Justo Santiago Andrade --
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
The main focus of my investigation is the environmental bio-inorganic chemistry, with emphasis on the interaction between trace metals and organisms. The analytical approach implies the use of "clean techniques" in the sampling, manipulation, storage and analysis of samples. I have qualified to implement chemical analytic and inorganic techniques: Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Anodic Stripping Voltammetry, and Flow Injection Analysis. Also, I have qualified to conduct Ecotoxicological assays with aquatic organisms for the evaluation of the environmental contamination. Other skills include: Know-how of Biogeochemical cycles of trace metals. Computer literacy. Expert in monitoring, evaluation, and determination of heavy metals in biota of selected ecosystems. Specialist in methodologies of analytical chemistry for heavy metals determination in different substrata. Academic advisor in standardization and logistics in methodologies for determination of trace metals. Experienced in management of personnel, administrative and financial management of projects, programs of work, courses of learning, conferences and workshops. Good development in laboratories, ships, field trip and meetings of board of directors.
Biology, Universidad Nacional del Sur. Argentina, 2001
post doctoral Full Time
Biological sciences
Santiago, Chile
2003 - 2006
Researcher Full Time
Biological Sciences
Santiago, Chile
2007 - A la fecha
Participation in the academic training of ten undergraduate students, from the year 2004.
Author/co-author of more than 35 scientific communications in different countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Spain, New Zealand, Poland and USA..