
Andres Musalem Said

Profesor Asociado


Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

marketing cuantitativo; estadistica bayesiana; econometria; gestion de operaciones empirica; teoria de juegos; comportamiento del consumidor


  •  Marketing, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Estados Unidos, 2006
  •  Statistics, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Estados Unidos, 2004
  •  Business Administration, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2001
  •  Civil Industrial Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1999
  •  Industrial Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1997

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Asistente Full Time


    Ciencias Fisicas y Matematicas

    Santiago, Chile

    2015 - 2020

  •   Profesor Visitante Full Time


    Ciencias Fisicas y Matematicas

    Santiago, Chile

    2012 - 2015

  •   Instructor Full Time


    Ciencias Fisicas y Matematicas

    Santiago, Chile

    1999 - 2001

  •   Assistant Professor of Marketing Full Time


    Durham, NC, Estados Unidos

    2006 - 2014

  •   Adjunct Professor Other


    Durham, NC, Estados Unidos

    2014 - 2017

  •   Profesor Asociado Full Time


    Ciencias Fisicas y Matematicas

    Santiago, Chile

    2020 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

Tsan-Yao Huang, (University of Minnesota’s Health Services Research, Policy and Administration, committee member, graduation year: 2020).

Rudolf-Harri Oberg (Duke University’s Economics Department, committee member, graduation year: 2020).

Luis Aburto (Universidad de Chile’s Industrial Engineering Department, Engineering Systems, Thesis Co-Chair, graduation year: 2019)

Daniel Yung (Universidad de Chile’s Industrial Engineering Department, Engineering Systems, Thesis Committee Member, graduation year: 2019)

Yan Shang (Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, Operations Management, Thesis Co-Chair, graduation year: 2016)

Yina Lu (Columbia University, Business School, Decision, Risk and Operations, Thesis Committee Member: graduation year: 2013)

Song Yao (Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, Marketing, Thesis Committee Member, graduation year: 2009)

Difusión y Transferencia

Research Seminars

“Estimating Customer Spillover Learning of Service Quality: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach”
Universidad de los Andres, May 2017
“Word of Mouth Bias and Optimal Communication Strategies”
Universidad de Chile, April 2014

“When Demand Projections Are Too Optimistic: A Structural Model Of Product Line And Pricing Decisions”
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, November 2015.
Universidad de Chile (Ind. Eng.), March 2015.
Universidad de Chile (Empirical Workshop in Management Science and Applied Economics), January 2014.
London Business School (Marketing Summer Camp), July 2009.

“Retail in High Definition: Using Video Analytics to Study Customer-Salesperson Interactions”
The Wharton School, U. of Pennsylvania, June 2014.
Duke University, August 2013.
U. of Maryland, August 2013.

“Quantitative Marketing”
Universidad de Chile (ISCI PhD Winter School), July 2013.

“The importance of Feature and Object Fixations in Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis”
Universidad de Chile (Empirical Workshop in Management Science and Applied Economics), March 2013.

“Retail in High Definition: Marketing and Operations Management Lessons from Digital Images and Videos of Retail Stores”
Universidad de Los Andes, May 2013.
Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, April 2013.
INSEAD, March 2013.
Telefonica Chile, January 2013.
Universidad de Chile (Retail Analytics Workshop), December 2012.

“Customer Waiting Time and Purchasing Behavior: An Empirical Study of Supermarket Queues”
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, May 2012.
Duke University, July 2011.

“Structural Estimation of the Effect of Out of Stocks”:
Stanford (GSB), May 2010.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, February 2009.
University of Chicago (GSB), June 2008.

“How much should you invest in each customer relationship: A competitive strategic approach”:
Universidad de Chile (Ind. Eng.), December 2007.

“Estimating Consumer Preferences and Coupon Usage from Aggregate Information”, September-November 2005 (job-market):
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Duke University
Purdue University
University of Maryland
University of North Carolina
University of Rochester
University of Southern California
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Dallas
Washington University in St. Louis

“Estimating Models of Individual Behavior Using Aggregate Information”:
Universidad de Chile (Ind. Eng.), December 2004.

Conference Participation and Discussions

Andrés Musalem, Yan Shang and Jeannette Song (2017): “Estimating Customer Spillover Learning of Service Quality: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach,” 2017 Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Andrés Musalem, Yan Shang and Jeannette Song (2016): “Estimating Customer Spillover Learning of Service Quality: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach,” 2016 Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME) Conference, Evanston, IL, USA.

Andrés Musalem, Yan Shang and Jeannette Song (2016): “Estimating Customer Spillover Learning of Service Quality: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach,” 2016 Latin-Iberoamerican Conference on Operations Research, CLAIO, Santiago, Chile.

Andrés Musalem, Yan Shang and Jeannette Song (2016): “Estimating Customer Spillover Learning of Service Quality: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach,” 2016 Invitational Choice Symposium, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada.

Andrés Musalem (2016): “When Demand Projections Are Too Optimistic: A Structural Model Of Product Line And Pricing Decisions,” Workshop in Consumer Analytics, Universidad de Chile, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.

Andres Musalem, Marcelo Olivares and Ariel Schilkrut (2015): “Retail in High Definition: Using Video Analytics in Salesforce Management,” Workshop on Empirical Research in Operations Management, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Andrés Musalem (2015): “This Call May Be Recorded: Using Call Center Data to Predict Customer Retention”, 2015 Marketing Science Conference, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.

Ricardo Montoya, Andres Musalem and Marcelo Olivares (2014): “Detecting Shelf Stock-outs using Real Time Point-of-Sales Data,” Consortium for Operational Excellence in Retail, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Andres Musalem, Marcelo Olivares, Ariel Schilkrut and Nicolas Garcias (2014): “Retail in High Definition: Using Video Analytics to Study Customer-Salesperson Interactions,” 2014 Marketing Science Conference, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.

Andrés Musalem (2014): “When Demand Projections Are Too Optimistic: A Structural Model Of Product Line And Pricing Decisions,” XII International Industrial Organization Conference, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.

Andrés Musalem, Martin Meißner and Joel Huber (2013): “The importance of feature and object fixations in choice-based conjoint analysis,” 2013 Marketing Science Conference, Özye?in University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Joshi, Yogesh and Andrés Musalem (2013): “Word of Mouth Bias and Optimal Communication Strategies,” 2013 Marketing Science Conference, Özye?in University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Andrés Musalem, Kenneth Wilbur and Patricio del Sol (2013): “A Parsimonious Structural Model of Individual Demand for Multiple Related Goods,” 2013 Invitational Choice Symposium, Noordwijk, Neatherlands.

Andrés Musalem, Kenneth Wilbur and Patricio del Sol (2012): “A Direct Utility Multiple-Choice-Quantity Model with Interdependent Choice Utilities: An application to the Chilean TV advertising industry,” 2012 Marketing Science Conference, Boston University, Boston, MA..

Yina Lu, Marcelo Olivares, Andrés Musalem and Ariel Schilkrut (2011): “Customer Waiting Time and Purchasing Behavior: An Empirical Study of Supermarket Queues,” 2011 Workshop on Empirical Research in Operations Management, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Yina Lu, Marcelo Olivares, Andrés Musalem and Ariel Schilkrut (2011): “Customer Waiting Time and Purchasing Behavior: An Empirical Study of Supermarket Queues,” 2011 Marketing Science Conference, University of Houston, Houston, TX.

Musalem, Andrés and Woochoel Shin (2009): “When Demand Projections Are Too Optimistic: A Structural Model Of Product Line And Pricing Decisions,” 2009 Marketing Science Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Musalem, Andrés and Woochoel Shin (2009): “When Demand Projections Are Too Optimistic: A Structural Model Of Product Line And Pricing Decisions,” VII International Industrial Organization Conference, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.

Musalem, Andrés (2009): Discussion of “The Impact of Initial Financial State on Firm Duration Across Entry Cohorts,” by Kim P. Huynh, Robert C. Petrunia and Marcel C. Voia, VII International Industrial Organization Conference, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.

Musalem, Andrés (2009): Discussion of “Shopping Cost and Brand Exploration in Online Grocery,” by Andrea Pozzi, VII International Industrial Organization Conference, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.

Musalem, Andrés (2008): Invited discussion of “A Simple Nonparametric Estimator for the Distribution of Random Coefficients in Discrete Choice Models,” by Patrick Bajari, Jeremy Fox, Kyoo il Kim and Stephen Ryan, VI Quantitative Marketing and Economics Conference, New York University, New York, NY.

Musalem, Andrés and Wagner Kamakura (2007): “An Ecological-Inference Model for Drawing Conclusions about Individuals from Aggregate Data,” XXIX Marketing Science Conference, INFORMS, Singapore Management University, Singapore.

Musalem, Andrés and Wagner Kamakura (2007): “A Bayesian Latent Class Approach to Ecological Inference for Multi-way Contingency Tables,” Seminar on Bayesian Inference in Econometrics and Statistics, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri.

Musalem, Andrés, Eric T. Bradlow, Daniel Corsten, Marcelo Olivares and Christian Terwiesch (2006): “Structural Estimation of Retail Demand Under Unobserved Out of Stocks,” Joint Statistical Meetings, ASA, Seattle, Washington.

Musalem, Andrés, Eric T. Bradlow, Daniel Corsten, Marcelo Olivares and Christian Terwiesch (2006): “Structural Estimation of Retail Demand Under Unobserved Out of Stocks,” XXVIII Marketing Science Conference, INFORMS, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Musalem, Andrés, Eric T. Bradlow and Jagmohan S. Raju (2005): “Who’s got the Coupon: Estimating Consumer Preferences and Coupon Usage from Aggregate Information,” XXVII Marketing Science Conference, INFORMS, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.

Mondschein, Susana and Andrés Musalem (2003): “Determining optimal service quality investments for different customer segments,” XXV Marketing Science Conference, INFORMS, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.

Musalem, Andrés (2000): “Determining Service Quality Impact on profits of a financial services firm,” X Latin Ibero-American Congress on Operations Research and Systems, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico (CD-ROM).

Bosch, Máximo and Andrés Musalem (2000): “Category Management in Retailing: an Operations Research Vision,” X Latin Ibero-American Congress on Operations Research and Systems, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico (CD-ROM).

Musalem, Andrés (1999): “Calidad de Servicio y Rentabilidad: midiendo el impacto de la calidad de servicio en la rentabilidad de una empresa de servicios,” III Chilean Congress on Operations Research (OPTIMA), Arica, Chile (pp. 145-153).
(Translation: “Service Quality and Profitability: measuring service quality impact on the profitability of a financial services firm”)

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Finalist for the MSOM Society’s 2016 Best OM paper in Management Science.


    Estados Unidos, 2016

    Finalist for the MSOM Society’s 2016 Best OM paper in Management Science. “Measuring the effect of waiting times on customer purchases”.

  •   2015 MSOM Service Management SIG Prize for the best paper on service management published in the past three years


    Estados Unidos, 2015

    2015 MSOM Service Management SIG Prize for the best paper on service management published in the past three years: “Measuring the effect of waiting times on customer purchases”.

  •   MSOM Student Paper competition


    Estados Unidos, 2012

    MSOM Student Paper competition (awarded to Yina Lu) for the manuscript “Measuring the effect of waiting times on customer purchases”, 2012.

  •   Management Science Meritorious Service Award

    Management Science

    Chile, 2010

    Management Science Meritorious Service Award, por referato de manuscritos

  •   Best-paper award at the Sixth National Conference in Marketing

    Sixth National Conference in Marketing

    Chile, 2003

    Best-paper award at the Sixth National Conference in Marketing, University of Chile, 2003: “Segmentation of customers in a supermarket store" (coautor: Máximo Bosch).

  •   Premio: Ismael Valdés Valdés


    Chile, 2000

    “Ismael Valdés Valdés” Award, 2000, for excellent academic performance, moral values and organizational and leadership skills. Award given each year to a graduating Engineering student by the Chilean Institute of Engineers since 1953.


Article (15)

The past, present, and future of retail analytics: Insights from asurvey of academic research and interviews with practitioners
Components of attentional effort for repeated tasks
Lockdowns lose one third of their impact on mobility in a month}, journal = {Scientific Reports},
Retail in High Definition: Monitoring Customer Assistance Through Video Analytics
When Consumers Learn, Money Burns: Signaling Quality Via Advertising With Observational Learning And Word Of Mouth
Market basket analysis insights to support category management
Eye Tracking Reveals Processes That Enable Conjoint Choices to Become Increasingly Efficient with Practice
Structural models of complementary choices
Measuring the Effect of Queues on Customer Purchases
Structural Estimation of the Effect of Out-of-Stocks
Bayesian Estimation of Random-Coefficients Choice Models Using Aggregate Data
How Much Should You Invest In Each Customer Relationship: A Competitive Strategic Approach
Who’s got the coupon: Estimating Consumer Preferences and Coupon Usage from Aggregate Information
Wine Pricing: the Influence of Country of Origin, Variety, and Wine Magazine Ratings
Análisis de Interrelaciones en las Canastas de Compra en un Supermercado

ConferencePaper (1)

Balancing Agent Retention and Waiting Time in Service Platforms

Proyecto (2)

Desarrollo de una herramienta para la evaluación económica de niveles de servicio al cliente en retail
A Structural Model Of Product Line And Pricing Decisions
Andres Musalem

Profesor Asociado


Santiago, Chile

Marcelo Olivares

Assistant Professor

Departamento de Ingenieria Industrial

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Luis Aburto

Profesor Asistente

Universidad Adolfo Ibánez

Santiago, Chile