
Alejandra Engracia Ribera Fonseca

Profesor Asistente A

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Plant Physiology ; Plant - Soil interaction and mineral nutrition; Abiotic Stress in Plants, Plant Secondary Metabolites, Fruticulture, Fruit Quality.


  •  Doctor en Ciencias de Recursos Naturales, UNIVERSIDAD DE LA FRONTERA. Chile, 2008
  •  Ingeniero Agronomo, UNIVERSIDAD DE LA FRONTERA. Chile, 2003
  •  Agronomia, UNIVERSIDAD DE LA FRONTERA. Chile, 2001

Experiencia Académica

  •   Investigador Postdoctoral Full Time


    Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado

    Temuco, Chile

    2011 - 2013

  •   Profesor Asistente A Full Time


    Ciencias Agropecuarias y Forestales

    Temuco, Chile

    2014 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Director de Carrera Other

    Universidad de La Frontera

    Temuco, Chile

    2016 - 2017

  •   Director del Centro de Fruticultura Other

    Universidad de La Frontera

    Temuco, Chile

    2018 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

En lo que refiere a pregrado, participa continuamente como tutor o supervisor de la actividad de titulación de estudiantes de Agronomia de la Universidad de La Frontera.

En lo que respecta a postgrado, participar en la comisión de tesis de los siguientes estudiantes :

2013 a 2019. Participa como co-director de la tesis de doctorado de la alumna Sofia Pontigo, Doctoral Program of Science of Natural Resources, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. Título de la tesis: “Mechanisms involved in silicon uptake and transport, and gene expression of silicon transporters in response to aluminium toxicity in ryegrass plants”.

2009 a la fecha: participa como miembro de la comisión examinadora de los avances de tesis de tesis de doctorado y magíster de alumnos del programa de doctorado en Ciencias de Recursos Naturales, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile:

Francisco Contreras (Desde 2017 a la fecha)
Tesis: "Impact of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) root exudates on phosphorus availability for grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) plants in intercropping systems in andisols ".

Prabhaharan Renganathan (Desde 2016 a la fecha)
Tesis: “Impact of commercial biofertilizer on microbial communities in the endosphere and rizosphere of avocado (Persea Americana Mill) plantlets”

Elizabeth Ulloa (2012 - 2017)
Tesis: Exogenous methyl jasmonate application on Vaccinium corymbosum with different Al-resistance growing under aluminum toxicity conditions inducing changes in physiological, biochemical and molecular features parameters in roots and leaves.

Ana Luisa Luego (2011 - 2017)
Tesis: Growth, leaf spectral reflectance, antioxidant response and morphological leaf changes of Vaccinium corymbosum L. under UV-B exposure.

Erwin Yañez (2011 - 2016)
Tesis: Nitrogen fertilization effect on antioxidant capacity, phenolic composition and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene expression of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum).

Tomas Lobos (2012 - 2016)
Tesis: Effect of methyl jasmonate application on growth, photosynthetic performance and antioxidant response in highbush blueberry cv. Brigitta.

Emilio Jorquera (2008 - 2015)
Tesis: Desarrollo de un modelo de simulación simple para estimar el crecimiento vegetativo-reproductivo y calidad de fruta en huertos de arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L.), bajo producción intensiva.

Rayen Millaleo (2008 - 2014)
Tesis: Toxicidad de manganeso (Mn) en cultivares de arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L.): cambios fisiológicos y bioquímicos.

Crisitan Meriño (Graduado de doctor en 2012)
Tesis: Effect of Ca/Al relation on water and nutrient absorption, photosynthetic performance and antioxidant activity in highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) growing in a Andisol.

Jessenia Rojas Lillo (Graduado de Magister en 2011)
Tesis: Efecto combinado de toxicidad por Manganeso y radiación UV-B sobre el aparato Fotosintético y capacidad antioxidante de arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L.).

Edith Alarcón (Master student from 2009)
Tesis: Effect of calcium sulfate on genotypes of Vaccinium corymbosum growing in acid soils.

Maritza Durán (Desde 2011 a la fecha)
Tesis: Combined effect of UV-B radiation and nitrogen stress on physiological and biochemical features and protein induction and gene expression involved to photosynthesis and antioxidant enzymes in leaves of Vaccinium corymbosum cultivars with different UV-B resistance.

Difusión y Transferencia

Participa constantemente en congresos nacionales e internacionales, ferias de investigación (FIUFRO, EXPLORA), talleres de capacitación, días de campo, entre otros. Revisar mayor información en el siguiente link:

A continuación se indican algunos de los congresos nacionales e internacionales en los cuales he participado:

Congresos Nacionales:

Ribera, AE., Jorquera, E., Levio, F., Rodrigo Alfaro, Walter Contreras , Tomás Aguayo, Giselle Yáñez , Emilio, Jorquera y Fernanda Levio. 2018. Impacto del Uso de Cobertores Plásticos en Aspectos Productivos y Calidad/Condición de Fruta de Cerezo Dulce cultivado en la zona sur de Chile: Un estudio preliminar en la región de La Araucanía. XIX Congreso Agronómico de Chile y XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Chilena de Fruticultura.

Morales, J., Manterola, C., Ribera, A., Ibarra, P. 2016. Evaluación del establecimiento in vitro de dos ecotipos de Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis). CONEIB. Universidad Mayor, Temuco, Chile.
Reyes-Díaz M, Peña-Sanhueza D, Ribera-Fonseca A, Leal P, Zambrano T, Alberdi M. 2016. Antioxidantes en berries y su uso en salud humana. ANEB, Concepción, Chile.

Ribera et al. 2015. II Congreso Chileno de Berries. Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. Participa como autor en más de 6 resúmenes , 1 como autor principal y 5 como co-autor. Participa como parte del Comité Organizador del Congreso.

Avendaño, B., Navarro, F., Ribera, A. 2013. Efecto de toxicidad por Mn en la eficiencia del sistema antioxidante de Lolium perenne L. como mecanismo de tolerancia. 64º Congreso Sociedad Agronómica de Chile XXII Congreso Chileno de Fitopatología. 23 al 26 de Septiembre, Viña del Mar-Chile.

Alejandra Ribera, Claudio Inostroza-Blancheteau, Paula Cartes and María de la Luz Mora. 2012. Changes in the expression of superoxide dismutase isoforms in ryegrass cultivars grown under short-term manganese excess. VII Reunión de Biología Vegetal, 3 y 6 de diciembre de 2012, Pucón, Chile.

Luengo-Escobar, A., Reyes-Díaz, M., Ribera, A.E., Cartes, P., Acevedo, P., Lobos, W, Duran-Troncoso, M. and Alberdi, M. 2012. UV-B Radiation differentially induces phenolic compounds in Vaccinium corymbosum L. cultivars. VII Reunión de Biología Vegetal, 3 y 6 de diciembre de 2012, Pucón, Chile.

Yañez-Mansilla Erwin, Cartes Paula, Reyes-Díaz Marjorie, Ribera Alejandra, Durán-Troncoso Maritza, Lobos Walter, Alberdi Miren. 2012. Nitrogen effect on antioxidant capacity and phenolic compounds in leaves of highbush blueberry genotypes. VII Reunión de Biología Vegetal, 3 y 6 de diciembre de 2012, Pucón, Chile.

Reyes-Diaz, M, Lobos, T; Ribera, A, Lobos, W, Alberdi, M. 2012. Antioxidant responses of Vaccinium corymbosum L. under exogenous application of methyl jasmonate. VII Reunión de Biología Vegetal, 3 y 6 de diciembre de 2012, Pucón, Chile.

Durán-Troncoso, M., Reyes-Díaz, M., Lobos, W., Acevedo, P., Ribera, A., Cartes, P., Luengo-Escobar, A., Yañez-Mansilla, E., Alberdi, M. 2012. Combined effect of nitrogen fertilization and UV-B radiation on growth and biochemical responses of two Vaccinium corymbosum L. cultivars. VII Reunión de Biología Vegetal, 3 y 6 de diciembre de 2012, Pucón, Chile.

Alejandra Ribera, Felipe Gallardo, Rolando Demanet, Ada López y María de la Luz Mora. 2009. Efecto de la aplicación de urea en la fertilización fosfatada y formas de nitrógeno en la rizósfera de Lolium perenne. XI Congreso Nacional de la Ciencia del Suelo. Chillán 24-26 Agosto. SSN0716-6192 Boletín Nº 21. (Panel).

Alejandra Ribera, Evelyn Stohmann, Marcela González, Marjorie Reyes, Miren Alberdi y María de la Luz Mora. (2009). Cambios de la Fertilización Fosfatada en Respuesta a la Fertilziacion Nitrogenada y Formas de nutrientes en el suelo y en la producción de Lolium perenne. XI Congreso Nacional de la Ciencia del Suelo. Chillán 24-26 Agosto. SSN0716- 6192 Boletín Nº 21. (Panel).

María de la Luz Mora, Vanessa Ghiselini, Alejandra Ribera, Rolando Demanet y Felipe Gallardo. (2009). Efecto de la Aplicación Simultánea de Fósforo y Molibdeno en la Producción y Calidad Nutricional de Trébol Rosado (Trifolium pratense) en un Andisol del Sur de Chile. XI Congreso Nacional de la Ciencia del Suelo. Chillán 24-26 Agosto. SSN0716-6192 Boletín Nº 21. (Panel).

Alberdi, M., Reyes-Díaz, M., Ribera, A.E. and Mora, M.L. 2009. Abiotic stress effect on physiological and biochemical traits in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cultivars. 1st Workshop and 4th International Course: Advances in Science and Technology of Natural Resources, November 23-25, La Frontera University (Sede Pucón), Pucón, Chile. Libro de resúmenes, pág. 86. (Presentación oral).

Ribera, A.E., Reyes, M., Alberdi, M., Verdugo, M. and Mora, M.L. 2009. Antioxidant activity and total phenolic and anthocyanins contents in highbush blueberry fruits at different maturity stages. 1st Workshop and 4th International Course: Advances in Science and Technology of Natural Resources November 23-25, La Frontera University (Sede Pucón), Pucón, Chile. Libro de resúmenes, pág. 100. (Póster).

Ribera, A.E., Jara, A.A., Stohmann, E., González, M., Reyes-Díaz, M., Alberdi, M. and Mora, M.L. 2009. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on soil phosphorous dynamic and Lolium perenne L. production and nutrition under greenhouse conditions. 1st Workshop and 4th International Course: Advances in Science and Technology of Natural Resources November 23-25, La Frontera University (Sede Pucón), Pucón, Chile. Libro de resúmenes, pág. 101. (Póster).

Congresos Internacionales

Ribera et al. 2015. International Congress “Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance III”, June 29 - July 1, Vienna, Austria. Participa con 3 resúmenes, 1 como autor principal y 2 como co-autor.

Ribera et al. 2015. 5th Internactional Workshop “Advances in Sciences and Technology of Bioresources», 2-4 Diciembre, Universidad de La Frontera, Pucón, Chile. Participa como autor en más de 4 resúmenes , 1 como autor principal y 3 como co-autor. Participa como parte del comité científico y moderador en el Symposium VII: Plant Biology and Bioactive Compounds.

Pontigo, S., Gutiérrez-Moraga, A., Ribera, A., Cartes, P. 2014. Molecular approaches of Si uptake and transport in ryegrass plants. 2nd International Symposium Soil, Plant and Microorganism. 24-26 November, 2014. Pucón, Chile. Abstract book p 58.

Pontigo, S., Gutiérrez-Moraga, A., Ribera, A., Cartes, P. Identification of putative Si transporters in ryegrass plants. 6th International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture. 26-30 August, 2014. Stockholm, Sweden. Abstracts book p 142.

Cartes, P., Jiménez, H., Pontigo, S., Ribera, A. Gene expression of superoxide dismutase isoforms and RUBISCO in Lolium perenne in response to silicon supply. 6th International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture. 26-30 August, 2014. Stockholm, Sweden. Abstracts book p 52.

Pontigo S., Goviden, B., Ribera, A., Mora, M.L., Cartes, P. Silicon uptake and its influence on the antioxidant system of ryegrass plants. 4th International Workshop “Advances in Science and Technology of Bioresources”. 04-06 December, 2013. Sede Pucón, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. Abstract book p 49.

Cartes, P., Pontigo, S., Govinden, B., Ribera, A., Mora, M.L. Role of silicon on the antioxidant system of ryegrass plants. 17th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC) "Plant nutrition for nutrient and food security".19-22 August, 2013. Istanbul, Turkey. Proceedings book p 445.

Govinden, B., Pontigo, S., Ribera, A., Mora, M.L., Cartes, P. Effect of Silicon supply on the antioxidant system of perennial ryegrass plants. Olomouc Biotech 2013 Plant Biotechnology: Green for Good II. 17-21 June. Olomouc, Czech Republic. Abstracts book p 56.

Reyes-Díaz, M., Lobos, T., Ribera-Fonseca, A.E. And Alberdi, M. 2014. Effect of preharvest methyl jasmonate applications on postharvest quality of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L). 2nd Internactional Symposium “Soil, Plant and Microorganisms”, BIOREN-UFRO, Universidad de La Frontera, Pucón, Chile, 24-26 Noviembre.

Yañez-Mansilla, E., Cartes, P., Reyes-Díaz, M., Ribera-Fonseca, A. and Alberdi, M. 2014. Nitrogen uptake and its effects on phenolic concentration in blueberries cultivars growing on an Andisol. 2nd Internactional Symposium “Soil, Plant and Microorganisms”, BIOREN-UFRO, Universidad de La Frontera, Pucón, Chile, 24-26 Noviembre.

Ribera-Fonseca, A., Marjorie Reyes-Díaz, Miren Alberdi, and María de la Luz Mora. 2014. Effect of P supply on photosynthesis performance and antioxidant responses in Lolium perenne cultivars grown under Mn excess. Phosphorous in Soil and Plants – P2P5 congress. 26-29 August, Montpellier, France.

Ribera-Fonseca, A.E., Reyes-Díaz, M., Alberdi, M., Ferrol-González, N. and Mora, M.L. 2014. Gene and protein expression and enzymatic activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RUBISCO) in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars exposed to manganese excess. FESPB-EPSO-2014. June 22-26, Dublín, Irlanda.

Alejandra Ribera, Claudio Inostroza-Blancheteau, Paula Cartes, Zed Rengel, María de la Luz Mora. 2013. Differential gene expression of SOD isoforms in perennial ryagrass cultivars exposed to Mn toxcity. Abstract presented in the 17th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC). 19-22 August of 2013, Istanbul, Turkey. pp. 552-554.

Marjorie Reyes-Diaz, Claudia Huanquilef, Patricio Acevedo, Alejandra Ribera, Miren Alberdi. (2013). Methyl jasmonate effect on antioxidant activity in leaves of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) exposed to UV-B radiation. Abstract presented in the 17th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC). 19-22 August of 2013, Istanbul, Turkey. pp. 555-557.

Paula Cartes, Sofía Pontigo, Beryet Govinden, Alejandra Ribera, María de la Luz Mora. 2013. Role of silicon on the antioxidant system of ryegrass plants. Abstract presented in the 17th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC). 19-22 August of 2013, Istanbul, Turkey. pp. 446-447.

Alejandra Ribera, Claudio Inostroza-Blancheteau, Paula Cartes and María de la Luz Mora. 2013. Role of superoxide dismutase isoforms in alleviates Mn-induced oxidative stress in perennial ryegrass. Olomouc Biotech 2013 Plant Biotechnology: Green for Good II, Olomouc, Republica Checa, June 17 – 21, 2013. Poster.

Marjorie Reyes-Diáz, Alejandra Ribera, Tomás Lobos, Miren Alberdi. 2013. Application of methyl jasmonate affects the antioxidant activity and oxidative responses in Vaccinium corymbosum L. Olomouc Biotech 2013 Plant Biotechnology: Green for Good II, Olomouc, Republica Checa, June 17 – 21, 2013. Poster.

Beryet Govinden, Sofia Pontigo, Alejandra Ribera, María de la Luz Mora, Paula Cartes. 2013. Effect of silicon supply on the antioxidant system of perennial ryegrass plants. Olomouc Biotech 2013 Plant Biotechnology: Green for Good II, Olomouc, Republica Checa, June 17 – 21, 2013. Poster.

Ribera-Fonseca, A.E., Reyes-Díaz, M., Alberdi, M., Álvarez, D., Ferrol-González, N. and Mora, M.L. 2012. Physiological and biochemical changes in perennial cultivars in response to manganese toxicity. XXIX Reunión Argentina de Fisiología Vegetal (RAFV), 17 al 20 de septiembre de 2012, Mar del Plata - Argentina.

Luengo-Escobar, A, Reyes-Díaz, M., Ribera, A., Cartes, P., Acevedo, P., Alberdi, M. 2012. Título de poster (1): Effect of UV-B radiation on growth and antioxidant response of Vaccinium corymbosum L. cultivars. Póster presentado en Plant Biology 2012, 20-24th July, Austin, Texas, United States of America.

Durán-Troncoso, M., Reyes-Díaz, Marjorie, Ribera, A.E., Cartes, P., Acevedo, P., Luengo-Escobar, A., Yañez-Mansilla, E., Alberdi, M. 2012. Título poster: Combined effect of UV-B radiation and nitrogen fertilization on physiological and biochemical responses of Vaccinium corymbosum L. cultivars. Poster presentado en Plant Biology 2012, 20-24th July, Austin, Texas, United States of America.

Yañez-Mansilla E, Cartes P, Reyes-Diaz M, Ribera A.E., Alberdi M. 2012. Short term response of antioxidant capacity in leaves and roots of highbush blueberry under nitrogen supply. 10th International Symposium on Vaccinium and other superfruits. June 17-22, MECC Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Lobos T, Reyes-Díaz M, Ribera A.E., Alberdi M. 2012. Effect of methyl jasmonate application on growth, photosynthetic performance and antioxidant response in Highbush blueberry cv. Brigitta. 10th International Symposium on Vaccinium and other superfruits. June 17-22, MECC Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Cerda, A., Mariangel, E., Gajardo, G., Ribera, A., Lobos, W., Reyes-Díaz, M. and Ibarra, P. 2011. Antioxidant capacity variation in calafate from two locations of southern Chile and its relation to genetic intra-specific patterns. Abstract book of the “3st International Workshop: Advances in Science and Technology of Bioresources”; Universidad de La Frontera, Sede Pucón, Pucón, Chile, 2-4 de Noviembre. pp. 93.

Lobos, T., Reyes, M., Alberdi, M. and Ribera, A.E. 2011. Effect of methyl jasmonate application on growth, photosynthetic performance and antioxidant response in highbush blueberry cv. Brigitta. Abstract book of the “3st International Workshop: Advances in Science and Technology of Bioresources”; Universidad de La Frontera, Sede Pucón, Pucón, Chile, 2-4 de Noviembre. pp. 99.

Ribera-Fonseca, A.E., Reyes-Díaz, M., Alberdi, M., Álvarez, D., Valdebenito, G., and Mora, M.L. 2011. Variation on photosynthetic performance and its relationship with antioxidative systems in perennial ryegrass cultivars exposed to manganese excess. Abstract book of the “3st International Workshop: Advances in Science and Technology of Bioresources”; Universidad de La Frontera, Sede Pucón, Pucón, Chile, 2-4 de Noviembre. pp. 109.

Ribera-Fonseca, A.E., Reyes-Díaz, M., Alberdi, M., Cartes-Riffo, A., Valdebenito, G. and Mora, M.L. 2011. Effect of cold-storage and UV-C irradiation postharvest treatments on antioxidants content and profile in fruits of highbush blueberry genotypes. Abstract book of the “3st International Workshop: Advances in Science and Technology of Bioresources”; Universidad de La Frontera, Sede Pucón, Pucón, Chile, 2-4 de Noviembre. pp. 110.

Ciudad, G., Rubilar, O., Toro, C., Cea, M., Ribera, A.E., Concha, E., Torres, A., Navia, R. 2011. Use of an enzymatic extract from Anthracophyllum discolor to degrade partially the cell wall of Botryococcus braunii for further application in biofuel. Abstract book of the “3st International Workshop: Advances in Science and Technology of Bioresources”; Universidad de La Frontera, Sede Pucón, Pucón, Chile, 2-4 de Noviembre. pp. 159.

Ribera-Fonseca, A.E., Reyes-Díaz, M., Alberdi, M., Cartes-Riffo, A., Peña-González, V. and Mora, M.L. 2011. Variation on photosynthetic performance and its relationship with antioxidative systems in perennial ryegrass cultivars exposed to manganese excess Proceeding of ISMOM 2011: 6th International Symposium of Interactions of Soil Minerals with Organic Components and Microorganisms Commission 2.5 Soil Interfacial Reactions, International Union of Soil Sciences; “Soil Interfaces in a Changing World”, 26th June - 1st July 2011, Montpellier, France.

Rosas, Z. Rengel, A.E. Ribera, E. Stohmann and M.L. Mora. 2011. As Phosphorus Nutrition Affects Manganese Toxicity in Lolium perenne L. and Trifolium repens L. Proceeding of the ICOBTE 2011 (11th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements ICOBTE), Symposium 1: “Sustainable management of metal and metalloid polluted soils: demonstration of (phyto)technologies at the field scale that produce renewable biomasses. Florence, Italy, July 4-7. (Poster).

Rosas, Z. Rengel, A.E. Ribera, E. Stohmann and M.L. Mora. 2011. As Phosphorus Nutrition Affects Manganese Toxicity in Lolium perenne L. and Trifolium repens L. Symposium 1 of the 11th ICOBTE, Firenze, July 4-7.

Ribera, A.E., Reyes-Díaz, M., Alberdi, M, Verdugo, M. and Mora, M.L. 2010. Antioxidant Capacity in Fruits and Leaves of Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Genotypes Grown in Southern Chilean Andisols. Proceeding of 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisbon-Portugal, 22-27 August 2010. Book abstract of Symposia S01: Berries: From genomics to sustainable production, quality and health. pp. 15.

Ribera, A.E., Reyes-Díaz, M., Alberdi, M., Cartes, A. and M.L. Mora. 2010. Effect of maturity stages and postharvest treatments on phenolic acids, flavonoids and anthocyanins of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) fruits. Abstract book of the “2st Workshop and 5th International Course: Advances in Science and Technology of Natural Resources”; Universidad de La Frontera, Sede Pucón, Pucón, Chile, 25-29 de Noviembre. pp. 101.

Paredes, C., Menezes-Blackburn, D., Cartes, P., Ribera, A.E. and Mora, M.L. 2010. Acid phosphatase activity and phosphorus dynamic in a rhizosphere system under ammonium and nitrate nitrogen fertilization. Abstract book of the “2st Workshop and 5th International Course: Advances in Science and Technology of Natural Resources”; Universidad de La Frontera, Sede Pucón, Pucón, Chile, 25-29 de Noviembre. pp. 102.

Ribera, A.E., Reyes-Díaz, M., Alberdi, M., Cartes, A. and M.L. Mora. 2010. Effect of maturity stages and postharvest treatments on phenolic acids, flavonoids and anthocyanins of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) fruits. Abstract book of the “2st Workshop and 5th International Course: Advances in Science and Technology of Natural Resources”; Universidad de La Frontera, Sede Pucón, Pucón, Chile, 25-29 de Noviembre. pp. 101 (Póster).

Paredes, C., Menezes-Blackburn, D., Cartes, P., Ribera, A.E. and Mora, M.L. 2010. Acid phosphatase activity and phosphorus dynamic in a rhizosphere system under ammonium and nitrate nitrogen fertilization. Abstract book of the “2st Workshop and 5th International Course: Advances in Science and Technology of Natural Resources”; Universidad de La Frontera, Sede Pucón, Pucón, Chile, 25-29 de Noviembre. pp. 102 (Póster).

Mora, M.L., Ribera, A.E., Demanet, R., Rengel, Z. and Cartes, P. 2009. Studies of plant metal toxicity responses using mineral solutions simulating acidity conditions of Chilean Andisols. Proceeding of 3rd International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference (CLEANUP 2009), Aldelaide, South Australia. pp.: 46-47.

Wulff, C., Caruso, I., Greco, B., Ribera, A.E. and Mora, M.L. 2009. Improving protein extraction methods from different plant organs of agricultural crops for enhanced proteomic analysis. 1st Workshop and 4th International Course: Advances in Science and Technology of Natural Resources November 23-25, La Frontera University (Sede Pucón), Pucón, Chile. Libro de resúmenes, pág. 108. (Póster).

Ribera, A.E.; Reyes-Díaz, M.; Alberdi, M.; Verdugo, M y Mora, M.L. (2009). Actividad antioxidante y contenido de fenoles totales y antocianinas en frutos de arándano alto cosechados en diferentes estados de madurez. V Jornadas Argentinas de Biología y Tecnología de Postcosecha”, realizado durante el 27 y 28 de Octubre de 2009 en la Estación Experimental San Pedro (EEA, INTA San Pedro), Buenos Aires, Argentina; bajo el título. Libro de Actas, trabajos científicos presentados. pp. 62.

Premios y Distinciones



    Chile, 2001

    Premio otorgado al mejor promedio de asignaturas profesionales de la carrera de Agronomia de la Universidad de La Frontera.



    Chile, 2001

    Premio otorgado al mejor alumno egresado de la carrera de Agronomía.



    Chile, 2003

    Mejor alumno titulado de la carrera de agronomía de la Universidad de La Frontera.



    Chile, 2003

    Beca de mantención para estudios de Doctorado (4 años) en la Universidad de La Frontera. Otorgado por la Universidad de La Frontera a alumnos titulados con excelencia académica.

  •   Beca Erasmus Mundo LINDO Postdoctoral (Movilidad Postdoctoral)


    Chile, 2014

    Beca Erasmus Mundo LINDO Postdoctoral financió la realización de una movilidad postdoctoral de 6 meses de duración en el DIPSA de la Universidad de Bologna, Bologna, Italia.


Article (22)

Anthocyanin-Rich extracts of calafate (Berberis microphylla G. Forst.) fruits decrease in vitro viability and migration of human gastric and gallbladder cancer cell lines
Impact of cold-storage and UV-C irradiation postharvest treatments on quality and antioxidant properties of fruits from blueberry cultivars grown in Southern Chile
The Anti-Proliferative and Anti-Invasive Effect of Leaf Extracts of Blueberry Plants Treated with Methyl Jasmonate on Human Gastric Cancer In Vitro Is Related to Their Antioxidant Properties
Exploring VIS/NIR Reflectance Indices for the Estimation of Water Status in Highbush Blueberry Plants Grown Under Full and Deficit Irrigation
Sodium-silicate and calcium-silicate differentially affect silicon and aluminium uptake, antioxidant performance and phenolics metabolism of ryegrass in an acid Andisol
A simple allometric model for estimating blueberry fruit weight from diameter measurements
Assessment of Highbush Blueberry Fruit Maturity Parameters and Anthocyanins by Using a Visible/Near Infrared (vis/NIR) Spectroscopy Device: A Preliminary Approach.
Assessment of technological maturity parameters and anthocyanins in berries of cv. Sangiovese (Vitis vinifera L.) by a portable vis/NIR spectroscopy device.
Glyphosate impacts on polyphenolic composition in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) berries and wine
Methyl Jasmonate: an alternative for improving the quality and health properties of fresh fruits
Action mechanism for 3 beta-hydroxykaurenoic acid and 4,4-dimethylanthracene-1,9,10(4H)-trione on Botrytis cinerea
Leaf nitrogen thresholds ensuring high antioxidant features of Vaccinium corymbosum cultivars.
Silicon in vascular plants: uptake, transport and its influence on mineral stress under acidic conditions.
Sulphate fertilization ameliorates long-term aluminum toxicity symptoms in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
Performance of an enzymatic extract in Botrycoccus braunii cell wall disruption
Photosynthetic and antioxidant performance are differentially affected by short-term nitrogen supply in highbush blueberry cultivars.
Early induction of Fe-SOD gene expression is involved in tolerance to Mn toxicity in perennial ryegrass
Photosynthetic impairment caused by manganese toxicity and associated antioxidative responses in perennial ryegrass
Phosphorus nutrition alleviates manganese toxicity in Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens
Antioxidant compounds in skin and pulp of fruits change among genotypes and maturity stages in highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) grown in Southern Chile
Differential tolerance to Mn toxicity in perennial ryegrass genotypes: involvement of antioxidative enzymes and root exudation of carboxylates
Effect of extracts from in vitro-grown shoots of Quillaja saponaria Mol. on Botrytis cinerea Pers

Patent (1)

Extracto natural para el control de Botrytis cinerea en pre- y post-cosecha”.

Proyecto (28)

HUB SmartFruit-ALC: soluciones inteligentes para sistemas familiares frutícolas ALC, en el escenario de cambio climático.
Programa de Formación en Fruticultura: adaptación al cambio climático, sustentabilidad productiva e inocuidad alimentaria para el sector frutícola del Sur.
Synergistic impact of silicon uptake and arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) tolerance to water deficit stress: an innovative insight for improving yield and nutritional quality of grains under a drought scenario.
Desarrollo y Fortalecimiento de la Docencia, Investigación y Vinculación en Mejoramiento Genético y Biotecnología Vegetal en la Universidad de La Frontera, con Énfasis en Especies Frutales
Enzymatic white rot fungi whole cell bioreactor pretreatment as a fundamental stage of a biorefinery of two phase olive mill solid waste to produce biogas and a potential biofertilizer
“Construyendo Futuro: Consolidación y Cambio en la Universidad de La Frontera”, Plan de Fortalecimiento de Universidades Estatales, Ministerio de Educación, Gobierno de Chile.
Apoyo al manejo productivo mediante el control biológico de plagas a través de murciélagos insectívoros para una agricultura más sostenible y adaptada al Cambio Climático en el Centro-Sur de Chile
Hub de transferencia para fortalecer la competitividad y capital social del sector frutícola de la región de La Araucanía a través del acceso y uso de tecnologías de percepción remota.
NEXER=> Extremophytes, the new promising models for discovering stress tolerance mechanisms and bioactive compounds.
Centro para la Investigación e Innovación en Fruticultura para la Zona Sur
Fruticultura sin Fronteras.
Phytohormones and its association with resistance mechanisms to Al and Mn toxicity in highbush blueberry cultivars growing in acid soil=> A strategy for improving yield and fruit quality of plants. (Investigador Responsable=> Marjorie Reyes).
Quality and healthy postharvest features of Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) fruits as affected by phosphorous and nitrogen fertilization in acid soils of Southern Chile.
Caracterización fenólica de extractos de frutos de calafate y su potencial uso como agente hipoglicemiante y anticancerígeno.
Role of silicon fertilization on photosynthetic performance and production of high antioxidant- or structural- phenolic compounds in cereals grown under phosphorous deficiency in Andisols
Technological Trip FIA=> "Biodynamic strategies for the production of berries and cherries in the nord-central of Italy, in a context of fair trade commercialization system".
Uso de espectroscopia vis/NIR portátil para la estimación del balance hídrico y potencial bioenergético de residuos de poda en huertos de arándano alto=> un estudio preliminar..
Ejecución de un modelo de vinculación ciencia - industria de antioxidante naturales para aumentar la competitividad de la región de La Araucanía
Proyecto Atracción Modalidad de Estadías Cortas MEC, Segunda Convocatoria. 2012. “Suelo-Microorganismo-Planta Continuum en Andisoles del Sur de Chile”. Universidad de La Frontera. Responsible Researcher=> Dra. Miren Alberdi Lag.
Improving the production of phenylpropanoids with antioxidant activity in Highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) using Methyl Jasmonate and UV-B radiation and its effect on gastric cancer chemoprevention
Photoprotective and antioxidant compounds of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) grown in southern Chile as affected by nitrogen fertilization and solar radiation
Increasing the Internationalization of the Scientific Journal Revista de la Ciencia del Suelo y Nutrición Vegetal (Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition)
Technological bases for residual microalgal biomass biorefinery through the implementation of a biotechnological process of cell disruption
Environmental factors of South Chile that regulate the growth and quality of Vaccinium corymbosum L.=> Soil acidity effect and UV-B radiation on the photosynthetic and antioxidant capacity in high blueberry
Improving the antioxidant metabolites maintenance and production in highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) fruits during post-harvest under controlled conditions
Nitrogen fertilization in pastures and mechanisms of the rizosphere that affect the nutrition and health of grassland species in Andisols of Southern Chile

Review (2)

Silicon in vascular plants: uptake, transport and its influence on mineral stress under acidic conditions
Induced plant secondary metabolites for phytopatogenic fungi control: A review
Alejandra Ribera

Profesor Asistente A

Departamento de Producción Agropecuaria

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Milena Cotoras




Santiago, Chile

María Mora

Full Professor

Ciencias Químicas y Recursos Naturales

Universidad de La Frontera


Mara Cea

Assistant Professor

Chemical Engineering

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Leonora Mendoza

Académico JC

Departamento de Química de los Materiales

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Paula Cartes

Associate Professor

Chemical Sciences and Natural Resources

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Evelyn Silva

Jefa Nacional de Innovación

Dirección I+D


Santiago, Chile

Ramiro Araya Maturana

Profesor Titular

Universidad de Talca

SantiaTalcago, Chile

Rodrigo Navia

Full Porfessor

of Chemical Engineering

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Claudio Toro




Gustavo Ciudad

profesor asistente y director del instituto del Medio Ambiente

departamento de ingeniería química

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Olga Rubilar

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ingeniería Química



Gustavo Zuñiga




Santiago, Chile

Laura Azócar

Profesor Asistente

Química Ambiental

Universidad Católica de la Santisima Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Sofia Pontigo

Profesional Investigador

Center of Plant-Soil Interaction and Natural Resources Biotechnology, Scientific and Technological Bioresource Nucleus (BIOREN), Universidad de La Frontera

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile