
Macarena García González

Young Researcher

Center of Advanced Studies on Educational Justice

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Cultural Studies; Children's and Youth Literature; Children and Youth Media, Education; Childhood; Gender; Diversities; Qualitative Methods


  •  MA in Arts and Sciences, Maastricht University. Holanda, 2010
  •  Doctorado en Antropología Social y Estudios Culturales, UNIVERSITÄT ZÜRICH. Suiza, 2015

Experiencia Académica

  •   Investigadora Asociada (SNF) Part Time


    Zurich, Suiza

    2014 - 2016

  •   Lecturer Part Time

    Universität Zürich


    2012 - 2015

  •   Investigadora Asociada Full Time


    Facultad de Educación

    Santiago, Chile

    2017 - A la fecha

  •   Junior Researcher Full Time


    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

    Maastricht, Holanda

    2010 - 2011

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Doctoral Researcher (SNF) Part Time


    Zurich, Suiza

    2013 - 2015

  •   Junior Researcher at Centro de Género y Diversidad Full Time

    Universidad Maastricht

    Maastricht, Holanda

    2010 - 2011

  •   Journalist Full Time

    El Mercurio

    Santiago, Chile

    2003 - 2009

  •   Journalist Other

    Diario ABC


    2007 - 2007

  •   Postdoctoral Researcher Other

    University of Zurich


    2015 - 2016

  •   Journalist Full Time

    El Mercurio

    Santiago, Chile

    2003 - 2009

Formación de Capital Humano

Semiótica (2017, 2019, 2020, Universidad Católica) (undergraduate)
"Crítica de Literatura Infantil" (2017, 2018, Universidad Católica) (graduate)
"Publicaciones Académicas" (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, Universidad Diego Portales) (graduate)
“Pixar Culture” (2015, University of Zurich) (undergraduate)
“Identity, representation and difference” (2012, University of Zurich) (undergraduate)

Postgraduate Supervisions
Current: 3 Master Thesis, 3 Internal Examiner of Doctoral Thesis, 1 External Examiner of Doctoral Thesis (Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid).
Completed: 1 Master Thesis 2018, 1 Master Thesis 2020, 2 Master Thesis 2021.

International Research Residencies
6/3/19 – 7/30/19 Coimbra Research Fellow, Institute for Cultural Studies, University of Graz, Austria.
7/1/17 – 9/30/17 Internationale Jugend Bibliothek Research Fellow, Munich, Germany.
2/1/13 – 1/8/13 Research Fellow at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain.

Difusión y Transferencia

Public Engagment Projects
1/6/2018 – 11/30/2018 Design of initiative of “Biblioteca Migrante” for the Chilean Ministry of Education. Training of in-service teachers in Santiago, Antofagasta and Iquique (20 2h sessions, 150 teachers). Follow up and reporting to public policy. Chile.
2/1/2019-12/15/2019 Design and monitoring of initiative “Rincón Libre” with NGOs Techo developing a reading promotion program at informal settlements in the Santiago region. Reporting to NGO. Chile.

Organization of Congresses, Seminars and Workshops
2021 Convener (principal organizer) of International Research Society for Children’s Literature congress (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 5-days on-site congress, 3 weeks on-line congress) expected: 500 delegates. www.irscl2021.com
2020 Chair of Webinar “Los niños, el covid y los medios” con Dr. Maya Götz (IZI, Germany) and Catalina Santa-Cruz (CJE, Chile), August 27th. 100 attendes.
2020 Chair of Lecture “Eco-Poetic Entanglements: a New Materialist and Post-Qualitative Approach to Poetry Written by Children” by Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak. (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, online) 4th of April. 70 attendes.
2020. Co-chair of Summer Graduate Workshop “The Production of the Gender Norm”. (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 5 days) January 20-25th. 30 Students
2020. Organizing Committee of “Alteridades. Intervenciones y Ecologías del Cuidado en Mundos Cambiantes” CTS Annual Meeting in Chile. (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) January 15th to 17th. 100 attendees.
2020 Chair of Lecture “Lecturas disparatadas. Libro-álbum, vanguardias y lectores” de Victoria de Rijke. (Centro Cultural España) January 20th. 120 attendees.
2018 Chair of seminar “Aesthetics, Pedagogies and Books” in (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile). September 7th. 50 attendees.
2018 Co-chair of seminar “Literatura, Temas Difíciles y Espacios Educacionales” (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile). September 12th. 300 attendees.
2017 and 2018 Co-chair of conversation cycle Ciclo Biosocial at Center for Educational Justice (9 talks, 20+ people each)
2017 Panel organizer and panel chair at “Infancias y Adolescencias, Dispositivos y Exclusiones en un mundo
globalizado (Dispositivos educativos y sanitarios)” Latin American Studies Association Congress (4 day congress, Barcelona). 30 attendees.
2015 Chair Family Narratives/Nation(alistic) Narratives (2-day workshop, University of Zurich). 20 students each plus 20 attendees.
2014 Chair Family Narratives/Nation(alistic) Narratives (2-day workshop, University of Zurich). 20 students each plus 20 attendees.

Participation in Boards
Current: International Research Society for Children’s Literature (executive board),
Journal of Literary Education (journal), Children’s Literature in Education (journal).
Past: ICES, Chilean Researchers in Switzerland (executive board)

Referee for journals, publishing houses, conferences, funding bodies
The Lion and the Unicorn, Catedral Tomada, Revista de Estudios Avanzados, Journal of Literary Education, Pensamiento Educativo, Humanities, Pedagogy, Culture and Society, Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, among others. Children’s Literature and Culture book series (Routledge),
The Child and The Book conference (Valencia, 2017), XXIX Congreso de la Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades (Valencia, 2017), CIES (Santiago, 2019)
Peer Reviewer for Fondecyt (Chilean Research Fund, 2018), Panel Review for Fondo de Cultura (Chilean Cultural Funding, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008), among several others.

Participation in Associations and Academic Networks
Current: IRSCL (International Research Society in Children’s Literature), Investigadores en Artes y Humanidades (Chile), LASA (Latin American Studies Association), Chilean section of International Board of Books for Young People (IBBY).

Invited Talks (academic; selection past four years)
2020 Keynote Speaker “Imagining Response-able Futures. Thinking and feeling with Arts-Based Approaches”
at the International Democracy eCamp Hellenic Association for the Promotion of Rhetoric in Education. Greece
2019 Invited Talk “Emotion and Literary Repertoires for Children”, Center for Cultural Studies, University of Graz, Austria.
2018 Plenary Speaker “The Emotional Politics of Memory. Children’s Literature and the Renderings of Violence”. In Figures of Memory. Reading, experience, emotions. University of Wroclaw, Poland. June 1st to 3rd.
2018 Invited Talk “BioSocioCultural Inclusion in Education. Challenging Homogeneity in Schools” with Claudia Matus. Institute of Education, UCL, UK. June 6th.
2017 Keynote Speaker at “The Child and the Book” conference. Universidad de Valencia, Spain. March 30th through April 1st.
2017 Invited Talk. “Empathy and Materiality in Pixar’s Inside Out”. In Material Poetics – A Dialogue between Studies in Literature and in Film. University of Zurich, Switzerland. May 4th to 6th.
2017 Invited Talk “Desafiando la homogeneidad en la escuela. Una mirada a la cultura del diagnóstico” in Coloquio AFIN, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain. Colloquium. November 30th.

Conference Presentations (selected from last 3 years)

2020 “Rincón Libre: Tramados de investigación, intervención y prácticas basadas en artes”. Congreso Internacional Educación Alternativa [Alternative Education International Congress] at Universidad Católica de Chile, sede Villarrica. 8-10 de enero, 2020.
2019 “New Materialist Openings for Children”, with Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak, International Research Society for Children’s Literature Congress, Silence and Silencing in Children’s Literature, Stockholm, Sweden 13-16 August.
2019 “Research as Intervention: Postqualitative Crossroads of Arts and Education” at Crossroads 2019, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
2019 “Lenguaje y materialidad en “Intensamente”. Una política cultural de las emociones para la infancia” in Pensar la niñez en el arte: literatura, ilustración, cine y teatro, Universidad O’Higgins, Chile. January 10th.
2019 “On our Com(mon)Passion. The backstages of research practices and institutional lives” with Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak in 10th New Materialist Conference “Reconfigurations of Higher Education” at the University of the Western Cape, Capetown, South Africa, 2-4 December, 2019.
2018 "Affective arts pedagogies in post-truth worlds" at Gender and Education Conference “Gender, Post-truth Populism and Pedagogies: Challenges and Strategies in a Shifting Political Landscape”, Newcastle, Australia. December 9th to 12th.
2018 “Moving/Staying/Settling? The Immigrant as a Perpetual Guest in Children’s Literature" in Biennal Conference of European Association of Social Anthropology, Stockholm, Sweden. August 14th to 17th.
2018. “Sticky Materials in the School Library. Mapping Meaning-Making and Affective Investments in Encounters with The Island” In Aesthetics, Pedagogies and Books. New Theoretical Approaches to Literary Research at Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile. September 7th.
2018 “Narratives of Normalcy in Spanish-language Picturebooks” with Xavier Mínguez López at International Board of Books for Young People (IBBY) International Congress, Athens, Greece. August 30th to September 1st.
2018 “La cultura del diagnóstico en la escuela. Los afectos y efectos del espacio” in panel “Infancias y Adolescencias, Dispositivos y Exclusiones en un mundo globalizado” (Parte I. Dispositivos educativos y sanitarios). Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Congress, “Latin American Studies in a Globalized World”. Barcelona, Spain. May 23rd to 27th.
2018. “Narrativas y materialidades sobre la familia desde y hacia la literatura infantil”. LASA Conference (Latin American Studies Association) Barcelona, Spain. May 23rd to 27th.
2018. “Migration and Normalcy in Spanish-language Picturebooks” in Perspectives on Picturebook Research from the Hispanic World. University of Glasgow, UK. May 30th.
2018 “Inteferring the Us/Them National Narrative with Picturebooks. A New Materialism Approach to School Readings” In Matter-realising Pedagogical/Methodological Interferences into Terror and Violence. Middlesex University, UK.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Best Thesis


    Holanda, 2010

    Best Thesis of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.


Article (13)

“More person, and, therefore, more satisfied and happy” The Affective Economy of Reading Promotion in Chile"
“On Our Com(mon)Passions: Entanglements of Research, Teaching Practices and Institutional Lives”
Becoming abject: testing the limits and borders of reading mediation
New Materialist Openings to Children's Literature Studies
Think difference differently? Knowing/becoming/doing with picturebooks
Las historias que contamos a los niños sobre la inmigración y la adopción international
Post-representational Cultural Memory for Children in Chile: From La Composición to Bear Story
Narrando la dictadura a la infancia. Imágenes que trafican significados.
Imagining Transnational Orphanhoods. Family as Nation in Recent Spanish Children’s Books
Enacting The Family: The Performance of Kinship in Adoptive Parents’ Weblogs
The Stories We Adopt By: Tracing “The Red Thread” in Contemporary Adoption Narratives
Life in a cul-de-sac: suburban housewives
Y vivieron felices para siempre. Literatura infantil para niñas y niños adoptados

BookReview (2)

Barrie, Hook and Peter Pan: Studies in Contemporary Myth.” Edited by Alfonso Muñoz Corcuera and Elisa T. Di Biase. I
Review of Adoptive Migration: Raising Latinos in Spain by Jessaca B. Leinaweaver

BookSection (8)

Dealing with the “Otherness” of Your Own Children. Spanish Children’s Books about Transnational Adoption
Pikachu and the Chilean Unrest. Dancing your Way to Posthuman Justice
The Production of the Immigrant as a Perpetual Guest
Empathy and Materiality in Pixar’s Inside Out
Imagining Refugees in Spanish Children’s Books
The Suburban Housewife. From Commitment to Desperation
Del miedo al desborde y al conflicto. Educación literaria, prácticas afectivas y la esquiva justicia
Living in the shutdownLiving in the shutdown

Monograph (3)

Enseñando a sentir. Repertorios éticos en la ficción infantil
Origin Narratives. The stories we tell children about international adoption and immigration.
La Era Ochentera. Tevé, pop y under en el Chile de los ochenta. Santiago

Proyecto (9)

BioSocioCultural Inclusion in Educational Spaces International Articulations for New Theories and Research Practices
The Production of the Gender Norm
Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Justicia Educacional. Linea Inclusión BioSocioCultural.
Narratives of Normalcy and Diverstiy in Spanish-Language Picturebooks
La relación entre padres e hijos(as) desde la perspectiva de niños(as) y adultos. Un estudio discursivo en Santiago de Chile
Family Narratives/Nation(alistic) Narratives
Origin Narratives for/about Children from Different ‘Ethnic’ Backgrounds
Adoption Narratives
La Era Ochentera. Tevé, pop y under en el Chile de los 80
Macarena García

Young Researcher

Center of Advanced Studies on Educational Justice

Santiago, Chile

Soledad Veliz



Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Claudia Matus

Full Professor



Santiago, Chile