
Manuel Alonso Dos Santos


Universidad de Granada

Granada, España

Líneas de Investigación

Emociones, satisfacción y calidad en el evento deportivo; El efecto de la transmisión de imagen en patrocinio; Neuromarketing, estudio de impacto de la publicidad


  •  Doctorado en Marketing y Consumo, UNIVERSIDAD DE JAEN. España, 2013
  •  Licenciado en Investigación y Técnicas de Mercado, UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA. España, 2008
  •  Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales, UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA. España, 2004
  •  Máster en Marketing y Comportamiento del Consumidor, UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA. España, 2010
  •  Investigacion y tecnicas de mercados, UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA. España, 2008

Experiencia Académica

  •   Colaborador Académico Full Time


    2013 - 2014

  •   Asistente Full Time



    2013 - 2020

  •   Catedrático Full Time



    2020 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Profesor

    Universidad de Jaén


    2011 - 2013

  •   Profesor interino

    Universidad de Granada


    2009 - 2011

  •   Profesor asistente

    Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción


    2013 - A la fecha

  •   Colaborador

    Universidad de Concepcion


    2013 - 2014


Article (49)

Do you believe it? Green advertising skepticism and perceived value in buying electric vehicles
Effectiveness of sponsorship type, sport team identification, team support and congruence
Graduating college students apply here: Communicating family firm ownership and firm size
Information management in social media to promote engagement and physical activity behavior
Self-Reported and Electroencephalogram Responses to Evaluate Sponsorship Congruence Efficacy
Tourscape role in tourist destination sustainability: A path towards revisit
Which one is your team? Supraordinate identity around the classic match
Effectiveness of sponsoring the video assistant referee system: a comparative exploratory study
Is this a family business? Effectiveness of implementing family businesses branding strategies on a radio platform
Sports entrepreneurship during COVID-19: Technology as an ally to maintain the competitiveness of small businesses
Strategies of German Bundesliga and English Premier League clubs for the COVID-19 crisis: the case of international broadcasting fans
The effect of articulation in sports posters on betting behavior
Analytical editorial: Ensuring the future of our world: innovation, management and governance for sustainable growth
Should a family firm communicate their family identity and country of origin? A cross-cultural study from Chile and Spain
Transmission of family identity and consumer response: do consumers recognize family firms?
Alcohol versus sponsorship: effectiveness in sports posters
Entrepreneurial ecosystems, knowledge spillovers, and their embeddedness in the sport field: a bibliometric and content analysis
Exploring gender-based influences on key features of Airbnb accommodations
Fuzzy metatopics predicting prices of Airbnb accommodations
Green hotel patronage intention through biospheric values
How much do network support and managerial skills affect women's entrepreneurial success? The overlooked role of country economic development
Social impact of a participative small-scale sporting event
The effect of articulated sports sponsorship on recall and visual attention to the brand
The effect of quality and leverage on the image transfer model: the moderating role of involvement
The role of experience and trustworthiness on perception sustainable touristic destinations
Using structural topic modelling to predict users' sentiment towards intelligent personal agents. An application for Amazon's echo and Google Home
Barriers to innovation and willingness to innovate in the food sector: the case of Chile
Determinants of Mobile Banking Users’ Loyalty
Emotions and Sport Management: A Bibliometric Overview
Entrepreneurship and risk-taking in a post-disaster scenario
Impact of lifestyle oriented-motivation and corporate social responsibility on multiadventure sports firms´ performance
The effectiveness of advertising alcohol products in sports sponsorship
The influence of patriotism and fans' fulfilment of sponsorship activation in the sponsor's image transfer process
Congruence and placement in sponsorship: An eye-tracking application
Facebook commerce usage intention: a symmetric and asymmetric approach
Family business performance in a post-disaster scenario: The influence of socioemotional wealth importance and ntrepreneurial orientation
Family firms' identity communication and consumers' product involvement impact on consumer response
Influence of perceived and effective congruence on recall and purchase intention in sponsored printed sports advertising An eye-tracking application
The relationship between factors that contribute to support and future intentions in relation to a major sporting event
Assessing the effectiveness of sponsorship messaging Measuring the impact of congruence through electroencephalogram
Blindness to sponsor: Application to sports event posters [Ceguera al patrocinador: Aplicación a carteles de eventos deportivos] [Cegueira ao patrocinador: Utilização de banners em eventos esportivos]
Engagement in sports virtual brand communities
Sponsorship image transfer theory in virtual brand communities
Factors that determine the adoption of Facebook commerce: The moderating effect of age
Online Sport Event Consumers: Attitude, E-Quality and E-Satisfaction
Unobserved heterogeneity and the importance of customer loyalty in mobile banking
Influence of the Virtual Brand Community in Sports Sponsorship
Involvement and Image Transfer in Sports Sponsorship
Scale of spectators’ motivations at soccer events

Editorial (2)

Management, marketing and economy in sports organizations
Challenges and trends in management for Ibero-America

Proyecto (6)

Patrocinio, instalaciones y comunidad de marca
Comunidad de marca y redes sociales en el Villarreal CF.
Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, Actitud hacia el Torneo e Intención de Asistencia
Calidad del Sitio Web y Actitud hacia el Patrocinador
Estudio sobre Satisfacción y Motivación de Asistencia
Manuel Alonso


Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados

Universidad de Granada

Granada, España

Orlando Llanos

Profesor Asociado

Facultad de Economía y Gobierno

Universidad San Sebastián

Concepción, Chile

Gonzalo Valdés

Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas / Ciencia de la Computación

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile