
Alvaro Vergés Gómez

Associate Professor

Universidad de Los Andes

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Addictive Behaviors; Impulsivity; Personality; Personality Disorders


  •  Psychology, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2004
  •  Psychology, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Estados Unidos, 2011
  •  Psychology, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Estados Unidos, 2014
  •  Pychologist, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2005

Experiencia Académica

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time



    2015 - 2020

  •   Associate Professor Full Time



    2020 - 2022

  •   Associate Professor Full Time



    2022 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Clinical Psychologist, Drug Abuse Program Part Time

    Cosam Huechuraba


    2005 - 2008

  •   Clinical Psychology Intern Full Time

    University of Illinois at Chicago

    Estados Unidos

    2013 - 2014

  •   Research Coordinator Full Time

    Escuela de Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile


    2014 - 2015

Formación de Capital Humano

Masters Theses Directed:

Padilla, P. (2016). Modelo de sistemas duales de impulsividad en adolescentes obesos. Master Program in Health Psychology.
Bussio, M. (2016). Evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Conducta Impulsiva UPPS-P en una muestra de personas chilenas en tratamiento por consumo de sustancias. Master Program in Health Psychology.
Oñederra, C. (2017). Comparación de niveles de impulsividad entre adolescentes y adultos con y sin consumo de sustancias. Master Program in Clinical Psychology.
Aguilar, L. (2017). Traducción y Adaptación de la Escala de Espiritualidad SS. (Colleen Delaney 2005). Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Psicología Clínica.
Vergara, F. (2018). Discapacidad y psicoterapia: Un análisis de contenido. Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Psicología Clínica.
Renovales, B. (2018). Distintos países, mismo problema: La impulsividad como determinante en el consumo de cocaína en mujeres. España y Chile. Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Psicología Clínica.
Carvacho, R. (2019). Predictores de las necesidades no cubiertas de personas mayores dependientes sin deterioro cognitivo en Chile. Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Psicología de la Salud.
Varas, M. (2021). Validación de Escala Multidimensional de Craving de Alcohol para la población chilena. Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Psicología de la Salud.
Reyes, M. L. (2021). Implementación de una intervención basada en la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso para pacientes con dolor crónico adaptada al contexto del CRS Cordillera Oriente. Trabajo de Grado para optar al grado de Magíster en Psicología de la Salud (en Co-Dirección con Dra. Lydia Gómez).
Pérez, N. (2022). Intervención grupal a usuarios en situación de calle. Trabajo de Grado para optar al grado de Magíster en Psicología de la Salud.

PhD Theses Directed:
Rosell, J. (2021). Use of information and communication technologies and their relationship with ageism and psychological well-being of older adults. Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en Psicología.
Ponce, F. (2022). Análisis empírico y teórico del efecto de redacción en la medición de diferencias individuales. Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en Psicología.

Difusión y Transferencia

External Consultant for treatment development and evaluation, Servicio Nacional para la Prevención y Rehabilitación del Consumo de Drogas y Alcohol (SENDA), 2015.
External Consultant, for development of school prevention policies, Fundación Astoreca, 2015

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Graduate Student Excellence Award


    Estados Unidos, 2013

    This award distinguishes graduate students in any program in the University who have outstanding productivity.

  •   Premio a la Contribución Investigativa Actual en Psicología

    Sociedad Científica de Psicología de Chile

    Chile, 2015

    El premio a la contribución investigativa reciente en psicología tiene por objetivo reconocer el aporte realizado por investigadores/as al desarrollo de la ciencia psicológica y su puesta al servicio del bienestar de la sociedad en los últimos cinco años.

  •   Rising Star Award

    Association for Psychological Science

    Estados Unidos, 2021

    The Rising Star designation recognizes outstanding psychological scientists in the earliest stages of their post-PhD research careers.


Article (43)

Internet Addiction of Older Women and Its Relationship With Social Influence and Social Networks Use as a Mediator
Psychometric properties of the UPPS-P in Chilean adolescents and adults in treatment
The Ephemeral Nature of Wording Effects
Mixed-Methods Evaluation of the Initial Implementation of Advanced Home Visits in Chile
On the Desirability of Social Desirability Measures in Substance Use Research
Predictors, Types of Internet Use, and the Psychological Well-Being of Older Adults: A Comprehensive Model
The ABCDE psychological first aid intervention decreases early PTSD symptoms but does not prevent it: results of a randomized-controlled trial
Wording Effects in Assessment: Missing the Trees for the Forest
High impulsive choice is accompanied by an increase in dopamine release in rat dorsolateral striatum
Not All Symptoms of Alcohol Dependence Are Developmentally Equivalent: Implications for the False-Positives Problem
Adaptation and psychometric characteristics of a scale to evaluate ageist stereotypes
Do Educators Matter? Associations between Caregivers´ Mentalization and Preschoolers’ Attachment, Social Emotional Development and Theory of Mind
Are Some Alcohol Use Disorder Criteria More (or Less) Externalizing than Others? Distinguishing Alcohol Use Symptomatology from General Externalizing Psychopathology
Impulsivity facets and substance use initiation: A comparison of two models of impulsivity
A Multivariate Behavior Genetic Investigation of Dual-Systems Models of Alcohol Involvement
Algorithm Analysis of the DSM-5 Alcohol Withdrawal Symptom
Desistance and Severity of Alcohol Use Disorder: A Lifespan-Developmental Investigation
Developing Dimensional, Pandiagnostic Inhibitory Control Constructs With Self-Report and Neuropsychological Data
Intensity of Daily Drinking and Its Relation to Alcohol Use Disorders
The efficacy of adding group behavioral activation to usual care in patients with fibromyalgia and major depression: Design and protocol for a randomized clinical trial
Modelo Texas Christian University para evaluación y tratamiento de trastornos por uso de sustancias
Age-Related Changes in Emotional Face Processing Across Childhood and Into Young Adulthood: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials
Amygdala and dorsomedial hyperactivity to emotional faces in youth with remitted Major Depression
How Should Alcohol Problems Be Conceptualized? Causal Indicators Within the Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index
Increased Coupling of Intrinsic Networks in Remitted Depressed Youth Predicts Rumination and Cognitive Control
Personality disorders and the persistence of anxiety disorders: Evidence of a time-of-measurement effect in NESARC
Personality Disorders and the Persistence of Substance Use Disorders: A Reanalysis of Published NESARC Findings
Sergio yulis: Past and present of the behavioral approach in Chile [Sergio yulis: Pasado y presente del enfoque conductual en Chile]
Working memory as a moderator of impulsivity and alcohol involvement: Testing the cognitive-motivational theory of alcohol use with prospective and working memory updating data
Are Bottom-Up and Top-Down Traits in Dual-Systems Models of Risky Behavior Genetically Distinct?
Motivational typologies of drinkers: do enhancement and coping drinkers form two distinct groups?
Refining the Notion of Maturing Out: Results From the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Age and ethnic differences in the onset, persistence and recurrence of alcohol use disorder
Deconstructing the Age-Prevalence Curve of Alcohol Dependence: Why Maturing Out Is Only a Small Piece of the Puzzle
The Structure of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th Edition, Text Revision) Personality Disorder Symptoms in a Large National Sample
Transactional Models Between Personality and Alcohol Involvement: A Further Examination
Did Lifetime Rates of Alcohol Use Disorders Increase by 67% in 10 Years? A Comparison of NLAES and NESARC
Interactions Between Self-Reported Alcohol Outcome Expectancies and Cognitive Functioning in the Prediction of Alcohol Use and Associated Problems: A Further Examination
The proposed 2/11 symptom algorithm for DSM-5 substance-use disorders is too lenient
Integrating Contextual Issues in Ethical Decision Making
It's the Algorithm! Why Differential Rates of Chronicity and Comorbidity Are Not Evidence for the Validity of the Abuse-Dependence Distinction
Three (or More) Alcohol-Dependence Symptoms but Not Clustered in the Same 12 Months: Diagnostic Orphans From a Longitudinal Perspective

BookSection (3)

Anticipating the future of research on substance use and substance use disorders
Introduction and overview
Personality and contextual factors in college students’ drinking

Editorial (1)

Personalidad y psicopatología: editorial

Proyecto (5)

Adaptación cultural y propiedades psicométricas del Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ) en una muestra de pacientes chilenos con dolor crónico
Personality Pathways to Substance Use in Adolescents
Eficacia de la terapia de activación conductual para pacientes con dolor crónico=> ensayo clínico randomizado
Cannabis, adolescencia y cognición
Alvaro Vergés

Associate Professor


Universidad de Los Andes

Santiago, Chile

Fernando Ponce

Investigador Asociado

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

David Torres

Profesor Asociado


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Diego Garcia-Huidobro

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Medicina Familiar

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Mayra Martínez

investigación/asesoría técnica

Consultora Independiente

Santiago, Chile

Javiera Rosell


Centro UC de Estudios de Vejez y Envejecimiento

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Macul, Santiago, Chile

Maria Alvarado


Escuela Salud Pública

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Lidia Gómez

Profesora asistente adjunta


Santiago, Chile


Jefe de la División de Neurociencias


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Mario Laborda

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Psicología


Santiago, Chile