
Sergio Andres Celis Guzman

Associate Professor


Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

STEM education in higher education; Learning analytics; Curricular and organisational change


  •  licenciado en ciencias de la ingeniería, mención industrial, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2002
  •  Higher Education, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Estados Unidos, 2015
  •  Ingeniero Civil Industrial, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2004

Experiencia Académica

  •   Associate Professor Full Time


    Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas

    Santiago, Chile

    2015 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Associate Professor Full Time

    Universidad de Chile


    2015 - A la fecha

  •   Research Assistant

    University of Michigan

    Estados Unidos

    2009 - 2014

  •   Coordinador de Desarrollo Docente

    Universidad de Chile


    2006 - 2008

  •   Investigador Asociado

    Universidad de Chile


    2004 - 2006


Article (17)

Curriculum analytics adoption in higher education: A multiple case study engaging stakeholders in different phases of design
The Mediating Role of Learning Analytics: Insights into Student Approaches to Learning and Academic Achievement in Latin America
Pathways to the creation of research capacities in Universities in developing countries: perspectives from a literature review
Student Motivation in Learning Mathematics in Technical and Vocational Higher Education: Development of an Instrument
A Decade of Chilean Graduate Program Accreditation: A Push for Internationalization and Issues of Multidisciplinarity
Lessons learned from designing a curriculum analytics tool for improving student learning and program quality
Caracterización de la enseñanza de matemática en educación superior técnico profesional a través del estudio de las preguntas hechas por docentes en la sala de clases
La profesión académica en Chile: perspectivas desde una encuesta internacional
Engaged Versus Disengaged Teaching Staff: A Case Study of Continuous Curriculum Improvement in Higher Education
Influencia del contexto institucional en el trabajo de los profesores de matemáticas en la educación superior técnico-profesional en Chile
The making of homophilic networks in international research collaborations: A global perspective from Chilean and Korean engineering
Higher education reforms=> Latin america in comparative perspective [Reforma do ensino superior=> América Latina em perspectiva comparada] [Reformas de la educación superior=> América Latina en perspectiva comparada]
How student characteristics shape engineering pathways to entrepreneurship education
Global Partnership as a Strategy for Internationalisation: MBAs in Latin America and Asia and Oceania
Is the Tenure Process Fair? What Faculty Think
Teaching Approaches of Community College Mathematics Faculty
To stay or not to stay: retention of Asian international faculty in STEM fields

BookSection (3)

Internationalization Across Global Divides: Comparison Between Core and Semi-Periphery Doctoral Holders in Chile, Malaysia, and Turkey.
Women in STEM in Chilean Higher Education Social Movements and Institutional Transformations
Do Not Interrupt Students’ Work: How Teacher Interactions Influence Team’s Problem-Solving Capabilities

BookWhole (1)

La acreditación como agente de mejora continua en los programas de postgrado en ciencia y tecnología

ConferencePaper (3)

Affirmative action policies for top-k candidates selection: With an application to the design of policies for university admissions
Design of a curriculum analytics tool to support continuous improvement processes in higher education
Students seeking different paths to entrepreneurial education

Proyecto (9)

De conceptos fundamentales de la física a su aplicación en ingeniería eléctrica=> Evaluando el impacto de metodologías activas en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes
Implementación de un centro de apoyo al aprendizaje de las matemáticas y lectoescritura de los estudiantes de Plan Común de la FCFM
Integrando learning analytics y la experiencia de aprendizaje de estudiantes universitarios de primer año para mejorar sus procesos y resultados de aprendizaje
La acreditación como agente de mejora continua en los programas de postgrado en ciencia y tecnología
How Intellectual Movements among External and Internal Actors Shape the College Curriculum=> The Case of Entrepreneurship Education in Engineering
Diseño de un Sistema de Información para el Monitoreo, Evaluación y Mejoramiento Continuo de la Docencia de Pregrado
Academic Work=> Perceptions of tenure and intentions to leave in STEM fields
Teaching Mathematics Well in Community Colleges
Sergio Celis

Associate Professor

Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias


Santiago, Chile

Isabel Hilliger

Associate Director for Assessment and Evaluation

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile