


Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Higher Education; SciComm; Science for Citizenship


  •  Ciencias, ESCOLA PAULISTA DE MEDICINA. Brasil, 2009
  •  Neurociencias y Biologia del Comportamiento, UNIV. PABLO DE OLAVIDE. España, 2010
  •  Educación Superior, UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DE CHILE. Chile, 2007
  •  Cirujano Dentista, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1997
  •  Medicina, UNIVERSIDAD DE OVIEDO. España, 2022

Experiencia Académica

  •   Vicerrector de Investigación y Doctorados Full Time



    2013 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Board Member Part Time


    New York, Estados Unidos

    2023 - A la fecha

  •   Director Chair Part Time



    2022 - A la fecha

Difusión y Transferencia

Director de la Cátedra UNESCO Educación Científica para la Ciudadanía
Creador del Centro de comunicación de las Ciencias de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Creador de Ediciones Universidad Autónoma de Chile (Open Access)
Miembro del Board de Crossref


Article (120)

Resilience, Burnout and Mental Health in Nurses: A Latent Mediation Model
Experiences in the training of specialist family and community nurses: a qualitative study
Knowledge management models in higher education Modelos de gestión del conocimiento en educación superior
The Lamellar Cells of Vertebrate Meissner and Pacinian Corpuscles: Development, Characterization, and Functions
Sensory innervation of the human male prepuce: Meissner's corpuscles predominate
Moral Sensitivity, Empathy and Prosocial Behavior: Implications for Humanization of Nursing Care
Effects of atmospheric oscillations on infectious diseases: the case of Chagas disease in Chile
The development of human digital Meissners and Pacinian corpuscles
Recombinant osteoprotegerin effects during orthodontic movement in a rat model.
Clavicular facet of the coracoclavicular joint: Analysis in modern skeletons of the mapuche indigenous individuals
Comfort Evaluation of Non Occlusal Intraoral Appliance Use During Sleep in Patients with Muscular Temporomandibular Dysfunction
Evidence Based Morphology; Quo Vadis?
In vivo biocompatibility of the PLGA microparticles in parotid gland
In vivo biocompatibility of the PLGA microparticles in parotid gland
Muscle Fiber Type Composition, Fiber Diameter, Capillary Density in Temporalis and Masseter Muscles and Correlation with Bite Force
Platelet-rich plasma, plasma rich in growth factors and simvastatin in the regeneration and repair of alveolar bone
Age Effect in the Morphological Traits Performance for Sex Determination in Human Skulls and Mandibles
Age Effect in the Morphological Traits Performance for Sex Determination in Human Skulls and Mandibles
Bilateral communications of the musculocutaneous and median nerves. Morphological aspects and clinical significance
Determination of Cellular Debris in Endodontically Treated Teeth: a Pilot Study
Determination of the Species from Skeletal Remains Through Histomorphometric Evaluation and Discriminant Analysis
Nasal Profile Assessment Using Geometric Morphometrics in a Sample of Chilean Population. Clinical and Forensic Implications
Nasal Profile Assessment Using Geometric Morphometrics in a Sample of Chilean Population. Clinical and Forensic Implications
Observation of Sex Chromatin in Exhumed Bones, Evaluation of their Diagnosis Value
Referred Dental Pain, an Analysis of their Prevalence and Clinical Implication
Stress increases periodontal inflammation
Easy and Unbiased Determination of the Maxillary Sinus Volume
Easy and Unbiased Determination of the Maxillary Sinus Volume
Evaluation of Facial Asymmetry Using Soft-Tissue Thickness for Forensic Purposes
Evaluation of Facial Asymmetry Using Soft-Tissue Thickness for Forensic Purposes
Immunohistochemical Fiber Type Profile in the Human Vocal Muscle
Immunohistochemical Fiber Type Profile in the Human Vocal Muscle
Morphometric and Histopathologic Changes in Skeletal Muscle Induced for Injectable PLGA Microparticles
Morphometric and Histopathologic Changes in Skeletal Muscle Induced for Injectable PLGA Microparticles
Percentage of Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Inserted in the Disc of Human Temporomandibular Joint
Percentage of Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Inserted in the Disc of Human Temporomandibular Joint
Sex Determination by Observation of Barr Body in Teeth Subjected to High Temperatures
Sex Determination by Observation of Barr Body in Teeth Subjected to High Temperatures
The Circumflex Femoral Arteries in the Femoral Triangle
Variations of the Vocal Fold Epithelium in a Menopause Induced Model
Variations of the Vocal Fold Epithelium in a Menopause Induced Model
Anatomical Study of the Pterygospinous and Pterygoalar Bony Bridges and Foramens in Dried Crania and its Clinical Relevance
Anatomical Study of the Pterygospinous and Pterygoalar Bony Bridges and Foramens in Dried Crania and its Clinical Relevance
Anatomía quirúrgica del drenaje venoso en la región del triángulo carotídeo
Anterior Disc Displacement and the Superior Head of Lateral Pterygoid Muscle. A Case-Control Study
Anterior Disc Displacement and the Superior Head of Lateral Pterygoid Muscle. A Case-Control Study
Clinical Evaluation of Fibularis Tertius Muscle Prevalence
Clinical Evaluation of Fibularis Tertius Muscle Prevalence
Evaluation of the Baudoin Condylar Index Diagnostic Test for Sex Determination
Evaluation of the Baudoin Condylar Index Diagnostic Test for Sex Determination
Evaluation of the pronasal point prediction methods for forensic facial reconstruction
Evaluation of the pronasal point prediction methods for forensic facial reconstruction
Facial Tissue Thickness in Chilean Cadavers with Medico-Legal Purposes
Geometric Morphometry and the Biologic Shapes Study: From the Descriptive Morphology to the Quantitative Morphology
Geometric Morphometry and the Biologic Shapes Study: From the Descriptive Morphology to the Quantitative Morphology
Morfometría Geométrica y el Estudio de las Formas Biológicas: De la Morfología Descriptiva a la Morfología Cuantitativa
Nanoodontología: el Futuro de la Odontología Basada en Sistemas Nanotecnológicos
Oral squamous cell carcinoma, retrospective analysis of 36 cases
Ponticulus posticus on the Posterior Arch of Atlas, Prevalence Analysis in Asymptomatic Patients
Ponticulus posticus on the Posterior Arch of Atlas, Prevalence Analysis in Asymptomatic Patients
Professional Modeling of Learning Styles does Exist?
Professional Modeling of Learning Styles does Exist?
Rol de las características clínicas e histológicas como factores pronósticos para la sobrevida en pacientes con carcinoma de células escamosas de la cavidad oral
Sex Chromatin in Dental Pulp. Performance of Diagnosis Test and Gold Standard Generation
Superior Head of the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Inserting in Asymptomatic Temporomandibular Joints
Surgical anatomy of jugular vein tributaries
What is Published in Human Morphology? Types of Designs and Levels of Evidence
What is Published in Human Morphology? Types of Designs and Levels of Evidence
¿Existe Modelamiento Profesional de los Estilos de Aprendizaje?
Effects of Visual Loss in the Corpus Callosum in Rats Subjected to Sensory-Motor Training
Is the Conduct of Serres an Anatomical Variation in Adults?
It is viable the racial affinity determination obtained from human skulls biometrics? ¿es posible la determinación de la afinidad racial a partir del análisis biométrico de cráneos humanos?
It is viable the racial affinity determination obtained from human skulls biometrics? ¿es posible la determinación de la afinidad racial a partir del análisis biométrico de cráneos humanos?
Mandibular Condyle Position in Maximum Mouth Opening. A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation
Mandibular condyle position in maximum mouth opening. a magnetic resonance imaging evaluation Posición condilar en apertura oral máxima. una evaluación con imágenes de resonancia magnética
Palatal rugae: Systematic analysis of its shape and dimensions for use in human identification Rugas palatinas: Sistematización del análisis de su forma y dimensiones para su uso en identificación humana
Palatal rugae: Systematic analysis of its shape and dimensions for use in human identification Rugas palatinas: Sistematización del análisis de su forma y dimensiones para su uso en identificación humana
Performance Evaluation as a Diagnostic Test for Traditional Methods for Forensic Identification of Sex
Prevalence of the Third Head of the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle: A Magnetic Resonance Image Study
Sex Determination in Mandibles in the First Year of Life by a Quantitative Approach
Sexual Dimorphism Determination by Piriform Aperture Morphometric Analysis in Brazilian Human Skulls
Sexual Dimorphism Determination from the Lineal Dimensions of Skulls
Sexual dimorphism determination from the lineal dimensions of skulls Determinación del dimorfismo sexual utilizando las dimensiones lineales del cráneo
Sexual dimorphism determination from the lineal dimensions of skulls Determinación del dimorfismo sexual utilizando las dimensiones lineales del cráneo
Sexual Dimorphism in the Foramen Magnum Dimensions
Temporomandibular joint sounds and disc dislocations incidence after orotracheal intubation
The beginning of the evidence-based morphology.
The beginning of the evidence-based morphology.
¿Es Posible la Determinación de la Afinidad Racial a Partir del Análisis Biométrico de Cráneos Humanos?
Accuracy of Palate Shape as sex Indicator in Human Skull with Maxillary Teeth Loss
Analysis of the density of NMDA R1 receptors in the spinal nucleus of human trigeminal nucleus Análisis de la densidad de receptores tipo NMDA R1 en el núcleo espinal de trigémino humano
Analysis of the density of NMDA R1 receptors in the spinal nucleus of human trigeminal nucleus Análisis de la densidad de receptores tipo NMDA R1 en el núcleo espinal de trigémino humano
Anatomía Microscópica de las Glándulas Salivales por Medio de una Técnica Histológica Convencional y no Convencional
Antropmeter Software, a New Tool for Facial Analysis
Bilateral mentolabial arteries. A case report Arterias mentolabiales bilaterales. Reporte de un caso
Bilateral mentolabial arteries. A case report Arterias mentolabiales bilaterales. Reporte de un caso
Biomethrics Study of the Upper and Lower Labial Artery in Human Cadavers
Blind Test of Mandibular Morphology with Sex Indicator in Subadult Mandibles
Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Labio Inferior: Asociación Entre Grado de Angiogénesis, Graduación Histológica y Frente de Invasión Tumoral
Comparisons in Soft-Tissue Thicknesses on the Human Face in Fresh and Embalmed Corpses Using Needle Puncture Method
Determination of Golden Craniofacial Proportions for Reconstruction with Medicolegal Identification Purposes
Efecto de la Terapia láser de Baja Potencia sobre el Hueso Alveolar Dañado
Efecto Mozart en el Aprendizaje Práctico de la Anatomía
Evaluating Accuracy and Precisión in Morphologic Traits for Sexual Dimorphism in Malnutrition Human Skull: a Comparative Study
Inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia via the retromolar triangle, an alternative for patients with blood dyscrasias
Lower Lip Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Relationship Between Angiogenesis Grade, Histological Grading and Invasion Tumoral Front
Microscopic Anatomy of the Salivary Glands for Mean of Conventional and not-Conventional Histologic Technique
Morphologic Changes in Rat's Pineal Gland After Eliminating Retinal Photic Stimulation
Ortopantomographic Blind Test of Mandibular Ramus Flexure as a Morphological Indicator of Sex in Chilean Young Adults
Sex Determination Using Mastoid Process Measurements in Brazilian Skulls
Sexual Dimorphism in Mesiodistal and Bucolingual Tooth Dimensions in Chilean People
Sexual Dimorphism in the Nose Morphotype in Adult Chilean
Teaching of the Integrated Morphology
Efecto de la Aplicación de Láser de Baja Potencia Sobre la Mucosa Oral Lesionada
Evaluación Ultrasonográfica del Tejido Blando Facial en Adultos Chilenos
Glándula pineal humana, factores reguladores de la producción de melatonina: morfometría, celularidad y células c-kit
Grosores Tisulares Faciales en Cadáveres de Españoles y su Aplicación en la Identificación Médicolegal
Tissue tickness in Spanish corpses and your applications on the medicolegal identification Grosores tisulares faciales en cadáveres de Españoles y su aplicación en la identificación médicolegal

BookWhole (1)

Gestión del conocimiento en educación superior

Proyecto (3)

Extracción de DNA para análisis de amelogenina en muestras fijadas en formalina, incluídas en parafina y archivadas por 1 a 5 años en el Departamento de Patologia de la UNIFESP. FAPESP
“Medición del Compromiso del Niño, Niña y Adolescente con sus estudios para la promoción de Trayectorias Educativas Exitosas”
Efecto de la terapia de reemplazo hormonal sobre los parámetros morfológicos de glándulas salivares mayores y menores en ratones C57BL6J sometidos a menopausia por ooforectomía


Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Santiago, Chile

César Rivera


Departamento de Estomatología

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Mariano Del Sol

Profesor titular

ciencias básicas

Universidad de la Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Bernardo Venegas



Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Carlos Manterola

Profesor Titular

Cirugía y Traumatología

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

José Báez

Profesor Colaborador


Fuengirola, España



Ciencias Biomédicas

Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Santiago , Chile