rainfall redistribution; interception loss; runoff generation processes; catchment water balances; nutrient cycle and water quality; Morphology of mountain rivers: erosive processes; erosion; sediment transport; slope stabilization; torrent control; large wood storage, recruitment and mobilization and channel morphological effects.; Hydrological modelling; hydrological modelling as a decision making tool for forest plantation sustainability and integrated watershed management.; Fluvial Hydraulics and Sediment Transport; Fluid mechanics and turbulence. Computational Fluid Dynamics.; Transport and mixing in the environment, chaotic advection, nonlinear dynamics.


  •  Ingeniero Civil, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1978
  •  Manejo de Recursos, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. Reino Unido, 1986
  •  Ciencias Forestales, UNIVERSITY OF GÖTTINGEN. Alemania, 2005

Experiencia Académica




    VALDIVIA, Chile

    1979 - A la fecha


Article (84)

Large wood fluctuation and longitudinal connectivity conditions along a segment of the Blanco River (Chilean Patagonia)
Assessing woody vegetation recovery in the Rayas River following the eruption of the Chaitén Volcano in 2008
Forest hydrology in Chile: Past, present, and future
Geomorphological evolution of the Blanco Este River after recent eruptions of the Calbuco volcano, Chile
Large wood dynamics in a mountain river disturbed by a volcanic eruption
Modeling landslide activity and sediment connectivity after eruptions: Insights from the Blanco River (Chile)
Rivers in Constrasted climates React Differently to dams: Geomorphological evidence from Chile
The role of in-channel vegetation in driving and controlling the geomorphic changes along a gravel-bed river
A Faster Approach to Quantify Large Wood Using UAVs
Abundance of Benthic Algae in Forestry Watersheds and the Associated Forest Cover Factors
Hydrological effects of large dams in Chilean rivers
Inter-institutional cooperation to develop a new forest hydrological approach to support sustainable forestry in Chile
Is the reputation of Eucalyptus plantations for using more water than Pinus plantations justified?
Partial afforestation has uncertain effect on flood frequency and peak discharge at large catchment scales (100–1000 km2), south-central Chile
What do biphasic flow experiments reveal on the variability of exposure on alluvial fans and which implications for risk assessment result from this?
Comparison of streamflow recession between plantations and native forests in small catchments in Central-Southern Chile
Forest operations, tree species composition and decline in rainfall explain runoff changes in the Nacimiento experimental catchments, south central Chile
Introduction to the Wood in World Rivers special issue
Large wood load fluctuations in an Andean basin
Quantifying the temporal variation of the contribution of fine sediment sources to sediment yields from Chilean forested catchments during harvesting operations
Assessing the effect of fire severity on sediment connectivity in central Chile
Do the morphological characteristics of Chilean gravel-bed rivers exhibit latitudinal patterns?
Fluvial transport of coarse particulate organic matter in a coastal mountain stream of a rainy-temperate evergreen broadleaf forest in southern Chile
Forests and floods: Using field evidence to reconcile analysis methods
Long-term large wood load fluctuations in two low-order streams in Southern Chile
Modelling the Effects of Changes in Forest Cover and Climate on Hydrology of Headwater Catchments in South-Central Chile
Post-eruption morphological evolution and vegetation dynamics of the Blanco River, southern Chile
Reflections on the history of research on large wood in rivers
Unravelling the impacts to the built environment caused by floods in a river heavily perturbed by volcanic eruptions
Cascading processes in a changing environment=> Disturbances on fluvial ecosystems in Chile and implications for hazard and risk management
Quantification of fluvial wood using UAVs and structure from motion
Sediment connectivity changes in an Andean catchment affected by volcanic eruption
Assessing and mitigating large wood-related hazards in mountain streams=> recent approaches
Geomorphic and stream flow influences on large wood dynamics and displacement lengths in high gradient mountain streams (Chile)
Morphological characterization of a highly-dynamic fluvial landscape=> The River Baker (Chilean Patagonia).
Recent geomorphological evolution of a natural river channel in a Mediterranean Chilean basin.
The effects of topography and forest management on water storage in catchments in south central Chile
The effects of topography and forest management on water storage in catchments in south-central Chile
Toward participatory decision-making in river corridor management=> two case studies from the European Alps
Breakdown of instream wood in low order forested streams of the Southern Chilean mountain ranges
Pyroclastic eruption boosts organic carbon fluxes into Patagonian fjords
The Effects of Replacing Native Forest on the Quantity and Impacts of In-Channel Pieces of Large Wood in Chilean Streams
Toward participatory decision-making in river corridor management=> two case studies from the European Alps.
Flume and field-based calibration of surrogate sensors for monitoring bedload transport
How much water do Chilean forests use? A review of interception losses in forest plot studies
Spatial analysis of the impacts of the Chaiten volcano eruption (Chile) in three fluvial systems
Large wood mobility processes in low-order Chilean river channels
Massive biomass flushing despite modest channel response in the Rayas River following the 2008 eruption of Chaitén volcano, Chile
Use of Remote Imagery to Analyse Changes in Morphology and Longitudinal Large Wood Distribution in the Blanco River After the 2008 Chaiten Volcanic Eruption, Southern Chile
Quantitative generalizations for catchment sediment yield following forest logging
Reach scale ecologic influence of in-stream large wood in a Coastal Mountain range channel, Southern Chile
Reach scale ecologic influence of in-stream large wood in a Coastal Mountain range channel, southern Chile [Influencia ecológica a nivel de tramo de la madera en el cauce en un canal de la cordillera de la costa, sur de Chile]
Seasonal logging, process response, and geomorphic work
Acute sedimentation response to rainfall following the explosive phase of the 2008-2009 eruption of Chaiten volcano, Chile
Afforestation and changes in forest composition affect runoff in large river basins with pluvial regime and Mediterranean climate, Chile
Dynamics and management alternatives of in-channel large wood in mountain basins of the southern Andes
Runoff generation and soil erosion processes after clear cutting
Using Cs-137 and Pb-210(ex) and other sediment source fingerprints to document suspended sediment sources in small forested catchments in south-central Chile
Streamflow response in small upland catchments in the Chilean coastal range to the M-W 8.8 Maule earthquake on 27 February 2010
The need for a hydromorphological approach to Chilean river management
Forest impact on floods due to extreme rainfall and snowmelt in four Latin American environments 1: Field data analysis
Forest impact on floods due to extreme rainfall and snowmelt in four Latin American environments 2: Model analysis
GIS application of USLE and MUSLE to estimate erosion and suspended sediment load in experimental catchments, Valdivia, Chile
In-stream large wood mobility and recruitment in two channels in the Coastal Mountain Range, Chile
Large wood in two catchments from the Coastal Mountain range with different land use history
The effect of forest cover on peak flow and sediment discharge-an integrated field and modelling study in central-southern Chile
Effect of Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus plantations on water resource in the Coastal Range of Biobio region, Chile
Forests and floods in Latin America: science, management, policy and the EPIC FORCE project
Large wood abundance, distribution and mobilization in a third order Coastal mountain range river system, southern Chile
Runoff and peakflows after clearcutting and the establishment of a new plantation in an experimental catchment, southern Chile
Use of beryllium-7 to study the effectiveness of woody trash barriers in reducing sediment delivery to streams after forest clearcutting
Extending the timescale for using beryllium 7 measurements to document soil redistribution by erosion
Quantification of sediment transport through direct measurements and the use of empirical models in an experimental catchment in the Andes Mountains, Southern Chile
Effect of Pinus radiata plantations on water balance in Chile
Field based analysis of sediment entrainment in two high gradient streams located in Alpine and Andine environments
Investigation of runoff generation in a pristine, poorly gauged catchment in the Chilean Andes I: A multi-method experimental study
Residuos leñosos de gran tamaño en un torrente de la Cordillera de Los Andes, Chile: su funcionalidad e importancia
Runoff and peak flow responses to timber harvest and forest age in southern Chile
Use of beryllium-7 to document soil redistribution following forest harvest operations
Summer flows in experimental catchments with different forest covers, Chile
A stochastic model of throughfall for extreme events
Comparison of interception losses in a broadleaved native forest and a Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir) plantation in the Andes Mountains of southern Chile
The solute budget of a forest catchment and solute fluxes within a Pinus radiata and a secondary native forest site, southern Chile
Variability of annual rainfall partitioning for different sites and forest covers in Chile

BookSection (4)

Evaluating the effects of forest cover changes on sediment connectivity in a catchment affected by multiple wildfires.
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation – Forest-Related Targets and Their Impacts on Forests and People
Forest Management and Water in Chile
La vegetación ripariana como filtro de la escorrentía y erosión superficiales luego de la cosecha forestal

ConferencePaper (4)

Analysis of Channel Morphology and Large Wood Characteristics Through Remote Images in the Blanco River After the Eruption of the Chaiten Volcano (Southern Chile)
Large Wood Mobility in Mountain Rivers, Chile
Peak flow changes in a managed-forest experimental basin in southern Chile
The effect of Pinus radiata plantations on water resources in Chile

EditorialMaterial (1)

Water sustainability and watershed storage

Note (1)

Transporte de sedimentos en una cuenca de montaña en la Cordillera de los Andes de la Novena Región de Chile

Proyecto (28)

Understanding changes in river corridors after volcanic eruptions: secondary effects, cascading processes and eco-hydrosedimentary mechanisms. PIROSED
Volcanic eruptions vs. human impact=> a comparative analysis between natural and artificial morphological changes along gravel bed rivers in Chile and Italy. Learning from different impacts to better manage the affected riverine environments
La madera en los ríos=> efectos de las erupciones volcánicas
Morphological impacts in rivers affected by volcanic eruptions. Chaiten and Calbuco=> similar disturbance but different fluvial evolution? (PIROFLUV)
The flood memory of a river system=> using both experimental and field-based approaches to unravel the role of unsteady flow and antecedent flows on sediment dynamics during floods
Efectos del cambio global en los recursos hídricos y la dinámica fluvial en cuencas mediterráneas
Effects of vegetation on channel morphodynamics=> a multiscale investigation in Chilean gravel-bed rivers
Riesgos hidrogeológicos asociados a eventos naturales en ríos de montaña, Chile
Tecnología isotópica para entender respuestas hidrológicas y de producción de sedimentos en cuencas con plantaciones forestales del sur de Chile
Efectos de las operaciones forestales en las tasas de transporte de sedimentos en cuencas bajo plantaciones y de alteraciones naturales (incendios, aluviones) en la dinámica de sedimentos en cuencas de montaña
Sediment dynamics and management in small Andean catchments
Effect of native forest replacement by pine plantations on biodiversity and ecosystem processes of Andean riparian and riverine habitats in the south of Chile”. CONICYT USA2012 0011.
Efectos del manejo intensivo de plantaciones forestales en el consumo de agua, procesos erosivos y transporte de sedimentos en suspensión a escala de micro-parcelas y cuencas experimentales en el centro-sur de Chile. CONICYT-BMBF 243-2010
Stream channel morphology, sediment and large wood transport and ecological evolution patterns following natural disturbance processes, with special emphasis in post-eruption Chaitén volcanic river systems
Echanges méthodologiques pour caractériser les dynamiques géomorphologiques de cours d 'eau en France et au Chili en lien avec la végétation riveraine. CONICYT-CNRS 2009-149
Studies on the effect of land use changes on erosive and sediment transport processes in forest catchments, Chile. CONICYT-BMBF 2009-092
Use of environmental radionuclides to identify and quantify fine sediment sources in forested catchments
Large woody debris en cuencas de montaña=> volumen y efectos en la morfología de cauces
Disponibilidad y calidad del recurso agua en cuencas fluviales con cubierta forestal en el sur de Chile
Efectos de las prácticas forestales en los recursos agua y suelo en microcuencas con diferente uso de suelo
Apoyo de Contraparte para Proyectos de Cooperación Internacional, EPIC FORCE. CONICYT – RUE 27. Programa Bicentenario en Ciencia y Tecnología (PBCT)
Studies on the effect of land use changes on water and sediment production in Chilean catchments in forest environments. CONICYT-BMBF 074-4-2006
Uso de 7Be en la evaluación de eficiencia de prácticas de manejo en el control de la erosión y flujo de sedimentos a cursos de agua durante el periodo siguiente a la cosecha a tala rasa de plantaciones forestales
Evidence-based policy for integrated control of forested river catchments in extreme rainfall and snowmelt
Investigation and modelling of erosion and eutrophication in the Lake District, Chile
Impacto de las plantaciones en el recurso hídrico=> cómo expandir la información de micro-cuencas experimentales a grandes cuencas? CONICYT-MEC 2003-4-072
Application and Development of the Systéme Hydrologique Européen (SHE) for erosion and Flood Problems in Vulnerable Basins in Chile
Andrés Iroumé




Valdivia, Chile

Luca Mao

Associate Professor

Departamento de Ecosistemas y Medio Ambiente

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Guillermo Barrientos


Obras Civiles

Universidad Católica del Maule

Talca, Chile

Bruno Mazzorana

Associate Professor



Jose Arumi

Profesor Titular

Water Resources


Chillan, Chile

Héctor Ulloa

Investigador postdoctorado

Instituto Ciencias de la Tierra

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile


Full Professor

Universidad del Desarrollo

Las Condes, Chile

Alejandra Stehr

Profesor Asociado

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad de Concepción

Concepcion, Chile

Shaw Lacy

Resident Lecturer

The School for Field Studies

Puerto Natales, Chile

Francisco Balocchi

Investigador pleno


Coronel, Chile

Alejandra Castillo

Técnico Acádemico


Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile

cristian frene

Coordinador científico de la Red Chilena de Sitios de Estudio Socio-ecológicos de Largo Plazo

Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad

Ancud, Chile

Luis Lara

Profesor titular

Universidad Austral de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Mauricio Galleguillos

Profesor Asociado

Universidad Adolfo Ibánez

Santiago, Chile

Cristián Escauriaza

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental



Oscar Link

Full Professor

Civil Engineering


Concepción, Chile

Roberto Pizarro

Full professor


Talca, Chile

Pedro Hervé

Profesor Asistente

Departamento de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Acuícolas

Universidad de Magallanes

Punta Arenas, Chile

Santiago Yepez

Profesor Asistente

Manejo de Bosques y Medio Ambiente

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile